Shocking Arrival

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September 9, 2019
Madison Square Garden

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The crowd instantly went crazy as Stone Cold Steve Austin comes out and makes his way to the ring. The fans in MSG are blowing the roof as the Texas Rattlesnake enters the ring.

Stone Cold is here to officiate the match between Seth Rollins and Braun Strowman for the Universal Championship at Clash Of Champions. But no one cares as they're happy to see Stone Cold back in WWE.

He even talks about how many were worried about his neck injury but he still goes up despite of it and he even hit Vince with the first Stunner McMahon ever got hit.

Stone Cold talks about how's he glad to be back in MSG as he reminisces his match against Bret Hart at Survivor Series in the same building many years ago.  He then talks about his match against the Undertaker at Summerslam in 1998, where he got a concussion in that match.

Stone Cold: But enough about me. And before we go through with this here contract, I would like to bring out someone right here in this ring. This man has made a name for himself in any ring, stomping a mud hole on any sumbitch that he lay eyes on.

The crowd was confused by this.

Stone Cold: This man, I'll admit, is one of the most terrifying bastards I've ever seen. So let me introduce you to...a man who has since returned to Wrestling after a 2 years absence...who returned to beat any man's ass right in front of him...he is...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd instantly went insane as Daikon Black comes out to the stage. He looks around as the fans see what he's wearing tonight.

Michael: Daikon Black!

Renee: The God of Justice is here! On RAW!

Corey: In Madison Square Garden!

Daikon grins as he makes his way to the ring and the crowd was in disbelief that the Icon of NJPW is here in WWE.

Corey: 20x World Champion! 4x Tag Team Champion! The man with the longest Streak in Martial Arts! The man who dominated UFC at 30-2! This is crazy!

Daikon enters the ring and looks around at the fans in Madison Square Garden. He then climbs up on a turnbuckle and does his God Pose, making the fans cheer him even more. He steps down as he turns to Austin and the two stare down at each other.

Daikon's theme fades Stone Cold and Daikon stared at each other and the crowd was losing their minds. Two of the most badass wrestlers in History staring down at each other. This is something no one thought would happen.

Soon, Daikon grabs a mic and looks at Stone Cold.

Daikon: It's funny you talked about your matches right here in MSG, Steve. Because, here's an interesting fact...I was there among my disciples watching you face Hart and Undertaker.

The crowd cheers as Austin looks at him with a grin.

Daikon: You were and still are one of the many people that influenced me during my lifetime. And it's not beer drinking, trash talking, none of that. It's the fact that you showed not a care in the world any person says to you. You follow your rules, your morality, and your desires. And that's what I admire about you, Stone Cold.

The crowd cheers as Stone Cold nods to him.

Daikon: So this is Monday Night RAW? I remember when I would attend this show and see many wrestlers going down that ramp and into this ring to give out an entertaining performance for the people behind the barricade and those watching at home. It feels...interesting.

He takes a moment before speaking once more.

Daikon: And in Madison Square Garden of all places. Guess I'm really making history here, huh?

The crowd cheers as Daikon and Steve chuckle.

Stone Cold: It's a pleasure to meet someone like you, Daikon. I've seen your work from around the world and I'm impressed by how you managed to make a serious impact on the wrestling business.

Daikon: They wouldn't call me the Michael Jackson of Wrestling for nothing, Stone Cold.

The crowd pops after he mentioned Michael Jackson as he held his 30th Anniversary Concert in MSG many years ago. They chanted "Michael Jackson!" over and over as Austin and Daikon stayed silent.

Soon, it dies down as they resume.

Daikon: Anyway, let's get this contract ready to be signed.

Stone Cold: I agree. I've been seeing these couple of guys trying to get this here contract signed with no luck. So, what they needed are not one, but two, real sumbitches here to mediate this thing and make things happen the way they're supposed to be.

The crowd cheers as Daikon nods.

Stone Cold: If you're ready to see this Universal Championship contract get signed, give me a Hell Yeah!


