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Easter rolled around and instead of Harry going to the Malfoy's, everyone was joining them at Riddle Manor where Harry was residing. Tom had, in the few days he was there, given Harry the life he always wanted. The reason he was asked to stay at the Malfoy's for the first night was because Tom was setting up a room for Harry and had gotten him some new clothes for his attire. More dress robes and robes to have the pureblood look without being a true pureblood.

Harry had his own room which was five times the size as Dudley's second bedroom. It was completed with a full bathroom. His bed was a king sized bed but he and Draco only stayed in the middle cuddling. Draco complained that Harry was too far away the first night they stayed so Harry made sure to always hold Draco.

They had separated but only briefly for a few hours when one stayed at the others house. Draco would go back home and then Harry would go hours later. Or Harry would go and Draco would go to his place hours later. They had never been apart for more than five hours.

Harry was alone in his bedroom getting ready. Tom had suggested Harry wore some light colored robes that matched his. He agreed and dressed in them for the day. Harry really liked having Tom as a father. For the dark lord, he was a big softy with a big heart. He even felt incredibly comfortable calling him dad or father.

"Mister Harry, your father requests your presence." A house elf popped into his room and told him.

"Okay, I'll be right down. Thank you." He nodded at the house elf and he disappeared. Harry finished with his hair and then left his room. He found his way to where his father was in his study.

"You requested to see me?" He asked and Tom gave a warm smile.

"Happy Easter." He said motioning for Harry to take a seat. He did and then smiled.

"Happy Easter." He nodded.

"So today after we're gonna eat, the death eaters and I are going to have a meeting. We're planning on attacking soon."

"Okay, and Severus is gonna tell the Light, right?"

"Correct." Tom nodded. "And that's how we'll attack. However I do not want you and Draco to attend while we're meeting so you'll have to keep yourself occupied for the remaining time. It's his turn to sleep here tonight, correct?" He asked.

"Yes it is." Harry grinned. "But we'll keep each other occupied until you're finished. After that, I was wondering if you'd like to sit down with us and watch a film."

"Watch a film?" Tom questioned.

"Yeah. We can set something up and watch it. Draco and I do it all the back at school. It's usually a Wednesday tradition but I think it's a good way to spend the night." Harry explained and Tom smiled.

"Okay Harry, I'd be delighted. What did you have in mind?"

"Well I just finished reading Of Mice and Men so possibly that." Harry shrugged.

"Ah perfect." Tom agreed. "Very well, we can do that. We have an hour or two before everyone arrives, you can take this time to yourself. Have you finished your homework?"

"I did it all the night before we left. They said not to rush it but it wasn't that hard, only took my like three hours."

"Impressive." Tom smiled and then dismissed Harry.

He took this time to prepare something for his boyfriend as a gift of gratitude. Something to say thank you for taking care of him.

The Malfoy's were the first to arrive and Harry greeted his boyfriend with a big hug as Draco kissed his head. They held hands and didn't part even when everyone started to arrive. Blaise and his mother unfortunately, although invited, were not attending for they were going to the Longbottom's.

When they sat down for dinner, Harry and Draco were almost sitting on top of each other.

"Draco, a little room." Lucius scolded so Draco blushed and scooted over a bit. Harry grinned and grabbed Draco's hand under the table.

"Alright everyone, please enjoy the meal, the house elves have been slaving all day." Tom clapped his hands and tons of food appeared. Ham, turkey, lasagna, and fish. They had salad, bread, mashed potatoes, and stuffing as sides. Draco offered to make Harry's plate and Harry allowed him to. He piled some salad, bread, ham, stuffing and turkey before offering it to him.

Harry giggled and then took the plate from his boyfriend as he made his own plate.

"So Harry, what are your plans after Hogwarts?" Bellatrix asked. Harry grinned and swallowed the food in his mouth before answering.

"I wanted to be an Auror however now I see it's a useless trade so I was thinking maybe a professor or even eventually the headmaster." Harry answered.

"I think he'd be better in the ministry though." Draco chimed in. "As head of defense or something."
"That could be a very good job for you Harry, I know Draco wants to go into the Ministry, it would be a great opportunity for the both of you." Narcissa chimed in.

"Ah yes I do believe it would be." Tom chimed in.

