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Harry turned over and wrapped an arm around his boyfriend who was still slumbering. It had been three days with no word of the war ending. Occasionally when Draco wasn't around, Harry would listen to the radio to get insight on who died.

There was no word on Dumbledore or Riddle so Harry wasn't panicked yet. There would definitely be word on either of their deaths.

Harry pressed a kiss to Draco's head and then got out the bed. He left the room and wandered into the kitchen where Blaise was sitting at the table drinking some tea.

"Morning." Harry greeted.

"Morning." Blaise greeted back. "Draco still asleep?"

"Yeah, Neville?"

"Mhmm." Blaise nodded. "I had the radio on before." He mentioned. "The death toll reached 100."


"No one has seen Dumbledore nor Riddle so it's not over." He explained and then swallowed. "We lost another one."

"Yeah? Who?" Harry asked pouring himself some tea.

"Greyback." Blaise replied.

"Are the Malfoy's still alive?" He asked and Blaise nodded.

"As far as I know." Blaise answered and then they heard footsteps. Arms wrapped around Harry's front as a chin rested on his shoulder.

"Morning." Draco rasped.

"Ah there is my lovely boyfriend." Harry cooed. "How'd you sleep?"

"Great. What were you talking about?" He asked with a yawn and Harry just patted the side of his face.

"Just how long we'll be here."

"I think another few days." Draco muttered. "Can I have some of your tea?" He questioned so Harry handed it to him. After Draco took a sip, Harry kissed his lips.

"Hopefully not much longer." Harry told him. They heard more footsteps until Neville emerged. He looked incredibly pale and horribly disturbed.

"Nev, what's wrong?" Blaise stood up and rushed over to Neville.

"I was listening to the radio upstairs." He mentioned and then looked straight at Blaise. "He's killed McGonagall." He let out a cry of distress before hiding his face into Blaise's neck.

"Hey shh, who did?"

"Dumbledore." He sobbed. "He killed her because she confronted him."

"Shh it's okay." Blaise rubbed Neville's back. "Did anyone else die?" He asked and Neville nodding whispering something into Blaise's ear. "Shit."

"What? Who was it?" Draco asked. Blaise glanced at him before whispering something to Neville. "Blaise!"

"Shh baby." Harry hushed. "Blaise?"

"Your father Draco." He said. "They killed Lucius." He told Draco who just shook his head.

"N-no." He shook his head. "You're... you're wrong. He's not dead." Draco refused to admit it.

"I'm so sorry." Neville gasped out.

Harry caught Draco as he fell. He held Harry tightly before sobbing into his arms.

"Come on baby." Harry pulled him up and rushed him from the room to their room. He lied Draco on the bed where he lied with his face buried in Harry's neck. He cried for almost an hour before he pulled away.

"D-do you think h-he's really dead?" Draco gasped out. Harry ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"I'm sure he is." Harry spoke softly. "I'm sorry." Draco didn't say anything, he just curled into Harry more and let a few more tears fall. Harry ran a hand through Draco's hair allowing the boy to fall asleep. Once he did, he untangled himself and walked back into the kitchen. Luckily, Neville and Blaise were still there.

"I'll be right back." He muttered.

"What? Where do you think you're going?" Blaise hopped up as Harry made a portakey out a spoon.

"To get revenge. If I'm not back before he wakes up, tell him I love him." Harry said before using the portakey. He whirled around and landed in the middle of Hogwarts or what was left of it. It was in ruins, with bunch of broken walls and statues. Harry rushed throughout the castle and hit head on with someone.

"Ooo I've been waiting to do this." The menacing smirk hissed. Harry was face to face with his old best friend, Ronald Weasley.

"What's the matter blood traitor? Finally realized how pathetic you are?" Harry sneered. Ron snarled and raised his wand but Harry was quicker.

"Crucio!" He shouted and Ron withered in pain. He didn't hold him under for long, just long enough to get away. He ran down the corridors and found Severus.

"Harry!" He said incredibly shocked. "What are you doing here?"

"Getting revenge for Draco." He sneered.

"So you've been listening." He mentioned and Harry nodded. "Well he was spotted on the Astronomy tower, no one has been able to get up there."

"Leave that to me." Harry nodded his head and rushed away.

The more he ran, the more adrenalin rushed through him. He was so pumped. This was it.

He had had run in with a few people but he took care of them. He got to the tower and Riddle was just outside the door.

"Father." Harry called and Tom looked up. He was obviously beaten up but he was surprised to see Harry.

"Harry? I thought you were at the safe house."

"I need to do this, let me." Tom nodded and Harry walked over to the barricaded door.

