Ch.6.Do It For Her.

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{I Don't own BNHA or The reader}

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His wings felt heavy as he held a bottle of whiskey in his hand, starring out at the city before him the number 3 hero couldn't help but feel empty, a couple of hours ago he had been given news, news he wished wasn't true, he wished this wasn't happening. But this was just the cruel reality, and he had one thing in mind, he was gonna find the sick son of a bitch whom killed his sister and do the same thing they did to her to them.

But for now he'd drink his sorrows away, for it was the only option at the moment, fuck the commission and their ideas he rather not try and go along with their plans for now, his sister had went missing for nearly a year and he finds out she's dead? yeah he was gonna need more bottles of whiskey.

"I would have never perceived you as the drink away your sorrows type" a voice spoke as a female landed next to him from his spot on the roof,  "I heard what happened, the news seemed to be all over the story, I would ask if you were okay but we both know your not", she took a seat dangling her legs over the side of the building, "Wanna talk about it?".

"Will there be more whiskey?" he asked her, having already finished his bottle and tossing it at the city below him, as he leaned on the female laying his head on her shoulder, hoping she would agree to getting him more whiskey.

"How about we head to my place, you raid my bar and we'll watch a couple movies" she told him, as the wind ruffled her white hair and she stretched out her skeleton like wings, "and before you ask yes we can also make a stop for chicken nuggets".

"This is why your my best friend" he told her, glad she was there to help him get through this troubling time, the two would never be anything but friends for various reasons, that would be revealed later down the line, anyways, that night Hawks had found himself not alone in his own sorrows.

Instead he had his best friend, an order of two hundred chicken nuggets, many bottles of whiskey and old animated movies, he was indeed lucky to have a friend like her in his life, a friend whom would never betray his trust, for she would always be his shoulder to lean on.

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A wine broke out through the small apartment as {Y/N} had a sense come over her small self, it wasn't raining but she felt something was off, and that's when her blue eyes caught it hands unfamiliar reaching towards her small form, shrouded in dark shadows.

"Keep quiet we don't want you to awake your caretaker" the figure hissed, her papa wasn't here no he was called into work, she had someone else watching her and the figure didn't seem to realize before something was being pointed at the back of their head, "Shit" they hissed.

"I'm gonna ask ya to step 'way from the kid and tell me who the fuck you are, because your no friend of Dabi's that's for sure" Lee was not allowing this person to take this kid he had sworn to protect, ever since his neighbor first asked his help, he didn't question the fake name or the fact the boy didn't actually wash his hair, no he was a good neighbor whom had a gun.

"I see, this is something I did not see coming" the figure sighed "I'll be back when there is no gun being aimed at my hand, I will collect what is due, she will not escape her fate" and they were gone sinking into the shadows, knowing damn well that their quirk could not stop a gun.

Lee lowered his gun in confusion, though that lasted a minute, "Well I'll be damned if that creepy shadow fucker gets anywhere near you kid", he placed his gun on the couch and swooped her up in his arms, her wines stopping when the man was gone, "Don't tell your pa I was cursing in-front of ya kid"

"F-Fuck!" the small baby let out and the males face slightly paled before he chuckled, if only Dabi was here to here his daughters first words, even if it wasn't the best word to learn, "S-Shadw Fuwker, bawd!".

"Yes the shadow man was a bad man" Lee told her, "Now let's get you a bottle ready for lunch kid" and with that the rest of that night was spent with Lee hanging out with his neighbors kid, and when the male did get back he was in for a surprise, one that he would sure as hell be proud of.

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