DOCTOR MIDNIGHT-episode 15-wild bets

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Doctor midnight: (grunts) ah

The Badger: take that dr. Midnight

Doctor midnight: (grunts)

You're probably wondering what I'm doing at the great swamp national wildlife refuge fighting the badger

Two weeks ago he escaped brighton asylum and as been doing some experiments in the wildlife refuge, creating hybrid animal monster

But I tracked him down and taking him in

The badger: ya!!!!!!

He throws chemicals tubes at me, but I dodge, he pounces at me, but as we fell, I rolled and threw him off

Badger: ah!!

As he flipped back, I quickly got up, we looked at each other

he got out his claws and I put my fist up, he then got on his paws and feet and started to charged at me.

As we ran towards each other


Doctor midnight: ugh (grunts)

He slashed through my vest and blood started to drip a little

Doctor midnight: agh

I touched my chest and looked up

The blood stain got on my gloves

I got up and as I ran towards him, he jumped and kicked me back, I stumbled onto containers of toxic waste and knocking one of them off the railings and down a hill


Doctor midnight: (grunts) agh

I looked up and saw him charging towards me again and as he pounced at me, I pulled out my taser gun Ana stunned him on his neck

Badger: ah!!!!!!!!!

He collapsed on the ground, as I picked him up and walk towards my car

The toxic waste was pouring on a log covered in moss, it then started to glow and began to mutated into a monster

My name is John hunter and I am DOCTOR MIDNIGHT

Even though I didn't know about it, I had other things to deal with then a mutated swamp monster, today was the day colonel Kennedy Was going to be realized early from prison for good behavior, This wasn't good cause well he and I had a thing.

He was angry at me, for putting down his business, for selling ecstasy in ice cream trucks

But now that he's out of prison, I have a feeling that he has something big and bad planning for me

As he steps outside the gates of Bayside State Prison and sees his men waiting for him by his limo

Larry: hello colonel Kennedy, how was prison

Colonel Kennedy: despicable as usually

Bob: well, we had everything under control since your absence

Colonel Kennedy: good, is it ready yet

Larry: yes sir, it just finished this morning and we're Ready on your mark

Colonel Kennedy: good now all we need is a star attraction

Larry/bob: huh?

Since I sent him to prison, he planned to get even at me, so he told his men to build a wrestling arena

They drove off to the wrestling arena, it was big and something that big could mean trouble

Colonel Kennedy: ah it's better then I can hope

Men1#: ah!!!!

Thud, thud, thud, crash

Larry/bob: huh

Colonel Kennedy: what was that

They went inside, to see his men being attacked by the mutated 6'2 moss monster, he was amazed on how much havoc he was causing and as his men tried to tie him down.

Moss freak: (roar) UGH AH AGH

Men: ahh!!!!

Larry: don't worry sir  (he pulls out a gun) I'll take care for this

Colonel Kennedy: no wait, maybe he could be useful to me (evil chuckles)

Bob: everyone put your weapons

They all got out of colonel Kennedy's way, the moss freak calm down as he saw colonel Kennedy walking slowly towards him

Colonel Kennedy: whoa big fella, calm down big boy, I say calm down, I won't hurt you, you're just scared aren't you

The moss thing nodded his head in agreement

Colonel Kennedy: I know what's it like to be scared in a cruel dark world

He bends down to him

Colonel Kennedy: whats your name sonny

He struggles to speak

Moss freak: (inhales) d-d-do not have n-n-n-name

Colonel Kennedy: hmm

he scratches his chin and looks at him to think of a name for me

Colonel Kennedy: I got it, how about moss freak

Moss freak: mosssss ffffreak like it

Colonel Kennedy: good know you work with me

Moss freak: moss-s f-freak work-k-k

Colonel Kennedy: yes, I just need you to do something for me ok

Moss freak: o-o-k

Larry: what job sir?

Colonel Kennedy: I need you to bring me some volunteers for my little arena

Moss freak: volun-teers?

Colonel Kennedy: you do this and in return I'll give you whatever you want money, fame—

Moss freak: VENGEANCE!!!!!

Colonel Kennedy: ah- vengeance?

