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There's been tension the air ever since the tribute parade, ever since that woman was shot in front of all of Panem.  Jonas was the only one who really spoke at dinner, but had no success at clearing the tension. 
I hop out of the shower and a gust of air hits me so hard I almost fall over. I grab a shirt and pair of soft, leather pants and quickly dress so that I can get the rest I need for tomorrow's training.  And hope that I don't have nightmares or flashbacks of what happened after the parade today.....


Jonas turns away from the group, away from the silent mist and tears pouring from each one of us.  I see her talking to some girl, and when I turn my head away from her conversation, I come face to face with District Two's male tribute.  And I realize I, too, trailed away from Grandma and Tontine. 
"Hey, look," he says to his fellow careers.  "It's district Seven's big brother."  He cackles rudely and the rest of the pack joins in. 

"Shut up," I say back, but they don't listen.

"You know there's nothing you can do to save her; your little sister. We're gonna kill her before you get to her, and there will be nothing you can do." The boy, Rasta, laughs again, and points over to where Jonas is talking to the other tribute.

"See, look over there. She's already made friends! She's stupid enough to trust other people until they kill her later on."

I ball up my fists. "Just like you and the rest of your gang," I retaliate. The smile fades from Rasta's face, and I know I'm in for it. Derrick, the boy from One, steps to the front and shoves me to the ground. I shuffle away on all fours and Derrick says, "you jerk. Keep acting like this, and your sister will be my first kill."

"Back off my sister!" I yell. "She's tougher than you think."

"Yeah right," he says. Everyone laughs and I pick myself off the floor, bolting back to Tontine and Grandma. 

Out of breath, I'm able to pant out quietly, "the careers are already threatening to kill Jonas."  There's a stern, sour look on Tontine's face and my grandma looks worried.  The atmosphere holds stiff and there's no more talking, not even when Jonas comes back to the group.  We head back to the tribute center and say no more.
                 ~END FLASHBACK~

I wake up with a start, haunted by the memories of earlier and how much closer Jonas gets to meeting her death. As if I summoned her with my thoughts. Jonas enters the room shaking, probably recovering from a nightmare.  I lift the covers and she gets in.  I wrap my arms around her still trembling form.  This is how I want to stay forever. I never want her to leave my side, and I'll do whatever it takes to protect her from those careers.  'Whatever it takes,' I think.  And I fall back to another dreamless sleep, my arms around Jonas.

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