The rest of the dinner chatter was not about Harry or Draco but everyone in general. They laughed and ate, enjoying themselves to no end.
For dessert they had Harry's favorite, treacle tart, along with cookies, pudding and cake. They were all stuffed by the time they ended dinner and dessert.

Everyone rested a bit before they went to meet leaving Draco and Harry to themselves.

"Come on, let's go upstairs." Harry tugged on Draco's hand and they started to walk. "I got you something."

"Aww you didn't have to. I didn't get you anything." Draco pouted.

"Don't worry about it." Harry laughed. "I've been thinking a lot about this lately and I think... no I know I'm ready. I figured since we'll be alone for a few hours we can do it."

"Wait." Draco paused. "You're ready for... to have sex with me?" He asked and Harry nodded. He pulled Draco into his room and Draco nearly gasped.

Harry had decorated his room with rose petals and the bed was decorated nicely.

"I know it's a bit cliché but it's my first time and I wanted it to be memorable." Harry turned to Draco who smiled.

"It's beautiful but I wish I did this for you." Draco admitted.

"You can when you top, I want to this time but I'll let you plan it when I'm ready to bottom." Harry said and Draco grinned.

"It's a deal." Harry kissed Draco gently and then pulled him towards the bed. He picked up the present and handed it to him. "I thought the gift was you."

"No doofus." Harry laughed, his nose crinkling. "I actually got you something." He told him. Draco grinned and opened the box revealing a black leathered watch. It wasn't a muggle watch but wizard. One that does other things than tell time like it can show him where anyone is.

"I love it." He told him and placed it on the table. "And I love you."

"I love you too." Harry whispered and then closed the gap between them. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and kissed him back. They fell back on the bed with Harry on top and then started to discard each other's clothes. When a new inch of skin was bare, they would press a kiss to it. When they were finally down to their boxers, Draco paused.

"Wait." He panted and Harry stilled.

"What?" He asked looking into his eyes. They had discarded his glasses after removing his shirt.

"You have lube right?"

"Yeah and condoms." Harry blushed and then coughed as Draco raised his eyebrow. "I may have ordered them."

"Ahh I see you have been planning this." Draco leaned and pressed a gently kiss to his lips. "Okay, we can continue." He said and Harry grinned. He kissed Draco and then moved to his boxer kissing his waist slightly. "Ahh." Draco bit his lip. "Go ahead baby, please." He begged so Harry removed Draco's boxers. He threw them on the ground as Draco's erection sprang up. Harry smirked and gently kissed the head. Draco's hand fisted Harry's hair and he moaned.

It wasn't long after Harry was giving him a full on blowjob that Draco was cumming. Harry swallowed and then kissed Draco's mouth.

"You know what to do, yeah?" He asked and Harry nodded. He grabbed the lube and condoms out of the drawer. He prepped Draco very gently and when it was finally time, Draco was a withering mess. Harry smirked and then took off his boxers. Draco let out a strangled gasp. "Harry! You're fucking hung." He was not expecting that. Even with seeing Harry naked a bunch of times, that was when he was younger. Now he that he was older, he was bigger than Draco even.

"I suppose." He shrugged. "Ready?" He questioned causing Draco to nod. He slipped on a condom and then lubed up more. He stuck the head in and Draco groaned. "Fuck."

"Keep going." Draco wrapped his legs around Harry's waist and Harry pushed in until he was fully there. "Stay put. Fuck, you're bigger than Goyle." He said. "Go ahead." Harry thrusted out and then back in. "Ah yes Harry." Draco called. Harry repeated this processed a few more times having moans slip between both their lips. Harry then got a bit more comfortable and then went faster, when he did that, he hit Draco's prostate. "Ahh yes Harry. Again." He begged.

"Ugh, I'm close." Harry alarmed. He hit Draco's prostate again and again before he was calling out and climaxing. Draco was losing himself seconds later and was vaguely aware of Harry pulling out. He felt himself being brought into arms and then a blanket coving him. "How was that?" Harry asked sleepily.

"Perfect Harry. Just perfect." Draco muttered sleepily. He leaned up and kissed Harry's lips before rubbing his nose against his. "I love you Harry." He mumbled.

"I love you too Draco." Harry was so sleepy that he closed his eyes. Draco smiled and lied his head on Harry's chest. Harry wrapped an arm around him and then they both fell asleep.

Hours later, Tom went to check up on the two having not seeing them since dinner. When he saw they were still sleeping, he grinned and closed the door. They could save the movie for another night.

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