Stone Cold: That's all you had to say. So, I want to bring him out here. He is known as the Monster Among Men, he's a big bad sumbitch. His name is Braun Strowman.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Braun comes out with his tag team championship in his hand as he makes his way to the ring. Daikon looks unimpressed as he lay against the turnbuckle. Strowman enters the ring and stares at Stone Cold and Daikon.

His theme fades as Braun stares at Stone Cold and offered him a handshake. Stone Cold instead goes to introduce Seth Rollins.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Beast Slayer comes out with his Universal Championship on his waist and holding the tag team title. He makes his way to the ring. He enters as Daikon walks to the table to get a good look at both competitors.

Both Seth and Braun stared at him with some uncertainty, seriousness, and fear due to how well-known Daikon is ready for violence like the Texas Rattlesnake. Seth's theme fades as Stone Cold shook their hands.

Daikon was next to shake theirs as Seth spoke.

Seth: A pleasure meeting you, Daikon. Seen your work, and I admire someone like you can exist in this world.

Daikon nods as the crowd cheers.

Daikon: Thank you, Seth. So, let's get this contract signed and there will be no interruption under mine and Austin's watch here.

Stone Cold: That's right. If anybody on the back decides to come out to this ring and interrupt this thing, I'll be ready to open up a can of whoop-ass right here right now.

The crowd cheers as Daikon nods in agreement.

Seth: Uh, Steve. Daikon. I don't know if you know this, but uh...this big goon over here thinks you two might have it in for him tonight. He's a little concerned-as a matter of fact, he thinks I might have it in for him in our tag title match this Sunday.

The crowd: WHAT?!

Daikon: Oh God. This brings me great memories.

The crowd: WHAT?!

Seth: Are we doing what? *looks at Steve* Don't mean to step on your toes. *WHAT* But they're whating me. *WHAT* Usually I hate it. *WHAT* But since you're here tonight. *WHAT* I'm down with it. *WHAT*

Stone Cold: And so am I! *WHAT* Somebody's gotta-hey ey, hang over just a damn second. *crowd laughs* Somebody's gotta write their name in that contract so we can take care of business because that's why they brought us here.

Seth agrees as he looks at Braun and reassures him that he has no plan to stab him in the back. He then refers to himself as the Best Wrestler on the Planet and the crowd then boos at them.

Stone Cold: I'm sorry, say that, but you're standing next to the guy that has won 20 World Titles in his career.

The crowd oohs and cheers as Daikon stares at Seth.

Seth: My bad, Mr. Black.

Daikon waves it off as he stays silent. Seth then signs the contract. Braun then speaks as he tells Austin he looked up to him when he was little.

Braun: But let's be for real, Steve. A Rattlesnake is still a Rattlesnake.

The crowd boos at that.

Daikon: You say that...but what is your opinion about me, big guy? I would love to hear it.

The crowd oohs as Strowman looks down at Daikon.

Strowman: You, Daikon, are-

Daikon covers Braun's mouth, getting a huge ooh from the crowd.

Daikon: Sorry, but I learned years ago to not give a shit about anyone else's opinions about me.

The crowd cheers as Stone Cold and Seth laugh at that. Braun glares at Daikon who only winks at him, unfazed by the Monster's stare. Strowman then signs the contract without any issue.

Stone Cold: Ladies and Gentlemen-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd boos as the OC comes out. Daikon is seen laughing, seeing his former rival, AJ Styles, with Gallows and Anderson following him.

Styles starts mocking Stone Cold before turning to Daikon.

AJ: Daikon! It's great to see ya! Do you remember the times we had back in NJPW?

Daikon: The part you lose every match I had with you or that I made you and your group there my bitches?

The crowd oohs as AJ, Gallows, and Anderson look unimpressed by that.

AJ: Real funny, Daikon. Anyway, Steve, why don't you sit this place out or you might get hurt?

