Part 2 New Life in Vacuo.

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In an Airship heading to Vacuo: Djinn looks out the window and says "Huh, so this is Vacuo, seems nice, looks like a nice place to start a new life, I still cant believe that I am here, eighteen years old, no parents, and stole my way here, life is good." at that he remembers how he got to Vacuo, framing people for crimes that he committed, robbing banks while using his semblance, and committing more crimes, and a bit of bounty hunting, and working at several bars, collecting enough Lien to get a ticket to go to Vacuo, when he is looking for people they call him 'Crocotta', at that he is then broke back to reality when he hears the announcement, "Attention Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now landing in Vacuo, please enjoy your day." "Oh I will." says Djinn, when the airship lands, he then walks out and says "Thanks for the ride." and at that he runs far from the airship and into the beginning mirage that he created, finding the perfect new home, then he found it, the perfect Warehouse, abandoned, and for sale, and so with some of the Lien that he 'obtained' he bought it, however he did not know of the consequences that would come, he went back to the warehouse to check out the inside, though the only things on the inside where crates that were left there, but what he found in the middle of the warehouse was something that he didn't expect, a girl laying on the ground, she seemed very pale, blood all around her, she seemed unconscious, even more he noticed that she seemed to be a faunus, she has what looks like a wolfish tail. Now many would think that I would go and stab her with my gauntlets, but I'm not that kind of guy. So Djinn runs straight to the girl, and picks her up, and brings her to a crate, luckily the crate had a sheet over it, so he placed her on the makeshift cot, and looked at her back, if he didn't know any better, he would say she got shot, and fell from the roof, at that he looks back to the spot and see's that the window was left open, he then searches through some crates and finds some labelled as 'medical' in big red writing, he opens it up to find rubbing alcohol, gauze, some pain killer, pliers, and some sort of creme that says to fix various injures, he then looks at the girl and says "Look, I'm here to help you okay, and listen, this might hurt." he then uses the pain killer and places it in her arm, only one needle, the girl did squirm, but then she stopped, hinting that she was sleeping, and then that's when Djinn cleans her wounds, and uses the pliers to remove the bullets, and then he adds more of the rubbing alcohol, and then adds the creme and to his amazement it makes her skin cover her wounds, and then he wraps her in the gauze, and he then picks her back up, and sets her down on a different crate, with another white cover over it, he then goes to the next crates and takes the cover and makes a blanket for her, he also used more of the covers to make a pillow for her head, he then leaves the warehouse for some supplies and then he says quietly "Great, I have to play Nurse & the Doctor to bring her back to health, just great, I stepped in and ran to her, I have a bad feeling that I am going to regret this someday, maybe, yes, definitely, Absolutely!" as he walks off to the nearest store, the mysterious girl still sleeps, and dreams. Mysterious Girl's Dreams: She sit's in the shade under a palm tree, the sun burning hot, she seems to be waiting for someone, and that's when you see it, on her right arms shoulder sleeve, the white fang emblem, and in her right hand, a Grimm mask, one that covers her entire face, she then feels a hand on her shoulder, she turns around showing her beautiful purple eyes, the person who touched her shoulder was a man, wearing an all red suit, with a sword strapped to his left side, he too is wearing a grimm mask, his mask covering all of his facial features, he has black hair, with red horns sticking out of his hair, and then he says "Come on it's time." the girl then stands up and says "Alright, let's go." at that they walk away from the spot, then it happens, an entire group of the white fang raids a dust shop, the mysterious Girl and guy right in the middle of it, and then something strange happens, she then lets the store clerk go outside, and she brings the mysterious man closer to her and she says "I'm done, and I am going to give you to the count of three, for you to get out of here, or all of your men will die." "What no, your crazy!" says the man, "three, two..." says the girl,  "Your bluffing I know you are, quit joking around!!!" says the man, "ONE!!!" at that, she leaps and kills all of the mysterious man's men, with her sword, and then she breaks down the door, and then she say's "And one more thing, we are done!!!" and at that she takes her mask off, and rips her shoulder sleeve, and runs out the door, she is then chased down by members of the White Fang, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, and then she is being shot at by her pursuers, and then that's when it happens, when they where reloading, she fell through an open window, landing on her back, feeling the pain, she continues to stare up at the window, she knows that she can't move because she is too tired, and the risk of breaking anything, and she thinks 'Is this how I am going to go, lying on the ground, possibly bleeding, well it's better than being called a criminal.' at that her eyes close, she then fell asleep, and that's how she ended up on Djinn's floor, and then she wakes up, to see a guy standing beside her, with a water bottle in his hand, and then she hears him say "Oh good, your awake, My name is Djinn, here drink this." Djinn then hands her the water bottle, and she tries to get up but she cant, and then Djinn says "Fine, here let me help." at that he then unscrews the water bottle and lifts her head up, and helps her drink the water, and then she says "Thank's... Djinn, what happened?" "Well first, it seems that you where shot in the back, and you fell through that window, landed on the floor, in this warehouse that I just bought, and then I saved you, I removed the bullets, I healed the holes in you, and then I wrapped you in gauze, and I set you on some crates, now who are you?" says Djinn, and then the girl says "My name is, Mira Shade, now I'm gonna get up. Ouch... Ouch." "Look Mira, you can't get up, your still in bad shape." says Djinn, at that Mira then says "Fine, I'll just lay here than, but you have to take care of me." "Fine, but how do I know that you wont kill me in the night?" says Djinn, at that Mira smiles and says "You wont." and then Djinn smiles and laughs while saying "Ha, fair enough, but I have some ground rules." "Go on." says Mira, and then Djinn says "Well I see it as fair, that since I bought this place, it is my place, so rule one, you need to listen to me, rule two, You should not fight me, rule three, I have decided to let you stay here, rule four, if you have any problems then tell me, and I don't mean problems with my rules, I mean with your past, that's right I can tell that you are running from something, so tell me." Mira then says "Fine, well as you know, I am a faunus, and I was affiliated with the White Fang, however, as of today, I left them, and broke up with my boyfriend, and killed all of his men, there are you happy now?" and It was at that Mira looked directly at Djinn, and then she began to blush, and then Djinn started to blush, and then he said "What are you starring at?" and then Mira turned her head and said "U..uh nothing, I'm not starring at anything." and then her nose began to bleed, and then she felt something soft under her nose she looked, and saw Djinn's hand with a tissue, and then she blushed even more, and then she fell asleep. Then Djinn said "What am I going to do with you?" he then left the warehouse to buy more things, sheets, beds, a sofa, and a TV.

Next Page: Dusty & Breakfast in Bead. Please Enjoy.

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