Moss freak: moss freak want vengeance

Colonel Kennedy: yes well go to bars and get me the biggest and strongest men you can find,

Moss freak: mmm, moss-s freak-k  find big and strong men

He walks off

Colonel Kennedy: (hehehehe)

Larry: but wait sir, he can't go kidnapping looking like that people would freak out and alert the police

Colonel Kennedy: hmm, I guess that is going to be a problem

Moss freak turns towards him and sees a sweatshirt

Moss freak: hmm, problem fixed

He puts on the sweatshirt and goes off

Colonel Kennedy: there you go problem solved

Bob: but what about dr. Midnight

Colonel Kennedy: don't worry about him, when he see moss freak, he'll deal with him

The next day, he announced an grand opening  to his new wrestling arena

Colonel Kennedy: attention ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honor that I presented to you, my new arena

Crowd: (clapping)

Colonel Kennedy: for the last few days in prison, I felt like I should do something with my life, I then told myself, is this what I want to do with the rest of my life being a crook, so I thought of building my own wrestling arena

Harvey and I got tickets to his show, we only went to see if he was being true to his words

Harvey: can you believe they let him go, even after all the horrible things his done, (sigh) it's sick, I don't even trust him

John: I know Harvey, I get a sick feeling in my gut whenever I hear his voice

Harvey: so do you think he's really changed

John: he's a crooked mafia, they never turn over a new leaf

Harvey: yeah, I guess your right

John: but still we better see the show just to be

Harvey: right, we just a couple of guys hanging out

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and as we took a seat, we saw two men in the arena

Colonel Kennedy: ladies and gentlemen, I presented to you, Matt markson

We turned to the right to see a blonde guy in red boxers, and fighting gloves

The crowd went wilded as he did stunts

Colonel Kennedy: vs tonight's opponent MOSS FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We turned to the left to see moss freak hiding his face under a hood with a bandanna over his mask

John/Harvey: huh?

I was surprised on how big he was, he was the size of bane


The first bell ringed, and as Matt charged at him, moss freak grab him by the face and threw him over the crowd

Crowd: (gasp)

John: holy

Harvey: whoa

We were all shocked at what happened, then Matt quick got back up and ran to him

Matt: yeaaaaaa

Crowd: (screaming in cheer) ahhhhh

After hours of watching two men battle, the fight was over and the winner was moss freak, I was still baffled about him, Harvey saw how worried I was with colonel Kennedy, he decided to take us out for a guys night out.

Harvey: hey, why don't got out and have a couple of drinks and forgot what happened today, huh sounds like a plan

I had no other choice, it was Doctor midnight's night off and I did promised Harvey we'd hang out together

John: (sigh) alright, but remember we're helping with NJPD float for the Fourth of July parade

Harvey: oh relax, that isn't until in a Few days

We went to Blitz Sportsbar, We ordered a platter of nachos and a couple of beers, then as we were drunk, Harvey arm wrestled a group of muscular young professional gymnast and lost a few rounds after a few more hours of drinking and arm wrestling, we decided to go Home, we walked arms against each other, walking together drunk.

Harvey/John: (laughing) hahaha

John: (drunk) well, Harvey we better get going now

Harvey: (chuckles) hic ok where did we park the car again

John: we walked remember (hahaha)

In the hallway, someone was watching us as Harvey walked me to my apartment

John: well goodnight Harvey

I closed the door behind me and collapsed on the floor

John: ugh

Meanwhile with Harvey, he went to call a taxi, but right behind him Was moss freak as he stumbles into him

Harvey: ugh

He looks up to see him, still drunk

Harvey: huh? That's funny you look exactly like  that wrestler from earlier hic

Moss freak grabs him by his shoulder and carries him

Moss freak: volunteers

Three weeks later

It's been four days and Harvey's been missing
It became the day of the parade and me and Harvey were supposed to be the ones to be on the float, I was already ready to go but Harvey was late

John: where is Harvey

Eddie: nobody has seen him in days

John: hmm

I decided to call him, but when his call went to voicemail (for the 20th time) I begin to worry

They his wife cane in worried, she ran looking for me

Charlotte: John

I turned to her

John: Charlotte where's Harvey

Charlotte: I don't know, that's why I'm here to see you

John: huh?