Steve looks unafraid as the crowd was chanting what over Styles. Before he could speak about the fact the OC doesn't get a shot a Seth and Braun, the crowd was chanting What over and over as Daikon plays maestro and conducts them to say it further.

AJ: This is why no one likes coming to New York.

The crowd boos at that.

Steve: Why don't you put a little bass in your voice in?

AJ: Why don't you shut up, Steve?

The crowd didn't like that as they booed the bell out of AJ.

AJ: This has nothing to do with you.

Daikon: Hey, Styles, stop acting like a bitch and come to this ring, and I will set your ass straight.

AJ: I rather not. Thank you very much.

Daikon: Oh. So you wanna act like a Josei-ki (Pussy) to me huh?

The crowd oohs as Steve, Seth, Braun, and the OC look at him in shock. Daikon is seen grinning at AJ who slowly went from shock to furious. Without saying a word, the OC climb onto the apron.

AJ: You know what Daikon? You're better off retired in the stupid school you have there.

The crowd boos but Daikon just laughed and shrugged. Soon, they entered the ring as Seth and Braun stood side by side with Daikon, ready for a fight.

AJ: And see this man? He sees the championship and gets a Universal Title Match. How does that happen, huh? So let me ask you Steve...since you know everything since you've done everything since you've been in this business for so long, you old fart.

The crowd boos at that.

AJ: You gotta know where I'm coming from right? I-

Soon, the fans started chanting soccer mom at him. Soon, Austin starts pulling the table away.

AJ: What are you doing?

Stone Cold: AJ...I don't know where you coming from, but I damn sure know where you going.

Soon, Seth and Braun start beating the OC. Strowman sent Anderson out of the ring. Gallows charges at Daikon only to be caught by the throat.

Corey: No way!

Michael: Chokeslam to Gallows!

Corey: What power!

Renee: Gallows should've known not to mess with the God of Justice!

Daikon and Strowman drove Anderson and Gallows away as Seth fights off AJ. He then leaves the ring as AJ taunts him. Seth is seen smirking as he backs away, knowing what will happen.

AJ calls him a coward and turns, only to be met with a Stunner from Stone Cold. Austin's theme plays as he drinks a couple of beers as Daikon looks on from ringside with a smile.

*much later*

Daikon is seen walking down the halls as he meets and greets with several superstars there. He then comes across someone who was eying him intently.

Daikon raised his brow as Ruby gave him a grin.

Ruby: Saw your work at the indies. You were a different beast back then from your run in NJPW.

Daikon: Well, you gotta evolve before you go make a definitive character for yourself. So, the God of Justice is formed and it taps into my inner mind and feelings, which made me comfortable.

Ruby: That is true. I remembered you held three world titles at the same time in two different companies. That's a feat no one has done yet.

Daikon: I agree. Because they can't do that for someone else. It would always be me. Would I do that again in the future? Probably not. I was more extreme in my younger years.

Ruby: You don't look that old, man.

Daikon: Tell that to my students. Anyways, I gotta go. Nice talking to ya, umm...

Ruby: Ruby Riott.

Daikon: Yeah I know, but I'm more accustomed to Soho. *winks*

The crowd oohs as Daikon leaves, with the camera showing Ruby's shocked face, not expecting him to say her Indy name in WWE.


We then see Cedric Alexander being seen beaten down after the OC assaulted him during his match against AJ Styles. Despite the Viking Raiders aiding him, Cedric was not able to compete in the main event which is Rollins and Strowman and the Viking Raiders vs the OC and Dolph Ziggler and Bobby Roode.

However, they then get a mysterious partner for them.

Later, the OC, Ziggler, and Roode are in the ring waiting for their opponents. Seth and Braun arrived then the VR was next. The Heels mocked the allies for not having another partner. Then...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


The crowd insane as the villain's faces went pale as Daikon comes out to the stage, dressed for battle.

The allies look on in surprise and excitement that the God of Justice is teaming with them. Daikon makes his way to the ring, stretching out for a battle as he groups with the Tag Champs and the Viking Raiders. He removed his coat before entering the ring.

