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"So we've planned to attack this Friday. Severus has alerted Dumbledore as far as I know so you will be notified by someone to help fight." Tom told Harry who bit his lip. Tom frowned at the worried look on his new son's face. "Why are you worrying?"

"Lupin would be there?" He asked and Tom sighed.

"There is a chance. All you need to do is act as if you know nothing. I am sure that there is still a little bit of Slytherin in you regardless of Draco telling me you should be a Ravenclaw." Tom smirked as Harry smiled.

"Okay I can do that."

"And Severus will be there to watch over you and Draco. I have already asked him to and he does not mind." Tom expressed. "We're ready to fight Harry. If you don't want to, I shall have you brought to safety. If you want to fight, I'll respect that too." He told him and Harry chewed on his lip. He thought about it for a bit, he knew Draco would not want to fight because he was incredibly sensitive and he feels bad about even killing bugs. So him fighting people was out of the question.

"I think I'll start off there but I don't want to fight." He admitted. "And I know Draco would not want to fight."

"Okay we can arrange that then. We can use you as the diversion and then have someone escort you and Draco out of there."

"What about Neville and Blaise?"

"They can leave too if they wish." Riddle told Harry and then smiled. "Don't worry Harry, we'll be okay."

"You won't die, right?" Harry blurted and Tom shook his head.

"I will not and if I do, you will inherit all of this."

"It's not that. I just got you as a father and I don't want to lose that." Harry confessed and old moldy voldy's heart swelled.

"Then you have my word, I will not die." He said and Harry smiled.

"Good then." Harry chuckled and then cleared his throat. "May I ask you something?"


"Who was the one who attacked Neville's parents?" He asked and Riddle frowned sighing slightly.

"It was a member of the light." He paused. "It was Peter Pettigrew, he was supposed to be on our side but the little rat he is, he worked for the Light." He explained. "He was the one who told Remus where you all were."

"Well I will be sure to tell Neville and have him handle it the way he would like." Harry said and Tom nodded.

"Very well." He nodded. "Are you all packed?"

"Sure am." Harry grinned. "I should get going."

"The Malfoy's are taking you?"

"Yes, I'm gonna floo there and then we'll apparate there. So I'll see you soon?" Harry questioned and Tom grinned.

"Yes, I will see you this Friday. I'll owl you the plans."

"Perfect, thank you." Harry got up and nodded at his new father before exiting his office. He walked to his room and grabbed his trunk before going towards the fireplace he had in his room. He walked in, called out the Malfoy Manor, and then landed in their foyer.

"There you are, I was beginning to worry." Harry looked at his boyfriend who was wearing a smile on his face. Harry grinned and embraced his boyfriend.

"Father was talking to me about what's going to go down."

"Yeah my parents told me as well. We're not going to fight are we?" He asked and Harry stroked Draco's face gently.

"I've already made arrangements to bring us to a safe place. Blaise and Neville are allowed to come too if they decide to."

"Perfect." Draco leaned down and pressed a kiss on his lips. Harry kissed him back but wasn't able to deepen it because Lucius and Narcissa walked into the room.

"Hello Harry, we didn't hear you come in." Narcissa called as they pulled away. Harry blushed and coughed slightly.

"Ah well I just floo here not too long about." Harry explained and then wrapped an arm around Draco's waist.

"Are you all ready? We should leave soon." Lucius interrupted.

"Yup." Harry agreed. "We're apparating?"

"Yeah, you'll be okay though." Draco rubbed his back gently before pressing a kiss to his temple. "We're ready." He said so Lucius nodded and grabbed both of their trunk, shrinking them and giving them back. They placed them in their pocket and then grabbed Lucius' arm as did Narcissa. They apparated away and then landed at Kings Cross.

Harry coughed up a bit so Draco rubbed his back.

"Okay okay, Portakey next time." Draco promised as Harry straightened up.

"It's okay." Harry smiled and they said goodbye to his parents. They boarded the train and then found a compartment near the back. Harry instantly lied down and put his head on Draco's lap. "I love you."

"I love you too. You had a good break, yeah?"

"It was perfect." Harry admitted. They hadn't had sex since that first time. Between then and now, it was just cuddling and kisses.

"I think so too." Draco leaned down and rubbed his nose against Harry's.

"Oh isn't that cute." Blaise slid open the door and then sat down.

"Where's Neville?" Harry asked.

"He's not here yet but told me he'll be here soon."

"Okay." Harry sighed and then closed his eyes. There was a silence before there was a sharp intake by Blaise.

