Ch.13.Do It For Her.

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{ I Don't own bnha or The reader}

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Taking a sip from her glass she stared at her twin whom for once wasn't dressed in their normal attire. "a fucking child" she spoke eyes narrowed at them, as her gaze moved to the man drinking his glass of scotch, "you asked me to help steal a fucking child" she downed her drink quickly, "Your fucking lucky we got out alive, but now we have to find that lizard bitch that shot me in the fucking leg".

"At least your alive Tsubasa" Andrew drawled in annoyance of the woman, "Your lucky Kage fucking cared enough not to let you die because your their sister", honestly she was a pain in the neck and after what happened a while ago with the ambush it wasn't right, he really fucking hated working for his boss because a child of all things was what they were obsessed over now.

Kage took a sip of their purely black drink, that was dubbed here their usual drink. they watched this unfold for it was normal for their sister and partner to get into an argument daily, knowing they wouldn't be able to break it up they looked at the one tending the bar, "sorry about them Martin".

"It's fine Kage" Martin told him, as she cleaned a glass watching the two begin to bicker back and forth this was normal, she soon put the glass away and grabbed a wooden bat from behind the counter handing it to Andrew whom thanked her before swinging it at Tsubasa. and thus the two began to fight in the hideout that night throwing curses at one another all while Kage sighed honestly why couldn't their fiancé and sister ever get along.

"Another please" they told Martin, whom already had made another drink for them passing it to them. this was gonna be a long night in the hideout a very long night indeed for their boss would only show up at midnight after all, and by than the place would be trashed, and Kage would be trying to still get drunk, it truly was indeed never gonna change.

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"I'ma tell you a story" Lee rocked the small child in his arms as for Dabi and Hawks were out that night and Magne was still in a coma, so he was in charge of calming the child with the storm outside, "I'm not gonna do the once upon a time shit ya' know so hopefully ya' still like it kid".

Moving around the room of his workshop his skin began to turn from it's usual green to a tanned skin complexion, his hair turned from green to a pale lilac falling over his shoulders, green scales were still on his face as he rocked the child. "Long ago there was a Kingdom known as the kingdom of Embers" he spoke "in this kingdom there was once two orphans left forgotten by their families, however while they grew up in the orphanage one of the kings guards grew interested in them both and soon they were placed into training to become the best of the best"

Blue eyes stared up at him as she calmed while he continued his story, about a kingdom with kings and queens, guards and magic and all out fantasy story that the little baby enjoyed unaware of how much this story truly meant to the man for he was sharing it to her for he cared deeply for the child.

When he heard the creaking of the door his appearance had changed back to the one everyone else saw him in, and not his human like form that only the child should know of. His eyes stared at the figure that walked in and his eyes narrowed at the man, "Ah if it isn't Steve what ya' doin' in my shop?" he rocked the child whom had fallen asleep at some point.

"I would correct you on my name but I know you won't listen" 'Steve' sighed in annoyance, honestly his competition was annoying, "I wanted to make a deal with you" the 4'1 man looked up at the 6'8 lizard man in front of him it was a giant difference in height.

"No can do Munchkin" Lee told the man "you already steal my costumers and than I caught ya a month ago trying to steal my blueprints so no can do Steve", 'Steve' narrowed his eyes at the taller man.

"Speaking of those blueprints I came across something interesting" 'Steve' hummed fishing out an old worn out leather bound book from his Satchel, "it would be quite the shame if people found out 'ya little secret now wouldn't it Lee?".

Lee let out a low growl, knowing full and well this bastard wouldn't leave him the fuck alone unless he helped. That book was the thing he held most precious to him after all other than the kid, "Fine I'll make this deal with you".

"Excellent let us begin on the terms than" the ginger man stated shoving the book back into his satchel, as he made his way deeper into the workshop as Lee went to put the child back in her crib and followed the man.

Dabi and now fucking Steve, Lee could never get a break apparently along with the fact that shadow fucker is still out there, damnit why did things in this place gotta be so complicated? at least he knew the kid would be safe while he was talking with Steve, all because he may have placed a gun in the crib before he left.

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{Something is indeed brewing, quite a Shame this story is coming to an end in a few chapters, I'm gonna end it at Ch.20. just be warned}  

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