How Important she is to Me

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Abhimanyu slowly adjusting to the fact that he is not in present, he traveled back to the past were his in laws were alive. His eyes were searching for familiar faces. He met bade papa , badi maa, mimi and others.... But they don't recognise him. Now his eyes are looking for the kids( vansh, Kairav, Krish and his Akshara) He also want to meet Kartik in person before he wakes up from this dream.

Papa, I tried my level best collect the details of him. But there is no clue left behind. It looks like we must allow him to be here till hile regain his memory

A very handsome man enters there. Abhimanyu is observing him

Manish: kartik, his name is Abhimanyu. He is a doctor in profession. He don't remember anything else. Like you said, let him stay here. Don't take unnecessary tension. And why are you being indifferent to our kid.

Nice to meet you Abhimanyu, Am Karthik Goenka. Please forgive us for the inconvenience we created for you

He was about to go but naira stopped him.

Naira: talk to me Kartik. Your silence is hard to adjust. I can't live like this. We are never like this.

Suhasini: ha kittu. Accidents are inevitable what's her mistake in that. That's god's plan she can't avoid it. Look everyone is fine.

Suwarna: that's it Karthik. Look at Manish ji. He is not that injured. Even Abhimanyu will recover from this state super soon . So please stop hurting her with your silence

Kartik: I need time to calm down. I hope you guys won't force me to do things. I know everything. But I need time to calm down

He was about to walk away....

I wish ... If it was me who went through the accident instead of papa.... It wouldn't be this..

Before she completes he interuppted her conversation

Kartik: shut up.... Don't you heard what I said. Don't initiate any thing related to the accident before me am controlling myself from scolding you

Naira's eyes whelmed with tears 😭 She didn't saw his this side till now. He is hell mad at her. But she donno why he is behaving like that. And she too is not ready to let things slide like that.

Am sorry.... I can say sorry for thousand times... What more you want Kartik. You were never like this naa. What happened to you today. Papa is like my own father. Do you really think that I will harm him ? Am too sorry for my rash decision taking skills. I opt the road you asked me not to take. I agree that's my mistake. But you can't treat me like this.

She starts crying like a baby before her hubby. Even Karthik can't see her like that. He want to hug her tight. He want to console her. But he won't and he have a reason. She looks at him with her

Teary eyes, she fold her hands and announced

I won't stay here... After all these I won't stay here. Bhai take me home.

Naksh takes her hand and took her to Singhanyia house. Kartik didn't moved a bit. Goenkas are standing like a statue as they don't know what happened between the kids. Abhimanyu felt like the history repeats. That's how he and Akshu fought that day. He understood how harsh he was to her. He felt sad for Naira and Akshara. He hate himself and Karthik for the rough and rash behaviour towards their other half.

Singhanyia house

Naira was in her room. Just then Naksh comes inside.

He is not at wrong! He is worried about you and your health. I know him. I know how much he care about you. Your statement made him lose his control over his anger.

She turned to his side.

Keerti: haa naira. You misunderstood his anger as his love and concern for papa. You thought he blamed you for the accident. But the reality is that... he was worried about you. He was going through a hell in the thought of loosing you.

Devayani: when he saw you safe and sound... I saw the sigh of relief in him. He make sure that you went for all the test. His anger can be justified. He literally losed you many times. He is always in the fear of losing you once again. Understand that kid and his mental agony.

Ohhh so he was mad at me for my own safety... Still he can't scold me like that. I won't forgive until he say sorry to me by holding his ears. I won't forgive that easily.

Keerti: off course. You can put forward that condition. And you are literally a sherni. Only you dares to say about something happening to you before him. If it was someone else... Then ..
Oh I can't even think about his reaction.

Night 🌉

Kartik was sitting was sitting alone in the lawn. Others slowly enters there. Even Abhimanyu joined him. No one dares to initiate a conversation. Just then

Abhimanyu: never blame someone for the accidents that happened to your family. Accidents are inevitable. We can't predict it. Today your love for papa overpower your love for her. It's wrong.

Kartik smiled a bit.

My love for her overpowered. Not my love for my family . What will I do if something happened to her in that accident. She already went through many. How can I risk her again and again. I am sorry am not that strong.. I can't lose my wife. That day I warned her not take risk or put herself at risk. But she didn't listen to me. What will I do if really something happened to her

He took out a form... It's a consent form. He looked at it

and gave it to Abhimanyu. Like this I have two more in my hand

Abhimanyu: consent form before surgery

Every time while signing it ... My hands shake like anything. It's not easy to sign on these this paper is a warning that there is chance of losing her. I can't go through this pain again and again I can be a bad man but I can't risk her again and again. Little treatment like this will fix her

Kartik walks away. Abhimanyu understand why he is different from Karthik. Karthik's anger is also a form of his love for his lady love. He didn't scold her for the accident... He scold her for putting herself again and again in such situations. Here Abhimanyu failed as a husband. In the love for Neil he forgot to ask about Akshara and her health.

Suwarna came near him

He can't spend a second without her. He will bring back her super soon.

Akhilesh took Abhimanyu to the guest room.


When Abhimanyu comes down after a bath. He saw whole Goenka getting ready to leave to Singhanyia house. This is his first time to Singhanyia house so he too joined them. Naira was the one who welcomed them. They took their seat.

Naira: where is Karthik. Don't he know how to cajole me. Did he forget about me due to his anger

Surekha: he will come... Where will he go without you.

Just then they heard the calling bell. Naira opened the door and

Saw her man holding ears with a puppy face . Her eyes whelmed up seeing him. She missed him a lot but not ready to show that


Naira: get out before I throw you out. Don't call me Jaan. Your buttering skills won't work this time.

Jaaan ... I was concerned about you and your health.

Naira: so what. That don't give you the right to scold me..

That's because you mentioned about something happening to you. How can I be normal after hearing those. Will you be okay if I talk about something happening to me..
No naa. Like that I too have emotions.

She looks at him with teary eyes.

To be continued

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