Charlotte: he's gone for four days

John: what?

Charlotte: yes (sob) I been so worried sick about him (sob) please find him

John: don't worry Charlotte, I'll find him and bring him back

Charlotte: (sniffs) oh thank you (she hugs me)

This time it's going to be personal, I had someone take our place, as I (Doctor midnight) went to search for Harvey. But Harvey wasn't the one missing, there have been reports about missing people

Now I got a missing people report to do and find Harvey, I went to Downtown New Jersey where the last place was and the where the parade took place

I then made a discovery, all the missing muscular men and Harvey were last seen in a small little area of bars, the rainbow club blitz sportbar, and the lion's lake and the strangest thing was it was next to colonel Kennedy's arena and ever since colonel Kennedy has been released from prison, people started to disappear

Doctor midnight: hmmm

I think I'll have a chat with him later, my first search was at the rainbow club, but when I got in, i was surprised when I saw it was a gay bar, not that I was against it what surprised me was that it was that most of the men were looked like the cast of Sesame Street, it like Sesame Street came out.

I saw a tall big bird, a muscular Oscar, a Ernie and Bernie who were flirting each other, a big belly Cookie Monster, and three drag queens that look like zoey, Abby and rosita, a stylish Count Dracula and Grover and a midget Elmo

I didn't wanted to stay long, I'm only stay to find the kidnapper, I felt uncomfortable with these kind of bars, it's not that I'm homophobic it's the lights and music I can't stand

Doctor midnight: hmm

Oscar: hey baby wanna party

Doctor midnight: uh no things, I'm just on a mission

Oscar: oh you're no fun

He takes a long sip of his beer and walks out drunk

Oscar: whoa

Doctor midnight: ugh

The drunken man wonders down the streets where the parade has started


Oscar: ah!!!

He stumbles upon to moss freak, he looks terrified by the way he picks him up

Oscar: AH!!!!!!!!

His screaming was loud enough for me to hear, I ran outside to find the big tall stranger stuffed the drunken man in a bag and swings the bag over his shoulder and runs off

Doctor midnight: hey

He turns around to see me and runs off

Doctor midnight: hold It right there

Still ignoring me, I ran after him

Doctor midnight: STOP!!!!

He was getting away from me, so I pulled out my whip, latched it onto a light pole, and kicked him down

Moss freak: AH!!!

As he falls back, he drops the bag and releases his hostage

Oscar: (gasp)

Doctor midnight: go get out of here

I watched him ran off, as I went back to deal with the kidnapper, But when I saw him get up I was surprised for how big he was

Doctor midnight: alright put your hands—- whoa

But when he turned to face me I finally got a glimpse of what he look like

Doctor midnight: whoa, well you're just a big guy aren't ya

Offended by my insults, he glared at me and delivered me a big punch to my stomach and sent me flying to a fruit stand

Moss freak: GR!!!!!!!!


Doctor midnight: (grunts) UGH (moans)

I got up, ran to him and got on his back

Doctor midnight/moss freak: AGH

He grabbed me by my coat, held me close to his face, puts his fist up

Doctor midnight: oh no, not again


Doctor midnight: ah!!!!!!

He punched him to a beauty ad float, the other girls watched me coming and ran off the float

Girls: (screaming)

Doctor midnight: agh!!! (Moans)

When I got up to rub the back of my head and saw him jumping in front of me

Doctor midnight: (gasp)

I rolled and he punches the float, I got up and he started at me and start to go the Incredible Hulk on me

Moss freak: Doctor midnight

Doctor midnight: oh so you know

Moss freak: Doctor midnight bad, moss freak destroy bad man

Doctor midnight: I think it's time for moss freak to be put down

As We charged at each other, I jumped up and punched him

Doctor midnight: (grunts)

He grabbed me by the face and puches me chest three times

Doctor midnight: (grunts) ugh, agh ah

He then throw me in the air and punches me to a different float

Doctor midnight: UGH

He jumps on the float he threw me at and picked me up

Moss freak: you come with moss freak

I got out my smoke pellets and threw it at his face and he lets me go

Moss freak: ah!!!!!!

