DOCTOR MIDNIGHT-episode 16-triple threat

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Booster jet: New Jersey, my kind of city, a little shade for a criminals home, I was transport from Brooklyn police department to the New Jersey to do what no one could do In This stinking city

Thud, crash

He drives around the city turns to see doctor midnight fighting the mime

The mine wore a black and white stripe shirt, black leggings and shoes and white gloves, he also had white clown makeup, a red rubber nose and black diamonds over his eyes and his hair was black

The mime (a.k.a Mickey) was shooting an invisible gun at him, the gun may be fake but the bullets were real, he used a trash can Tun to block the bullets

Booster jet: time to jet

He gets out of his car and rushes to the fight

Booster jet: my name is booster jet and this is my story

Doctor midnight: whoa (grunts) mines, don't you have some show to put on clown boy

The mime face turns red and he pretends that smoke comes out of his ear

Bang, bang

He throws the trash can lid at him and knocks him down,


as he feel back, when Doctor midnight marches up to him

Click, click

He turns around to see Rachael taking pictures of the fight

Doctor midnight's heart lit up when he saw her wore a long sleeve purple shirt, skinny jeans and black cuffed high heel pirate boots, the mime puts his hands together against his face and flies in the air

Doctor midnight: (gasp)

He hovers down to her

Rachael: huh?

He takes her hand and kiss her all the way up from her arm to her shoulder and as he almost kisses her cheeks she stops

Rachael: whoa, Take it easy there, we just met

He eyebrows her and she falls victim of his flirting

Rachael: (giggles)

Doctor midnight: (grunts) ugh

He runs to him, the mime looks and jumps, he ends up crashing into a pile of trash


Doctor midnight: (grunts) ahh, oh

He acts out that he's driving in a getaway car and gives Rachael a wink and a finger gun shot

She was flattered and looks back at Doctor midnight and helps him up

Just then a hot shot police officer in a leather police jacket, navy pants and black sneakers

Booster jet: freeze FBI, booster jet here

He pulls out his badge to show it to the entire crowd and aims his gun at Doctor midnight, as he walks up to him

Booster jet: Dr. midnight you under arrest for disturbing the peace

Rachael gets in front of him and defends him

Rachael: he wasn't doing anything wrong, he was trying to stop the mime

Booster jet: mame, please wait for autographs until after I deal with this purple menace

He takes out a pairing hand cuffs and puts in on his hands

Doctor midnight: it's blue and...

He breaks out the smoke pellets and explodes it in his face


Booster jet: AH (cough)

As the entire area was covered in purple smoke, he breaks out of the cuffs and run

But before he left, he looked at Rachael And her slender yet toned and curvy body

Doctor midnight: mmmm

He grabs her waist and pulls her closer to his chest

Rachael: (gasp)

He then presses his lips against hers

Doctor midnight: mmm

Rachael: (moans)

She tries to push him away but he's strength was to strong

He finally let her go and she glare at him

Rachael: I hate it when you do that

Doctor midnight: you know you love it

He shoots his grabbing hook and aims it high at a building but by the time the smoke cleared

Booster jet saw that he got away

Booster jet: (grunts) ugh

Booster jet- P.O.V

today, was I'm first day in New Jersey, and I want to make a good impression

But when I got inside, I saw everyone gathering around the city's famous detective John hunters, from what I here that guys a mystery

He looks to see him telling the other police a joke

Policemen: (laughing)

John: (chuckles)

A brilliant detective, cunning soldier and a real hero not like that vigilante dr. Midnight (Ugh) I bet John hates him too, but what's the real story behind him

John sees him walking to him

John: hi, booster jet right

How did he know my name?

Booster jet: uh yeah, wow they don't call you the greatest detective for nothing

They shake hands

John: when Harvey told me we were going to have another recruit joining us, I thought sure let a couple of rookies learn from the best

Booster jet: (in mind) rookie

I just fake a smile

Booster jet: why thank you John, that's one way to introduce me

John: huh?


