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It was Draco's 17th birthday and he was celebrating it with a small party. His mother, his boyfriend, Riddle, Blaise, Neville and Severus. It was also the first birthday without his father which he figured would be okay. It was already two months since the war and he was trying to grieve properly. With the help of Harry, he was able to do it.

Since the war, their lives had gotten better. Everyone saw the Order and their leader Dumbledore for who he really was. The living order members were tried and sentenced. Harry was given a medal of honor for everything he's endured while being under the control of Dumbledore. He refused to accept it and allowed his father to take it.

"Almost ready?" Harry asked standing at the door of his boyfriend's room. He sighed when he realized Draco was still only in his boxers as he was sitting in front of the mirror. "Draco." He whined.

"I'm just removing some unneeded hair." He answered. He hissed as he used his wand to trim his happy trail.

"Draco, you're perfect and smooth already. If you don't get a move on, we'll be late to your own party. And it's just downstairs." Harry teased and Draco sighed.

"Fine." Draco stood up and waved his wand muttering a spell. He was dressed and ready to go. "I'm ready." Harry grinned and stuck out his hand for him to take. Draco did and they started towards the party room. He gently started to swing their hands between one another.

"Are you excited for your party?"

"I guess. I'm happy to be spending it with everyone I'm close to." Draco shrugged.

"Well they're happy to be spending it with you too." Harry leaned over and kissed his temple. "I have a two gifts for you." Harry started with a smirk. "One is a proposition and the other is an actual gift."

"Well yes to the proposition, I have a feeling I know what it is. What is the actual gift?"

"I'll give it to you when we get downstairs." Harry smiled.

Draco was giddy with excitement by the time they got to the party room. There was a long table filled with food on one side and on the other were piles of gifts. Narcissa was on the gift side with something furry in her arms.

"Close your eyes." Harry whispered so Draco did. Harry walked over to Narcissa and gently took the little fur ball from her. He cradled it and brought it back to Draco. "Open them." Harry commanded and he did. He saw the little thing in his arms and gasped.

"You got me a bunny?" He shouted.

"Sure did. It's a palomino rabbit." He told him and handed the bunny over. "You get to name it."

"How about... Bugs?"

"Bugs Bunny?" Harry laughed. "I think we watch a little too much cartoons." Harry scratched the top of the bunny's head. "But it's cute." Draco leaned in and pecked his lips.

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome. Now come on, let's celebrate your birthday." Harry suggested and Draco agreed. He walked over to the table where Neville and Blaise were already sitting so he sat next to Blaise as Harry took a seat next to him. Riddle took a seat at the 'adult side' where Severus and Narcissa were seated.

"Draco dear, would you like to sit at the head?" His mother asked and Draco glanced at the head of the table. The chair was empty for that's where Lucius usually sat. He shook his head slightly and smiled gently.

"It's father's seat. He's here with us in spirt." He told his mother who nodded once in acknowledgment and smiled slightly. She remained standing and lifted her glass as did everyone including Draco who also had a hand on his bunny.

"Today is Draco's 17th birthday. Although it's a small celebration, it's grand in different ways. Draco, I know your father was very proud of you as much as I am. You're becoming quite the gentlemen and we're very proud of your decisions in life." Her eyes wandered to Harry who blushed slightly. Draco laughed and kissed Harry's temple. "To Draco."

"To Draco." Everyone spoke in unison and took a sip of their wine.

The first course of the dinner popped up and it was a ravioli dish. Draco gently put his bunny on the ground to allow Bugs to hop around but he made sure the bunny stayed close. He also wanted to hold Harry's hand so it was difficult to do that with only one hand open which he would have used for eating.

"It's so good." He moaned and Harry nodded.

"Yeah I think so too. And I'm not too much of a pasta person." Harry mentioned.

"Hmm I didn't know that." Draco frowned but Harry grinned.

"It's fine. We didn't eat much of it anyway." He shrugged. "Are you having a nice birthday so far?"

"One of the bests." Draco admitted. The conversation shifted from side conversations to a group conversation. Talking about Draco, talking about the year and talking about different relationships.

As the food courses changed so did the topics of conversations. Harry even talked about the Dursley's a bit. He didn't share anything too personal just a funny story of how he accidentally sent a python on Dudley once. Accidental magic.