Doctor midnight: oh I don't think so

I ran to him and punches his stomach only to get my hand stuck inside him

Doctor midnight/moss freak: huh?

Doctor midnight: (grunts) ugh, ugh

As I tried to get it out, but his moss started to grow on me

Doctor midnight: (grunts)

I struggled to get out but the moss was covering my entire body and made me stop moving

He runs off and stares back at me

Moss freak: boss say bye, moss freak say bye, BYE

As I watched him jumped off, I braked myself out of the moss, it stained my coat

Doctor midnight: (sigh) great

But when I got off the float, I saw that he left breadcrumbs and by that I mean mossy footprints

Doctor midnight: (chuckles) perfect, it will lead me to him

As I was following the footprints, colonel Kennedy was about find out that I was getting ahead of him

Moss freak walk inside the arena, empty handed

Bob: hey big freak, where's the volunteer

Moss freak: moss freak had problem

Colonel Kennedy: what kind of problem

He turns his chair around to face him

Moss freak: Doctor night hurt moss freak

Bob/Larry: (gasp)

Colonel Kennedy: Doctor midnight you say

He turns around and strokes his goatee to think

Moss freak: yes

Colonel Kennedy: hmmm

Bob: well that's it we're finished, it was great as long as it lasted

Larry: come on, we need get out of here, before he comes here and break us

Colonel Kennedy then gets an idea

Colonel Kennedy: no let him come

Bob/Larry: WHAT

Colonel Kennedy: I got an idea that'll knock his entire block off, gentlemen I think it's time to get to the next phase of my plan, it's time for stage 2 (evil chuckles) hahaha hahaha hahaha

The two henchmen looked at each other and back at him

Colonel Kennedy: now get them ready for tonight's performance

Bob/Larry: yes sir

Colonel Kennedy: moss freak

Moss freak: yes

Colonel Kennedy: get ready for Doctor midnight

Moss freak: yes sir

Colonel Kennedy: it think it's time for Doctor midnight's last show

As they get ready to put on a show, I was on the lead to finding Harvey and the others, I saw that the footprints stopped at colonel Kennedy's arena

Doctor midnight: I knew he wouldn't change, that good for nothing southern bucket of lard scum bag

I came through the two front door, my gun loaded and stealthily walked in

But something didn't feel right, the place was desert and empty

Doctor midnight: hmm, it's quite, too quiet perhaps

click, click, click

I then heard some footsteps behind me and when I turned someone hit me with a baseball bat on the head


Doctor midnight: (grunts) UGH

I blacked out of a minute but when I was about to wake up, I heard colonel Kennedy calling me

Doctor midnight: (moans) ohh

I slowly opened eyes and looked around my surroundings

Colonel Kennedy: oh good you're awake

Doctor midnight: huh?

I looked up and saw him sitting on a spinning chair across from me, i felt myself sitting on a chair not tied up, I got up and ran up to his face

Colonel Kennedy: whoa whoa now, easy there boy, I say easy, you don't wanna do that

Doctor midnight: and why not

Snap, click, click, click

He gives me a sinisterly smile and snaps his fingers, I turn my head and saw that all his men were aiming at me

Doctor midnight: (sigh)

I gave in defeat and put my hands up

Colonel Kennedy: (chuckles) now that we understand each other, I understand that you're looking for a couple of missing soldiers

Doctor midnight: which you kidnapped

I began to raise my voice at him

Colonel Kennedy: now, I say now, they're alive... for now, and I have a deal for you dr. Midnight

Doctor midnight: what kind of deal, do you have exactly in mind

He gets closer to me

Colonel Kennedy: a wrestling match

Doctor midnight: excuse me

Colonel Kennedy: a fighting match against my main attraction and champion moss freak

He opens up the blinds to show my moss freak in a wrestling rope

Doctor midnight: I don't have time for games

Colonel Kennedy/ it's not a game, it's your final match, you win I'll let the men Go, you lose well!!! you'll die, but hey it's a win-win scenario

Doctor midnight: you mean a win-lose scenario

Colonel Kennedy: (evil chuckles) my mistake

Doctor midnight: (growl)

He gets up and puts his hand to me

Colonel Kennedy: so do we have a deal

I thought for a minute, I didn't wanted Harvey's family suffer the pain I went through but then again New Jersey will have to lose their favorite hero

