27⚡️Test of Love

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One day the sun will show up at my door again.
The cold will end and spring will come hold my hand again.

When Sherly opened her eyes, the rain had already stopped. She could see the bright stars twinkling in the sky. She staggered on her feet and discovered the dead bodies from both gangs. A few of the men were still fighting at the vicinity.

She desperately searched for Jongki when she recalled the previous events. Jungkook would be sure to nail her alive for returning without the Eclipse boss. Suddenly it dawned upon her, "Jimin!" She ran to the battling men and shot the enemies.

"Check for Jimin. Now!" She ordered the remaining Titans. While searching for the pink-haired, she found muddy handprints on the railings of the bridge. They were hazy due to the rain but most likely seemed to be his because of their tiny size.

Sherly hovered over the bridge and saw the swift-flowing stream. "Jimin!!" She heard the echo of her own voice. Without wasting more time she ran below the bridge.

The banks of the stream were covered with thick vegetation. It was night and the visibility was too low. Her eyes were overflowing at the thought of little Taesoo whom she had never met before. She wished she could find both of them safe. Jimin still might have a chance, but the child didn't know how to swim.

Sherly would surely have missed to spot Jimin if not his bright pink hair colour. The man was unconscious and covered with mud. His glamourous cheeks appeared dull and dusty. Parts of his body were covered with blood. "Hey! Jimin. Open your eyes. It's me, Sherly!" She tapped on the unresponsive man.

She desperately checked for any fatal injuries or bulletholes in his body and thanked God for having found none. His pulse was faint which proved he wasn't dead. She wasn't thinking about the consequences when she pressed his nose and breathed into his mouth. His soft lips felt cold against her warm ones.

Suddenly Jimin flew his eyes open and gasped for air. Sherly straightened herself and locked her eyes with the male's unfocused ones. Jimin took some seconds to grab the situation. He saw Sherly's watery eyes looking at him as if she had found the lost puppy. He could still feel her lips on him.

"Did you find Taesoo?" She broke his trance.

Jimin sadly shook his head, "I jumped after her. I tried my best Sherly... I tried. I-" He sniffed, "I saw her getting carried by the river current infront of my eyes. I could do nothing!" He began sobbing.

Sherly wrapped her harms around him and softly pecked on his lips. "I know you did everything you could have done."

Jimin was blank for a few moment. The lips he felt few minutes ago wasn't his dream then. Without warning, he grabbed her neck and smashed his lips on hers. Sherly closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his soaked body. Both were shivering in cold but their hearts were ignited with passion. Jimin forgot all the physical pain during that time. He forgot how Jungkook proposed to marry her and how his heart shattered on that day. He forgot that he had to maintain distance from her in order not to hurt his best friend. He had seen the soft looks Jungkook gave to the woman. Jimin only remembered the day he had kissed her first and how different she tasted now based on the circumstances. He could taste the salty tears of the woman as their lips moved in rhythm.

"I was scared." She sniffed not daring to look into his eyes.

Jimin faintly smiled at her. He knew she had a lot more in mind that she couldn't voice out. "I don't like to see the hot head woman crying." He knew he was being insensitive but that's how the gangsters worked. There was no place for soft romance.

Sherly playfully elbowed his chest and both busted into a fit of laughter. Everything was messed around them. They weren't even sure if Jungkook would let them live after they failed to capture Jongki. But the two gangsters were living the moment.

On one side relationships began to grow while on the other side, it was on the verge of crumbling. Taehyung was holding her abdomen widely open so that Yoongi and another gastroenterologist, Dr. Han, could operate on her. Sri was required to get operated on various organs concerning the domains of different doctors.

It was the test of his professionalism. He had to keep a hold of himself and count the minutes before the operation ended. Thankfully, he had his face hidden behind the mask and safety glasses. He had to turn off his emotions for the time being. He had to think she was just another critical patient whom he had to save.

