23 𓇼 The Never-Ending Saga of Poor Decisions

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Hold it together.

Jeongin slumped his head against the nearest table he could sit down at. In the corner of the room they were all crowded into. Where Changbin and Hyunjin occupied their second space across the hallway, the six of them clumped up inside of the other as they worked diligently on finding a solution. A reversal. An antidote. Combing through whatever knowledge they could get their hands on at the last minute; Whatever books or locals they could consult about what to do. And he was doing about absolutely nothing but attempt to survive long enough to not die without putting up one hell of a fight. But things weren't looking good. Not for him. Not for Changbin. Not for the Queen.

Hold it together, man.

For the record, this entire situation is about equivalent to bullshit and Jeongin was 150% certain he was going to be amongst the deceased in the next thirty minutes or so but alas. What else was there to do. He was also pretty certain that Felix was giving him a serious side eye every attempt the prince was given to see him, but he didn't say anything to anyone. Thankfully. Somehow. Maybe he didn't know what to say or how to approach the subject though. With the way his lips parted as if there were thoughts that wanted to flow freely, but closed anyway, Jeongin assumed that was the case.

But the truth was, his grip on reality right now was about as good as a tweaker, so, not that great. The scariest part wasn't even him dying, it was the fact there were now these strange, weird gaps in his conciousness; They were in the Queen's chambers, then he was walking with Jisung in the forest following after the others, suddenly they were at the village, then at the inn, wait when did they enter their rooms! Although he was moving, breathing, talking, there were moments his mind just wasn't there anymore. That was when he knew for certain he was about to die.

"Jeongin, maybe you should lay down to sleep," He was pretty sure Seungmin set his hand flush against the curve of his upper back. He was pretty sure that was him. Though, it felt more like an octopus was feeling up a numb patch of mushy, sweaty, scalding skin, and the voice that spoke to him sounded as if they were speaking from the other end of a cave separated by glass barriers at every turn. His ears were ringing. His muscles kept spasming and twitching with those unbearable sensations of static discomfort like gilla monsters crawling across him. Somehow managing to recognize that Seungmin was rubbing his back as he concentrated to understand his words, "Are you certain you never drank any water?"

Dude. I chugged like five glasses of water that night I'm not only cooked, I'm overdone.

"Didn't even touch water. I must be, tired," Those words consuming every single little bit of focus and concentration he could muster up to not expose how wobbly his tongue felt inside of his parched mouth. Violent shivers scurried up his spine. There was definitely sweat on the nape of his neck and pooled in his back, what kind of ants were underneath his skin? If he tried to scratch his arms would he find them below? He was tripping the FUCK out, so against it all, he could only weaky force himself to stand up from the table again, "I'm going to step outside."

Fresh air. He needs fresh air. Fresh air, some water, and bread to settle his stomach. Then he'd be fine. Alternatively he would vomit everything on the pathway outside the inn (Not like his body hasn't already completed absorbed everything and he was past the point of helping), get it over with (Not that simple but he wasn't in a rational state of mind to remember), and hope to whatever powers existed out there that he wouldn't be heaving bile for the remainder of the day (He wasn't going to last the night at this rate). So, he tried to leave the room. Shuffling away from the others as he moved slowly to retain what composure he had over himself. Hoping to leave them behind.

Again, his conciousness clicking back into clarity as he stepped around the corner of the inn. How the hell did he get there? When did he get here? His hand balancing his weight against the wooden beams of the outside wall, twitchy palm that scraped along the side as he tried to keep his balance from tipping over, one step at a time along the ground, he watched his feet, one in front of the other as if he was tiptoeing along an unseen highwire along a canyon gorge, his wobbly eyes offering him as much help as the blades of grass that absorbed his feet, why was the grass eating his feet? That's so strange. Why was the grass suddenly eating his knees too? That's even weirder. Was it quicksand??? Was he being sucked into quicksand?!

No, wait he was sitting on the ground. He was sitting on the floor. He wasn't being eaten, what kind of thought was that? He was sitting. Down. On the dirt. Leaning against the wall of the inn. The outside world he hid away from around the backside of the building, and the thicket of the jungle that blurred inside of his fuzzy eyes. Which shapes and colors blended together like oil dunked in water until he could no longer define what was what; Only knowing that the wall of the inn was behind him, there was a canopy of trees above him, the jungles were waiting in front of him, the lights from the village were irritating the peripherals of his eyes, the carrack sword on his side was digging uncomfortably into his body, his legs were unresponsive to him, he wanted nothing more than to go home, and pretend that all of this was some vicious dream.