Doctor midnight: (sigh) I guess I have no choice now do I

We shake hands, his sinister smiles send a cold chill through my spine, I was taken to the dressing room, where colonel Kennedy was about to tell me moss freak's backstory

Colonel Kennedy: you know, my fist plan was to kidnap the strongest men I could find, but when I found moss freak, I decided to make him my star attraction

Doctor midnight: you mean your weapon

He smirks at me

Colonel Kennedy: you see moss freak, was nothing more then just a moss on a log that was until you created him and destroyed his home

Doctor midnight: (gasp)

I flashback to the day I was battling the badger, the toxic waste I pushed over,

Colonel Kennedy: before he was mutated into a moss monster, he watched as his home got Vandalism by the people of New Jersey, so I promised him that if he brings me the strongest men he can find, he gets to fight at my arena to get back at the people of New Jersey

Doctor midnight: no!!! I'm the one he wants, let Harvey and the others go, please colonel Kennedy, I'm the one that you two wanted to get back at

Colonel Kennedy: hahaha hahaha, I know that's why you're going to be the first one to die


His two henchmen hit me in the head, grabbed my arms and took me to the ring

Doctor midnight: COLONEL KENNEDY NO!!!!

Moments later I was in the ring, across from moss freak

When I regain conscious, I can colonel Kennedy voice in the background

Colonel Kennedy: (muffles) ladies and gentlemen-

Doctor midnight: (groans) oh

Colonel Kennedy: I present to you, Doctor midnight's last fight

Doctor midnight: ah!!!

As all lights turned towards me, I saw moss freak in boxers and boxing gloves, he looks about ready to break me

Colonel Kennedy: Doctor midnight is going to fight my main champion moss freak, his will be first and last fight

Doctor midnight: well that doesn't sound good

Colonel Kennedy: all bets on moss beating Doctor midnight are finals

Doctor midnight: bets?


I heard the bell ring which mean the fight just began

Doctor midnight: huh? Wait


Doctor midnight: ugh

He rans towards me and punches me hard in the stomach, I fell back

Doctor midnight: (grunts)

I tried to quickly get back up but he kicks in the abdomen

Moss freak: (growls)

Doctor midnight: ah

He then jabs me on the back with his elbow

Doctor midnight/moss freak: (grunts)

He then grabs me by the face and throws near the edge

The song party monster plays

I'm good, I'm good, I'm great
Know it's been a while, now I'm mixing up the drank
I just need a girl who gon' really understand
I just need a girl who gon' really understand
I'm good, I'm good, I'm great
Know it's been a while, now I'm mixing up the drank
I just need a girl who gon' really understand
I just need a girl who gon' really understand

I quickly got up and punch his chest rabidly

Doctor midnight: (grunts)

But only to find out that he's way too strong for me

He looks up at home with a serious look

Doctor midnight: (nervous chuckles) hehehe

He throws a powerful straight punch to my chin

Doctor midnight: ugh, oh

As I got up, looked up and saw colonel Kennedy giving me a sinister smile

Colonel Kennedy: finish him

I turned around to see moss freak picking me up and stands me up to his level

Moss freak: you have fought your last fight dr. Midnight

I was surprised when I heard him final speaks correctly

Doctor midnight: I see you can final speak so well

Moss freak: of course, I can thanks to mister Kenned and once I eliminated you, I'll show all of man-like who's the big man now

Doctor midnight: Harvey doesn't deserve this

Moss freak: hmm, i don't know this Harvey but he is next

Doctor midnight: well see about that

And I've seen her get richer in the pole
I've seen her, I knew she had to know
I've seen her take down that tequila
Down by the liter, I knew I had to meet her
Ooh, she mine, ooh girl, bump and grind
Ooh, she mine, ooh girl, bump a line
Angelina, lips like Angelina

As I ran towards him, he smacks me across the face


Doctor midnight: ugh

Like Selena, ass shaped like Selena
I'm like, got up, thank the Lord for the day
Woke up by a girl, I don't even know her name
Woke up by a girl, I don't even know her name
(Woke up, woke up by a girl, I don't even know her name)
Got up, thank the Lord for the day
Woke up by a girl, I don't even know her name
Woke up by a girl, I don't even know her name
(Woke up, woke up by a girl, I don't even know her name)