His theme fades as he stares at his opponents with seriousness and silence, giving them chills up their spines. Soon, Dolph Ziggler enters the ring, despite the warnings of his teammates.

Everyone gets ready as the bell rings. Daikon and Dolph start things up as they went for a tie-up but Daikon kicks Ziggler in the gut. Black then hits several forearms to the back of Ziggler before sending him to the ropes.

Ziggler ducks under a clothesline and went for a strike, but Daikon caught him by the neck and slams him down. He held onto his throat for 5 seconds before letting Ziggler go.

Ziggler rolls to his corner and tags in Roode. Booby starts hitting several punches to Daikon and goes off the ropes. Bobby went for a clothesline but Daikon caught his arm and hits a Judo Shoulder Throw.

Corey: Dear God! What a Judo Throw!

Renee: If Ronda Rousey comes back, Daikon should give her pointers for that move!

The crowd flinched as Roode then tags in Karl Anderson. Anderson tries to use his quickness to his advantage. This only gets him an Arm Wrench Pele Kick from Daikon.

Michael: What a Kick!

Corey: That looks like Ruby Riott's Riott Kick!

Renee: Harbinger Kick! That should be the name!

Daikon stands up as he poses in front of the Heels, as the crowd in MSG and his team cheer for him. AJ was yelling stuff at Daikon but his only response was...

Michael: And the Shinigami of Judgment giving Styles his own Stone Cole Tribute.

Corey: Daikon has no respect for mortals.

Renee: Ya think, Corey? Have you seen his matches?

AJ yells at him some more but Daikon laughs at him and then goes to tag in Ivar.

*10 minutes later*

The match goes chaotic as usual as Ivar climbs to the top rope. Daikon tags himself in, as Ivar then flies off, taking everybody down. Daikon enters the ring and goes after AJ. He runs into a boot from Styles as AJ goes on the apron.

Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm but was caught in mid-air by a...

Michael: Oh my God!

Corey: Divine Justice in mid-air!

Daikon goes for the cover.

Ref: 1, 2, 3!

The bell rings as Daikon's theme plays and the crowd goes crazy. Daikon stands up and steps on AJ's face before posing for the crowd.

Mike: Here are your winners, the team of Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman, the Viking Raiders, and the God of Justice, Daikon Black!

The rest of his team entered the ring as they celebrated their victory in Madison Square Garden. They then give their respects to Daikon Black as he nods to them. He then starts to leave the ring. He goes to put on his coat until...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as Austin comes out to the stage as Daikon stops. Austin makes his way to the ring and goes to Daikon.

Stone Cold: Just hold on a minute here. *song fades* I get that you're leaving here, but I want you to stay here because I want to celebrate tonight's show with you. Got that?

The crowd cheers as Daikon looks at Austin before nodding. The crowd cheers even more as both Stone Cold and Daikon enter the ring.

Austin: Now, all of you had a great match tonight. And so, as a way to show my appreciation for your hard work, I'm opening up a beer bash for all of ya.

The crowd cheers as the team, except Daikon, nods in agreement. Soon, some beers were tossed to Stone Cold who catches them with no problems. Later, Austin gives a beer to AJ despite he was warned by his teammates. AJ drank a beer and gets Stunned by Austin.

Stone Cold's theme plays as more beers were tossed over. Stone Cold gives one to Daikon who stares at the can of beer. The song fades as the crowd felt some tension as Daikon stares at the beer. The superstars look on in worry as Daikon goes up to Steve's face.

The two stared down at one another in silence as the crowd thought Daikon is going to attack. Instead, Daikon smirked as he open his can of beer and drinks it, getting a huge reaction.

He then slams the van on his forehead, much like the Sandman as the crowd cheers even more and Stone Cold and the others smiled and laughed.

Daikon then leaves the ring as he goes up the stage. He then poses for the crowd before blowing them a kiss. He leaves as the rest enjoy their beer bash.

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