DOCTOR MIDNIGHT-episode 2- doctor midnight begins

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I spend the last few days in the woods, thinking about my mistake. The Image of my late beloved Diana death, still haunts me, if that wasn't bad enough, my consequences cost me my only son's life. I stared quietly into the fire, but the sounds of DiMaggio's laughter echoed in my head over and over, until something snapped inside me.

John: one day DiMaggio, one day I will find you and when I do I'm gonna make you pay.

After my accident, I quit my job at the bank, and spend my days Planning my revenge on DiMaggio. Later on I started gaining muscle, I then trained myself for the day I find DiMaggio, soon after I joined the police academy, I then worked my way Up to detective, I soon found myself in New Jersey. My name is John hunter and I am DOCTOR MIDNIGHT

But before I could join the Police academy, I took self-defense classes, such As Boxing, martial arts, and gymnastics. I then later adopted an identity which wasn't that hard all I needed was a Blue midnight Trench coat and fedora, black dress shoes, leather gloves, sapphire dress shirt, black vest and tie combo, And Oxford blue chino pants. And to be sure DiMaggio won't recognize me I put a mask over my eyes. If DiMaggio knew I was still alive, he would probably would have me killed. At day I'm a detective protecting New Jersey, by Night I'm a vigilante looking for him. Every night I look for clues that might lead me to DiMaggio, I see men that cause trouble and threaten them by asking for DiMaggio, no luck. Consum by revenge, and driven to justice for my family, I was starting to go crazy, I began to reach the point of no return.

During my time in New Jersey I made a friend, Harvey Osborn a hard working detective like me who's trying to make the world safe for his family, he has a wife Charlotte and two kids a son and daughter Jacob and Sammy. Makes me miss mines. If only I could turn back time And stop DiMaggio.

The next day

Harvey: so Johnny boy are you ready for tonight (elbowed me in the chest)

John: ready for what

Harvey:(rolling his eyes annoying at me) you know you're victory party, you're three years of service of defending New Jersey

John:(sigh) ohhh that well I hate to break it to you but I'm gonna have to postpone the celebration party [getting off the elevator he follows]

Harvey: but john this is you're One night off your always out at night doing work and that's not healthy, you need to take a break, get your mind off work, relax for once in a while, have fun I mean what's so important that you can't attend your party.

John: well someone needs to watch over New Jersey

Harvey: well what about that new guy the blue baron

John:( stopping in his track, he turns) doctor midnight

Harvey: yeah that's him (putting his arm around John)

John: I don't know The city needs me

Harvey: awww come on John what will it take to convince you to come

John:(sigh) if I come will stop asking me

Harvey gets on his knees

Harvey: yessssssssssssssss

John: okay okay just get up before somebody see you, {he held his hand out for Harvey} Besides what About your family

Harvey: John it's a families are welcome victory party (he points up at the sign)

John: alright I guess I'll see you at the party Harvey but I have to go do an errand first So I'll see you there bye Harvey (waves him goodbye)

Harvey: alright but if you're not there by the time the party starts you're taking me bowling Next weekend See ya Johnny

6:30 pm it's only a few minutes before the party I was doing my patrol around the city for anything unusual, and by unusual I mean DiMaggio I'm dressed by my alter ego dr. Midnight, I didn't plan on being a superhero but someone reported me as the vigilante of New Jersey, when I find them I'm gonna thank them. Every superhero hero needs a vehicle like the Batman, I drive in a1950s Corvette which is something you never see now these days, it's something Diana Always loved, And every hero needs gadgets I have two gun holsters on my left and right leg, one carries a gun the other a tranquillizer gun, I always carry a pocket knife in my back pocket for emergencies, I also carry a leather whip and a grappling hook on the the side of my belt and inside my vest Are Smoke repellents in case in need to get them out of danger, like say trapped with a tiger but that's a story for another Day. I check every square inch of the city but no sight of DiMaggio, all my Hard work and investigation lead me to DiMaggio's home. Every clue leading to him, ends up In a dead end, I was being to be on the verge on giving up. I took a break on my investigation for one night, I manage to make it on time.

Harvey: Johnny you made it,(he hugs me and wraps his arm around me making me walk around) I was worried that you never made it

John: and missed the hard work you put in this party nah its what friends are for

I soon forgot what my purpose was for until

Harvey: John I want you to meet detective Jones (he grabs me and whisperer in my ear) he's very old

We shook hands

Harvey: well I'll let you too get settled in byeeeee

John: so tell me about yourself how'd you become a detective

Jones: well it started many years ago when I was doing a report on a troubled teen named

That name made my heart stopped

John: you know DiMaggio

Jones: yes I heard he robbed a bank by poisoning the guards ( I grab my notebook and took notes)

John: what else do you know

Jones: he's known around this city ask anyone

My search for DiMaggio soon to start, I started to talked to people about his whereabouts

Cathy: he once murdered a whole neighborhood for not letting him sell his candy to the kids (whispering) and the candy he Sell had Ecstasy in it.

