DOCTOR MIDNIGHT- episode 1-john's origin

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Doctor midnight: I wasn't always like this, There was a time when I used to be happy, a time When I used to be normal When I used to had a family.
It happened three years ago when I finished high school I became an accountant at the bank, And the best thing about this job was every day Get to go home to see my beautiful wife Diana and our son Charlie, just when I thought my life couldn't get any better it took a turn for the worst. It started like any ordinary day, when I was being promoted to assistant manager, and I have been selected employee of the month. Just then I was being called in the office by my boss mr. Richard

John: did you call me mr. Richard

Richard: have a seat hunter

John: I pulled a chair and sat down
Richard: Hunter As you know you're the best accountant we have in Goldmen's Bank,

John: thank you sir { but he gave me a unpleasant look}

Richard: I have a Special job for you we're expecting a unwelcome visitor coming by and every week  he ask For a loan for cigarettes, alcohol, and expensive stuff that are cost more than the car you have and it has been out of control I mean look at his last income. I need you to tell him we're cutting him off and he needs to pay back. How would

John: okay but what's his, what Those he look like

Richard: he's name tony Antonio DiMaggio he looks like this [he hands me a picture of him

John: I nodded my head, I won't let you down sir ( I waited until 3:30 apparently he likes to be fashionably late he was taller and wider then anybody i ever seen he makes the security guards look weak. He had a black and red striped suit With a fedora and had a gold tooth and there was a scar over his eye, he smiled at he, it sent a cold chill down my spine and I felt sick. I seen men like him, he was the one of the kind that like to laugh at other people's pain, watching people suffer, he was a mobster he made his way to my desk, his smile was getting creepier by the minute. Mr. DiMaggio is an American-Italian mafia who can kill anyone with the snap of his fingers.

DiMaggio pulls out a cigar and Lights it up

DiMaggio: you know what I am here for

John: (He blows smoke in my face) cough, cough, yes I'm glad you're here cause we need to talk about your last income

DiMaggio raise his hand

DiMaggio: I Am need to ask for another loan, for I am what you call business man, I am Making a marketing product on selling exclusive gun. I am having them shipped from Russia as we speak these weapons are special they came from Tokyo

John: (I was confused)

DiMaggio: I am needing 1'000'000 dollars for bullets and gunpowder.

John: Sir with all due respect, a thousand dollars is a lot for gunpowder and bullets

DiMaggio: it's a special kind of gunpowder

He mushes his cigarette against my family photo
That's when it started I tried to tell him no in the kindness way as possible.

John: mr. DiMaggio as much as I love to help you, you're idea and product sounds dangerous and illegal, not to mention you owe this bank a lot of money( his face turned to a glare) I'm sorry sir but until you pay your debts we're cutting you off.

He gets off his chair and slams his fists on my desk.


John: I'm sorry sir but you're debt is overdue You are paying for stuff that you don't need

He then grabs me by the collar of my shirt Pulls me closer to his face and whisperers

DiMaggio: Now hear this you either give me the money or I can make you pay

John: sir please I'm just doing my job, don't Make me call security.

DiMaggio: you don't know what I've done and what I can do


The guards grab him and force him to leave

DiMaggio: your gonna be sorry you rejected me

He screamed at me I then thought to myself was that a threat,  John: did he threaten me Mr. Richard grab my shoulder and told me not to let it worry me, but throughout the whole day me. DiMaggio's words repeated in my head over and over it became the time to punch out the clock, I wished everyone a good night and drove home.

I thought seeing my beloved family might get my mind off DiMaggio I couldn't be more than wrong
When I drove close to my house I see three cars parked in my street funny thing, one of the cars look exactly the one DiMaggio had, I then hear screaming it sounded like Diana I ran inside my house and I see DiMaggio with two men next to Him, two Holding my son and Diana I stepped inside more,Then I heard the door slam, I turned to see another guy in a gray suit. He then punches me I ended up on the floor with blood coming out of my mouth, pining me down I was struggling to move. DiMaggio walks slowly to me I felt my Heart racing as he lit another cigar, he puffs in my face

DiMaggio: I told you that you we're going to pay

He goes for his pocket and pulls out a gun and looks at my wife, walking towards her, my heart began to beat fast

John: DiMaggio wait let my family go, I the one you want, I can pay you back please just let my family go ( not listening to me he aims the gun at her I started to panic) DiMaggio (i scream) please my family means a lot to me I'm begging you please (I was begging for mercy on my family)

DiMaggio: I like you John you're just like me, I have a family to support too, you see life is like a game, if you go by the rules you win, but if you cheat (click bang) John: nooooooooo you lose

I watch in horror as my my Diana lay dead, I saw what he's done, I saw him shot my wife, I looked away crying, His men let me go, I ran and hold my wife In my arms

Diana: John

John: Yes Diana (crying)
She Pressing her Palm against my cheeks
Diana: save...... Charlie.......... ( she shut her eyes) I buried my head in her chest and told her to stay with me.

I hear DiMaggio and his men laughing at my pain and suffering

DiMaggio: well time for the jr here to say his prayers (click) {he aimed his pistol at Charlie}

I lifted my head up and stared angry at DiMaggio

I charge at him like a quarterback and slammed him away from my son, I  kick one goon in the shin and I punched the other in the chest


Charlie: but dad

John: RUN

I saw Charlie run to safety as I fought DiMaggio's men off but they we're to strong

DiMaggio:( he painful got off the ground) get him [he points at Where Charlie Once was]

John: NO
I tried to stop the man from going after my son but three other men grabbed me, the next thing I knew I hear a gunshots, I felt my heart stopping, knowing I lost my only son. While one man hold my hands back the other two started punching me on both sides for my cheeks, then my chin, then they started kicking my chest, I ended up with a split lips, broken ribs, a blackened eye, a broken nose, bruises every on my face and body. Just when I thought I had enough DiMaggio walks towards me Lifts my face with his cane

DiMaggio: let this be a reminder to you that when you mess with a mobster you get claws

John: that..... doesn't even make sense

I spit on his Face which only made things worst for me, he grabbed the back of my hair pulled my Face down to the floor painful

DiMaggio: It's too bad you Won't remember this lesson ( I open my eyes widened as he spit in my hair)

His men tied me to a chair and placed a bomb on the dining room table I watched all his men leave he stands there dropping his cigarette on the floor

DiMaggio: sorry it had to come to this but I did say you were going to pay

He smiles and closes the door luckily for me I grabbed a knife when his men weren't looking I had one minute to escape, the clock was ticking, I was rushing. I cut the rope as fast as I can, I was Finally free, I ran away from the bomb but I didn't have enough time to reach the door the bomb exploded, it didn't killed me and it sent me flying into the ground, I was Face splat on the grass,I looked up slowly and painfully and saw my house on fire, I then turned to see DiMaggio driving away. Angrily clutching my fists My life started turning downhill after that I ended up, I started walking in the woods.
The song as you are by the weekend plays It's just me and you
They couldn't see what I see in you
Yeah, 'cause I believe in you
You're the only one I choose
Even though you break my heart
Even though you break my heart, baby
I know what we are, our love's too young, oh baby
Even though you break my heart, my love
I'ma need you, I'ma need you, I'ma need you, yeah
Show me your broken heart and all your scars (oh yeah) (John starts walking in the woods)
Baby, I'll take, I'll take, I'll take, I'll take you as you are
I'll take you as you are, yeah
Show me your broken parts to know your flaws (oh yeah)
Baby, I'll take, I'll take, I'll take, I'll take you as you are
I'll take you as you are, yeah

The end of episode one

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