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I have destroyed and betrayed myself for nothing...

Taehyung hung his head low as he sat on the edge of the bed. He wrapped a fluffy housecoat around his naked body. He clasped his hands together as he thought of an accurate answer to Sri's question.

"Don't you, Tae?" She choked while dressing herself. He silently heard his nickname after years. "Tell me if she was given a proper burial... please." Her sobs became whispers. "I am so sorry. I failed as a mother. I failed as a wife. I- I broke my promise. I failed everyone. I promise I'll leave once everything is over. I will never bother anyone. I-"

"No don't!" Taehyung cut her off. He turned his head and Sri saw how his eyes were filled with tears.

"I'll only hurt you if I stay. We can never go back to normal."

"You're right." He scoffed and straightened his back, "Nothing can ever go back to normal and the all-time solution you have is running away. I don't care if you are the Queen of the mafias or she-devil. You'll always be a coward if you run away."

Sri guiltily replied, "Indeed. I ran away. I was scared to face you. I was scared to face Jungkook, Jimin, Seokjin- everyone I knew. I couldn't see you broken into irrecoverable pieces. I am a fucking coward trapped in my own sin."

"You are! Even after so much betrayal, and so much of haterate I still want to forgive you. I still want our happy lives back. I tried. I tried to erase you from my life. Trust me, I tried fucking hard. I even dared to shoot you. But I couldn't. I need you. Our daughter needs you."

As if struck with a high volt thunder, Sri's eyes bludged out, mouth agape and her grip on the sheet loosened. "Taesoo is alive?" She hardly managed to speak. For a moment she thought it was a lucid dream. Maybe she was stuck with a bullet and she was reminiscing the happy moments in the last few seconds of her life.

Taehyung gulped in anticipation. He couldn't keep away his daughter from her mother anymore. He couldn't look into her eyes. He knew Sri would lash out once again and he would too and things would get back to square one.

Sri hastily stood up from the bed, and stumbled once or twice until she kneeled before his feet. Tae was looking down and Sri found the exact spot to look directly at his chocolate brown pupils. She tightly held on his knees and asked once again, "Is my daughter alive?"

Taehyung gripped the bedsheet tightly and nodded without breaking the eye contact. "She is. The Titans found her unconscious and I risked everything to save her. It wasn't an easy job. I assure you she is doing well now."

"Jungkook knew?" Tae once again nodded in affirmation. Sri dejectedly sat on her legs and cupped her mouth to prevent the sobs from getting out. "It's been two fucking years! And I didn't even know... I already considered her dead without even checking on her!!" She pulled her hair out of guilt and frustration. Her bandaged wounds began forming crimson spots. "I need freedom from this cursed life!"

Sri was trailing down the abyss of darkness until two enlightening arms wrapped around her shivering body. Taehyung ignored his injuries and hugged her tightly. He expected her to lash out but didn't think that she would break down. He couldn't see her agony anymore. Maybe this is how love works.

Sri held her husband tightly as she cried her heart out. She knew this would forever haunt her but she could wash away a portion of the overwhelming pain through tears. Until now she felt either extremely happy or extremely sad. But now she felt both equally. She was enraptured to know her daughter was alive but at the same time crestfallen because she was not there for her. She had given up on her.

"If it's a dream. Then please never wake me up." She tightened her hold around him.

"It isn't", he assured, "It's as real as you hugging me right now."

The couple sat across the table with warm coffee mugs in their hands. Both were physically as well as emotionally drained beyond imagination.

"Did she grow tall?" Sri sipped on her coffee.

"She is 4'5"."

"Did she get admitted to a primary school?"

"Yep, last year. She is now in second grade."

"I-is she okay? I mean it traumatizing for a kid to experience—"

"She is doing fine. Sometimes she gets nightmares but it can be handled. Luckily she doesn't remember much."

Sri nodded in understanding, "Does she miss me?"

"Every day she asks for you. Do you want to meet her?"

"I do but..."


"I'd rather not. I will destroy the darkness from its roots before re-entering in her life. I will make sure our story has a happy ending." She clutched the cup so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

Taehyung nodded in understanding. "What is the plan?"

"Go back to Jungkook. Prepare an army of Titans."

"What about you?"

"Not everything I did is messed up. I managed to befriend the Russian mafias in this span of two years." She evilly smirked.

"Burn them into ashes, S" Taehyung darkly chuckled.

Jungkook walked into the dimly lit glass corridor. The floor was made out of glass. There were blueprints of unfinished robots heaped in the centre of the circular hall.

Sherley walked just two steps behind her boss. She kept her silence as the guards bowed to their boss after every five metres. The building was huge and one could easily get lost if they didn't know the map. It was the deadliest building built by the Titans. A two and a half year old project finally got complete last month.

JK was very satisfied with its infrastructure. He stopped infront of the elevator and Sherly scanned her handprint on the sensor to open the door. Jungkook was first time stepping into the building hence he was yet to add his biometrics.

The elevator door opened to the top most floor. He was greeted with a huge LED screen opposite to him. At the centre was a huge circular table and numerous engineers were working on the installed desktops around the wall of the circular room.

"Good Morning, boss!" They stood up and greeted. Jungkook dismissed them with a nod and they went back to their work.

Sherly flicked her fingers and a female automated voice answered back. "Hi, this is Phoebe. How may I help you, boss?"

