4 ~| Akesh ~ Cheated And Betrayed

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~Turn on captions as you watch the music video!
~Also why do you think Akesh went to see Gehan in such a rush? 🙃



Akesh's stomach churned as he stared at the latest post on Gehan's Instagram. Taken at a beach on a sunny day Gehan layed on the white sand with a girl clinging on to his bare toned torso. They were both smiling so brightly as they posed for a selfie she was taking.

Gehan's eyes were half closed as they were facing the sun and his bare upper body shone in the sunlight that fell upon him despite his precious smile that could have thrown back the light of thousand suns.

His eyes did not flick for a second as he stared at the photo.

The air around Akesh suddenly felt so tight and heated while everything that surrounded him felt so alienated.

He felt as if his back was glued to the chair and his hands to the dinner table. He felt stuck as if he was being held captive by an unknown force.

He began biting the insides of his lips while frowning as he clicked on the comments section.

He knew it was not going to help. He knew it was a bad decision that would makes things even worse. But getting himself in to troubles was a bad habbit he would never learn to unlearn.

"UWU! You two look so good together! 😍 What a good looking pair!😉"

Someone had commented.

"Thanks! That's very sweet of you to say so. ♥" A girl by the username "Natalia_2" had replied.

"So her name is Natalia?"
Akesh thought. He never remembered Gehan mentioning her name.

"Well why would he do so if he is cheating on him with her."
Another thought rushed in to his mind.

And right after it disappeared yet another disturbing thought crept in to his mind.

"Or what if it is the opposite? What if he is cheating on her with YOU?"

Akesh felt himself tense at the very thought of it. His head clogged up from the thoughts that rushed around like grey clouds before a storm.

"Why the hell are you looking at the phone screen as if it murdered your entire family?"

Hiru asked as she tried to reach the bowl of sambar that was right before Akesh.

"Hay you little! Pass me the sambar! DO YOU HEAR ME? "

Ordered the elder as she used her powers on Akesh. The power of being the good girl while Askesh was the black sheep of the family. She was the shining light that brought hope and luck while Akesh was the black cat that brought in misfortune.

Leaving an aggressive puff of air and putting his phone down Akesh pushed the bowl towards his sister. It slid across the table towards Hiru and leaned to the side because of imbalance seconds before Hiru caught it.

"AKESH! Learn to respect food! These children nowadays...UNBELIEVABLE. Like what on earth is wrong with you."

She had to pause for a second to breath in some air.

"Don't you know that there are children in the world that starve to death as you play with your food!"

Grandma's usual chanting fell on deaf ears as Askesh did not even bat an eye at her remarks.

"Amma! It's really not that big of a deal. It is not like he threw it across the room or spilled any of it."
Akesh's mom stated avoiding eye contact with her mother in law.

"And Hiru, why couldn't you go get it by ur self? Don't you have a good pair of functioning legs?"

As usual Askesh had his mom on the palm of his hand dancing to the drumbeat he played.

[A/N - I tried to join 2 Sinhala idioms here. What do you think? Did they fit? ☺]

"Mom stop baying him! Look what he did today! It's all because of you petting him like this! As if he is a small child now! He is eighteen almost."

Hiru complained angrily as she threw her braids to the back. The glare in her black hawk like eyes switched from Akesh to mother.

" Dude's an adult now! "
She pressed the facts on to her mother.

"Speaking of what you did today,"
Their father who stayed as silent as a dead nail all along watching the fight began speaking. The low toned yet heavy voice drew everyone's attention to him making the room fall in to a deep silence.

Akesh felt the hair on the back of his neck stand straight as he heard his father's voice. He stared at the black cover of his phone biting his chapped lips while his fingers tried to mix in the Dosai that had already turned in to mush and clearly did not need any mixing.

"What were you thinking while sneaking out Akesh? What business did you have there at Gehan's place? Wanna get grounded once again?"

His father questioned and Akesh chose to ignore him as usual.

"Dad come on. He is not the type to listen anyways. If he is then he already would have changed."

"Hiru that's enough!"
Mrs. Herath spat at her daughter as she refused to speak in favour of her younger sibling.

Hiru shook her head looking at her mother.

The air suddenly became so stiff and hard to breath for Akesh. He already had a troubled mind because of what he saw and his father was not making it easy for him as well. And even though he was deeply disturbed and troubled by what he saw on his Instagram feed it was not something he could explain to his parents to ease his mind.

They would listen to him. But they would not understand. They would hear his explanation, watch him unravel his story but they would not understand.

It was not something he could have a conversation about and openly discuss. Because he knew he would get cussed at and ridiculed.

He would better endure the pain by himself than expecting others to empathise him. True, he did wish for a companion to share his thoughts but what he wanted was not someone that would pity him and feel sorry for him.
But someone that would understand his situation and encourage him to stay strong.

And for Akesh the closest he ever got to meeting someone like that was his meeting with Gehan few years ago. But now with what was happening and how situations have changed Askesh doubted that as well.

Was Gehan really the guy that he knew few years ago?
Were they on the same page when it comes to their relationship?
Was that even a relationship?

Akesh's mind was clouded by these thoughts as he laid on his bed after being lectured by his father on his irresponsible behaviour.


Hay snowdrops!
[that's what I'm gonna call you readers 😏]
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