8 ⚡️ Abandonned Hideout

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Some dark pasts must be relived for a better future.

The three doctors and one gangster were seated around the dining table. The tension in the air was so thick that it could be cut with a knife. Everything got cleared out by Taehyung. But no one could come up with an idea.

Finally, Jin clapped his hands to grab attention, "The last choice I have..." he looked at Sri and then at Taehyung before continuing, "Commissioner Jung Hoseok."

"What?!" the Kim couple said in unison but Taehyung continued, "How can we approach the police?! They will arrest her first and losing someone as efficient as her is our last choice at this time."

"I am not going anywhere until I confirm my daughter is safe." Sri deadpanned.

"I know this is the worst plan but it's better than nothing!! We can at least try!!" Seokjin argued. "See, I might not like Sri but I don't want her to get arrested after everything that had happened in the past years. But Hoseok is the only officer who can help you here. I trust his skills."

Sri sighed and leaned back on the sofa. "Okay... but we will approach him in my way." Taehyung wanted to object but her determined eyes made him believe in her. The three doctors nodded in agreement.

The next morning Taehyung went to the hospital. He needed to complete some checkups and attend a seminar lecturing the junior doctors. The assemblyman had postponed his surgery for two more weeks for political issues.

It was hard for him to keep his concentration when his mind was constantly flying back to Taesoo's face. He almost teared up in between his speech but he managed to pull through it.

The day finally got over. He got out of saviour and saw a familiar woman with blonde hair and a mask on her face leaning against his car. His lips formed a slight smile at Sri.

"I need to take you somewhere. Let me drive." Sri said to Taehyung. He nodded and tossed her the car keys.

Sri got into the car and threw away her disguise. Then she drove the car out of the city. They didn't talk much. A wave of nostalgia washed over Taehyung at the familiarity of the road. Everything started from here. His lips curled up into a smile when he remembered how he was clutching Sri in his arms while being kidnapped. That time he was so clueless. He had passed through this road so many times. He remembered the gorgeous gangster beside him in that royal blue dress.

"What makes you smile?" Sri's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"I recalled the time when you had kidnapped me." She smiled at his reply.

"Things were so different then. You were supposed to be dead." She laughed slightly. Taehyung mimicked his actions.

"But here I am and here we are." He chuckled. "Who would have loved you this much if I were dead?"

"Sure. I am glad that I had listened to my non-existent heart that time." She mocked. The car took a left turn.

Taehyung placed his hands on her thigh and gently squeezed it, "I love you." his eyes carried the whole galaxy in it where every star shone brighter than real ones when they were focused on the womam before him. Sri couldn't but always find herself lost in the maze of those sparkling stars.

"Taehyung...." Her voice came out as a whisper. "Let's go for a tour once everything gets over. I miss our happy times."

Taehyung took back his hands and smiled warmly, "As you wish."

"Love you too." Sri made sure there were no cars around them and leaned in to kiss his cheeks. Taehyung's cheeks flushed and he deeply inhaled to cool down his face.

He cleared his throat to remove the awkwardness, "Focus on driving. The accident is the last thing I want now." Sri giggled and accelerated the car.

Sri slowed down the car when they passed the former Titan mansion. It was abandoned. The ruins after the blast remained. The Titan logo was all dusty but its shiny silver color still caught attraction. She missed Jungkook and others. She didn't hear anything from the Titans after she had left the country. Knowing the Gangsters, they were probably ruling the underworld.

Taehyung saw the lost eyes of his wife. However, he chose not to speak. Sri adverted her gaze back to the road and stepped on the accelerator.

After ten more minutes of driving, the car finally halted. Taehyung found himself in a dense forest. "Where are we?"

"A secret place," Sri replied as she parked the car. They found themselves standing in the middle of nowhere. It was surrounded by tall trees. The ground was covered with mossy undergrowth. The dried leaves hustled in every step they took. The sun was about to set. The warm orange rays managed to penetrate through the thick canopies. The atmosphere began to cool down at a faster rate.

