3 ⚡ Mysterious Hostage

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A smile will get you far but
A smile with a gun will take you farther.

It has been a week since her father left Australia. Taesoo wondered why he needed to go to another country while Mom and she was here. The little one had no idea about family. She only knew her parents. She had no one else to consider as an uncle or cousin even though they existed. It was an injustice on her by her parents but they knew that her being ignorant was the best.

She missed Taehyung. How will I live when I get married to him? Her little brain thought. She always wished to grow into a gorgeous woman like her mother so that she could marry Taehyung. Speaking of whom, her mom nowadays seemed to be stricter. She was overprotective. She hardly let her out of her sight except for going to school.

Taesoo hadn't met any of her friends for a week. She wasn't even allowed to walk out of the flat without permission. She felt confined. It began after Taehyung left. Why was she doing this? Is it because mommy misses daddy? But daddy went out many times, she never behaved like this.

"Taesoo??" She heard Sri's voice. She turned around and pretended to be asleep. After some minutes she heard the door and the next moment a hand was shaking her. "Wake up, Soo. You will be late for school."

Sri realized the little girl was too stiff to be sleeping. On closely looking she noticed her eyes were moving and her lips were slightly stretched. Sri narrowed her eyes at her pretentious daughter. "It seems Taesoo will not wake up today..." She dramatically sighed, "Okay, then I will go to ice cream shop alone." The next moment Taesoo was sitting with wide eyes.

"Mommy is not fooled so easily." She pinched her rosy cheeks. "Now get ready for school. Your uniform is kept on the table."

"But my ice cream...??"

"We will buy on our way home. But you need to promise me to behave well and don't whine to play with your friends after school."

"Why mommy? What's wrong if I play with friends?"

"Why do you question much?? I have a reason not to let you. Just bear with it till Dad is back." Her voice was slightly raised. How can she explain to a toddler about the unseen danger??

Taesoo didn't question anymore and looked down with a pout, "I am sorry."

Sri dropped Taesoo in school and did some grocery shopping. While returning she spotted the same man spying on her in the parking. He was still hiding his identity. Taesoo was not with her, hence she was free to confront him. She needed to know his intentions. As soon as the stranger sensed her alertness, he began running away. But he came to a halt when the female blocked her way.

Sri's eyes ejected ice daggers, jaws clenched, and head a bit tilted. The enemy's eyes were wide. He gulped and stepped back to avoid her intimidating aura. The last thing he wanted was to confront S.

"Why are you following me?" A shiver ran down his spine hearing her dark, dominating tone. Sri repeated her question and approached him. The man shifted his gaze and searched for an opening. Having found none, he attacked her.

Sri at once blocked his punch and kneed his stomach. He stumbled back, coughing. She was surprised that she remembered hand on combat after all these years. She gave another punch to him. "Don't mess with me or my family." She pulled away his mask. It was probably a boy in his twenties. His pale demeanor proved that he was scared out of his mind. But he managed to aim a gun at her.

Sri understood that he was an armature by the way his hand was shaking. In a flick, the gun resided in her hand. She pointed the muzzle at his head and demanded in a razor-sharp tone, "Tell me your name. And for whom you work for?"

"I don't know anything!!"

"Tell me!" She fired which passed by his arm, bursting the skin in the process.

He screamed in pain, "I-I really don't know!"

"Well then, say goodbye to your life." Sri threatened. Her eyes darkened. She fought back the 'S' in her. She knew she couldn't kill him. She had promised herself not to kill anymore.

"I'll tell! I work for-" GUNSHOT!

The guy lay dead in a pool of blood. Sri turned around in horror. It was certainly not her who shot. Someone else was also present. She heard a click and the next thing she knew a bullet hit the pillar behind her. Had she not used her reflexes to dodge it, she might have been shedding blood by now. She heard some more clicks. She quickly ran behind the pillar to shield herself.

Her heart beat like crazy. She didn't know how many men were there. Moreover, she was exposed. The gun only had five more bullets left. It would be suicide to fight them. She didn't even know her enemies identity. They never had a reason!

She spotted her car not too far from her. She waited some more moments before she crawled out. She used the darkness around her as an advantage. The grocery bag was lying at some far corner of the parking. It was least important at present.

No sooner did she reach the car, than the engine roared to life. She could spot a muzzle targeted at the wheel. She wasted no time in pressing the accelerator and brake together. A huge amount of smoke ejected from the engine cutting off the vision. She left the brake and changed the gear. The car covered two complete circles and now the smoke was mixed with dust. When the smoke got cleared only the grocery bag was left behind.