"You had sex!" He blurted and Harry nearly fell off the seat.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"Because the way Draco is looking at you is how he looked at me the first time we had sex." Blaise smiled cheekily. "Merlin, this is huge!"

"So is Harry." Draco muttered causing Harry to slap him playfully as Blaise gasped.

"And you topped too?" He laughed. "This is amazing. I'm so happy for you!" He yelled and Neville walked in as he was celebrating.

"Um what did I miss?"

"Well the celebrity couple here, has done the do." Blaise laughed as Harry blushed heavily.

"Blaise." Draco and Neville both scolded.

"Aww come on, it's great!" Blaise cheered. Harry sat up and rolled his eyes.

"Ah shut it Zabini." Harry laughed. "But it was pretty great."

"Harry." Draco squeaked.

"Ahh Drake, was he better than me?" Draco refused to answer Blaise's teasing and buried his face into Harry's shoulder. Harry giggled and pressed a kiss on his head. He needed to laugh today because this week would be utter hell.


Harry was reading in the bathtub when there was a knock at the door.

"Yeah?" He called.

"Can I come in?" Draco knocked on the door lightly.

"Yeah sure." He invited so Draco walked in with just his boxers. Harry placed his book out of the bathtub. "Come join me." He said so Draco grinned and slipped out of boxers before getting into the tub. He was sitting so he was against one end of the tub as Harry was on the other. Their legs intertwining as he got settled. They smiled at each other as Draco slid further into the bubbles.

"This is so relaxing." Draco commented. "Are you happy to be back?"

"Not really." Harry shrugged. "You know what Dumbledore said to me?"

"Oh right, he wanted to see you." Draco nearly slapped himself for forgetting to ask. "What did he say?"

"That we needed to be prepared for Friday and that I shouldn't trust you because of your family's affiliation with the Dark Lord."

"What did you tell him?"

"I played dumb and asked him what he meant. He wasn't too happy about it but he explained that there may be an attack on Friday." Harry explained. "I told him that I will keep an eye out. I can't believe that even with this whole deaging and reaging thing, he still doesn't trust you." Harry rolled his eyes.

"At least you don't trust him. Are you sure you don't want to fight? You and The Dark Lord could easily defeat him together." He suggested but Harry shook his head.

"No, I don't want to fight. I'm tired of fighting." He admitted. "I just want to escape and hide away for a while. Be with no one but my boyfriend and my friends if they decide to come."

"Okay." Draco nodded and then blew Harry a kiss. "I get that and I want the same thing."

"Well good because I'd drag you there whether you wanted to come or not."

"Very funny Harry." Draco rolled his eyes and then bit his lip. He looked at Harry a bit disconcerted. "Have you thought about Weasley lately?"

"No, why?"

"What if he decides to fight and finds one of us? Or Lupin? What if he tries to finish you off?" He asked and Harry's heart clenched painfully at the mention of his betrayer.

"Do you think Sirius knew about Lupin?" Harry asked softly causing Draco to lean his hand forward and grasp Harry's hand.

"I can't answer that for him but if he did, he probably watched him very carefully to make sure he didn't hurt you." Draco answered and Harry nodded.

"Okay." He spoke softly. "If he tries to finish me off, let him."


"He won't go through with it." Harry interrupted. "He can't."

"He most certainly can." Draco outraged.

"No because he's too much of a coward to do to himself and he won't get close to father enough to do the spell. It would have to be Voldemort to kill me, he started it, it would have to be him." Harry replied. "Plus he's learned how to throw off the spell."

"Since that night?" He asked and Harry nodded. "And you?"

"I can throw it off."

"Good, if we get caught, I don't want to be stuck in any kind of situation."

"Don't worry love, I got you." Harry smirked. He leaned in encouraging Draco to do the same. Their lips met in the middle and they rested their forehead together. Harry casted a warming charm to make the water warmer. "Draco?"

"Yes Harry?"

"Do you remember the first night back?" He asked.

"How could I get forget?" He replied and he felt Harry swallow.

"Just so you know, you were the only one who kept me grounded. I would have done it if you were never in my life. I had this sliver of hope that somewhere inside, you cared about me too." Harry admitted and Draco's heart swelled enormously. "You saved my life."

"And I will continue saving it from this day on." He promised. Harry kissed Draco once more, it was another way to say thank you. But not for raising him and giving him the best second childhood. But for being the sweetest and most caring boyfriend he could ever hope for.

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