"Come out old man, let's finish this like adults."

As Harry playing the part of the hero, Draco had woken up in a panic and when Harry wasn't there, he went on a rampage.

"No, no, no!" He stomped on the ground. "He did not go!" He protested.

"Yes he did." Blaise sighed. "He said he wanted to get revenge."

"I didn't ask him too!" He yelled.

"Well he's a boneheaded Gryffindor!"

"I didn't raise him to be!" Draco outraged and then threw a mug to the ground before sniffling. "I can't lose him too." He added. Blaise walked over to him and hugged him tightly.

"You won't." Blaise promised. "He'll be back." He rubbed his arm and then pulled away. "Come on, we'll all sit in your room and watch some of the telly, cuddle, you know?" Blaise suggested and Draco was too distraught to protest. So that's where they went, they cuddled while watching the history channel, Draco's favorite.


It was dark. Really dark so Draco figured it was late at night. Harry hadn't come back so Neville and Blaise shared the bed with him.

He got out of bed and walked towards the kitchen where he saw a dim light. His heart pounded as he continued to travel to where it was. He gripped his wand and was ready to use it as he entered the kitchen. There was a figure in the kitchen so he jolted and pointed his wand.

"Stupefy!" He shouted and the figure flew across the room. He sprawled on to the ground so Draco walked up to him. He looked down and gasped. "Harry?!"

"Nice to see you too." Harry laughed gently. Draco pulled him up and into a big hug.

"You're back!" He cheered and then pulled away before slapping Harry. "How dare you leave!"

"Sorry baby, I needed to." Harry pulled Draco back to him. "We won." He told Draco who looked at Harry closely. He noticed a few cuts and bruises but other than that, he was smiling. "We killed him together.'

"... Really?" Draco questioned.

"Yes and I would have been home sooner but I was being questioned about everything." He said.

"W-we can leave soon?"

"Severus is coming later today." Harry gently stroked Draco's face. "Your mother is fine by the way. Your father risked his life to save her and she's alive because of him." Harry expressed. Draco looked at Harry so Harry answered the unasked questioned. "Molly Weasley." Draco's eyes started to tear up so Harry brought him to sit. "Your mother killed her right then and there. She's a tough one Draco."

"She is." Draco agreed so Harry hugged him.

"You'll get through this."

"Who else?"

"No one you were close to." Harry told him. "I'm exhausted, let's sleep."

"Neville and Blaise have our bed so the couch is the next best thing."

"Why not their bed?" Harry questioned and Draco grimaced.

"They're deviants." He hissed and Harry giggled agreeing. So they walked over to the couch and lied down. Draco kissed his face as Harry nearly fell asleep right away. "I'm so proud of you."

"I love you." Harry told him and Draco peppered kisses all over Harry's face. Harry grinned and wrapped his arms around Draco.

"I love you too." Draco admitted. He allowed Harry to fall asleep as he watched him. He wasn't that tired so watching Harry was the next best thing. He grinned thinking of the year it had been. From raising him to dating him, Draco knew he was one lucky man to have Harry Riddle in his life. He risked his own life for Draco and he never even asked. Draco knew he had caught himself a good one.


"Mother!" Draco shouted as he saw his mother for the first time in days. She looked worn but was excited to see her baby boy.

He embraced her tightly as Harry stood next to his father. His father wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close.

"It's been a long few days Harry." He mentioned. "I don't know about you but I am ready to go home."

"I am too. I am ready for a long nap in my own bed."

"Sleep does sound good at this moment." Tom laughed. Harry looked as Draco cried with his mother, finally mourning the loss of everyone they lost as a family together.

"Will they be okay?" Harry asked.

"With time." Riddle explained. "How about you? Are you going to be alright?"

"I will." He admitted. "So um, what now?"

"Well after we finished getting question, we'll provide some memories and then we should be in the clear. That should show we did what we needed to to bring him down." He sighed. "Now go hug your boyfriend and tell him that you love him." Harry, who had been looking at Tom, looked at Draco. He was staring back at him with teary eyes so Harry trotted over to him. He gently gripped Draco neck and dipped him before pressing a kiss to his lips. It was the first time Harry ever initiated public display of affection. Draco let out a soft sob before wrapping his arms around Harry's head. They pulled away and Draco looked in Harry's green eyes.

"Word cannot describe how much I love you Draco Malfoy." Harry grinned. "You're going to be okay." Draco just held Harry tightly and snuggled into his neck.

"I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend Harry. I love you too." He told Harry and meant it. Despite being a child months prior, he loved Harry like they had been together for years. 

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