I wrap my arm around his neck

It was time for me to take his place

Booster jet: face it John, you're just an old dinosaur, hey you had a good run but I think it's time you let someone else take charge now

John: (in mind) his he saying that I'll old

He gets on top of a desk

Booster jet: and it's time for me to do what you rookies couldn't do and that's....... TAKE DOWN DR. MIDNIGHT

Cops: (gasp)

John was shocked as he tries to back away until Harvey spoke in

Harvey: wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, why would you want to take down Doctor midnight,

Booster jet: he's a menace, a vigilante no-show and worse of all, refuses to show his face

Harvey: but he's a hero

Booster jet: he's the reason this city is filled with criminals

Harvey: at least he stops the mans takes them down

Booster jet: who do think created those criminals

Harvey's face dropped

John: (in mind): I created those villains

Just then the chief came in

Chief: all right, everyone settle down

He looks to see booster jet

Chief: I see that you all met our new rookie, booster jet

He waves at everyone

Chief: he'll be joining us, so hunter you'll be his mentor today show him around and make him feel welcome

Booster jet: whoa hold it there chief, booster jet those what he always those works alone

Chief: right (he rolls his eyes) anyway as you all know that quite freaky the mime a.k.a Mickey McCreary has escape the asylum and cause havoc on the street

Booster jet: chief if I may, I had him in my grasp, until that vigilante made him escape

Chief: hmm, funny that's not what the reporter Rachael maxwell said on tv

He turns on the tv to show them Rachael reporting the news

Rachael: this morning the mime as known as Mickey was causing mayhem in the streets, just as Doctor midnight was going to take him down, this new hot-shot detective swoops in and decides to take Doctor midnight down instead


He pauses the tv

Booster jet: chief in my defense, when I heard about this dr. Midnight, I want to be the first to take him down and expose him to the world

Jerry: but what about the mime

Booster jet: oh forgot him, he's not the problem dr. Midnight is, sir I want to take down DR. MIDNIGHT

Cops: (gasp)

John: (gulp)

Chief: ok, (whispers) even though he didn't do anything, the rest of you, find the mime and take him in

John: I'll do it sir

Chief: alright John, good luck, you're all dismissed

John/cops: yes sir

As John rushes out

Harvey: good luck John

I decided to search some answers, in order to catch this crook, I need to look deeper into history and the only person that has an obsession with him is that sassy reporter Rachael maxwell

He arrives at the daily bookworm department, he goes to her office to see her working, as her back was turn he looks up and down at me

Too gothic for my taste and she could use some color

Rachael: can I help you

Booster jet: yes, what can you tell me about him

I show her a picture of Doctor midnight

Rachael: he's a private-eye detective and a bold hero

Booster jet: he's a dangerous criminal just like the others

Rachael: he wouldn't do anything to hurt this city

Booster jet: I seen you get rescue a lot, if I didn't know better I say you fallen for him

Rachael: he's a Good hero, he wouldn't hurt me

Booster jet: he's just using you to boost his image

Rachael got offended

Rachael: why do you want to know about him

Booster jet: so I can bring him down once and for all

Rachael: look here buddy, you maybe one of the greatest detectives of where you're from, but you'll never take him out

Booster jet: just watch me

Rachael glares at him and turns around to continue her paperwork

Booster jet: is there anything about him you know, where did he came from, how did he come here, what's his secret hideout

Rachael: (gasp) look all I know is that he only appears when trouble is brewing or when I'm endangered, I know nothing else about him

Booster jet: hmmm, sounds to me that you been hanging out with the wrong crowd

She rolls her eyes at him, he gives her his card with his phone number

Booster jet: here, I'd you in danger, need help or have any more info on dr. Midnight let me know and (suave tone) if you ever want to have dinner sometimes (wink)

She became disgusted and threw the card in the trash

Rachael: uhg, ew

As he walks out, a paperboy walks by

Booster jet: she's totally into me

Paperboy: ?

As he left, she went back to her work, Doctor midnight was hiding behind her

Rachael: you can come out now, he's gone

He climbs out and walks up behind her back

Doctor midnight: did you tell him about us

Rachael: you should steer clear of him, he was close to reveling you identify

Doctor midnight: I'm surprised you didn't tell him

Rachael: the New Jersey needs Doctor Midnight

He moves his hand below her waist to her butt as he gets closer to groping it

Rachael: don't even think about it

He ignores her warning anyways and gropes it

Rachael:(gasp) hey!

