Husband!Kasamatsu - Lost and Found

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"Yu-kun! Wait up!" I shouted as I watched his long legs carry him forward into the crowd.

Suddenly, he was out of sight and I was surrounded by strangers, the one familiar face in a strange land missing from my view. Looking around, I could feel the panic swelling within my chest, one hand reaching up to clench against the front of my shirt as I darted my eyes from one side of the hallway to the other.

"Yu-kun?" I whispered softly, barely able to make speak, let alone shout again.

I jumped when I felt something tap on my back, turning around to find a uniformed worker looking at me with concern.

"Are you alright, miss?" I'd never been more thankful for having learned another language in my life.

"I lost my husband, Kasamatsu Yukio. Please help me." Trying to regain my calm, I breathed a sigh of relief when he grabbed his radio and began talking quickly with the person on the other end of the line.

"They will overhead page him to meet you at the front desk. Please follow me." Within less than five minutes I was standing at the other end of the building, nervously biting my lower lip as I waited for my husband to appear.

Seeing his tall figure break away from the crowds of people and hurry towards the desk, I jumped to my feet and ran to him, almost sobbing with relief at being next to him again. Turning quickly to the man who had helped, I bowed in thanks before turning back to my husband.

"I'm so sorry, (y/n)! I promise I'll never leave your side again! Please, forgive me! I'm so, so sorry!" Pressing soft kisses across my cheeks, he ignored the fact we were in public for once and showered me with affectionate kisses.

"It's okay, Yu-kun. It was an accident. We are both a bit excited and overwhelmed. After all, it's our honeymoon. Crazy things are supposed to happen, right?" Giggling, I pressed my lips softly to his own.

I could only smile at the pink that finally began spreading across his face, even as his lips fought to turn up into a matching smile.

"Let's go, Yu-kun. I want to check in to the hotel before dark. We have a lot of exciting things to do starting tomorrow." Gently grabbing his hand, I felt his warm fingers curl around mine before he leaned in and said something I never would have expected to hear.

"Maybe we can do something exciting tonight as well." After whispering those words, he gave me a quick kiss on the lips, turning his blushing face away as he pulled me carefully along behind him, not once letting go of my hands.

I followed happily behind him all the way to the hotel, a soft blush tinting my cheeks pink as I couldn't stop smiling at the man I loved.

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