5~| Akesh // On The Way To School

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🙂 Listen to the song! What do you think about it? It's a song I learnt in my literature class....... 🙂

Song ~ Cat Stevens Father and Son


Akesh sipped on the hot black coffee as he flipped through the pages of his grade 11 science textbook. The bag of spiced cassava chips layed empty at the left corner of his study table. He sighed as he found the pages that had the activity that they were given as homework last Friday.

Fifty-six questions on organs!

Akesh groaned in frustration as he looked at the two pages of questions that were waiting to be answered.

"The hell!"
He cursed.

And after breathing in the soothing smell of coffee he began reading the questions and flipping through the pages, fishing for answers. The previous owner of the book was a heavenly angel for he had noted down some answers in the text book making things easy for Akesh to copy them without thinking twice.

Two hours later and three coffee mugs later Akesh was done with his homework.

He crept on to his bed and hid himself under the cosy cover because he was feeling cold.

"A nice cold or a sore throat tomorrow morning would be perfect!" Akesh secretly thought as he snuggled up.

He knew his mother would be worried about him and would ask him to either stay at home or go visit their family doctor. Either way, he would miss school and his plan would work just the way he wanted.


All his dreams of the night stayed imprisoned in his bedroom room the following day as he left for school as healthy as a teenager could ever be.

The morning sun painted half of his face gold as his father drove the van on the road that ran through a huge paddy field. They had left the residential area fifteen minutes ago and Akesh breathed in the fresh morning air as he yawned looking at the fields.

The white long trousers and snow-white shirt contrasted with his black bag and shoes. His unruly ink-black hair was combed to the side making a more decent man out of himself, hiding the jerk inside. The morning sun shone like a golden sheet above his black hair.


Akesh turned his head back as Hiru called him.

His sister who was at the back had a burger in her stretched out hand.

"Have it!"

She commanded and Akesh obeyed.

Skipping meals had been a usual habit of his since he stopped playing basketball as well as swimming. Part of the reason why was because there was no need for energy in the morning. He did not have any morning training sessions nor was going to school a laborious task. Also, he had been sleeping till his mother comes to wake him up most of the time.

And getting up late did not leave him enough time to grab a good meal and he was used to not having a wholesome breakfast by now and always relied on the canteen lunch of the school.

But when Hiru offered him the burger he eagerly took it and began eating it right away.

"Isn't that your lunch burger?" Mr. Herath, their father asked taking his eyes off the road for a second.

"Yes dad, but it's fine can you stop by" The Delicate"? Today is Neha's birthday. I need to buy us some pastries. " She said.

" And oh... don't mind me if I was late we are going on a date with our friends."
She announced all of a sudden appearing to be super thrilled and excited about the date.

" You cunning wixen! ". Akesh frowned as he glared at her through the rear view mirror.

" You really is smart. Saying that right now because you know that dad would definitely let you go on that date!"

The Delicate was a sweets/ pastry shop that was near their school and it was quite known for their lovely and cute interior and baked goods!

Akesh knew the owner's son was one of his classmates because he brought sweets for the new year for their New Year celebrations at school.

A skinny ass dude that was an obedient sheep to the shepherd and did everything according to the book. At least according to what Akesh know about him as an outsider to his life.

The rest of the journey to Akesh's school went smoothly despite Hiru's complaints about "The Delicate" being closed on her "special day". Whatever that means.

And Akesh sat through the ride thinking happily that Hiru was having a worse day than him for the first time in history. But little did he know the bitter surprises life had in store for him the moment he stepped out of the van into the school through the giant doors of Central College Colombo.

Hi snowdrops, Nethuka said that he wanted to have a word with you!
"Hi there... So I'm Nethuka! 👋🏼😊 I just wanna say while going through my Science home work I was thinking about you... I just wanna say that you are the mitochondria of this book. And... umm... if you did not get it lemme explain you are the powerhouse of this book if this book is a cell!😘 You are the one that keeps it going! So thank you for being here and leaving all those lovely comments and votes! Okay bye! I gotta study"
Okie! Bye Nethuka! And bye Snowdrops 👋🏼Have a nice day/night!
Also one more thing... Oyala kamathi nam Akesh wa ara dewani inime inna thadi kolla widiyata hitha gattata kamak nah...... - smile in pain - I don't watch that teledrama-

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