Maybe, if he squinted his eyes, he could trick himself into believing that the darkness of the jungle was his apartment room, that the lights from the village was the city skyline beyond the suburbs of his university, that he was leaning against his headboard waiting for a text on his phone. Maybe, when he squinted his eyes and tried to believe he was home, the darkness of the jungle became the decks of the galleon and the masts that suspended the sails high, the lights were the lanterns hung underneath deck in the depth of midnight, he was leaning against the creaky walls of the hold waiting for the chatter in his ears to receed so they could all settled in for the night. That... That felt like home to him. He wanted to return there. To the galleon.

He could convince himself the dizziness he felt was only seasickness from a rogue wave, and his body shivered with pain because of a hard day at work. If he thought of that, his thundering heart eased. If he thought of the crew, the more eased he was.

Almost on the brink of deluding himself into a softer rest, a weight was suddenly on his leg. When he carefully tucked his eyes down to the spot he was met with the sight of a tiny person. Tiny, very very tiny person. Small enough to fit inside of his palm or in the middle of a music box that played the haunts of classical melodies from a distance childhood dream. A female. Glowing and a bit sparkly, like a sparkler lit during summer night festivals. Very small butterfly wings laid along her back, the dress she wore made of that same vibrantly weaved vermillion hibiscus flower growing around the jungle All of this together, meant that he had a very small, sparkly, well dressed tiny person that was climbing up onto his thigh to greet him again.

Twinkle toes...?

"Hey Twinkie," He whispered the friendly greeting under his breath, weakly moving an open palm in front of her. The little Sprite's wings fluttered gently against her back as she clambered onto the stable platform of the palm he offered and stared up at him. He could only meet her gaze with his own fuzzy confession, "I'm sorry... But I'm dying."

He wasn't sure what it meant, but she fluttered her wings at him again.


It was nice to have someone to listen to him in these last moments.

"I'm not scared. I'm... I'm really sad. More than anything, I'm really sad that I... I couldn't... I couldn't do more," He lifted his gaze up to the stars that peered between the canopy above them. He felt a weight on the front of his shirt, the little sprite no doubt attempting to climb her way up the cloth, so he moved his hand to support her climbing, "More than anything, I'm sad I'll never have the chance to tell Seungmin how I feel about him... I never... I never got to say goodbye to him. I never did then. And I never will now."

His head lulled to the side as he searched for the right words. The little sprite that clambered up to his shoulder with his help and the little hand that touched his cheek, small twinkles of a soundless voice that sparkled in response to his sorrow. The fluttering of those butterfly wings like memories of kisses against his throat. How he could possibly explain how he felt about this... How could he possibly explinw hat it feels to know he was meeting his end but couldn't do anything about it... How could he possibly put those rushing thoughts and terrified heartbeat into proper words... How he could possibly....

His eyes caught a silhouette in the corner of his peripheral.


Snapping his attention from his thoughts onto the cloaked figure.

Scrunched up as they hid in one of the tree branches nearby to the inn. Hiding as the figure was close enough to peer into a room on the second floor of the inn.

Wait, isn't that the room Changbin and Hyunjin are in?











Jeongin startled. Abandoning every bit of reasoning he had left inside his fevered mind, he grabbed the closest rock he could find on the ground, sprung back to his feet, and sprinted toward the tree the figure was hiding in, "HEY!"

[DNSA Jeongin is just the definition of"wrong place, right time"

When their head turned to him, scarlet eyes going wide as they connected with his,

He chucked that fucking rock like a baseball and smacked the piece of shit in their head. Successfully beaning them hard enough to knock them out of the tree they were perched on.

As soon as they hit the ground, the perverted stranger clambered back to their feet and dashed farther into the safety of the village.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Jeongin (stupidly, he would like to add, because in hindsight this totally could've been a plot to trap him and he would've barreled headfirst into their plan) sprinted after the figure. With what little strength he was able to muster up beneath the weakening poisoning nerfing him mixing into a bad concoction with the spike of adrenaline dumping into his heart, trailing quickly behind the stranger as they shoved past what few villagers were roaming at this hour. Still, when he felt Twinkle Toes landing on his scalp and grabbing onto his hair to hold on, Jeongin  forced himself to run faster than he ever had before, "Don't staLK PEOPLE IF YOU CAN'T FACE THE CONSEQUENCES OF BEING CAUGHT YOU PUSSY!"

