13⚡️ Bitter truth

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Truth will set you free
But not until it is finished with you...

"I need help." Sri's tone was far away from a request.

Sri furrowed her eyebrows in confusion when Hoseok busted out in laughter. "Did I hear it correct?? Did a gangster just ask the police to help her?" He took a sharp breath and glared at her with flaming eyes, "You know I can arrest you right here and now? You've troubled me enough S... time for some payback." The commissioner was about to stand up but a cold metallic sensation on his legs prevented him from doing so.

"You. Will. Help." Sri pressed the muzzle of the gun on his knee under the table. To people, the trio looked like a married woman with her current husband was speaking with her ex-husband. However, things were much darker than that. In no time a gunshot could echo in the café.

Hoseok gulped and looked at Yoongi for any reaction but the later looked oblivious of Sri pressing a gun on Hoseok's leg. He then fixed his eye on the emotionless woman before him, "You'll regret this, Kim Sri."

"Hey, hey! No need to get so venomic. Hear her out first." Yoongi tried to ease the tension. The last thing he wanted was Hoseok to arrest Sri. The commissioner released a shaky breath and indicated them to go on.

Sri told him everything that happened after she left Titans. She even assured she was out of the gang and have nothing to do with them. She never met any Titan after she had left Korea.

Hoseok pinched the bridge of his nose, absorbing the situation to think for a while. She was a desperate mother in search for her daughter. S was wanted even now, but most people thought her dead. If she promised to leave Korea once her daughter was back then he could help her. Moreover, he wanted to help Taehyung. He respected that cardiologist from the core of his heart. Even when he married a criminal, he couldn't bring himself to hate him.

"But why have you approached me? You could have just... you know go to your brother." Hoseok played with the coffee mug which was now empty.

Sri looked away with sorrowful eyes. It was the first time Hoseok seeing any emotion in her empty orbs. "I want to avoid my past. I am trying to be better person now. For Taehyung... for Taesoo. Since you have power which you call Justice, can you help me in locating the Eclipse gang?"

Hoseok judged her for some more seconds. Helping her was like playing a gamble. She could be lying or worse all the doctors were now in her team. He had to test her from every corner. "Now the question is... why should I help you? I mean how do I know you're not lying?"

"All the criminals that were found infront of the police station were deposited by me. I had already helped the police in their work. Also, if you can help me in finding Eclipse the police can destroy that gang in the same time. Another threat will get removed from your way." Sri secretly clenched her fist hard. Hoseok was testing her patience. She never liked the officer but she had to do it for Taesoo.

"Umm... no!" Hoseok stood up and shook his head. "You could still be lying."

"She isn't." Yoongi assured this time. He was seeing a complete different Hoseok infront of him. He never denied any help not when an innocent child was involved. Did he loath her that much that he didn't even care of what happened with Taesoo? "Hoseok please."

Hoseok shook his head again, "I cant team up with a criminal." He then began walking away until Sri's words stopped her.

"Arya and Heesung." Her voiced echoed in the now empty café. Hoseok turned around in the speed of light. They were his dear children. He breathed heavily but her next words caught him off guard.

"Please." A tear rolled down the ex-Queen of Mafia's eyes.

Taehyung waited for the signal to go green. The sky painted with the orange hue of the setting sun. Children were returning from their schools. They happily crossed the road holding the hands of their parents. Some were old enough to walk on their own. A smile crept on the doctor's lips. He recalled the last day when he had picked Taesoo up from her school.

One of the notorious child knocked on his car window. He turned his head towards his right but he ran off before the older could protest. However, the person he saw on the adjacent car took all the air out of his lungs. Taehyung thought he was dreaming. He blinked and wished the person to just disappear but he was still seated on the driver's, seat oblivious to the doctor ogling at him.

Taehyung's heartbeat accelerated. His pupils were dilated to its extend as the history flashed before his eyes. He kept on staring at the signal which was now green until someone cursed from behind.

Taehyung came out of his daze and spotted the black Astron Martin speeding away infront of him. He immediately began following it.

The car drove outside the city. It was now almost dark. Headlights were shining brightly infront of the cars. For a moment the doctor got distracted and the next thing he knew the car infront of him was out of sight. "Shit!" He gently hit the steering.

He thought of returning when his eyes fell on the familiar Astron Martin parked by the side of the road. It was an expensive model and hence very rare seen in public. He was sure it was the same car he was following. He parked his own car some distance away from it and stepped down. He keenly examined the black car as if he could spot a spirit trapped inside.

The car was definitely clean from inside and out. It screamed 'royal'.
But no one was present. It were only some handful of cars speeding past him. Tae almost screamed in fear when his phone suddenly blasted the song 'Believer'. He placed the device on his ear with a 'hello'.

