4 ⚡️ Home sweet home

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The most dangerous person is the one who listens, thinks and observes.

"You will know it very soon." The man stepped aside and the camera cleared showing the background. A little girl was tied up to a chair. Her mouth was gagged and she seemed to be sleeping. Jungkook felt as if he was in a maze. Who was this girl? Was the enemy trying to blackmail him using a kid?

"I am telling you again. I don't know who you are and I have nothing to do with this girl. You cannot blackmail me using a kid. You can do whatever you want. But if you dare to mess with me, you will face the doors of death."

"Wooo, I am scared." A sarcastic remark was heard. It was Jongki himself on the other side now. He wasn't hiding his face. Jungkook's jaws clenched and his grip on the chair on which he was leaning tightened.

"What do you want?" Jk's voice sent chills through the spines of everyone present in the room.

"Simple. I want you to surrender."

"And what if I don't??"

"Ha ha", Jongki's smile was handsome as ever. Anyone could fall for it. Just an extra fact you may say, he was asexual. "You will. Very soon. Once you know who is she..." the screen darkened indicating that the call went off.

Jungkook inhaled sharply and pushed away the chair. "Jungkook!" Jimin shouted when he saw him leaving without any words.

"Leave me alone." Jungkook replied without looking back and walked off. Jimin knew, the gym room will be blocked for the next few hours. Working out was the best method for him to release stress. It also helped him to make strategies and plans.

"You are ready to get discharged tomorrow." Taehyung smiled at a patient. The old woman's eyes lit up in joy. "Take the medicines on time and do not stress yourself. I have spoken with your son about the rest."

"Thank you, doctor." She replied. "I will be missing your treatment. You are not only a good doctor but also a very good boy. Your lady is indeed lucky to have you." Taehyung smiled widely as his wife and daughter invaded his mind.

"Sir, Chairman wants to meet you." His assistant nurse informed. Tae excused himself and went to Seokjin's office.

Name: Dr. Kim Seokjin

Profession: Chairman of the hospital Saviour. General physician.

Likes: Dad jokes and dedication in work.

Dislikes: Very serious personality and ones who insult doctors.

Jin greeted him with a smile. "How was the day?"

"It was usual." Tae loosened his tie and plopped on the sofa.

"The operation is due next month." The older informed. He was referring to the assemblyman who had the cardiac arrest. He was given temporary treatment because he had an election to attend. But he needed surgery to get completely well. He agreed to get it done after he had settled the election matters.

"Hyung, can I visit eomma today?" Taehyung asked. He hadn't visited his mom since he had left. Though he kept in touch via phone, he missed his hometown.

"Sure! She will be so happy. Let's go together!" The older beamed.

It was almost evening and the Kim brothers finally reached Daegu after traveling for 4 hours. Taehyung felt nostalgic after being back. The brothers had so many memories in the town. He remembered when Seokjin sprained his ankle whilst running and Tae had to piggyback him home or the time when the older beat the shit out of the boys who bullied Tae. A faint smile formed on his lips on reminiscing his childhood days.

The door opened after ringing the bell twice. Mrs. Kim's smile got extra bright on seeing both of her sons. Usually, it was always the elder one. Her lips were plump like Jin but the smile was rectangular like Taehyung's. "Taehyung???"

The younger cardiologist melted in his mother's warm embrace. He missed his mom. No one could replace a mother. She was always the sweetest home to him. Tae enjoyed the hug until he felt a pain in his ear.

"You naughty kid, How dare you leave the country so suddenly?? And how dare you return after 6 years?!" Mrs. Kim twisted his ear.

"Ah- Aah- It hurts! Eomma! I am sorry!" Seokjin laughed at his brother's condition as he was pulled inside by his mother.

"Jin, get in and close the door!" She shouted.

The dinner was chaotic. All of them caught up with the missing parts of their lives. Mrs. Kim recalled the silly moments of her sons and everyone cracked up. They also reminisced the time when Mr. Kim was alive. They were a happy little family.

After dinner, Taehyung went to his room. The bed was not soft as the one in Australia but it was comfortable. He smiled at the study table remembering the times he used to pull a all-nighter to study. He wished he had made some memories of his student life instead of living inside the books like a nerd. He often went out of words when Taesoo asked about his childhood.