Sri almost sprinted to her apartment and locked the door behind her. Her body was covered in a cold sweat. It wasn't because she was attacked, it was because she didn't know what was the reason and who was the target. She couldn't risk the lives of her loved ones.

The cold water calmed her running nerves. She closed her eyes and faced the shower. Why was everything provoking her after all these years? She was trying hard not to bring back her inner demon. She feared she would lose the little bit of happiness she had with her. She would lose Taehyung.

She inhaled sharply as tears were masked by the shower water. Whatever may be the reason, S should not come back. Fuck! Everything is getting messed up! She punched the white tiled wall.

She wore clean clothes and dried her hair. She needed to share her thoughts. It was high time. She had to get Taehyung alerted. She dialed his number and anxiously waited for him to pick it up. The sun was bright, a crow began softly pecking the glass window. After a ring or two, Taehyung's husky voice resonated through the speaker.


Jungkook and Jimin were sitting in their office room. Stress lines were evident on their foreheads. Jk played with an expensive golden pen that rested on his palm. It was gifted by Jimin on his last birthday.

Name: Jeon Jungkook (JK)

Profession: Leader of The Titans. Golden King of the Mafias.

Likes: Guns. Can do anything for Sri.

Dislikes: Betrayal
and dishonesty.

Name: Park Jimin

Profession: Spy and manipulator of Titans.

Likes: Women and sneaky things.

Dislike: disloyalty and anyone who hurts Jungkook.

Birthday was the most unwanted day in Jungkook's life. It was on his birthday when he and Sri left their father's house. It was the same day when she was... Jimin wasn't aware of anything that happened 25 years ago. He only knew that the siblings were abused by their father.

Jungkook didn't want anyone to know about that horrible incident. He was too young to understand anything back then but the day when he realized what they did to her, he lost it. He remembered how he blamed his coward self, how he locked himself up in the gym room for an entire day. He remembered how he punched the sang bag until his body gave up, eyes burning in tears and the bloody knuckles begged  to get spared. He also made sure the monster whom he had addressed as 'father' paid for his sins.

"Kookie, what do you plan to do now?" Jimin asked. His hair was now glowing pink while Jungkook's was still raven.

Jungkook leaned back on his chair and sighed, "We have to do something. We can't let them have what they want."

A newly formed gang, Eclipse, had been creating unnecessary troubles for the Titans. They came to power when the Titans were going through a regeneration phase. The leader, Song Jongki, wants Jk to give up his position. Titans were the most powerful gang of its time. It still rules the underworld but Eclipse had more power in the current timeline.

Name: Song Jongki

Profession: The leader of Eclipse Gangs

Likes: Power, respect and his gang. A man of perfection.

Dislikes: Only the TITANS.

Jimin sniffed, "What if we attack head-on?"

"How can that be our advantage?"

"Jongki won't think we can be so reckless. He might get caught off guard."

"And what if he anticipates our plan?"

Jimin flipped back his hair and stood up in frustration. He was getting out of ideas. On recalling his words, he realized the plan he had just suggested would simply be a suicide mission.

"Don't stress it much. We will find a way." Jungkook placed a hand on the older's shoulder. "I need some time. I am creating a special force just to take care of them. Titans need to get back their lost prestige." He was about to leave the room when one of his assistants entered.

"Boss, someone wants to talk to you in a video call."

"Who is it?"

"Unknown person. He says he has something important to tell you." Jungkook indicated her to bring the laptop. In no time the room darkened and a white screen was put up to project the video.

The boss's eyebrows crashed in confusion at the sight of the unknown man in a mask. The background was blurry.

"JK." Even his voice was filtered making it unrecognizable, "I will ask you once again to give up else she will die."

"Who will die?" Jimin whispered in his ear.

"I don't know what are you talking about," Jungkook spoke aloud in a growly voice ignoring Jimin's curiosity.

"You will know it very soon." He stepped aside and the camera cleared showing the background. A little girl was tied up to a chair.

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I am back sooner than expected. My phone broke down. I lost all my datas and contacts. Lukckily, my drafts were saved but all the pictures and banners were lost. So I thought it would take some weeks to restore everything. But I managed everything sooner than expected and here I am. Thank you for your patience. I'll be more online and upload other books too.


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