Okay. To be fair. He wasn't entirely certain if he was pissed because this person was spying on them, or if he was pissed because 'creepy shifty person with scarlet eyes' matched the description of the asshole who kissed Seungmin in the forest. Yes, Seungmin told him on the way back to the village. Yes, he was livid someone put their hands on him in a way Seungmin didn't want and twice as furious someone (unwillingly) beat him to the punch.

When he caught this asshole, he was going to clock the shit out of him.

The cloaked figure dashed over the dirt pathways of the village, crashing into anyone and everyone that stood in the middle of their way. That blocked their attempted escape from Jeongin gaining behind them. Even going so far as to nearly upsetting a villager's horse by sprinting too close to the animal's side.

Still, his body was too weak! If he was fast enough, if he was at his top health, he knows he could've caught up in time! He knew he could catch him before he slipped away!

But as he was, the figure was gradually growing farther and farther away.

No matter how hard he tried to push himself, his lungs screamed in pain and his muscles twitched with the last of their adrenaline.

He was going to lose the stalker...!

Jeongin stumbled, his legs moments from giving out underneath him. The cloaked body gradually escaping him as they left the village into the dark of the jungle beyond.


The weight that was sitting on his scalp disappeared.

Barely, with the fuzziness of his eyes obstructing much of the finer details, a sparkly little something flew from him and caught up with the cloaked figure; The glowy body gaining momentum before slamming into the side of the cloaked person's head with a squeek!

The figure tripped over their own feet,

And Jeongin was given enough time to dash the last distance, tackling the figure into the swampy grounds.

"Didn't... Didn't your parents tell you, it's..." He inhaled heavily between every word, struggling to catch his breath again as he clambered to keep the cloaked figure down. Though they struggled to worm themselves out from underneath him, Jeongin clutched fistfuls of the cloak's course fabric firmly to keep the person fastened to the ground so they didn't try to run away again, "It's really stupid to spy on angry people!"

In the midst of their struggle, Jeongin quickly worked them onto their back (Not willingly, he would add because damn they were putting up a fight) and tore the hood off of the person. Person? Was it even a person? What greeted him seemed like anything but a person! Sure, there was the brown waves of hair and the facial structure of a human, the body looked human enough, but underneath they were anything but; Pointed tips at the top of their ears and hauntingly pale skin, scarlet eyes that protested every grab holding them down, sharp ghoulish fangs that hid behind their scrunched lips,  their nails were dagger-like claws that scraped into Jeongin's wrists that held on. What the fuck?! Selkies, fae, dragonkin, tree ladies, warlocks, what the fuck is this thing!!!!!!

Twinkle Toes hobbled over, dazed from her adventure but she landed on the thing's head. Fell to her knees. And smacked his forehead.

You go girl!!!!

It did absolutely nothing and she was forced to retreat to the safety of Jeongin's shoulder, but the attempt was appreciated.

Looking over the person? Thing? Creature? Him? Dude? Once more, there were other things. Underneath that cloak, he seemed to be wearing a uniform of some type. Over where a human heart would be, an insignia of what looked to be a wolf was embroidered into the vest they wore. He didn't know what that insignia represented or what it was supposed to mean, but he didn't have much time to dwell on it in the middle of the struggle because something else caught his eye. A satchel. Slung over their shoulder underneath their cloak, a brown satchel that clicked open in the midst of their wrestle and spilled crystal vials onto the muddy floors.

"Do you... Doー Uhー Woah, hang on," Jeongin furrowed his eyebrows at the vials, eyeing them for a second before he grabbed them up inside of a free hand. Two of them; Both filled to the stopper with an oddly thick sapphire liquid that glimmered with the village lights reflecting off the substance inside. Though the vaguely humaoid looking creature kept trying to weasel out and away from him, Jeongin busied himself with plucking up the satchel and sneaking a peak inside. More of those strange vials with a variety of liquids, plants tucked off to the side, roots, herbs, his eyes widened, "You have all sorts of funky shit going on, damn dude!"

