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The night before the attack, Draco was so panicked that something would go wrong that the suggested that they made love. Harry agreed so they did. Harry topped and they very slowly and passionately made love.

When they finished, Draco lied down on top of Harry as Harry wrapped his arms around him.

"Come on, let's sleep, we're gonna need it."

"I love you baby." Draco whispered as he buried his face into Harry's bare chest.

"I love you back angel." Harry murmured and then fell asleep.

However, he wasn't asleep for long for he had incredibly awful nightmare.

"Guys, I have something I need to say." Harry started as he looked at the Weasley's. The ones he called family. Arthur, Molly, Ron, Ginny and Hermione sat in front of as everyone else was out.

"Go ahead Harry, you can tell us."

"I'm gay." He blurted. "I like men." He admitted. He waited several seconds and BAM! The eruption came.

"Harry James Potter! That is the most disgusting thing you've ever said!" Molly scolded. "Get out of the house!"


"Harry, maybe this is just a phase." Hermione spoke. "I mean, Ginny and you are meant to be together."

"No, I like guys."

"Out of the house you vile creature!" Molly shot a hex at Harry who couldn't dodge in time. He cried out in pain and tried to run away.

"Hey shh, it's okay." He felt himself being moved so Draco could hold him. He let out a soft cry as Draco rubbed his back. "What was it about?"

"Me telling the Weasley about being gay." Harry sniffled and then snuggled into Draco's neck. He had flipped them so they were on their sides. Harry let a few tears fall freely as Draco kissed his neck.

"They aren't worth the tears anymore Harry, not a single one of them."

"Fred and George are though. They love me for who I am." Harry mentioned so Draco ran a hand through Harry's locks.

"Okay everyone, save the twins, will get what they're asking for. We'll win this Harry and you'll see why they aren't worth your tears." Draco kissed Harry's cheek and then gave him a hard squeeze. "Go back to sleep."

"I love you."

"I love you too." They slowly fell sleep, cuddled up, mangled as one.

From the moment they woke up, all hell was about to break loose. Classes were canceled in fear that the attack would occur during classes. The students were under mandatory lockdown. Harry was pulled from his chambers and brought to Dumbledore's office where he was questioned.

"He wants to fight today Harry and you're the only one who is able to destroy him." Dumbledore explained.

"Oh but sir, I don't think I am ready."

"Harry my boy, ready or not, here he comes." Dumbledore told him gravely. Harry bit his lip and shook his head.

"I can't do it." Harry admitted.

"Harry, I'm sorry but there is no other choice." Dumbledore stood up. "Let's go my boy." He told him so Harry stood. Very discreetly, using his wand, he sent an alarm to Severus. This would alert him it's starting.

He brought Harry out of his office and towards the Great Hall where the main people of the Order were.

"It's good to see you Harry." Remus Lupin was the first to greet Harry as they walked in. It took everything for Harry not to kill the man who stood in front of him.

"Remus." Harry gasped.

"Are you ready to fight?" He asked and Harry just shook his head. His wand vibrated in his pocket indicating that they were ready.

"No I'm not." He started to back towards the door. "I'm not fighting."

"Harry we went over this." Dumbledore started but Harry shook his head.

"I'm not fighting for you." He hissed and then smirked. With a wave of his wand, he opened the closed doors of the Great Hall. "I believe you've met my father." He smirked as Voldemort walked in with his army.

"Ah thank you for that introduction Harry." Voldemort smirked at the shocked faces of the Order. He wrapped his arm around Harry. "But I do believe it time for you to go."

"Wait before I do." He paused before he hissed out something in parseltongue before Nagini slithered in. She slithered towards Remus as the man tried desperately to get away as the other watched in shock.

He screamed when he was bit and Harry's eyes narrowed.

"That one is for my parents, traitor." He sneered and then turned to his father. "Win this for us."

"Stay safe Harry." Harry hugged his father before he was taken away by Severus.

They apparated to an undergrown cabin hidden deep in the woods under tens of trees. When they landed, Harry coughed up a bit.

"You'll be safe here, it's charmed as well so no one can find it other than myself and the dark lord. We don't know how long it'll take but hopefully soon. Stay well." He said before apparating away.

There was a loud stomping and doors opening before he was enveloped in a big hug.

"Harry! I was so worried!" Draco nearly cried as Harry wrapped his arms around.

"We're safe Draco, we're safe." He told Draco.

"Were you hurt?"

"Nope, I'm okay." Harry kissed the side of his face. "Are the others here?"

"Yes they're already breaking in their bed upstairs. We have the bedroom down here just off the kitchen."

"Sounds perfect." Harry pulled away and then kissed Draco's lips. "So what do you want to do?"

"I'll make us some food, I don't know about you but I am starving."

"I am too but you don't want to wait for Blaise and Neville?" He asked and Draco laughed.

"I'm sure they'll venture down once they smell food." He gripped Harry's hand tightly and then pulled him towards the kitchen. "Do you want a tour first?" He questioned.

"Yes then food." Harry nodded so they walked into the kitchen. It was half where you make the food and half where you eat separated by a counter.