Jodie: I heard he has his own club where deep in his basement he kills anyone who stitches on him, threaten him, owes him money or break a promise, heck if you were a cop he'd feed you to his white tigers.

Jackson: I heard that he has a secret hideout, he's on the run for a family he killed ( those two words KILLED, FAMILY, brought a flashback in my head) no one's ever found him.

John: until today

I got everything I need to know, but based on his history records, he was not a very good man I walked out of my own party.

Harvey: John Where you going (shoot, I was so busy, working on finding DiMaggio, I forgot about Harvey)

John: sorry Harvey but somethings come up, I'm need Somewhere

Harvey:(grabbing my shoulder to stop me) now just a minute you said you were coming to the party

John: yes I did but you didn't saying anything about how long I need to stay (smiling at him)

I walked out, to Go finish what I started

Harvey: alright But I warned you WE'RE GOING BOWLING NEXT WEEKEND

I quickly changed from normal to hero Drove in my convertible and gathered all the information and clues I got from everyone DiMaggio has his own club, men selling illegal products like candy ecstasy, dangerous weapons, and bootleg movies. And once a week he goes to orphanages, retirement homes and steal money from the poor, his days of crime are numbered, but first things first I need to find one of his men, I find his goons, I find DiMaggio. 12:00 it started to become midnight, I beginning to give up on my search when I noticed some creep hitting on a teenage girl she runs away thankfully, and then I noticed him handing people vape pens I got a closer look and then I saw it, it was the same man that shot my son, I soon become furious, I got out of my car and made my way to him

Doctor midnight: HEY(I screamed)

He heard, took a closer look at me and started to walk away, I followed him, then he started running, he tried to lose me. He threw  two trash cans at me I jumped, he knocked down a fruit stand, I did a handspring jump, he went to a alley, which was pretty stupid of him, he climbed over a fence, unfortunately for him, he didn't know I had a grappling hook I aimed it at a billboard swung over the fence and crashed on him, he pushed me off and ran as fast as his feet could carry him, he thought he had lost me, but he did count on me walking in the alley, leading me to him.

Doctor midnight:boo

Klaus: ahhh

I grabbed him by the shirt and push him against the wall it was time to get even

Doctor midnight: talk

Klaus: please... don't hurt me

Doctor midnight: I want answers WHERES DIMAGGIO

Klaus: I don't know what your talking about

Doctor midnight: look you either talk or I'll make you( I clutch my fist on his shirt harder)

When I wasn't looking he grabbed a bottle and slammed it on my head I let him Go.

John: ahh

I collapsed on the ground I rubbed my head and saw him running. I called out for my cars and followed him. I followed him until 12:49 when I see him going inside a building called joy time factory.

Doctor midnight: but why would he lead me here this toy factory has been closed since the 70s, was this where DiMaggio hideout was.

I went inside, I lost him, I see an elevator I got inside and hit the 12th button, I got up higher and higher until I heard music when the elevator stop. I saw what a club look like lots of lights, loud Hip-hop music, people dancing in inappropriate ways, girls on the left drinking and On the right Smoking. I'm hoping DiMaggio would be here, I walked inside to find him, I see people on the left And right side doing what's illegal in New Jersey, a girl in a orange dress come to me and puts her arms around me.

Angie: hey handsome you wanna party

I pull her arms off

Doctor midnight: sorry but I'm looking for Antonio DiMaggio

Angie: DiMaggio (places hands on hips) his in his office

She pointed up where I saw three more men walking upstairs, I followed not wanting to spotted I used my grabbing hook swung myself on top of the air vent and ran until it brought me to DiMaggio, I was Close to him finally after three years of planning, and investing all my hard work was final going to pay off.

Samuel: are you, I say are you sure you want to do this DiMaggio,

yakuza: this plan of yours could be dangerous

Les beaux: not to mention that hero this town has, could be on to us

DiMaggio: who the blue baron, I ain't afraid of him

Alligator: I thought his name was doctor midnight

DiMaggio: whatever he's not that smart, and you want to know why

All: WHY

DiMaggio: because he has not once found me, nor have I met him, he's no better than the useless cops of New Jersey, he has not caught me yet, he's no better Then the pathetic, good for nothing, loser, accountant JOHN you know it's men like him that make me sick

I angrily hold my urges against him

DiMaggio: you know what I did to him,................. I killed his family ha haha haha haha ha

His laugh finally pushed me

Doctor midnight: DIMAGGIO

He turned his head, I jumped and hit his face with my foot, I shot the three mafias with my  tranquilizer gun, each fall asleep, I turned to face him, he adjusts his jaw And stands to where I'm standing

DiMaggio: well, well, well if it isn't the blue baron

Doctor midnight: its Doctor midnight

DiMaggio: (looks at the exit door then him) I must say, I admire your work

Doctor midnight: thank you (tipping his head)

DiMaggio: it's too bad you'll never make it out alive

Giving me a sinister smile, I see men coming from my left, right, back and front they all circled me.