But there were so many roots, so many different herbs he couldn't identify, there was about a 20% chance that this was pure coincidence that the Queen happened to be poisoned by a root; Changbin and him had been poisoned by the waters as well; Seungmin had been targeted and attacked; Now this asshole shows up? Hell no! There was no way any of that was a coincidence! This fucker was totally responsible somewhere! And if this asshole was responsibleー

He wouldn't be so intent on observing us if he was only trying to kill us. This poison is meant to kill. But he's been stalking us, following us...

Jeongin's eyes glanced back to the satchel.

He has to have something on him to reverse the effects then.

"Actually, fuck it, I don't have time for this," He grabbed the strap of the satchel and yanked.

Tugging on it until he could hop back onto his own feet and was nearly dragging the poor stalker man after him. Hauling on the strap until finally the satchel came lose from around his body, freeing itself in Jeongin's hand as he staggered back over his heels, before he turned over his shoulder, slung the satchel over him as he buried the vials he picked up back into the bag, and hauled ass back to the village. Fuck it! He did not have time to debate what is right and what is wrong at this point! At most, he himself only has like four hours left and the Queen was dying too (Changbin. Can't forget the county man that Changbin was. He had more time though he wasn't as much of an emergency)! Not the time to ponder over whatever the hell was actually going on!

He heard the rushing of the stalker's footsteps behind him. Hurrying to catch up, but, fuck it! Screw being moral! He was a fucking pirate! That horse the stalker nearly bumped into earlier being led down the muddy paths by a villager with the reigns clutched tightly in their hand, Jeongin didn't give a shit; He sprinted up, tore the reins out of their hands, and hauled himself into the saddle, the horse immediately taking off down the pathway as he had to lean into the gallop. Gripping hard onto the reigns and harder into the mane as he shouted back to the villager, "I'm sorry, it's a matter of national security! I'll be back!"

Like Seungmin had taught him to go, he rammed his heels into the horse's sides and held onto the bronze mane for his life. Pounding down onto the dirt trembling beneath the weight of the rhythm. Thumps slamming down against the condensed foliage of the jungle. Defined. Each individual stroke could be identified on the floor, the vibrations snaking up his spine until their sounds tangled around his ankles in the uneven stirrups sliding out from underneath his boots. Snagging him as they wanted him to stop in his place. The bramble that tried to catch his legs and tear his skin to shreds if he didn't block their insistence.

He didn't bother to follow the hushing melody of the rivers He didn't bother to turn a glaze over his shoulder to see whether or not he was still being followed as he pressed harder into the jungle's deeps. He didn't bother to wait and see if they were near, or if the others would be in close trail behind him, he couldn't allow himself to stop. There was no time. He could feel it within the twisting of his churning gut, in the throbbing of his heart inside of his throat that wanted to gag what little he had eaten that day; He could feel it within his own dizziness struggling to stay on the horse's back, he could see it inside of the veins on the back of his hands growing evermore consumed by that ink.

That sparkly little sprite managed to catch up to him, grabbing onto his side before she undid the satchel's lid and clambered into the bag. Disappearing inside of the leather hide for a while as he felt her little hands rummaging through the vials and herbs inside of the bag. Digging, digging, finding, until he felt a tug on his sleeve and glanced down to his friend. Within her hands as she was burried inside the bag, a vial she had to hug her arms around to show him. Crystal vial with that wolf insignia stamped into the glass, this one filled with a shimmery pearl liquid that sloshed with the rhythm of the horse.

That one?

"It's that?!" He asked, twisting himself at an odd angle as he left the reins to one of his hands. When the sprite fluttered her wings and nodded, he offered his hand to help her climb out of the bag, "Twinkie, thank you! Please go tell the others where I'm going!"

The sprite was off before he could finish his sentence. Her wings working overtime as she sped in the direction they had previously come from. While Jeongin was left by his lonesome, riding faster through the tangles of moss and the sting jolts through the numb in his trembling hands. He pressed the pace faster. And faster. Nearly toppling him over. Palm kissing hard into the reigns.

Soil coating his sweaty skin.

Breathing twice as fast to match the hurried of his unsettled heartbeat. The cool air stinging his dry nostrils caked with ash and his torn throat burning metal into his mouth, gulps gasping down saliva with the attempts to breathe.