"There's no formal dining room but it'll work. This is obviously the kitchen and we were just in the family room." Draco pulled Harry out into a hallway that was just off the kitchen. It was a dead end but there were two rooms on either side of the hall. "One is the bathroom and the other is our room. It's a small place but we won't be here for long." Draco pulled Harry towards their room and then brought them in. Despite being a small cabin, it was a pretty good size room. Sure it was smaller than his at home but it was a comfortable size. The bed was a queen and their dressers were pushed up against the other side. They each had one closet and there was a television so Harry grinned.

"Guess we can still have movie nights." Harry smiled. They back tracked towards the stairs and walked up them. There were just two hallways with a room down one and two doors down the other. Harry guessed from the noises he was hearing from the hallway to his right that Blaise and Neville's room was down there.

"There's a library down here." Draco pulled Harry down the hall in front of them. They walked into the room that had no door. It had to be the biggest room in the whole house for it housed hundreds of books. "This could be a nice way to spend our days."

"I can think of other ways we can spend our days." Harry whispered kissing Draco gently. Draco smiled and kissed Harry back. He slipped his tongue inside his mouth causing Harry to wrap his arms around Draco's waist. Draco groaned and pulled away.

"We can later, I swear if I don't eat now, I'll starve to death." He feigned fainting.

"Alright." Harry laughed. "Let's go." Harry pulled him from the library and towards where they heard the faint noise of sex being finished. "Are we allowed to do magic here?"

"Severus said it should be used scarcely unless it's an emergency. Told us that even that he and the dark lord know this place that we can be tracked." He answered and then they walked into the kitchen. Harry saw a radio so he clicked it on and tuned it before getting a signal. Draco had walked to the fridge before pulling out some frozen pizzas. One with cheese, one with peperoni and one with spinach.

The death toll has risen to ten, two death eaters and eight from the order. Unfortunately one Remus Lupin was killed by none other than Harry Potter himself using Nagini before he apparated away with Severus Snape. The whereabouts of Harry Potter are unknown at this time.

Harry turned off the radio and looked up as Draco was staring at him. Draco was surprised that Harry actually killed him.

"I-I'm sorry." Harry whispered. "He killed my parents. I couldn't let him get away with that." Draco sighed and wrapped Harry into a big hug.

"I don't blame you Harry." Draco whispered and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "I'm sorry I broke my promise."

"Don't be. You weren't there." Harry buried his face into Draco's neck and let out a sigh. "I didn't mean to kill him."

"It's okay. He deserved it anyway." Draco promised and then pulled away. "You sit, okay? I'll put these in the oven."

"You don't know how to use the oven."

"Well then after you use it, you can sit." Draco smirked causing Harry to laugh.

So Harry preheated the oven and then placed all three of the pizzas in there. He then walked over to the table to sit on Draco's lap. He did and cuddled up to his boyfriend.

As the pizzas heated up, they started to fill the house with a delicious scent which brought the two love birds down.

"Smells delicious." Blaise was wearing just sweatpants as Neville was wearing boxers and Blaise's shirt.

"Harry when did you get here?" Neville questioned.

"I'd say around round two or three." Draco muttered causing Harry to giggle, Blaise to smirk and Neville to blush.

"Remus is dead." Harry admitted. "I used Nagini to kill him."

"Well that's too bad." Blaise shrugged. "When will the pizzas be ready?"

"About five minutes." Harry answered smiling slightly at his lack of concern. "Worked up an appetite?"

"Merlin yes." Blaise took a seat at the table. "So what are we going to do here? I figure we'll be here for a days."

"Well we can read, play games, watch some telly, have sex-" Harry started but was interrupted by Blaise.

"Ooo we should have sex with each other. I get Harry next." Blaise winked causing Harry to bark out a laugh.

"Shush." Neville chided slapping Blaise's arm gently. He sat on Blaise's lap and pressed a kiss to his head.

"Well the pizzas are almost done so make yourselves comfortable." Harry got off of Draco's lap and walked towards the oven. He turned on the radio and it was the same channel as before.

Death toll has risen to twenty with an even number of losses from both sides. The order had unfortunately lost none other than Kinsley Shacklebot. The biggest death to the death eaters to have died is Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black.

Harry turned it off and then looked at Draco. He took a deep breath before letting it out shakily.

"S-she's dead?" He asked.

"I'm so sorry Draco." Harry apologized. He just shrugged and shook his head.

"It's what war entails. C-can we not listen to the radio anymore? I don't think I want to know."

"Sure baby." Harry agreed and the pulled out the pizzas. He served them all and then sat on Draco's lap.

"Where did all the other students go?" Neville asked. "They were on lockdown but I don't know how well that would go over."

"Death eaters don't want to hurt children. They're probably safe where they are." Blaise answered. As they chatted a bit about the war, Harry looked at his boyfriend.

"You're being quiet." He mentioned and Draco just hugged Harry very tightly.

"Don't ever leave my side." He pleaded.

"I won't." Harry assured.

"Promise?" He asked and Harry kissed his lips. He pulled away and looked Draco into the eyes before whispering,


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