18⚡️Battle with Brain

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Skills win a battle,
Brains win a war.
But having both achieves you a life of glory.

"Target located, boss," Sherly informed.

Jungkook bit his lips while staring at the red blinking dot on the big LED screen. "Prepare a team. We'll attack tonight."

"Will you go?" Jimin asked.

"No," Jungkook replied crisply before walking out of the room.

Sherly mockingly laughed at Jimin before walking out. The shorter male fumed in anger and banged the desk, "I wish you get bald while fighting." He shouted at the closed door.

Jungkook saw three cars speeding away from his balcony. He was in a greyish-blue house coat. His hair was ruffled and his oily, tanned skin shone in the dim light.

He twirled a wine glass in his hands, sipping the lemon-yellow strong liquor periodically. He hoped the team would complete their task this time. He believed in Sherly's capabilities. The woman was a rare specie.

Suddenly he heard a faint click amidst the peaceful silence. Jungkook rolled his eyes and spoke without turning around, "Can't you guys give me a break? It's fucking midnight!"

"We know you have sent your men to attack us and hence your mansion is unguarded. But surprise! We were the ones waiting for your men to leave so that we could end you here." A manly voice was heard.

"Oh, Yejin!" Jungkook slowly turned around, the smirk never leaving his face. He saw three men each pointing a gun at him. They were one of the best fighters of Eclipse. "How many times do I need to remind you that you three are no match for me?"

"We'll see." The man named Yejin's finger lay threateningly on the trigger.

"Let me warn you, you three might not see the next sun." Jungkook tilted his head and threw the wine glass at them. It hit the wall just above Yejin's head and shattered into pieces, making the wine and glass shreds shower over the three intruders.

The enemies immediately put open fire. Jungkook vaulted across his bed and crouched on the other side of it to get protection. He saw them using a Colt Python revolver which although was an expensive one for its wide range but had only six bullets like a shotgun. He somehow needed to exhaust them before coming out.

JK took a vase from the nightstand and threw it at them. Two more bullets were used. He crawled under the bed to the opposite side when he heard the footsteps nearing him. He reached the drawer where he kept his gun and retrieved it. However, it had only one bullet. Jungkook inaudibly cursed at his unfortunate situation. He aimed at the light and fired.

The room turned completely dark excluding the faint street lights peeping through the window. The three trespassers were in chaos. Yejin began shouting orders to his fellow teammates. Taking advantage of the situation, Jungkook tiptoed towards the exit door. He knocked out the one blocking it and ran out into the light. He could hear the footsteps following him.

Sherly waited impatiently in the car for Jimin to give them the signal. "Where did the shorty go?!" The other men were trying hard to control their laughter at her childishness.

Soon the pink haired came running towards them, "Sherly! Something seems wrong inside. There were hardly a few guards in the mansion."

"Did you see properly?"

"Yes. A gang like Eclipse shouldn't be so much causal at this hour." Jimin tried to justify.

"Then it's good for us. We get in, take the child and leave. Maybe kill Jongki if the situation arises." She loaded her AK-47 and stepped down from the vehicle. Others followed her action.

Jimin held her back by her wrist, "It could be a trap. You all will get killed."

Sherly locked her eyes with Jimin's concerned ones. She had never seen him worry for her. "Why do you care? You hate me remember?"

"Grow up, Sherly!" The male hissed. "Now it's not the time. You are younger and far less experienced than me." Jimin couldn't believe she was such a fool.

The woman looked away in anger, "And how can you say so Mr?"

"I fought alongside S." Jimin deadpanned. His flirtatious aura had disappeared. "I order you not to get into that mansion."

Sherly gulped at his intimidating voice and whispered, "B-but Boss said we must... What if the girl is in there?"

Jimin messaged his temples before replying, "I'll go inside once again and check."

"No!" She immediately stopped, "We'll go inside." Jimin groaned in frustration before walking inside the house. Sherly followed him with a smile.

They had reached the topmost floor and saw it empty. They had encountered a few guards on their way which Sherly took care of. Jimin hovered down the window only to find it soulless below.

