Ch.5.Do It For Her.

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{I Don't own BNHA or the reader}

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Magne knew from the moment her eyes met the innocent blue ones of Dabi's daughter, she was mesmerized, she was lost, and she knew exactly why he tried so hard to keep her a secret she was small, she was innocent and she was precious, she was a baby, a bay that had caught her heart in an instant.

Holding the tiny being in her buff arms made her realize one day maybe she'd want a kid of her own, if they would let a villain like her adopt, honestly she hoped Dabi's kid would grow up without the same views as everyone else had, "If this villain thing goes south, I know a guy" she spoke up, looking away from the small child in her arms that was smiling brightly and giggling.

"I'll keep that offer in mind" Dabi told her, he was uncertain why he was worried so far big sis was quite good at not dropping his daughter, "if things go south, and I don't make it can you take care of her in my place?", he was uncertain as to why but he trusted her of all people to keep his daughter safe if anything were to go wrong, if he were to ever be taken or killed by heroes.

"Sure Kid, it's a promise, but that won't be anytime soon your gonna live and raise her the right way" Magne told him, and that was the end of that topic for the rest of the day as they both spent time with the little bundle of joy.

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Running a finger over the dusty surface, a male frowned his wings dragging behind him, "Why was I called here?" he questioned truing to one of the police officers, "I thought is was your job to take over murders", he did not want to be in this dust covered apartment where a murder had just taken place, where a body still lay unmoved from the spot in the middle of the room, covered by a white tarp.

"The victim it seems was somebody you knew" the officer spoke, something was in the air as he moved towards the body, "she was quite close to you, though it seems like a villain may have found her, I'm quite sorry Hawks" the officer told the blonde, moving the tarp for the blonde to see.

Hawks froze, breath caught in his throat as he tried so hard to keep his composer, "Fawna" he breathed, her {H/C} hair stained in dried blood around her body that was so pale, her stomach was ripped open, and he was unable to stop the bile raising as he walked toward the window and forcing it open, he flew out of it unable to stay there.

The officer had stopped the detective before he could go after the hero, "Let him mourn, he lost his last known family member today" the officer told him, covering the body back up, the press knew of Hawks and his younger twin sister, she unlike him wasn't a hero she was just living an everyday life, that was ended, ended to soon.

"I'll have a word with him later than" the detective told the officer with a sigh, he had a job to do for it seems a villain had targeted the woman for her relations to the male, unaware to everyone in the room one of the shadows moved on it's own and soon vanished, going unseen as a figure crawled out of the shadows.

A figure that discarded their blood covered gloves in the nearby dumpster before they vanished down the alley way, their job done for now, it was unornate that woman could not tell them the where that child was, oh how foolish of her to try and hide her first born from them, they'd find that child and deliver, for nobody backs out of a deal after all.

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