Draco thought the story was so funny he nearly choked on his salmon. Blaise thought it was funny too but he wasn't eating, he was drinking so he spit all his wine all over Severus Snape. If looks could kill, Blaise would have been dead twice over. Harry giggled at the face Severus was giving as did Neville.

For dessert, they had a big chocolate cake and sang Happy Birthday to the birthday boy. Draco was feeling a bit naughty, he was handing Harry a piece and then smashed it in his face. Harry got the last laugh though for he pulled Draco into a sloppy chocolatey kiss.

Draco decided not to open his gifts in front of everyone but the party still went on. Everyone lingered until they started to leave one by one. It was only Harry and Draco who remained as well as Narcissa.

Before retiring to bed, Draco picked up Bugs and then cradled him to his chest.

"Are you ready for your second gift?" Harr questioned. Draco looked at him sideways, he had forgotten all about it.

"What is it?" He asked so Harry leaned in and whispered something into his ear. "Are you sure?" He asked and Harry nodded so Draco smiled. "Okay then yes." Draco smiled.

They walked to Draco's bedroom and Draco put Bugs in a little cage where he started to eat. Draco took Harry by the hand and brought him to the bed. As Harry sat, Draco stayed standing, kissing Harry gently.

"Are you positive?"

"Positive." Harry agreed so Draco kissed Harry harder, straddling his thighs.

Clothes started to be discarded until it was just skin on skin. It was slow and Draco tried to prepare Harry as much as he could. When he first slipped inside, Harry only winced slightly. Draco had stayed put and ran his fingers through his hair until it was okay. Once Harry gave the go, Draco gently thrusted causing Harry to let out a soft groan of pleasure.

The more he got used to it, the better it felt. By the end, he was clawing at Draco's back which he was sure would be there for a while. Draco didn't mind though, he liked showing the proof of his love.

When they finished, Harry was smiling lopsidedly and cuddled up to Draco. Draco kissed the side of his neck so Harry turned around. He kissed Draco's lips.

"Happy birthday, baby." Harry whispered and Draco rubbed his nose against Harry's nose.

"I love you."

"I love you back." Harry whispered. He slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep in Draco's arms as Draco fell asleep in his.


Draco and Harry were sitting outside of Harry's manor as they let Bugs roam around. It was a warmer day so they decided to spend it not in the house for once.

"Draco, can I talk to you about something?" Harry asked softly and Draco looked at him.

"Yeah sure, what's the matter?" He asked and Harry grinned.

"I've talk to your mother about this and she thinks it's a marvelous idea but she specified for us not to do it until we get older." Harry started and Draco looked at Harry curiously.

"Harry?" He croaked.

"I want to marry you." Harry told him. But before Draco could answer, they were interrupted by footsteps.

"Guys!" Neville shouted. They looked at him and he was holding Blaise's hand with a big smile on his face. "My parent are all better!"

"Yeah?" Harry asked standing. "That's great."

"Yeah the hospital told me they could leave soon. My nan says they'll be able to move in with us."

"That's great Neville." Draco said standing. "Do they remember everything?"

"For the most part. They remember your parents Harry, told me that they can tell you stories about 'em if you'd like." Neville suggested.

"I'd love that." Harry grinned. "Thank you."

"Did we interrupt something? You seemed to be having a deep conversation." Blaise mentioned and Draco grinned.

"Actually Harry and I were just talking about something. I guess you'll be the first to know." Draco started. "He and I are going to get married." All three of them gasped and said,

"Really?" Harry shook his head and let a giant grin consume his face.

"Really?" He repeated on his own and Draco kissed his lips gently.

"Really." He agreed. "I want to marry you too." He told Harry. They turned to the other couple and grinned.

"Well it looks like we're gonna get married." Harry smiled. "Not yet of course but in the future."

The other couple engulfed them in a big hug and kissed both of their faces.

"That's great news!" Blaise shouted. "I'm so happy for you!"

Harry and Draco laughed hugging the other couple back. Yes, they couldn't be happier. Despite this incredibly odd year, Draco was extremely happy to be dating Harry. Someone he knew was raised the right way. Because hey, he was the one who raised him. And he did one hell of a job. 

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