"Where are you?" Sri's voice hit his eardrums.

Taehyung gulped before answering. He couldn't say that he had followed someone dangerous. She would get worried. "I am on my way back to home."

"Okay. I will be a bit late." She informed.

"Did he agree to help?" Sri replied with a hum. She knew whom he was referring. "Did he... you know-"

"Don't worry," a laugh resonated from the other side relaxing his anxiousness, "We are good.... For now."

Taehyung hung up the cellphone and focused on the muddy road into the forest. He debated whether he should go in or not. He was lowkey scared. But before he knew, his legs were taking him through the dark path.

There were no source of light in the way. However, the purple brightness of the twilight sky helped him to see. A faint crescent moon was also visible. He wondered how this weak moon dominates the enitre sky as the night gets darker.

Suddenly his ear caught some voices. He took out a black surgical mask he was carrying and wore it to hide his identity. They could perhaps recognize him otherwise.

Taehyung walked towards the source of the sound and found himself hiding behind a huge tree trunk. He scanned the area with an irregularly beating heart. Jeon Jungkook, the person whom he had followed, was standing with a group of men in black suits.

The king of Titans was dressed in black colour, the red tye being the only distraction. He looked much grown up and mature since the last time Tae had seen him.

"Where is she?" he could say the younger sounded graver. However, the doctor was curious about the person he was referring to.

"No trace of her, boss." A familiar and comparatively shriller voice replied. Taehyung saw the pink hair man who was his only friend while living with the Titans.

Jungkook and his men went inside the abandoned warehouse. Everything went pin drop silent for the next few minutes. Taehyung debated whether to return but his guts told that he would be fed with some information if he stayed, even if it was dangerous.

Some banging sounds were heard. Probably the men were fighting. Tae flinched when the tin shutter suddenly busted open and a man flew out of it and landed five meters away from the gate. He could spot bodies laying in the pool of blood.

Taehyung felt as if he was watching an action film. Jungkook walked in slow, intimidating steps while wiping his hand with a red strained white handkerchief. His onyx eyes were raging in fire. On either side of him walked two men, double the size of Namjoon. Jimin followed him out after some seconds.

The man on the ground groaned in pain. He joined his hands and begged for mercy. He was sure seeing the devil infront of his eyes. Jungkook knelt and gently ran his fingers through the enemy's hair. His face was eerily nonchalant. But soon he gripped his hairs harshly making some strands come out of the scalp. The man screamed in pain.

"What were you saying again? Yes, you said and I quote, "I will never surrender to you because you don't have the power to kill me." Right?" The man feverently shook his head. He asked for forgiveness in choking voice.

"Tell, me where Taesoo is? She is supposed to be with me." Jungkook's words hit Taehyung like a poisoned arrow. He held the tree trunk to support his shaking knees. Sri's own brother had kidnapped their daughter? How would she react when she would get know? He couldn't risk to let the demon awake or break her in an unrecoverable way.

He bit the back of his palm to calm the raging storm in him. He had to do something to save Taesoo but Sri shouldn't know about the real kidnapper. He had to take his daughter back from Jungkook even if it costs his life.

A gunshot brought his attention back to the gangsters. The man was already dead. "Clean this up." Jungkook instructed and began walking towards his car which happened to be in the same direction where Tae was hiding.

The doctor panicked and opted for a run. He wanted to confront Jungkook and save Taesoo but not when those gigantic men were guarding him. He couldn't die even before the hunt began. He wanted to ask the Titan boss about his reason to kidnap her and hurt his sister. He wanted to fight him one on one even when his chances of victory were less than one percent.

Luckily he reached his car before Jungkook could see him and waited for the later to start his car. Taehyung pushed the accelerator and followed the gangster, again. The stars were now bright in the sky. The street was dimly lit.

They almost reached the neighbouring city. Tae could spot the bright lights ahead and the number of cars on road have also increased. No other Titans were at periphery. It was a perfect moment to confront Jungkook. With clenched jaw and determined eyes, he overtook the majestic Astron Martin and abruptly blocked its way.

Jungkook halted his car with a loud screech. "Son of a bitch." He gritted his teeth while taking off his seat belt and boarded down, ready to take down another enemy. However, the person surprised him. He never thought he would meet him in this type of situation.

Taehyung stepped down his car and approached the gangster with raging eyes. Something in him snapped seeing Jk smirk at him. "Isnt that Dr. Kim Taehyung?"

Happy Birthday my angel, my prince, my lil' chimchim, my cupcake, the cutey sexy and lovely Jimin.


Mimi turned 27. 🥳🥳

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