"Jimin?" He turned around at her voice. She tripped on her way. Jimin stretched out his hand to save her in reflex but couldn't control his balance. Both fell on the floor, Jimin's lips pressed on her.

Sherly gaped at Jimin hovering over her. His brown eyes were hooded by pink bangs. The combination of cute and sexy made him look more intimidating. a gasp left her mouth when she realized his lips were on her. Taking advantage of the opened mouth, Jimin inserted his tongue. A warm knot began forming in her gut as she closed her eyes responding to the kiss. She knew she would regret this later but at present, she wanted to enjoy the moment.

Jimin didn't know what had gotten into him. He was a playboy but he never felt these butterflies in his stomach while kissing. Moreover, Sherly was supposed to get on his nerves, not on his lips. The more he looked at her, the more he got lost in her eyes.

The accidental peck soon turned into a sloppy, heated kiss. They sucked each other's lips, devouring the taste of the opposite. Jimin hungrily ran his hands under her body and was about to unclasp her bra when she suddenly broke the kiss and pushed him away.

Jimin got back his senses and immediately stood up. "I-I am sorry! I-I didn't mean to I am-" He tried hard to form a sentence but his mind was somewhere between the kiss and guilt.

The woman stood up and fixed her dress. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hands and looked away with red hot cheeks. Did she just make out with Park Jimin? She felt like slapping herself back into her senses. She cleared her throat and replied, "Let's leave this memory in this room." She walked out without listening to his answer.

Jimin followed her like a puppy, "Hey! Please!! I am sorry-"

"Stop it, Jimin! Why are you making a deal out of this?" She shouted. He looked away in sorrow. For some reason, his heart stung. "Let's forget this and behave the way we are, the mocking partners. Okay?"

Jimin nodded before walking past her. "We should return. It seems they knew we would be here and they had hidden themselves." His eyes hardened again.

"Or worse, they targeted the Titan mansion. It is weakly guarded right now." Both widened their eyes at her words.

"Oh no! Jungkook!" They screamed in unison before running towards their car.

Jungkook could see the dead bodies of Titan guards in the dining space. He hid under the staircase. He had to think of a plan to get rid of those men. He would not get a chance against them as long as they are armed. He heard a shout and two more shots were fired. Another one of the Titans was dead. That left only three more bullets to go.

It's now or never! Jungkook took a deep breath before walking towards them. Yejin smirked in victory and pointed his gun at him. The Titan boss managed to dodge the bullet as he ran toward the other man. He held his hand and both men struggled to dominate the other. Jungkook was able to fire the gun two more times at the ceiling making the gun empty. He just had to knock them out before they could reload.

He body-slammed the man and both rolled on the ground trying to trap the other. Jungkook punched him hard on his jaw making blood spit out of his mouth. However, the opponent was strong he flipped their position and threw a punch at JK. The latter turned his head sideways and the fist hit the ground. He headbutted him and pushed him away. He ran towards Yejin who was amusingly watching the two fight like a fool.

Jungkook punched his gut and the latter stumbled away. The spare bullets fell off his pockets in the impact. "Told ya, you are no match to me."

Yejin composed himself and punched back the Titan boss. JK's jaw stung. His eyes were burning in rage. He blocked his punch and flipped him over his shoulders. He then kicked his gun away and began throwing punches at him. Some of them Yejin blocked but he got hit with maximum.

Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw the previously defeated man pointing a gun at him. He had miscalculated the bullets. There was one more bullet left in his revolver. For a moment he thought he would die until there was a gunshot.

The gun dropped from his hand as he swayed before hitting the ground lifeless. Even Yejin was too shocked to react. Jungkook's eyes trailed toward the door and landed on a pair of high heels. He had never expected her to be here so soon.

A smirk was plastered on her face as she elegantly walked on the marble floor. Her dark hair was fallen loose on her back. She wore a brown shirt and blue jeans. The fiery charm in her eyes was alluring.


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Min Yoongi is planning to kill me. 🙂

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