Doctor midnight: ugh

I quickly got up but he grabs me by the neck

Doctor midnight: (chocks)

He raises me up and slams me hard on the ground


Doctor midnight: (grunts) ah

I'm good, I'm good, I'm great
Know it's been a while, now I'm mixing up the drank
I just need a girl who gon' really understand
I just need a girl who gon' really understand
I'm good, I'm good, I'm great
Know it's been a while, now I'm mixing up the drank

I ran to punch him only to miss him

Doctor midnight: (grunts)

I just need a girl who gon' really understand
I just need a girl who gon' really understand
I've been poppin', just took three in a row
I'm down to do it again, I'm on a roll
I've seen him outside tryna reach her
You tryna leave him, you said I'm the reason
Tell me lies, ooh girl, tell me lies
Say you're mine, I'm yours for the night
I'm the realest, she said I'm the realest
Head be genius, dick game be the meanest
I'm like got up, thank the Lord for the day
Woke up by a girl, I don't even know her name
Woke up by a girl, I don't even know her name
(Woke up, woke up by a girl, I don't even know her name)

As paused to takes some deep breaths, he stomped over to me and punches me hard in the chest again


Doctor midnight: ugh

I fell on my knees to hold my stomach and he kicks me on hips and sent me straight into a metal pole

Doctor midnight: ugh, he's just using you, he's a worst human begin than any other man

Moss freak: LIES

Got up, thank the Lord for the day
Woke up by a girl, I don't even know her name
Woke up by a girl, I don't even know her name
(Woke up, woke up by a girl, I don't even know her name)

He picks me up and starts throwing me back and Forth

Thud, thud, thud

Doctor midnight: ugh

He raises his hand above me and he turns it into a giant ball with spikes

Doctor midnight: (gasp)

I rolled over and got up

Moss freak: (grunts)

As he pulls his arm out, it left a few holes and was scratched up

Doctor midnight: he's betting on you, and it's illegal to hold bets without a license

Moss freak: SHUT UP

Got up, thank the Lord for the day
Woke up by a girl, I don't even know her name
Bitches in my new spot, crowdin' up my space
Had to check the safe, check the dresser for my chains

He rans to me and punches me hard and I sent me flying into the pole

Moss freak: (grunts)

Doctor midnight: ugh

Got up, thank the Lord for the day
Woke up by a girl, I don't even know her name
Bitches in my new spot, crowdin' up my space
Had to check the safe, check the dresser for my chains


Doctor midnight: ugh, I gotta find a way to defeat him but how, hmmm how do you stop moss, hmm, whoa

I ducked as I saw him about to smack me

Doctor midnight: hmm

He then turns his hands into giant hammers and starts to whack me down

Doctor midnight: whoa

Moss freak: (grunts)

Paranoid (Paranoid)

Doctor midnight: quick John think


Doctor midnight: if he's part moss and mutated what can stop him

Paranoid (P-paranoid)

Thud, thud, thud

Doctor midnight: he's just like every villain I fight, every one has a weakness, hmm
Paranoid (P-paranoid)
But I see something in you (you're paranoid)

I thought for a minute and saw a fusion box near the exit

Doctor midnight: perfect
Paranoid (Paranoid)
Paranoid (P-paranoid)
I ran towards him, jumped on hands then pounced off his back and off the arena

Doctor midnight: hm

He followed me and as he chased me near the exit, he grabbed me and slams me against the fusion box

Paranoid (P-paranoid)

Doctor midnight: ugh

I looked up at him as he gets fist ready to end me

Moss freak: goodbye, dr. Midnight

Doctor midnight: oh I don't think so

As he swings his fist down at me, I ducked and he ends up breaking the fusion box and getting electrocuted


Moss freak: (screams)

But I see something in you
(I see something in you)
You're paranoid

As he gets an shocking effect, the entire stadium's lights shut off and people begin to panic and exit, I looked back at colonel Kennedy tipping my hat at me

Colonel Kennedy: (gasp) (gasp)