As she turns around to hit him, he moves and grabs her arms

Rachael: (gasp)

Doctor midnight: (chuckles) hehehehe

She glares at him and pulls herself away from him, she walks to the glass window, rubbing her arms hugging herself

Rachael: can you please take this seriously,(sigh)

Doctor midnight: I was only joking baby

He presses his hand on her shoulder

Rachael: I'm scared, I don't want to lose you

He turns her to face him

Doctor midnight: hey, nothing bad is gonna happen to me

As they stared into each other's eyes, he leans in to kiss her, she press her hands on his chest to push him away

Rachael: you should probably go and do what you do best and find the mime

He gives her a smirk and and as he goes to the window he turns to her

Doctor midnight: by the way, I don't like the way he looked at you so stay away from that clown street performer

He jumps through the window, she looks down to see him running

Rachael: be careful

At 3:37, Rachael went out to get done lunch when


Rachael: (gasp)

She saw a gust of purple glittery smoke appeared near the jewelry shop

crueldini: ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the one, the only THE GREAT CRUELDINI

out came a magician, he had a top hat, a purple cape, a black suit, with a purple vest underneath, black and white shoes, his cuffs were amethyst ovals, his hair was slick back and was black as coal, he had a mustache and a goatee beard

Everyone was stunned by him as he pulled out his wand to take the jewels out

Rachael: whoa

Rachael was impressed by his magic as she walk closer towards him

At the same time, Doctor midnight and booster jet got an alert from the police radio in their cars

Radio: attention all units, there's a robbery at 7th Avenue Wall Street, the suspect appears to be harmed and dangerous

They both answered

Doctor midnight/booster jet: I'm on my way

As they drove off, booster jet got stunk in a traffic jam as Doctor midnight made it on time

He saw the Illusionist, pull out his hat and aims it at them a gust of wind blew at them all away

Cops: ah

Crueldini: (evil chuckles) hahaha

He turns around to see Rachael

Crueldini: oh

He walks over to her and pulls out a bouquet of roses from his hat and gives them to her

Rachael: oh my

She takes it and he cups her hand and kisses it

Crueldini: (mwah)

Rachael: (giggles) what a lovey gesture

Crueldini: the only magic here, is the spell you put me under with you bewitch beauty (mwah)

She blushes as he winks at her, Doctor midnight saw and charged at him

Doctor midnight: ah

Crueldini saw and used his cape to create doves out of thin air and as Doctor midnight ran, they flew in his face

Doves: coo, coo

Doctor midnight: ugh

As he tries to smack swat them away, he saw crueldini uses his wand to put the jewelry in his hat while he made goo-goo eyes at Rachael, which made Doctor midnight more furious

Doctor midnight: (grunts)

He runs out of the crowd of birds, pull out his guns and knocks the wand out of his hand


Crueldini: ah! (Grunts)

He takes his hand and glares at him

Doctor midnight: show's over

Crueldini gives him a sinister smile as he uses his finger to unbuckle his pants

Click, zip, flop

Without even touching his pants

Doctor midnight: huh (gasp)

Crowd: (laughing)

He blushed when Rachael saw his red heart boxers

Rachael: (giggles)

He quickly tries to pulls his pants back up, he then flips the back of his coat over his head

Doctor midnight: ugh

As he was covered, he ties his shoe lace together and he fall down

Doctor midnight: ah


Crueldini: (evil chuckles) hahaha

He looks back at Rachael as he saw booster jet coming at him with gun

Booster jet: (gasp) (gasp)

Crueldini: sorry my dear but this is where i leave you and go solo, I have another mistress waiting for me and her name is crime

Booster jet: hey you stop right there

He pulls out a long red scarf and as he wraps himself around it, everyone was amazed as he vanished into thin air

Booster jet: wait, ugh

Rachael and booster jet both turned to Doctor midnight, to see him untied his lace, puts his coat back and pulls his pants back up

This was my only chance to catch him

Booster jet: hey

He rushes over to him and pulls out the hand cuffs

Booster jet: thanks for letting him get away scum

Doctor midnight: he caught me by his magic, now excuse me I have two crooks to catch

Booster jet: oh no you don't, the only crook that's gonna be taken down is you

As i try to hand cuffs him, he hand cuffs me instead

Click, click

Booster jet: hey

He kicks me back and rushes to Rachael


Booster jet: ugh (grunts)

I saw him picking up Rachael and makes one of his famous escapes, he pulls out his grabbing hook and swings up top on a building

Booster jet: ugh, great now I got three crooks to catch and I have to report a kidnapped in progress

And what was worse, was that the whole thing was caught on camera

Everyone in the NJPD laughed at his pain

Cops: (laughing)