DiMaggio:(walks towards the exit) make sure he's taking care of (he winks)

I was surrounded, each one had a weapon, the other cracked his knuckles, I raised up my hand each in my vest and grabbed some smoke Repellents, I threw them on the ground, grabbed my hook and shot for the air vent and swung myself around kicking three or four men jumped on a table, all the goons came running to me, the song don't stop me now played.

Tonight I'm gonna have myself a real good time
I feel alive
And the world I'll turn it inside out, yeah
I'm floating around in ecstasy
So, (don't stop me now) (I put my fists up)
(Don't stop me) (And Ran Towards them)
'Cause I'm having a good time, having a good time
I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky
Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity
I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva
I'm gonna go, go, go
There's no stopping me
I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah
200 degrees (I elbow strike a goon with a gun and kick him backwards)
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit
I'm travelling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you
I'm having such a good time
I'm having a ball (One grabs Me by the back, I heel palm on the throat)
(Don't stop me now)
If you wanna have a good time just give me a call
(Don't stop me now)
'Cause I'm having a good time
(Don't stop me now)
Yes, I'm havin' a good time
I don't want to stop at all ( I hammer strikes two skinny ones)
Yeah, I'm a rocket ship on my way to Mars
On a collision course
I am a satellite I'm out of control
I am a sex machine ready to reload
Like an atom bomb about to
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, explode (groin kick one with a machete)
I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah
200 degrees
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit
I'm travelling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic woman of you (One tries to cut me open with a dagger, I grab his arm, and twist it flipping him over)
Don't stop me, don't stop me
Don't stop me, hey, hey, hey
Don't stop me, don't stop me
Ooh, ooh, ooh, I like it
Don't stop me, don't stop me
Have a good time, good time
Don't stop me, don't stop me, ah
Let loose, honey, all right
Oh, I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah
200 degrees (I then Started kickboxing until either of them are knocked out oR starts running aways)
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit
I'm travelling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you
I'm having such a good time
I'm having a ball
(Don't stop me now)
If you wanna have a good time (alright)
Just give me a call
(Don't stop me now)
'Cause I'm having a good time
(Don't stop me now)
Yes, I'm havin' a good time
I don't want to stop at all ( I swing kick the last one in the head)
Ha-da-da, ha-ha-ha
Ha-da-da, ha-da-da-ah

I walk off to get DiMaggio

Doctor midnight: time to finish what I started (cracking his knuckles)

He spots DiMaggio planting a bomb, he was going to destroy his Own hideout,

DiMaggio: stand back(pulls a gun at him) stay back or.... or..... I blow this place to pieces

It came to me that he was the one afraid of me, now it's his turn, grabbed my whipped and pulled his gun away from him, I then did a backflip and kicked him down, he tried to run but I point the gun in his face, DiMaggio looks up


Doctor midnight: I'm just some guy who's life you just ruined (click)

I was about ready to get back at him

Doctor midnight: you know someone once told me, life is like a game, if you go by the rules you win, but if you cheat (click) you lose

I was about ready to kill him, then I had a thought ( would Diana want this) would this fix me, coincidently there was a mirror in front of me  to me, I took one look at me, And thought  ( I'm just as worst as he is) if I do this I'm No better Then him, time was ticking for me to make a decision, I put the gun down and knocked DiMaggio out, grabbed him and my grabbing hook and swung us out Of the Building the bomb exploded and the whole building began to burn, I called 911, And took a few trips inside, saved DiMaggio's friends, goons And a few other people. I landed in front of him.

DiMaggio: saved me

Doctor midnight: you cost me my life, But that doesn't mean I should let you die, just remember this, whatever you do or go, I will stop

I tied him to a light pole

DiMaggio: before you go, I must know, who are you

Doctor midnight:I'm just someone who you turned into....... a hero

I drove into my car as I saw the cops took DiMaggio and his men into jail, I didn't take him Down, but I got justice for my family. For the last few years I just wanted vengeance, now I think being a full time hero might not be such a bad thing, i can make a difference, make New Jersey a better place.

In your eyes by the weekend played

You always try to hide the pain (oh, oh)
You always know just what to say (oh, dear)
I always look the other way
I'm blind, I'm blind
In your eyes, you lie, but I don't let it define you (hey)
Oh, define you

Driving away hoping to find criminals to beat

This is the begging of a new hero

The end  of episode 2

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