Part 1 Emerald X Mercury

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It was a regular day in Vale, well almost, Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald where at Juniors bar (Cinder thought that she wouldn't go there again,) Cinder then went to outside to have a conversation with Roman, and well Mercury made a bet with Emerald, and it went something like this. "Hey Emerald I bet, that I can be way more sober than you." says Mercury, and then Emerald says "Oh yeah?" "Yeah." says Mercury, and then Emerald says "Then lets make it official, If I am more sober than you, then you have to kiss Cinder, on the lips." and then Mercury says with a smile "Alright, and if I am more sober than you, then we do it, oh and no semblances during our bet, do we have a deal?" at that comment Emerald blushed, and said "S...sure, it's not like your going to win any way, lets do this!!!" At that Mercury and Emerald said "Junior, give us twelve beers, if you would." at that Junior shrugged and said "Sure, whatever." and then he gave them their beers, and then Mercury said "Look Emerald 'I'm the one' who will beat you." (play the song now, so it can give a bit of atmosphere,) "Nice try Merc, but, 'I'm the one' who will beat you." says Emerald, and then Mercury says "Three," Emerald says "Two," and then they both say "ONE!!!" Then they grab their cold foamy beer, and begin to drink, during this, Emerald thinks, 'Wow Merc is an idiot, ugh this tastes bad, how does he drink this, how does anyone drink this?" little did Emerald know, that Merc had Junior switch half of his 'beers' with creme soda, only three are actual beers, and with that Merc knew that he wouldn't lose, and he started to see it in Emeralds eyes, time passes and Merc is on his fifth 'beer' while Emerald is on her fourth, surprisingly enough she didn't even try to use her illusions, Merc finished his fifth and then said "How are you doing Emerald?" and then she says "Oh you know, hic, i'm good." as she finished her fourth and moved on to her fifth, when Merc was on his sixth, Merc constantly finished the 'beers' he got to ten, which actually was beer the same with eleven and twelve, Emerald was beginning to tip around, blushing, she continued to drink, she was on her ninth beer, when she then said, "Alright Merc you, hic, win, I, hic, give, hic, hic." and then Merc said "Okay Emerald, I win, lets head back to Beacon, i'll tell Cinder to have fun, while I take you home, Junior, 500 Lien sound good to you?" at that Junior got all excited and said, "Uhhh Yes sir, that should cover it, thank you sir, have a good night sir." at that Junior winked, and Emerald didn't notice, at that Merc got up, payed Junior the 500 Lien, helped Emerald up, and went outside, and told Cinder "Hey Cinder, me and Emerald are going to head back, some guy in the bar, ordered her twelve drinks, it's okay I took care of him, have fun, see you later." "Alright, but make sure, she is well rested." says Cinder, and then Merc says "Yes Cinder, I'll make sure, see you later." at that Merc carries Emerald back to Beacon's student visitor dorms, and then when they get there Mercury then says "Okay Emerald, you have to keep your promise." and then Emerald says "F...fine, hic, hic." at that Merc then closes the windows shades, and then pulls the curtains, they went on almost all night, though Emerald thought that she would hate it, she kind of liked it, and then she thought, 'Oh my dust, am I in love with Merc?' and Merc thought 'Call me crazy but I think I actually love Emerald. Fast Forward to four weeks later: Emerald starts to feel really weird, she begins to feel dizzy, gets cravings, and tends to throw up during the night, surprisingly there was one person who was with her through all of this, and that was Merc, and then Emerald decided to take one test that would change their lives forever, a pregnancy test, Cinder was out doing something, and Neo was with Roman, and so it was just Merc and Emerald, and so they decided to do the test, and they where shocked, they then decided to keep this information from their team mates.

Fast forward: Today was a difficult day for Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai, she gave birth in a Vale hospital (they used fake names by the way,) and they did something, they decided to place their newborn son at an orphanage, with a note saying 'My name is Djinn Black, please take care of me, teach me to fight.' and they left designs for a weapon that said 'To Djinn, when you are older, the design was a boot, with rounds of bullets, and several retractable blades, and what they did was kind of the most difficult thing that Mercury and Emerald had to do, sure they would of loved to start up a family, however they knew that they couldn't, because of the plans that would happen, they knew that they could't run, so they did the only thing that would work, and no one noticed that Mercury and Emerald seemed a bit down, because they would be sad during the night, and that they would sit on the roof and hug each other, for comfort.

Fast forward way past Beacon: Djinn Black was raised in the Orphanage, he learned how to unlock his aura, and to control his semblance, his semblance is something that he calls Desert-Mirage, it allows him, to create a desert landscape, filled with sand that he can bed to his will, the sad part is that he was constantly being bullied for being strange, he has a rather darker tanned skin, with grey-ish red eyes, he was mostly covered in bruises, no one tried to help him, so he found an easy way out, he packed his things, and ran away, he made his way to a brand new life, a life that seemed easy for him to live, he left for Sunny Vacuo, he stole, he cheated, he lied his way to a new life, he made the Weapons that his true father and mother left him, and so he named them 'The Nightmare.' and then he made clawed gauntlets that also fire shotgun rounds so he named them 'Claws.' and together they are 'The Nightmares Claws.'

Next Page: New Life in Vacuo. Please Enjoy.

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