Harvey: oh nice job there rookie, you really had him there

Jake: yeah, that was really professional hot shot

Just then John came in, where was he, when Doctor midnight appeared

John: I'm back what did I miss

Harvey wraps his arms around his neck and pulls him in for a laugh

Harvey: oh John, there you are, we're just watching this video of booster jet trying to catch Doctor midnight, hahaha

Cops: hahaha hahaha

Booster jet: (growls)

Chief: alright that's enough

Everyone stayed quiet as he entered the room

John: and that was more important that catching crueldini

Harvey: yeah

Everyone started to agree

Booster jet: here's a better question, where were you when I had to catch two crooks

Everyone turned to him

John: oh, uh, well I had to track down the mime

Everyone fell for it

Booster jet: oh really

Chief: booster, you had one job and it was to take down the mime, not Doctor midnight

Booster jet: but chief, he's a menace that needs to be stop-

Chief: enough, it's bad enough the mime is still out there causing havoc but now I got an evil magician (sigh) look you need to put this crazy obsession with Doctor midnight to an end and do your job right

Marci: hey chief there's been a report about a mask weirdo robbing the bank at Bank St, Cape May

Chief: (sigh) oy, alright, John I'm assigning you two together on this case

He salutes him

John: yes sir

Booster jet: what oh no no no no, I don't do partners, I work alone

Chief: you already done that look where it got ya

Jake: a video in worlds funniest videos

Chief: you will assist John on this case, no more screw ups, no distractions and no catching Doctor midnight, John you're in charge so show this rookie how we catch our crooks

John: yes sir

Booster jet: ugh

It was bad enough that I didn't catch Doctor midnight and got in heat with the big boss but now I'm playing sidekick to John

We rode in his car and as we arrived, I ran inside

Booster jet: try to keep up old timer

John: booster wait

I didn't listen to him when I got inside, once I take this goon down, I'll put Johnnin his place and They'll replace him with me


Booster jet: freeze put your hands up

I only saw that the robber wasn't there but right behind me



Booster jet: ah

I got hit in the head with a gun, I collapsed on the floor

Dandy highwayman: freeze this is a robbery

A polite Englishmen walks up holding two guns in the air

He wore a Bellamy Shirt, Navy blue Tail Coats, Gray Breeches, yellow Cravat, black Belt, red, blue and white Cummerbund, TuffRider Mens Baroque Dress Boots with a belt buckle, a red Scarf, black leather gloves and a matching large Victorian pirate hat with blue and purple feathers and had a mask over his eyes

There was a holster on his right leg holding a sword

Dandy highwayman: I'm the dandy highwayman, now empty all the banks, your wallets, purses and give me all your priceless values you have

He pulls out a bag and unfortunately Rachael was there to check in her pay check, when he sees her, he gives her a wink as he passes by


Rachael: huh?

and after he takes everyone's priceless values and all the money

He goes to Rachael last and looks at her amulet, she touches it as he smirks at her, she takes it off and puts it in the bag, he takes her hand

Rachael: it's not much, but it's all I have

Dandy highwayman: such a lovey jewelry for the most stunning women

He kisses her hand

Rachael: oh my (giggles) it was a gift from my grandmother

Dandy highwayman: what is your name my dear

Rachael: Rachael, Rachael maxwell

Dandy highwayman: the reporter

He gets down on his knee and bows down as he takes off his hat

Dandy highwayman: it would be my pleasure, if you join me for a ride, my little orchid flower

Doctor midnight: she's not going anywhere and neither are you

They both turned to see doctor midnight swing towards them and kicking him down


Dandy highwayman: ugh

As he fell back, he grabs Rachael

Doctor midnight: get out of here

The dandy highwayman quickly gets up and pulls out his sword

It wasn't fair for him, caused he only had a gun, he saw him running towards him

Dandy highwayman: ah!!

Doctor midnight: huh

As Doctor midnight gets ready to attack him, he catapults himself over his body, lands between them and kicks him down


Doctor midnight: ah

As he fells back, he turns to Rachael and carries her

Dandy highwayman: come me dear we must hurry

Rachael: oh

He quickly gets up and sees him running to his motorcycle

Vroom, vroom, vroom

As he sees them take off, he rushes to his car only to get stopped by booster jet

Doctor midnight/booster jet: (grunts)

Booster jet pins him hard to the ground, his arms behind his back

Booster jet: HA! I finally caught ya

Doctor midnight struggles to get out


booster jet: on no, you're not getting away from me this time

Click, click

He could hear him bringing out the handcuffs

Doctor midnight: (gasp)

As he hooks one hand to the right side and as he tries to cuff the other one, he pushes him off


Booster jet: ah

And tries to run to his car, booster quickly gets up and pulls out his walkie talkie

Booster jet: John, I got dr. Midnight on my trail, I'm going to need some back up

He then jumps on top of him and pins him to the ground again

Doctor midnight: ugh

They then rolled around each other and then...