He followed Sri towards a banyan tree which stood elegantly some meters away from their car. It had a huge trunk and the umbrella-like canopy was home to millions of aves. The various and loud chirping of birds at twilight almost made him plug his ears.

Sri walked behind the tree and knelt. "It was supposed to be around here..." She buried her hand into the heap of dry leaves. "Got it!" She exclaimed when her fingers touched the handle of the door. "Taehyung, help me."

He obeyed her and cleared the dried leaves to discover a wooden circular door. It looked old and probably was locked for years. Together they pulled the door open. Taehyung coughed after accidentally inhaling the dust particles.

Sri's eyes were locked on the dark hole before them. On closely looking, Taehyung saw iron rods lined down as steps that descended into the darkness. "Are we going in?"

The female nodded at the obviousness before stepping down. "Follow me and be careful."

Taehyung made sure his wife was at a safe distance below before stepping in. His palm sweated in nervousness. He had never been to places like this. After what seemed like an eternity, his feet finally kissed the ground.

Everything was pitch black. The only source of light was from the opening 20 feet above which allowed him to realize that the ground was of solid stone. "Sri??" His voice reverberated twice. The place was certainly huge.

No answer. He called again and still got no response from the woman. His heart began beating faster as anxiety crawled up in his chest. He held the stony wall for directions as he blindly walked into the darkness.

"Sri-" Suddenly the room lit up. It was too bright for his eyes. Taehyung blinked and shielded his vision with his hands.

He was in awe when he saw the room. It was moreover a cave. Stalactites and stalagmites were seen. Some distant dripping of water was heard. What caught his attention was the weaponry. There were racks attached to the walls and guns of different shapes and sizes were hanging from them. There were almost 50 varieties. The adjacent wall consisted of deadly knives which were more in number than the guns. Each had a different structure of blade but looked intensifying nevertheless. The wall right to the gun wall consisted of numerous bandoleers which were filled with bullets. It was a deadly room and quite intimidating for normal people.

A hustle caught his attention and he saw Sri coming out of a small passage at the corner. "Phew! The lights still work after so many years." She dusted off her clothes while staring at the hanging lamp above.

"This is yours?"

"Yep!" She popped up the 'p'. "We have built this for emergency purposes. This was an abandoned mine. It is well hidden and not far from our former house. Therefore were equipped it with weaponaries for future."

"So... the other Titans never used this in all these years?"

"It seems so by the layer of dust fallen on the things." She laughed. "But I am not sure. The last time I was here was when Namjoon operated on me after getting shot by the police. Then I left the country."

Taehyung nodded in understanding. His eyes were still busy capturing the details in the room. "But what are we doing here?"

"We are against one of the most powerful people in Korea, I suppose. Moreover, we two are alone in this for the time being. I don't know if the police will be helping us but we need to take all the precautions. You need to learn how to use a gun for your safety."

"But I-"Taehyung's eyes widened. He swore not to use a gun. He couldn't kill people.

"I know you hate this but what can we do? We need to keep ourselves alive to rescue Soo. Killing can always be the last option. These weapons will help you to intimidate your enemy and you can simply injure them."

Taehyung still hesitated. But it was a life-and-death situation for her daughter.

"Taehyung, please. I won't be able to back you up all the time. You have to protect yourself. I need you on this mission but if you don't learn to use weapons, I am sorry I have to do it alone. I cannot afford to lose you." Her eyes almost begged him. He couldn't possibly deny her plea. He didn't want to sit back and watch his love getting killed.

"I'll do it. For you, for Taesoo."

Jungkookie skipping out of IU's concert with a slogan and lightstick is the best video ever! 😍😍 I basically fall for him each and everyday.

Then comes hobaba who accompanied his dongsaeng. 🤧🤧🤧

Istg! Ee Namja!! 😒

Thats a minute JK selca.

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