"Her pulse is falling." The anasthetist cautioned. Yoongi glanced at the younger and was pleased to find him doing his job calmly. He then focused on the artery he was stitching. The Gastroenterologist was also busy in treated her wounded organs.

"Give a shot of barbiturates," Taehyung instructed. His voice was graver than usual.

"Pulse rate is not improving doctor." He reported after five minutes of observation, "Shall I give another shot?"

"Not required." This time Yoongi answered as Tae performed the suction in her abdomen.

"Dr. Kim, can you please focus the light on the liver? I have to check for any injuries." The third doctor requested. Tae did as he was told. He mentally thanked god when no injuries were found there. Hang on a little more, love. I know you can do it. He eyed the monitor showing her vitals.

Taehyung's eyes lingered on the old bullet scar beside her heart. He bit his lips on imagining her beautifully imperfect body added with a few more scars. No matter how gorgeous she looked, he felt her pain every time he saw them. She had been fighting death ever since her childhood. Gangster or not, Kim Soojung was the strongest woman on this planet.

After two intensifying hours of the combined efforts of the three doctors, the surgery was finally successful. Sri only needed to open her eyes for them to get sure she was fine. Often critical patients faced post-surgical disorders which were a bit concerning matter.

"Keep her in close observation," Dr. Yoongi instructed the nurses once she was ready to get shifted to the wards. Then the three doctors thanked the team and left the OT.

"I'm amazed to see how you have handled this," Yoongi spoke as he washed his hands beside Taehyung, who replied with a nod. Now that the mask was removed, he could see how broken the younger looked. He couldn't even dare to imagine himself in his shoes. Tae walked out of the washroom without waiting for him.

The doctor locked his seat belt and was ready to drive. He was alone amidst the city chaos. He could hear the cars honking and citizens yelling. Life seemed so perfect for them. Taehyung pulled out a small picture of Taesoo which he had been keeping with himself ever since he had left Australia.

She was smiling widely at the camera, the same rectangular smile as his. Her bob cut hair made her look extra cute. A sob left his mouth as he tried to bite them back. He crumbled the picture in his fist while his vision blurred in accumulated tears.

Wiping off his tears for the umpteenth time, Taehyung stepped on the accelerator. He didn't care about the speed limit. He wanted to reach the place where the fight had taken place as soon as possible.

The stream was too wild for even a skilled swimmer. Jungkook had notified that he had sent his men to search for Taesoo but Taehyung wanted to confirm it himself.


"Soo-ah!! Can you hear me?!!" He ran in all possible directions like a maniac.

"Taesoo!! Its daddy!! Answer me!" He had almost ran half a way down the river bank. He saw numerous footsteps on the muddy ground and even spotted some of the Titan men. However, his daughter was still missing.

The moon shone brightly after the rain. Taehyung sank on his knees when the gravity became too much for him to stand. He supported his body with his hands on the marshy ground and wept. With every choking sob leaving his mouth, he felt his heart constrict a bit more instead.

He refused to believe he wouldn't be able to see his daughter again. He wouldnt be able to provoke her to do mischief, he wouldn't be able to feed her ice creams in late nights. He punched the ground when he realized he would not be hearing 'Daddy' again. She was too young. What was her fault?! They had left the mafia world and began living peacefully. Why does the past haunt them?

He stood up when he had composed himself. He saw Jungkook standing at the far end. His expression was hard as a stone. Tae knew he wasn't here to console him with sweet words. That was the last thing the needed right now. The Titan signalled him with a nod and walked away until he disappeared behind the trees.

Taehyung dusted off his attire and immeditely drove back to the hospital. He didn't wait for the lift and took the stairs until he stood infront of the cabin where Sri was kept. He took a deep breath and pushed inside.

No one was there in the room besides the patient and the doctor. The fresh aroma was in the air. The monitor beside her bed beeped in a steady rhythm. Tae saw her eyes slightly open. She was blankly staring at the ceiling, body unable to move yet. Nevertheless, a wave of relief washed through his body. Atleast, she woke up.