He starts to panic as he saw me disappeared when the lights flickered off and on

Colonel Kennedy: (gasp) we need to leave now

All his men followed him to safety out of the building

Bob: come on colonel

Larry: I told ya we should've quit while we had the chase

Colonel Kennedy: just shut up and run

Moss freak collapse on the ground hard as he was finished executed, I look down at him

Doctor midnight: I'll deal with you in a minute but first I need to take care of something

I went to the locked room, where Harvey and the others were tied up

When they saw me, they were struggling to get release, I untied Harvey first

Harvey: Doctor midnight how did you find me

Doctor midnight: colonel Kennedy's new pet left a few breadcrumbs

Harvey: there's something you should know

Doctor midnight: I already defeated moss freak but you need to get these men out of here

Harvey: but what about colonel Kennedy

Doctor midnight: I'll deal with him, you just get some reinforcement to carry moss freak to prison

I ran off to colonel Kennedy as he looks at me and goes to the telephone on the wall and dials 911

Harvey: hello, this is Harvey I'm going to need some backup....where am I, well I'm at colonel Kennedy's arena

As he called for reinforcements, I was like a bat hunting for his prey, colonel Kennedy and his men were running like mice

But I was going to take his out of by one

Colonel Kennedy: (inhales) (exhales)

It was hard for him to run in the dark

Henchmen 1: don't worry colonel, we're loyal to you and we won't let him catch yo-

I took him down

Colonel Kennedy: ah

Henchmen 2: don't worry sir we're stil right behind ya-ah

Henchmen 3: ah

Henchmen 4: oh

Colonel Kennedy looked at left and right to see his men being taken down and was left with only two of his men

Colonel Kennedy: (gasp)

Bob: don't worry sir, look

He points at the exit door, colonel Kennedy's spirits were way up until

I grabbed one of his men by the leg and pulled him

Bob: ah

Colonel Kennedy/Larry: (gasp)

Larry: uh oh

I threw him towards the other one and they both got knocked unconsciously

Bob: ah


Larry: ugh

Colonel Kennedy: (gasp)

Colonel Kennedy watched as he was henchmenless, he tried to run out the door but as a big gust of wind, I slammed the door shut

Colonel Kennedy: (scream) no no no no no no

He struggles to open the door but turned his back when he heard my footsteps walking closer towards him

Colonel Kennedy: (gasp) (gasp)

He was sweating this the greedy pig he is, his legs trembling like a wall, shaking in fear

He was now in the position he put innocent people in....


He was afraid of me

I jumped in front of his face


Doctor midnight: boo!

Colonel Kennedy: (screams) AH!

I stared him in his face, he waited for me to do something to him

Doctor midnight: I knew you wouldn't change form the start

I reached inside of vest

Colonel Kennedy: (gasp)

He thought I was going to shot him but...

Colonel Kennedy: ah


As he looked away and covered his face, and saw that I handed cuff him

Colonel Kennedy: (sigh) ah

He broke down just like that and pass out on the floor

When the police has arrived, I watched as Harvey took colonel Kennedy and his men back to jail,

Harvey: well colonel Kennedy, looks like it's another more 10 months in prison and maybe if you behave real good you can get release early with a fresh new start

He panics as he saw me giving him a finger laser point, he pulls Harvey to his face


He quickly gets in and shuts the door as he points at me, the s.w.a.t team  cane out pushing a glass cage with moss freak in and sent him to interstellar labs to be tested and as they where both taken away, Harvey's wife came out of the crowd and runs into Harvey arms

Charlotte: HARVEY!

Harvey: (gasp) Charlotte-oh

They both share a hug as he looks up at me and smiles

Charlotte: you had me and kids worried sick, where have you been

As they parted he grabs her shoulders

Harvey: don't worry hon, I'm alright, thanks to Doctor Midnight

He shows her to me, she walks over to me and gives me a kiss on my cheek

Charlotte: (mwah) thank you so much for saving my husband

Doctor midnight: you're welcome mame, you get home safe now Harvey

Harvey: thanks again Doctor midnight

We waved goodbye as i shot out my grabbing hook and took off

But as my feet flew from the ground, what I didn't noticed was that I was standing underneath another strange symbol and it was bigger?

The end of episode 15

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