The next day was an off for both of the brothers. They decided to stay in Daegu till evening. Taehyung was happy to wake up without any worries about going to work. He felt as if he was back in his teen days.

The ringing of his phone brought him out of his daydream. His face lit up at the caller id. "Hello?"

"Taehyung." The usual charming voice of his wife was now laced with worry. He could sense something was wrong.

"Hey, what happened? You don't sound good. Is everything okay? Is Taesoo good?" He asked, anxiousness getting accumulated in his guts.

"Nothing... its just- First say how are you? Are you doing well? Does anyone bother you?" She showered him with numerous questions at a time which was very unlikely of her. Usually, she preferred to keep her words short.

"I-I am good. Why do you sound tense? Be honest, Sri." Taehyung was now worried. She sounded scared.

"Taehyung..." His name sounded desperate to his ears. "I-"

Glass shatters.

"What was that sound?!" Taehyung jumped on his feet. "Hello? Sri! Answer me!! Is Taesoo okay??" After some disturbances, Sri finally answered.

"The window broke. It was probably the crow that was pecking it. Taesoo is in her school. I will call you back after I clean this up."

"You sure, you are okay?" Taehyung wasn't convinced.

"I am fine. Take care. Bye."

"You too." She ended the call abruptly. Taehyung's heart kept on hammering on his chest. He had a sudden urge to go back to her. The glass sound still echoed in his ears. He stood frozen on his spot for the next few minutes.

"Tae?? Come down! I have something to show you." His mother's voice forced him to walk into the bathroom and get freshened up. He convinced his mind that everything was fine. He was just overthinking.

Taehyung thought the morning was weird but it became weirder when he saw his mother. He got 440 volts of shock when he reached the dining room. His mom was arranging pictures of some girls. Seokjin accompanied her with excitement. "W-what are these??"

"Your wives." Taehyung's eyes almost popped out of their socket at the straightforward reply of his mother.

"How long are you going to be single??" Seokjin scolded.

"I-" Taehyung stopped his words. He couldn't say he had a family. How would they react? Everyone knew Sri. They would surely tell him to hand her over to the police. No one would let them live happily. Taesoo would be affected. He couldn't do that to his daughter.

"Tell me if you have someone in your mind. I will talk to her. I need to see my grandchildren before I die." Taehyung felt more guilty at his mother's words. She has a grandchild yet she can't see her.

Jin laughed loudly but Mrs. Kim immediately shut him up, "You too, Jin."

"Eomma!! Why me??"

"Ask Sora out and get married." Sora was Jin's girlfriend. She was 5 years younger than him. She was an aspiring fashion designer. She wanted to have some time for herself before settling into a conjugal life. Besides Seokjin was too shy to ask her out.

Usually, Taehyung would whine and throw tantrums at the mention of his marriage but the man was quiet. Seokjin saw how his eyes were lost in some another world. He walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know it's hard to move on after what happened five years ago... But you have a future ahead. You can't live like this." He made sure Mrs. Kim didn't hear anything. She had already gone nuts when she heard the news of her son's disappearance. He couldn't imagine her reaction if she knew about Taehyung's feelings towards the world's most dangerous woman.

"Hyung, Please. I am not ready to marry yet. I don't think I will ever be. Please try to understand." He tried to find an excuse but Seokjin wasn't buying it.

"Taehyung, you can at least try-" A phone call interrupted them. Taehyung took out his phone and saw his wife's id. He couldn't take the call infront of them.

"Who is it?" Jin's hawk eyes were on him.

He silenced the call and put it back in his pocket. "It's sales spam."

"As I was telling, you should atleast try to give someone else a chance in your life."

"I will think about it Hyung. Now please excuse me." He ran back to his room.

"Tae, have your lunch!" Mrs. Kim shouted.

"Not hungry mom! Keep it aside, I will have them when I feel like it!" Taehyung locked his door before taking out his phone. It was vibrating nonstop since then.

6 missed calls from Sri.

What was so urgent for her to call so many times? Taehyung called her back.

After some rings, she picked it up. Taehyung could hear heavy breaths from the other side. The words she whispered in a broken voice made his world crumble.

I updated sooner. 😅 Didn't want you to lose interest because of slow updates.

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