"Switch on the big screen." She instructed and the screen immediately lighted. Jungkook walked around the centre table and inspected everything keenly.

He nodded at Sherly and she knowing smiled back. "Phoebe?"

"Sorry, I cannot recognize your voice." The bot answered back.

"It only answers to the registered individuals. At present it is only me and the few scientists who have built it. The bot is still under upgradation and is expected to be the main memory of this entire building."

Jungkook nodded once again looking at the random soundless video that was being played on the screen. "Does it have the access to the arms yet?"

"It does." Sherley assured. "Just call by her name and she will immediately answer. You can get her support anywhere inside the main boundary of this building, even in the lawn and basement. Phoebe?"

"How may I help you, ma'am?"

"Register the biometrics of another individual."

"Yes ma'am." The lower left corner of the big screen formed a small palate. Jungkook walked over to it as the bot kept on giving instruction.

"Please place your both palms on the screen. There should not be any gloves or pieces of clothing covering it." Jungkook did as he was told. "Now please open your eyes wide so that I can scan your retina."

"Data processing. Data Saved. Scan your palm to register your voice."

Jungkook placed his hands on the screen again. "Access granted. Please sing few lines of any song so that I can register your voice."

"What the hell?" He questionably looked at Sherly. "Am I supposed to sing a song for this stupid bot??"

Sherly sheepishly smiled, "I- I thought you wouldn't mind. Besides, this is only for one time boss. Singing makes you register every kind of voice notes."

Jk cursed under his breath and started humming, frustration clear on his face. To add fuel on fire the AI shamelessly replied, "Please make your voice clear. I am unable to recognize it."

"Lee Sherly you are not getting away with this." He gritted his teeth and began singing loud and clear.

"Feelin' like I'm floatin'

Something's in the air tonight

We're speakin' with emotions

Won't look away

Love me at my lowest

I'll love you when you're barely holdin' on

Lighting up the darkness

I can be a shoulder when you're not strong


Closer to you


Closer to you"

Sherly's mouth was agape at this melodious voice of her dangerous boss. She could bet on her existence that no one in Korea had a better voice than him. Even the employees paused their work and gawked at their boss whom they have seen for the first time in their lives. On first impression they had assumed JK to be an emotionless guy with a rough character, though most of them were correct but his skillful singing was the most unexpected and a well hidden talent.

"You voice has been successfully registered." Phoebe replied once Jungkook was done.

He immediately rolled his eyes and looked away when he discovered all eyes admiring him, "What are you looking at?? Go back to work." As if nothing had happened the men went back on their typing job. "Such a waste of time." He grumbled and Sherly kept on secretly smiling.

"What is your name?" Phoebe asked.




"How may I address you, JK?"


"Thank you, JK. You have been successfully registered into my system. You may give me further orders."

Jungkook turned on his heels and walked back into the elevator. Sherly followed him to the basement.

It was a place which looked like arena and was surrounded by asiles in two different labels. "Phoebe?" Jungkook called, "Bring a dummy." A wooden plank looking like a human figure emerged from the ground.

"6 guns fire!" Immediately there were six deafening shots heard and the plank ended up with six bullet holes.

"Phoebe. 18 guns fire at the same time. Aim the head."

This time eighteen shots were heard but only one hole was seen on the dummy. Jungkook was very pleased with the accuracy. "Very well Phoebe!"

"Certainly not better than you boss, but thank you." Jungkook scoffed at its flirtrious tone. It knew how to butter its superiors.

It took him two hours to completely inspect the building. Jungkook would be lying if he said he wasn't satisfied with the outcome. Although some parts needed to upgraded but he admitted that Sherly certainly did a great job in supervising the entire project even Namjoon helped whenever he got a chance.

"You sing very well, boss." Sherly dared to break the icy silence as they were walking towards the exit.

Jk stopped on the midway and slightly tilted his head to make his flawless side profile visible. His sharp jawline could make even Phoebe wet if it had emotions. However, what he replied make Sherly go speechless. "I can sing to you every night."

"S-sorry b-boss. I think I heard you wrong." She nervously answered in denial.

Jk ignored her words and walked towards her, eyes locked and face intimidating. He stood towering over her with dark eyes, nose almost touching hers. "Its been two years Lee Sherly and I still have a place for you in my heart. Now I want a final answer."

Sherly gulped as she maintained the eye contact. Jungkook sure was intimidating but now he didn't invoke whirlwind of emotions as he did before. He couldn't win her heart like Jimin did. She could not replace Jimin with him.

"Lee Sherly are you sure you want to let go of this opportunity? I can make you the future Queen of Titans. The most powerful woman of the gang after me. I will love you and respect you like no man. I'll protect you with my life. Do you still want to choose Jimin over me?"

Jungkook was too close but he wasn't touching her. She felt his dominating presence over her which make her knees go weak. She closed her eyes and exhaled, "I'm sorry, Jungkook. I cannot leave him."

He stepped back and nodded. His heartbreak after rejection was perfectly masked by his expressionless face. "Fine then. I hope you both do serve the Titans properly because... I can compromise myself but not this gang. Do you get that?"

"Yes boss!" She fixed her composure and stood in attention position. "We'll never give you a scope to complain."

Jungkook turned on his heels and marched out. Before he left the building he ordered, "Phoebe, delete all other registered biometrics except mine." Not everyone should have the same access as the leader of Titans. 



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