They were handcuffed to each other, and they looked up at each other

Booster jet: ugh, thanks a lot, this was my last chance to take my place as the new detective and I get handcuffed to the menace

Doctor midnight: I'm not a menace, and if you caught the real thieves instead of trying to catch me, why do you even hate me


Doctor midnight: look, the only menace here is those three crooks that I risked my neck to take down, the mine, crueldini and the dandy highwayman and one of them has Rachael, probably holding her hostage, (sigh) look I know you don't like me...

Booster jet: you got that right

Doctor Midnight: but I think we should work together to save Rachael

Booster jet: how will I know you won't shot me

Doctor midnight: you're just gonna have to trust me

He puts his hand that's handcuffed to him

Doctor midnight: truce

I hesitated at first (sigh) but I was going to have to put my petty hatred for him aside, I shook his hand

Booster jet: (sigh) truce

We took his car, where ever John is, I hope it was more important then backing me up cause If he was here, we would've took him down

But after we save Rachael and take down those three crooks down, I'm taking him down too, it'll be easy like hitting two birds with one stone...but it will be four birds with a stone but you get the idea

We were driving for hours which seems like forever

Booster jet: you gave no idea where you going do you

Doctor midnight: the abandon toy factory

Booster jet: what? What makes you assume they'll be there

Doctor midnight: it was the first place they got their powers

Booster jet: huh, I don't understand

Doctor midnight: there getting their revenge on me

Booster jet: ok!!! So can you tell me the story about them, how did they become super villains and how they got their powers

Doctor midnight: (sigh) well if you're gonna know might as well tell you, it started my months ago

Flashback begins

I was working on a case of following moss freak, I tracked him down to The Toy Soldier Company

Doctor midnight: (grunts) ugh

Moss freak: (growls) ah

Outside the factory was three street performers, Mickey McCreary the mime, Giovanni Houdini the magician and Tommy Atkins a poet and dancer

I was about to take him down when he hit a fuse box



Moss freak: ahh

But when he got electrocuted, it cause the entire building to explode


The three were performing near the street and got struck by the electric pulse


Mickey/Giovanni/tommy: (screaming) AH!!

I lucky not to get hurt by the electric storm but cause the sanity of three normal street performers

He looks to see the three getting a electric buzz through their body left

Buzz, buzz, buzz

After I took moss freak back to the asylum, I brought the three to a hospital, but they then were tested and found the result that they have the power to what they preform

Flashback ends

Doctor midnight: of instants the mime can act out what he pretends to do

Booster jet: like trapping someone in a invisible box

Doctor midnight: exactly, crueldini uses real magic

Booster jet: but what about the dandy highwayman

Doctor midnight: well, the electricity may have given the other two powers but it took Tommy's sanity, he used to be a actor

Booster jet: and know he believes he's a criminal

Doctor midnight: exactly, he did the play of the myth of the dandy highwayman


Doctor midnight: we're here

As they got out (it was difficult since booster didn't have the keys) booster looks up to see the building boarded up

Booster jet: but what those have to do with Rachael

Doctor midnight: easy, she's the bait, it's a trap

Booster jet: wait, whoa whoa whoa, if you knew it's a trap why are you entering anyway

He walks up to the building and pulls out one of the boards

Creak, crack

Doctor midnight: because it's what I do, I put others first

They walks inside

Once they walk inside, they were greeted by the three

Crueldini: well, well, we'll look who it is

A light shines at them as they see three standing next to Rachael who is tied to a chair and bounded

Dandy highwayman: it's the heroic dr. Midnight and his attention seeking sidekick

Booster jet: hey!

Rachael: Doctor midnight!!!

