Ch.12.Do It For Her.

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{I Don't own BNHA or The Reader}

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"You sure you wanna do this?" Lee questioned the male whom was pacing in front of him, the lizard like male truly didn't understand why he was doing this. The plan his neighbor had he didn't agree with it at all, but even so here he stood holding the phone that now contained a single video on it, "there's other ways you know kid".

"I know but this is to keep her safe after all" Dabi spoke, stopping his pacing as he stood there his plan was something to keep his kid safe after all. That video they recorded on that phone would explain in due time after all as to why he was doing this, "I'll do anything to keep her safe, even if it means the worse for my own being".

"I still don't like it" Lee told the male, stuffing the phone in his pocket knowing full and well he would be transferring the footage to the cheap laptop he had, and later it would be put onto a single USB, one that he'd guard with his life till it was time for that video to come into light. "We better head back before they worry".

Dabi said nothing as he walked next to Lee, the two heading back to the warehouse in silence. It had been a week since the attack and Magne had yet to wake up and since than they took shifts keeping his kid safe. Maybe that was why he was finally putting his plan into action, a simple plan that only Lee knew the details of, and well that plan was anything but good.

This plan was something even Lee was against, a man whom tried to give a child firearms, was against whatever Dabi had planned for the near future, and maybe just maybe he wouldn't go through with it, Lee could only hope that his neighbor wouldn't go through with it. But Lee knew, he knew when the kid set his mind to something he wouldn't change it for the world.

Because Dabi was stubborn, and nothing anybody told him would have him change, and Lee knew that mindset would get the kid killed one of these days. Honestly Lee didn't know what he was gonna do with his neighbor, ever since the day they met Lee knew the kid held trauma, and adding a kid to that seemed to fix it slightly.

Lee was going to have a chat with his old friend after this, he hadn't seen her in a while ever since the attack, he hoped she'd be fine, but for now he'd walk in silence next to a stubborn dumbass whom he hoped wouldn't go through with his stupid plan.

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Rocking the small child brought him joy, he was uncertain as to why he was feeling this way but in the week he's been sneaking off to come here he hasn't told a soul about the innocent child. Hawks was doing what he could to protect the child that reminded him of his sister, it saddened him so as he stared at the child's small tufts of {H/C}, but even so he shook away those thoughts.

Because {Y/N} wasn't Fawna, nor would she ever be, she was a child of a villain that wasn't even that bad of a guy. Hawks had learned the truth behind the reason why that male was a villain, it was because society had rejected him, kept him from getting any other job to support his daughter, and well Hawks was learning just how much the corruption seeped into this world.

So here he stood with the child in his arms, left to his own thoughts as Lee and Dabi had headed off to gods knows where, "the gods look down upon many but you open up the heavens for them with just a single smile" he told the one year old with a smile, "things are not always what they seem little one and one day I know you'll fix this corruption and I myself can't wait to see it".

Making his way towards the counter where the bottles sat, Hawks couldn't help but wonder how Lee the man whom could set a tea kettle on fire even managed to heat up a baby bottle without it catching on fire. Honestly in the week here he's seen some weird shit, Lee trying to cook was one of them. Don't get him started on the morning routine the man had him joining in on, Hawks never wanted to do Yoga again with that man.

After heating up the bottle he fed the small child with the formula, knowing soon she'd be moving on to the odd mushy baby food soon instead of her bottle because of her teeth incoming, speaking of things growing the man had taken notice of the small bumps growing near the kids shoulders near the backs when he had bathed her for the first time.

Hawks had yet to mention his findings to the other two, because he had to be certain he was correct in the fact the kid was growing wings. Quirks to do with wings were always interesting to say the least for the wings tended to come in along the time of the kids baby teeth started coming in, and well by looks alone in a few years the kids bound to have a full grown pair of wings.

And Hawks well he looked forward to teaching the kid how to fly if it truly was what he thought they were. He would be this kids uncle no matter what, he made a promise and his mama bird instincts had already kicked in, there was no turning back now he'd do whatever to keep this child that wasn't even his safe.

Even if it meant going behind the back of the commission, because to him they were but a corruption that needed to be kept away a virus that would infect the innocent child. {Y/N} would surely grow up to be a fine guiding light, and as he fed her Hawks couldn't help but feel like something was brewing, something dark and cold and he hoped whatever this feeling was it wouldn't harm the small child he's sworn to protect.

In due time he would learn the feeling of betrayal, he would learn never to freely give his trust to those he once called friends, for in a few days somebody he once saw as a dear friend would become his most feared enemy.

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