His heart thundered loudly in his ears, hitting his mind as hard as the hooves of the horses shook the forests, hitting him with wave after wave of nausea that made him want to stop. Want to surrender. Want to slow down. He couldn't. He couldn't stop.

If this is the only antidote inside of that bag, then...

He tried to calm the ragged breaths aching his lungs to nothing but hard breaths in and out, matching the rhythm of his breathing to the swaying of the canopy branches above his head. He focused on their dance, the rustling back and forth that brushed along. The gentleness of their song. Oblivious to the churning in his stomach and the reality of the situation beneath their cheerful leaves.

He listened to their melody.

How it blended with the babbling stories of the creeks rushing underneath the horse's pounding hooves.

It's drumming led by the beating of his heart.

I have to get it to the Queen...!

Jeongin didn't believe in the Gods of this world.

But, for the first time, he could only pray beneath his breath that they allowed him to reach the Queen.


They found him within the hour.

With the assistance of Jeongin's sprite friend that burried herself into Seungmin's front coat pocket to lead them  after their crewmate, Seungmin, Chan, and Felix had followed her careful direction through the jungle while Minho and Jisung stayed behind to help Hyunjin tend to the warlock's worsening conditions. Chasing down the prints of horseshoes left as proof of their trail in the muddy marsh and the snapped branches that Jeongin must've hit while riding through the patches of thicket. Following until they had found the horse he abandoned at the mouth of the cave, where Felix had gladly stayed behind to assist with calming the mare while Seungmin and Chan pressed onward into the Queen's chambers.

They found him laid amongst the soft meadow grass that engulfed their steps as they hurried. Flowers of shades and shapes unusual to them sprouting inside of the hidden paradise, their stems aglow with a bright light within them illuminating the ghostly pale tint of his skin. They cried. Collecting in the center. Where a singular tree, it's bark hardened over with tough vines that supported the trunk to root its body to the ground, wrapped and tangled around itself as the trunk crooked to the side. It leaves, transparent thin and snowy white like a blizzard, where silver veins ran throughout the tree, and scarlet blossoms flowered off the branches, their petals cascaded down with gentle ease as if to settle a blanket over his body.

But the wound on that beautiful tree, the very lifeblood of Levanter: The latter half of the Queen's tree trunk that was rotted, where the the branches on the farther side covered with that unsightly blight, the dead blossoms sickened and dead, where the bark was decaying, seemed to have... Stopped. The black tar that coated the wounds replaced with the silver sap that belonged to the Queen, the blossoms that gradually regained their color as the blight was cleaned bit by bit, the rot that was covering the branches coated over with that silvery ooze that showed she was bleeding once again. She was healthy once again.

At her base, laid against the swollen grounds where her roots dug themselves into the dirt, on the pleasant resting spot of the meadow grass, they had found Jeongin. His hands limp around an empty vial that tipped out of his loose fingers. His body laid face downward and unmoving. His features eased with a serene bliss for the first time within days. He must've only had seconds to help the Queen, before he himself had given out and collapsed in the security of her grave.

"Oh, you idiot...!" Seungmin hissed beneath his breath as he rushed to the other's side. Where his knees collided and scraped against the dirt in order to join him, but satisfied enough when he pressed his fingers into Jeongin's neck. When he felt a heartbeat underneath the pads of his fingers. When he saw the subtle rise and fall of his chest, despite the rasped struggle every inhale caused him as he laid still. But he was alive. Jeongin was fine, he wasn't well yet, Seungmin had belatedly learned from Chan and Felix who admitted the poisoning, but he was alive. Somehow...?

As he carefully moved Jeongin onto his back, the little sprite that made her home within his pocket scampered out. Drifting herself down onto the ground as she then squeezed herself into the satchel nearby Jeongin's side. A bag that most certainly didn't belong to him. Seungmin was confident in that much. A moment, the little sprite clumsily emerging from the satchel dragging a crystal vial from inside. Though she tripped over herself and flopped down with a mini squeek!, Seungmin understood the small flutter of her wings clear enough.

An antidote.

Seungmin hurriedly took the vial up and popped the stopper off. Taking care when he gently pried Jeongin's lips open, forcing what little of the supposed antidote was inside the vial into his mouth.

