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We see Daikon being praised for his victory at the main event. The other wrestlers cheered for you after successfully winning the AEW World Title, becoming the company's first champion, and being a 20-time World Champion. Daikon thanked them as Chris Jericho appears.

Daikon: Hey, man. Great match.

Chris: Indeed, bro. I always wanted to face you back in NJPW.

Daikon: Me too. And luckily we got our wish.

Chris and Daikon hugged as their coworkers cheer for them for having an amazing match tonight. They held the hug for a while before breaking it.

Chris: And about your wife, Kon. That last line you said hurt me a bit. I'm sure she'll be very proud to see her husband back in wrestling and winning his 20th title.

Daikon: I know. She always love when I wrestled. I really miss her.

Chris: I'm sure you do, Daikon. We all miss those we love so much. We just have to feel that they're there for us as we move on.

Daikon: Indeed. Thanks, Chris.

They hug once more, showing respect to each other.


Daikon is seen walking down the halls in his normal clothes as he sees his family and students waiting for them. He smiles as he approaches them. His 8-year-old Goddaughter, Diana, ran up to him.

Diana: Uncle Daikon!

Daikon picks her up and spins her around, making her giggle.

Daikon: Hey, baby girl. How's my match?

Diana: Awesome! You and Jericho really went all out back there! No pun intended.

Daikon laughs as he kisses her cheek before setting her down. The others arrived as Kenta and Ruby hugged him.

Kenta: That was an awesome match, bro.

Ruby: We're really proud of you, big bro.

Daikon: Thanks, guys.

They break the hug. One student, named Jason, spoke.

Jason: And that entrance, Man. It sent chills down my spine. All of us.

Another student, Susan, join in.

Susan: The different version of the Vengeful One, the attire, and the fact you used a crane to have you hoist up really sets the idea of a God feeling ashamed at the mortals beneath him.

Daikon: Indeed. It's what I intended on doing. It's more a line to the character, Goku Black, but less "Zero Mortal Plan" and more of the God being disappointed and depressed at the state of the world around him.

Another student, Mikaela, chimes in.

Mikaela: It gives me the "Earth Song" vibes.

Daikon: True. Especially with the crane.

Ruby: How did you get the guys in AEW to let you use it?

Daikon: I got them to let me use it as it makes it cooler and displays my Godliness. Plus, I wanted to do it to see how Michael felt when he used it on his tours. And man, did it feel exciting.

They laughed as they all hugged together.

*time skip*

Daikon is seen at his Dojo, this time, in a ring as he watches his students wrestle inside it.

Daikon: That's it, Caleb. Stay on your opponent. Jackson, don't lose focus. Stay on target.

The other students were cheering for their fellow classmates who were doing their best to one-up each other. Daikon watches them as Jackson hits a surprise roll-up.

Daikon: 1, 2, 3!

The bell rings as both Caleb and Jackson got up.

Caleb: That was an awesome move, bro.

Jackson: You're not too shabby either, man.

Daikon: Well done you two. Go take a break. You earned it.

Caleb/Jackson: Yes, Sensei.

They leave as the others clapped and praised them for their performance. Daikon is seen smiling at them as the two students leave.

Daikon: Okay. Jessica, Mattie. You're up.

The two women entered the ring as they get ready. Just before things could start, Daikon gets a phone call.

Daikon: Okay, kids. I need to take this call. Sam, watch this over for me okay?

Sam: Yes, Sensei.

Daikon walks off as the practice continues without him. He then enters his office and answers the call.

Daikon: Hello?

?: Hello, is this Daikon Katayama?

Daikon recognized this caller.

Daikon: Yes. This is Daikon Black. Are you Triple H?

Paul: Yes. Guess my voice kinda spoiled it.

Daikon: Yep. Anyway, what's up?

Paul: Well, I'm not sure if you're allowed to do this, but I was planning on asking you if you would like to come to WWE as a Guest Host.

Daikon: Me? As a Guest Host? Interesting.

Paul: Now, I know that you might not be able to come since you're AEW Champion but-

Daikon: Oh don't worry, Paul. I'll gladly come.

Paul: Really? No hesitation?

Daikon: Yeah. My popularity and status go beyond that of AEW. I can be in any company I want and no one will say anything about it...if they don't want to have their bones broken.

Paul: Damn. Do you always do that or just exaggerating?

Daikon: Yes.

Paul: I'm a little worried. *chuckles*

Daikon: *chuckles* So when should I appear?

Paul: Well, I'm thinking of having you appear on September 9th, as we'll be in New York at Madison Square Garden.

Daikon: At MSG? Sounds like a great idea.

Paul: Great. And also, you'll be joined alongside Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Daikon: Oooh, the internet will crash with this meeting.

Paul: I agree. Well, it's decided. See you on September 9, Daikon. Pleasure talking to you.

Daikon: See you there, Paul. *ends the call* Well, gonna make history.

Daikon leaves his office as he heads to the ring.

Daikon: Okay everyone. Stop what you're doing. I have something to say.

Everyone stopped as they turn to their Sensei.

Daikon: Well, I got a call from an unexpected person. That person being Triple H.

Everyone: Triple H?!

Mattie: He called you?!

Daikon: Yep. He wanted me to appear on Monday Night Raw as a guest host.

Jackson: A guest host?! On Raw?!

Daikon: Yep.

Caleb: That's awesome, man! You, an AEW wrestler, are going to WWE's flagship show!

Daikon: I may be an AEW wrestler, but I am my own person. I can go wherever I want to go.

Jessica: He's right. Oh, this means you'll get to see your buddies from NJPW.

Daikon: True. But, I bet WWE will still have me and Allen act as rivals as we were back in New Japan as I was the Most Wanted Enemy of NJPW, yet I took them down.

Sam: Yeah. Though I wonder if they'll let you wrestle?

Daikon: We'll just wait and see. Anyway, I'll be going on September 9th, so we'll still be practicing until then. So, let's resume.

Everyone: Yes, Sensei.

They begin to resume practice, but some of the female students began talking to each other.

Susan: I wonder if he'll find someone in WWE to date with.

Mattie: What? What's wrong with the women in AEW?

Susan: Well, if Daikon hasn't gotten someone there to have a great time, then maybe in WWE he could find someone special.

Jessica: No one has made him as happy as his late wife. I doubt he'll consider dating again.

Mikaela: Though, that doesn't stop us from thinking of who would be a great match for him.

Jessica: Look, leave the shipping to Maria Marshall. She's the one with the crazy ideas. (😉 QueenZain3) Besides we have training to do. Let's go.

Daikon: *from afar* Don't think I can't hear you girls. Stop wasting time or I'll get Maria to knock you down.

The girls: *scared* Yes, Sensei.

They get ready as Daikon sighs.

Daikon: I get that they want me to be happy, but I...just don't have the patience to look for a relationship. It's just that no one has made me feel happy except for Rylee.

Sam: Sensei, you're talking to yourself again.

Daikon: Thanks for pointing it out, Sam.

And so, the day goes by as Daikon teaches his future wrestlers so that they can be big stars in different promotions. Now that he's coming to WWE, what could possibly happen to the AEW Champion when he appears on RAW at Madison Square Garden?

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