9 ⚡️Recognization

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Sometime you have to accept the truth and stop wasting time on worng people

I have made a new trailer for this book. Check it out in the trailer chapter.

"Are you sure you are going to do this?" Jimin asked his boss.

Jungkook nodded, "I have to save that child. If Jongki is using her to threat me then she is probably someone important. I don't know what relation I have with her but I can't get Jongki have his way." The ravenette stepped down of his car. He wore a skin tight black suit. He was equipped with gun and hidden knives.

It was only Jimin and Jungkook before the mansion of the Eclipse. They were currently hiding behind the bushes. The night was cold, clock truck midnight. Jk ordered his men to go back. He stayed behind because he had promised to save the child. He grew soft for her but he didn't admit that to Jimin. A gangster should not have a soft corner.

"All set, boss! She is at the top most room of the mansion, the attic." Jungkook nodded at the pink haired man and climbed over the wall. Jimin had hacked their security and disabled the alarm.

The boss of Titans stood 25 feet below a dimly lit window. He flexed his neck and eyed the height of the building. He recalled Taesoo's pleading face. He had to save her. He attached a rope to the intended window sill and quietly climbed up the wall.

Jungkook saw an empty bed once he safely stepped inside the room. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and looked around the room. There was not any furniture apart from the bed. The dim blue lighting of the room made it difficult for him to differentiate the objects.

Finally his eyes spotted a small figure hurdled at the corner of the room. His heart softened seeing the little girl hugging her legs and dozing off. He gently shook her up. "Hey, Child."

"Taesoo?" The girl shifted in her position. She almost shouted when she opened her eyes and discovered a man kneeling before her.

"SHHH!" Jungkook pressed his palm on her mouth.

""Please don't hurt me! I'll be a good girl." She squirmed under his hold. Jungkook could see the bruise on her cheeks. His heart ached to see the child's condition. It reminded him of his abusive father and the bruises of his sister. He wanted nothing but to protect this rare flower.

"Its me, Jungkook. Don't make noise. I came to save you." Taesoo's wide, innocent eyes sparkled in dark. She nodded in understanding and Jungkook removed his hand.

"Ajussi?? You came?" Her lips trembled and eyes got filled in tears. In no time she jumped into his arms and started sobbing. Jungkook patted her head and spoke comforting words to her ears.

Jungkook realized wanting to save this child was the best decision he had taken till date. Her eyes reminded him of someone he loved dearly. "Did they hurt you?"

"T-they hit me. The bad ajussi hit me!" She sobbed. Jungkook clenched his jaws in anger. He mentally noted to make the Eclipse pay for this. "But I am strong like my mommie. I fought bravely and I bit that man." She proudly smiled while rubbing her tears.

Jungkook smiled widely showing his bunny teeth. He already began respecting the woman who gave her birth. Only if he knew.... "Well done kid. Now lets go. I'll take you home."

"To my daddy?"

"To your daddy." He stood up along with Taesoo.

"Thank you ajussi."

"Call me only Jungkook." He took the rope and checked below if it was safe.

"But mommie said me to call older men, ajussi."

"Who is your mommie?" A manly laugher escaped his lips.

"My mommie is Kim-" her voice got cut off when the door slammed open. The lights were turned on.

Jungkook gulped when he saw Jongki with his men at the door. He pulled Taesoo behind him as Jongki clapped sarcastically at the duo.

"Twinkle twinkle little star, How I wonder where you are?" Song Jonki smirked and turned to Jungkook. "Very boss-like, Jeon Jungkook. Sneaking into the house of your enemy like a thief."

"Had I brought my men with me, you would have been rotting in your grave." The younger deadpanned.

"We can't come into conclusion before an actual fight, can we? Alas, it seems like you will be the one rotting in your grave now", the eclipse leader eyed the girl behind him.

Jungkook gritted his teeth. "Let her go."

"You wish." He smiled and signalled his men. In no time the eclipse men engaged themselves in a fight with the Titan-boss.

Jungkook tired to cover up Taesoo as much as possible. He shot the men who attacked him. The enemies kept on coming. His bullets were soon exhausted. He got into action. He blocked a punch and kicked another enemy away. The third one swung a knife, missing the Titan by inches. Jungkook twisted his wrist and plunged the knife into the owner's throat. Blood sputtered into his face but he continued to defeat his enemies. Piles of bodies got accumulated in the room, some dead some injured.

Jeon Jungkook was inevitable in a combat. He abruptly stopped when he heard Taesoo's cry. His fiery gaze turned around to discover her in Jongki's custody. He was holding a knife on the throat. "Surrender or she dies."

Jungkook glared back with ferocity. He was trying hard to hold back his urge to plunge the knife in his heart. He could spot slight blood on Taesoo's neck. She screamed in pain. He slowly raised both of his hands in surrender. "Let her go-" He couldn't complete his sentence as a hard punch landed on his cheeks. He tasted his blood.

Luckily Jongki lowered his knife but he was still roughly holding the child. "You have no right to speak. This is my den."

"Let. Her. Go. She is innocent."

"Let her go?? Then how will I control you?"

"I have nothing to do with her! We are not even related."

"Ignorant boy." Jongki chuckled. "What if I don't?"

"Then you will bring hell upon you." His voice suddenly sounded confident. But one of the eclipse men punched his cheeks. He fell face forward, spitting more blood. He lost his focus for a second. Jongki decided to take the opportunity and leave the place with Taesoo. He was sure Jungkook would be killed.

Surprisingly JK's bloody lips curved up to form a smirk.

Jongki's men were confused. They couldn't anticipate JK's move. Suddenly there were loud footsteps. Titans entered the room leaded by a woman. She pointed her gun at Jongki's right hand man and eyed Jungkook in concern, "Boss, You good? I came as soon as I got your signal."

Jungkook stood up and spat blood on the floor, "Best as always. What a heroic entry!" he directed his eyes at Jongki's right hand man, "Still not ready to surrender? Your men are all dead here."

"I won't." He hissed. Jungkook searched for Taesoo but couldn't spot her. He was getting anxious but he remained calm from outside.

"Wrong answer," JK walked towards the man with intimidating steps borrowing a gun from the woman. "I will ask for the first and last time." He pointed the gun at the enemy. "Where. Is. Taesoo and Song Jongki?"

The man visibly gulped but that didn't break him, "Far from your reach."

"Very well then. Go to hell." Jk almost pressed the trigger.

"You don't know what you are doing!! If you kill me, he will kill her!"

"SO? I am protecting her because she is a child. Do you think I will get attached to her to the extend that you will blackmail me?"

"Ha! Not when she is the daughter of your sister." The enemy smirked. "The dear princess of the Queen of Titans, S."


This one was my favourite chapter!! Slayyyy Jeon!!!

The light of heaven.

A picture I took.

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