Booster jet: and booster jet

Rachael: help me

Ignoring booster

The three walk to them

Crueldini: he can not help you now my dear cause he'll be defeated by the deadly, dangerous and despicable TRIPLE THREAT

Doctor midnight: triple threat, what a stupid name

Rachael: ugh, I regret flirting with you guys, you were right Doctor midnight, I should've stayed away from them

Crueldini walks up to her and strokes underneath her chin

Crueldini: aw but my little orchid it was great while it lasted

Rachael: ugh

He started to get furious, he ran to him and puches him in the chest

Doctor midnight: (grunts)

Booster jet: ah


Crueldini: ah

Booster was forced to follow him and falls down, as crueldini got back up, so did booster jet, the triple threat began to fight them

Doctor midnight/booster jet: QUICKLY THIS WAY

as they went to a different direction, they forgot that their chain together


Doctor midnight/booster jet: ah

They both fell back against each other, just then dandy highwayman started to shot at them

Bang, bang, bang

They both took cover

As he continued to shoot at them and the mime started to shot them with a invisible tommy gun

bam, boom, blam, ka-blam, bam, boom, blam, ka-blam, bam, boom, blam, ka-blam

Booster jet: ah!!

He was covering his ears as Doctor midnight pulled out his own gun and shot them back

Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam

Doctor midnight: I really wish you had keys for these things

Booster jet: well excuse me but I was in a rush

Boom, boom, boom

Booster jet: AH


Just then when they were down to their luck, the mime threw a bomb at them


Doctor midnight/booster jet: AH!!

It sent them flying in a different direction

Rachael: (gasp) DOCTOR MIDNIGHT

But it end up breaking the hand cuffs

Doctor midnight: thanks for break the chains

They run to us

Doctor midnight: I'll deal with them, you free Rachael

Booster jet: on it

As Doctor midnight went to deal with them, I ran to Rachael and untied her

The triple threat surrounded Doctor midnight, the mime pulled out a bat and whacked him in the back of the head


Doctor midnight: ah

As he quickly got up, crueldini zapped him with  his wand


Doctor midnight: (grunts) ugh

He Then got a blow to the stomach by the dandy highwayman


Doctor midnight: ugh

He gets up and tries to punch him back only to get a kick to the back by the mime


Doctor midnight: ugh

He feel on his knees and the three began to kick him

bwak, bwak, bwak, bwak, bwak, bwak, bwak

Doctor midnight: AAUGH

As soon as booster jet untied Rachael, they both went to see doctor midnight get a powerful kick everywhere

He was gonna get brushes in the morning

Rachael: he's gonna get himself killed, do something

I saw her looking at me as I saw him suffering

Booster jet: oh

He got a painful kick to the gun by the dandy highwayman


Doctor midnight: ugh

They a hard kick to the back by the mime


Doctor midnight: argh

Then finally gets a kick to his chest


Doctor midnight: argh

He looked like most of his rib cage broke as he grabbed his stomach as the triple threat surround about ready to finish him

I wanted to see him finally get what he deserves but that look in Rachael's face made me have this guilty feeling deep inside me


I jumped down and shot at them

Bang, bang, bang

As they saw me, Doctor midnight quickly got up and kicked them three down

Triple threat: whoa

As they fell down, me and Doctor midnight get ready to fight them, he then looked up and we saw a giant plastic heart, we nod at each other and both shot at the wire and it fell on them as they got up

Triple threat: ah


Triple threat: ugh

I walked up to the three and handcuff to each other

Booster jet: factory's close

I turned around to see Rachael with Doctor midnight, she looks at him and hugs him tightly as they turned to me

Doctor midnight: thanks for the help

Booster jet: you're not so bad yourself

We both shook hands

Doctor midnight: so those that make us even, maybe you and I can find a little understanding and work together

Click, click

Doctor midnight- P.O.V

I saw him handcuffed me

Booster jet: no, I plan to take you in and attend to keep it that way

Rachael: (gasp)

Doctor midnight; it was worth a shot

I got out my smoke pellets and exploded in front of his face


Booster jet: (cough) (cough) (cough)

I pulled out my sharpest blade and cut the handcuffs off and carried Rachael to my car

Rachael: oh

As the smoke cleared he watched me escape

Rachael: you do know that he's not gonna rest until he's reveal you identity

Doctor midnight: yeah but he's forgetting that I'm New Jersey's greatest hero, I'll just have to steer clear of him

She smiles at me and kisses my cheek

Rachael: mwah

Booster jet: (grunts) crap, I can't believe he got away from me AGAIN ugh

He then sees that back up arrives, which only meant one thing to him

Booster jet: (gasp) John, perhands sees not all that old after all, (chuckles) maybe if we can work together we can finally take down that vigilante menace

He looks up to see doctor midnight driving away

Booster jet: one of these days, dr. Midnight, I'm gonna get you

The end of episode 16

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