Hoping, more than anything else, that it truly was an antidote to the poisoning. That, whatever was inside of the vial was the same as what was inside the vial Jeongin had in his hand, whatever it was that cured the Queen's sickness, whatever it was that Chan was now busying himself with inspecting a few paces away.

Hoping that the silence would be broken.


But something.

By anything.

By a sharp breath.

Something between a gasp and a choked inhale gulped in at once at Jeongin's chest hiccuped. Surfacing again in the sudden harsh breaths that tried to find a comfortable rhythm once more. Slowly. Little by little. His lungs easing into a normal pace as his head lulled, and his eyelids fluttered open. Those stunning eyes glossy as they rolled across the ceiling.

Before finally, landing on Seungmin beside him. A gently swallow on Jeongin's lips as he whispered, "i must've died if im seeing an angel like you."

"Innie!" The First Mate dove on top of him, attempting to wrap him in a tight embrace, "Oh, thank the gods..."

"If you squeeze me too hard you'll squeeze the last of my life out," He joked gently. Though his own wobbly arms found their usual place fitted around Seungmin, the same place he always put his arms when he embraced him. His hand, though shaky in the unsteady placement he found at the back of Seungmin's head, he gently patted him as his eyes snuck a glimpse to the fae but spoke quietly enough to not be heard by him, "No, wait, is Chan around...? If I hug you, he'll kill me before I can die..."

Though Seungmin brushed him off as he assisted Jeongin to sit up. Situating him comfortably in the First Mate's arms. Craddling him? Holding him in such a way that Jeongin's head settled in the crux of his elbow and he was able to relax as Seungmin requested, "Close your eyes and rest. We'll get you back to the others safely."

While Jeongin settled, slumping his weight into Seungmin as he allowed his eyes to flutter shut once more, Chan approached the little sprite. Where she had dashed off to wait patiently on one of the nearby branches, he showed her the empty vial as he inquired, "Do you know how to make more of this?"

The sprite was quiet for a moment. Only for a moment. Before her wings fluttered together and she nodded her head.

"Well. Never underestimate the sheer luck of a fool who doesn't cower when faced with death," Chan hummed in surprised, stepping back from the sprite as he turned his attention back to the crystal. In his hand, Chan's thumb swiped over the vial as he inspected it. Staring at something a moment more, before offering a smile down to Seungmin, "Or, perhaps, luck has nothing to do with this. It was meant to be."

The First Mate shot him a firm scowl, "You said he would die within two days Chan."

"Incorrect. He asked me how long he would last. I answered honestly," Chan pointed downward.

To where Jeongin's hands laid limp against the ground.

Where his veins trailed along the back of his hands, once tints of azure blue and copper green underneath his skin peeked through with an unnatural shade. Like ink that laced inside of his blood.


Seungmin undid the cufflink around his wrist. Popping the button undone as he tugged the sleeve up to see his forearm. Where more of those hues greeted his eyes. A darkness like the umbral abyss of the night that clumped inside of the man's veins, painting every vessel and stretch of those roots with a color more damning than the scarlet of blood. Like yarn buried underneath him, holding him together with shadows they couldn't manipulate by their lonesome, weaving him with traces of black through his body. Traces of...

Aren't these traces of magic...?

Seungmin pushed his sleeve back farther. Finding more and more of that deep color, tinting the skin of his bicep with their shade too.

The poison was corroding magic within him.

He quickly tugged his sleeve back down and buttoned up the cufflinks once more. The First Mate glanced back to Chan.

"He would last for two days, his magic would last for two days. And I was right, wasn't I? By time the third day came, his condition rapidly deteriorated and the corrosion in his veins became prominent," The fae twitched his lips into that cheeky smile, abandoning Seungmin behind as he headed for the exit of the chambers, "So, this solves one of our debates. Jeongin does have magic tied to his ancestry. But, let's be sure to keep this a secret between you and me. Jeongin's Never-ending Saga of poor decisions is just starting to get entertaining, and I can't wait to see what trouble his unusual luck leads him into next time!"


His eyes turned back to the one in his arms. Softly raking over the peaceful features. Stuck within their blissful rest as the poison no longer plagued him in the same vehement ways, untensed and eased where his head was slumped against the crux of Seungmin's elbow.

Just who are you?

𓇼༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𖠳  ᐝ  ꕀ ⋆。 ˚ ༝𓇼

On another note, kiss is next chapter 🎉🎉🎉

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