14⚡️Meeting the Gangster

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You become very dangerous once you learn to control your feelings.

"You remember me... I see." Taehyung replied with an ocean-deep voice which was a great advantage to him when he tried to intimidate someone.

However, Jungkook wasn't just 'someone'. He was platonically interested in the doctor. Their daughter was missing and it meant both Taehyung and Sri were in Korea. Kook would be lying if he said he wasn't excited to meet his sister after so many years but at the same time he was ashamed of his deeds. He couldn't protect the little one when she was with him.

"What do you want?" Jungkook got straight to the point.

"Give me my daughter back." The older deadpanned.

Jungkook chuckled and messaged his foreheads as if he was too exhausted to deal with him. "Look, I have nothing to do with her. Please leave my way." He tried to get into his car when Taehyung held back his shoulder.

"You're lying. I'll not let you go until you give me back Taesoo. How could you?! How could you kidnap your own niece?? How could you hurt your own sister??" His voice was on the verge of breaking.

Jungkook felt a sting in his heart. Maybe he was a merciless gangster but he would never hurt his loved ones. At the same time, anger bubbled within him. He would not waste time in explaining Taehyung. He was the king of Titans for crying out loud. How dare he threaten him? "Leave. My. Way." He gritted his teeth trying to avoid violence.

However, Taehyung had enough. He spun him and landed a hard blow on his jaw. Jungkook stumbled back in the impact. Tae knew he had just invited his death by hitting him but he couldn't prevent the smile of satisfaction that crept up on his lips when he saw the injured portion of the gangster darkened to form a nasty bruise.

Jungkook glared back at him with scary eyes. At the same time, he was amused to see the change in his character. The last time they met, Tae was afraid to even walk alongside him but now he punched him. As if Tae's smile infected him, Jungkook began laughing loudly. The cute bunny teeth, which weren't looking so cute then, were at full display, "Interesting. I love this change of Doctor to Gangster. "

Taehyung inhaled sharply at his audacity to laugh at him. He was supposed to get angry and take revenge by putting a bullet through his skull. The doctor felt like a child hitting the shins of a tall person when in reality he was of the same height as the Titan, maybe a few centimeters taller, "Don't laugh!" He punched him again and followed by another one.

Jungkook kept on taking the hits until he blocked the fourth punch. He held Tae's fist and locked his eyes with him. "That's enough for a day. I am actually pleased seeing you so confident and brave." Then he twisted his hand.

Taehyung groaned in pain but soon freed himself with a kick aimed at his shoulder. "How dare you lay your filthy hands on my daughter?" He growled and threw another punch which Jk dodged.

The Titan boss was now getting serious. He didn't want to hurt him because he mattered to Sri but the doctor was being too stubborn. He blocked the punch aimed at his face and punched his gut in return.

Taehyung stumbled back. This time Jungkook attacked. Taehyung held his fist and threw his free hand toward him. Jungkook ducked the attack and spun around his heels. Taehyung's hand was wrapped around his torso before Jungkook elbowed his chest freeing himself.

Taehyung's body ached when he hit the ground. He could tell Jungkook was holding back else he would be long dead. But why wasn't he just giving back his daughter? What would he gain from Taesoo!!

He shakily stood up on his feet and attempted to attack again but this time he stood no chance infront of the Titan boss. Jungkook kicked his kneecaps and punched his face. Tae could feel his ears ringing and the metallic taste of blood filled his tongue. His lips were bleeding. Jk pushed him and the latter hit the ground face-forward.

He groaned and rolled over to lay on his back whilst panting hard. He blinked to clear off the dizziness. The bright stars above him appeared blurry but he could hear the words of Jungkook clearly.

"Let's play a game." JK knelt beside him, "Taesoo isn't with me at present but we'll see who gets her first. Try to at least live till then and stay out of my way."

Taehyung saw Jungkook's dark figure hovering over him and soon disappeared from his sight. He turned his head to his right and saw Jungkook's shiny boots getting into his car and the engine roaring to life. The car zoomed past him leaving him alone to collect himself and drive back home.

"Ouch! Easy, woman." Taehyung cried when Sri jabbed the cotton too hard on his busted lips. At the moment her eyes were dark in anger. She was angry at both Tae and the attacker.

"How could some random guys on road beat you up? You were supposed to fight back, dumbo!" She added with confusion. "Are you sure you're telling the truth?"

Taehyung stiffened for a fraction of a second and then cleared his throat to hide the obviousness. "Of course, I am."



"Look at me." He nervously fixed his eyes on her worried orbs. It was hypnotizing him. He was getting drawn into her. "Is there something I should know?"

"Fine." He sighed defeatedly and looked away, "I was drunk and frustrated and might have thrown hands on them." He threw his head back on the soft headstand of the couch. Another lie.

But Sri seemed to have bought that. Her facial features were slightly relaxed. "Taehyung you're not the type of guy who gets wasted in bars and gets involved in alley fights."

Better be bad than hurting her with the truth, Taehyung thought before speaking aloud, "I know. But things got too much for me. It had been days since Taesoo got kidnapped and we reached nowhere."

"I know... but next time please talk with me instead of getting injured in a bar. Your handsome face looks ugly." She faintly smiled when her husband nodded in affirmation. She then walked over to the bathroom to discard the bloody pieces of cotton.

Taehyung chuckled and then mumbled, "I am sorry." He wrapped his arms around her as soon as she came back. He snuggled his nose in the crook of her neck and inhaled her scent. All the worries seemed to fade off momentarily.

The couple stayed wrapped around each other in silence before Sri spoke, "Hoseok is trying to locate the Eclipse gang. He would inform me the moment he gets a clue." The doctor hummed in response and closed his eyes, surrendering to the exhaustion.

Hoseok's eagle eyes were fixed on the huge navigation screen. A Group of fifty professional engineers were working infront of the computers to locate the Eclipse for the past forty-eight hours.

The infamous eclipse gang was very well hidden. Neither the mighty Titans nor the skillful Korean officers were able to track them down. However, Jongki was planning his own game. He needed to accomplish what he wanted. Jungkook had killed his right-hand man. He sought revenge on the Titans. He knew he had the upper hand as long as Taesoo was with him.

He had pitied the little soul and allowed food and clothing but still kept her locked in a room away from her parents. She had cried nonstop for the next day since she was taken away from Jungkook until she collapsed from exhaustion.

"Boss, I have sent the SMS as you have commanded." One of his assistants bowed. The Eclipse boss dismissed him with a nod.

"Let's see for how long you can hold it in." He chuckled sinfully.

Taehyung leaves y/n heart broken. He failes to keep his promise to stay with her forever.

Jungkook takes her longing hands into his. He falls for her. He loves her and makes her trust love again.

Why did Taehyung leave? How did y/n loved Jungkook back?

To find your answers Check out another work of mine, a romantic drama --
Don't Leave Me (part 1) and Stay with me (part 2).

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