Taehyung gently took her hand in his and placed a soft kiss on the back of her palm. "I am glad that you woke up. We will solve this together." He closed his eyes to fight back the tears and rested his forehead beside her. He could feel her fingers curl around his hand.

"Where am I?" She feebly whispered still unable to grasp her surroundings.

"Hey, its fine. You are with me, in the Saviour." Tae spoke with such tenderness in his voice. However, the female's next words sucked the air out of his lungs.

"Who are you?"

"Sir, everyone in the Saviour knows about Sri now. They know she is S." Yeonjun stated with a frown.

Commissioner Hoseok's face maintained a hard expression as he tried to figure out a way to solve the problem. If people got to know S was alive then they would point their fingers at the police. Their hopes from the law would be shattered. On the other hand, if his forces tried to arrest her, JK would kill everyone. It was either the agitated citizens keeping his job at the gunpoint or a merciless Gangster holding a knife on his throat, either way the police was in danger.

"Lets wait for her to heal and then take a step. The law doesn't allow a sick person to get arrested. I hate to admit, but if we try to step in the Savior premises right now, Jungkook will surely turn this entire police station into graveyard. We lack skilled men."

Yeonjun sighed in agreement. "Only if the government recruited able men instead of politician's relatives in this department."

"Maybe those skilled fighters in the Titan would have been a part of Korean Police right now." Hoseok completed his words.

It was the third day after the horrifying incident. Sri was still admitted in the hospital. She sat on the bed with a blank expression. Taehyung sadly stared at her while leaning against the door. She neglected him as if he was a stranger. She spoke very limited words which included either yes or no.

The psychologist had said she had been suffering from Post Traumatic Disorder where her brain forgot the trauma and people related to it. A coping mechanism of her body. Sadly, that included Taehyung and Taesoo. She only remembered her life as a mafia. She remembered Jimin, Jungkook and the Titans. She had spoken with her brother once or twice but that too was for a very short amount of time.

No matter how much Tae wanted to scream his name in her ears, do anything to make her remember him, he decided against it. She wouldn't be able to take the pain of loosing her daughter. Unfortunately she saw her death with her own eyes. Tae couldn't imagine how would she react once recalled.

"Do you feel any pain now?" He asked like a formal doctor. Sri shook her head in denial.

He knew the scene was horrifying enough for a strong woman like her to crumble. Maybe forgetting was the best thing that happened to her. He could sacrifice his happiness to see her fine. Keeping all the sorrow with himself wouldn't be a difficult job.

Taehyung noted down her vitals on the notepad he held in his hand. Fighting back the urge to hug her and tell 'I love you', he dejectedly walked out of the room. Sri saw his retreating form as a stray tear rolled down her eyes.

Taehyung saw Jungkook on his way out. The Gang leader was now often seen in the hospital premises. He never caused any scene and maintained the decorum. Even the staff got used to his presence even though his aura brought chills in their spines. The Titans still searched for Taesoo, even Taehyung went in the river bank every day. Every morning he woke up expecting to find her and everytime his hopes were shattered.

If the darkness didn't allow to let him live peacefully then so be it. He would fight the darkness himself. He would become one with the darkness to destroy it from the core.

The doctor held back Jungkook's hand, "I need you to help me avenge my daughter."

Most of you are probably confused about the timeline. Let me clear it out. 1st Taesoo was thrown off the bridge. Then JK and the police came at the same time. Seeing the Titans, Hoseok retreated.
Jk took Sri to hospital where Tae operated on her. During the same time, Sherly fought with the Eclipse and searched for Jimin. By the time Tae went to the bank, Jimin and Sherly were gone. Jungkook reached the bank after he got to know about Sri getting back her consciousness. Maybe he even paid a visit to her. He signalled Taehyung about that when he met him in the river bank.

It was a huge chapter. There will be a lapse after this. Things r going to get electrifying from now on! Enough of tears we have shred.

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Maknae line shirtless: checked ✅️

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