Shanna Infill

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I'm unusually disgusted. It's so irritating how the president thinks she can kill people whenever, wherever, whoever.  Ever since that woman was killed during the parade I've been in a bad mood, angry that she died trying to protect us, me even.  I roll my eyes at nothing in particular and grip Boston's hand as hard as I can until my knuckles turn white.
I've been holding his hand ever since we placed our feet on the black mat in our chariot.  I'm not quite brave enough to let go until my grandmother arrives dressed in beautiful attire.  I sprint to her open embrace and let the tears flow freely from my sparkling hazel eyes.  She tries as hard as she can to comfort me, and I don't want to leave. I'm finally able to lift my head and wipe the one remaining tear from my stained cheeks. 

"Tremendous!" Tontine exclaims. "Your performance out there was absolutely stunning."  I can tell she really means it when she emphasizes the word stunning and I allow a slight grin to creep up on my face.
I turn away from the group as I look around for other people to talk to. Maybe even find some possible allies.

"Hey." The statement is abrupt and startles me as I unsteadily whip my head around to see the girl tribute from district 5 waddling in my wake. "I'm Shanna," she says, holding out her hand. "Shanna Infill." I accept the greeting timidly and shake her hand, and force my lips into a smile. She smiles back. "I'm Jonas," I say, hoping I didn't sound scared and we release our hands. "You volunteered for your sister, didn't you?" She asks sincerely and I nod my head in response. "I feel bad that I volunteered for her, not because I want to go back home, but it's because I think she's mad at me. She doesn't want me to die, if you know what I mean."
"Yeah, I understand." I smile a real smile this time and we just stand there for a while, staring at each other until a young boy, about 12, breaks the silence and taps Shanna on the shoulder.
"Brendila wants us back to the Tribute Center," he whispers as he eyes me nervously.
"Oh, Jonas, this is Ridge, my brother," she says pointing at the boy and then to me, as if to introduce us.
"Shanna!" Ridge whines, "we have to go!"

"Okay fine," she replies sternly. "I'll be there is a minute. Ridge shakes his head out of annoyance and trods back over to the district 5 escort and mentor. "Would you like to be allies?.... In the arena?"

I really want her as an ally. Shanna seems nice and I need someone full of positivity like her fighting by my side.
"Most definitely," I reply, and her eyes light up like fireworks in the night sky.

"Well, see you," she says, and walks over to an annoyed Ridge and a solemn escort.
"I have a new ally for the arena," I state nonchalantly. "Other than Boston, of course."
It's silent and woozy around the dinner table and the atmosphere is tense. I don't know what happened, but I seem to be the only one in a better mood.  Boston, picking at his food, leans over and breathes in my ear, making me giggle. "Who?" He asks with a smirk.

"Shanna Infill from district 5," I state coolly.

"Huh." He shrugs. 

"What's wrong with Shanna?"

"I was just hoping you'd team up with a career or something."

"Oh.  Maybe I'll try and team up with Dhana and Hari from four or something. I always have time during training."

He shrugs again. Silence overcomes the table again and I wonder what happened when I was off with Shanna. I wonder what caused this unusual tension....

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