DOCTOR MIDNIGHT-episode 17- tension in siberia

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For the many months I stayed in New Jersey, I began to develop the accent

Me and Harvey were going to the interstellar labs to help protect mr. barrington from professor polar

John: what do you think professor polar wants to hurt mr. barrington

Harvey: don't know, maybe he just wants his money, every crook is like that to him

John: but professor polar doesn't rob money, he just causes mayhem

Harvey: knowing him, robbing people for their money is mayhem

But when we got inside his office, we found Rachael doing an interview with him

John: (gasp) Rachael

She turns to see me

Rachael: John

She walks up to me, she was wearing a dark shade of purple eyeshadow and lipstick, a blue, purple and white turtleneck sweater, slim fit Demi jeans, and black thigh high boots

John: what are you doing here

Rachael: wherever a story goes I follow

John: but you can't be here, it's too dangerous, you need to get out of here before dr. Polar comes

Rachael: I'll be fine, I need to finish my interview

She walks back to mr. barrington, as I reach my hand out to grab her, Harvey touches my shoulders

Harvey: don't worry John, we have the whole place filled with the finest policemen, he never get past the front doors

Just then mr. barrington started to panic

Harold: (gasp) (gasp) he's here, I can feel it

We all looked at him as I push Rachael back to Harvey, he grabs her as I walked up to him

John: where mr. barrington

Then we heard a loud knocking at the doors

Bang, bang, bang

Everyone: (gasp)

We all looked back at the doors as I pulled Rachael closer to me, mr. barrington hid behind his desk as the others pulled their guns up and aimed it at the door, Harvey joined in

Harvey: I stand corrected

He then blasted the doors down


We all backed away as we saw him coming in carrying a large blaster gun, he was rage in fury when he saw mr. barrington hiding

Professor polar: (growls)

My name is John hunter and I am DOCTOR MIDNIGHT


As he tries to run away, we all jump on top of him to pin him down

I grabbed Rachael's shoulders and pull her to my face

John: you need get out of here now,

As I let her go, she runs near the doorway, I jumped on his back and chokehold his neck but he hits his back against the wall smashing me hard

Dr. Polar/John: (grunts)

I let him go and fell down as he picked me up and threw me at the door


John: ugh

Rachael saw me got hurt and went to help me up, dr. Polar saw her as a diversion

Rachael: John, ugh

He grabbed her wrist and pulls him closer to his chest and aims his gun to her chin

I got up and was threatened by him as Rachael struggles I get away from his grip

Rachael: (grunts) let me go

Professor polar: surrender barrington to me or let her suffer

I ran to get her away from him only to get a powerful smack to my stomach


John: ah

He sent me flying outside the room and hitting the floor

John: ugh

I got and quickly went to change to doctor midnight

John hunters may not be able to stop him but maybe can Doctor midnight can

He held her closer to him, as he was serious about hurting Rachael

Professor polar: I'm getting you the count of three to hand him over or

I swing over to him and kicked him down

Doctor midnight: let her go


Professor polar: ah

He fell back dropping his gun, he lets go of Rachael, and I pulled her away from him and looked at her

Rachael: (gasp)

Doctor midnight: you need to hide, go run

I saw her ran out of the building as I went back to deal with professor polar as he got back up and picked up his gun

Professor polar: you don't know when to give up do you dr. Midnight (growls)

Doctor midnight: don't even try, professor

He glares at me as he aims his gun at me, I kicked the gun out of his hand, he looks back and I punch his jaw


Professor polar: ah

He then punched me back


Doctor midnight: ugh

We then punched each other back and forth

Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud

As he finally had enough, he kicked me back and pulled out a remote from inside his vest

Professor polar: I have this Booby trap with Dynamite, one pressed of this button and I'll have this whole place blown to smithereens

Doctor midnight: (grunts)

I jumped on him and as I tried to take the remote away, we accidentally hit the button and the countdown started at 15 seconds

Blink, blink, blink

He kicked me into Harvey

Doctor midnight/professor polar: (grunts)


Harvey: whoa

Doctor midnight/Harvey: ah

send us slamming in the elevator and as he walks over to us, uses his strength to shut the doors, presses the down arrow button and as the elevator went down he uses his teeth to cut the wires

Professor polar: (growls)

Doctor midnight/Harvey: (shouting) ah

As the elevator went crashing down, we fell down as it went to a stop


Harvey/Doctor midnight: AH

We got up and found ourselves stuck

Harvey: looks like we're stuck

As I was stuck with my best friend, professor polar went to kidnap Rachael, she was on the 14th floor professor polar finally caught up to her

Professor polar: got ya

He grabbed her by her waist and pulls her to his face

Rachael: (gasp)

And as he was ready to claw her skin open, the bomb exploded


Clack, tap, clank

Professor polar/Rachael: ah

The explosion caused entire building collapsed below them and sent them both falling down to the first floor


We and Harvey felt the explosion through the elevator as it began to shake


Doctor midnight/Harvey: whoa

Harvey: what was that

Doctor midnight: that must've been the bomb

I escaped hatch and saw that the explosion cut a slice of the wire that was holding us, it looked like it was about to break, I got back in

Doctor midnight: well I got some bad news

Harvey: whats that

Doctor midnight: that explosion cause the one wire that's holding us a small cut and is about to break, we're inches away from out doom and with all that smokes and fire I say we got 60 minutes until we suffocates

Harvey: so what do we do now

Doctor midnight: I don't know but I'll figure something out

As I tried to figure a way out, back with Rachael it was getting worse

Rachael: ugh

She woke with a terrible headache from the fall, as she got up, she had a cut on across on top of her forehead, her head was bleeding a lot, her pants and sweater was ripped, her knees and elbows were bruised and bleeding, there was a big bruises on her forehead, a small cut her lip and nose and a ugly scratch on her cheek

As she painful got up, she looked around and saw professor polar on the ground his clothes torn up, she also saw his gun next to him, she quickly pick it up and aimed it at him

Chh Chh

Professor polar: (gasp)

He woke up by the sound of his gun cock and turned to see Rachael ready to shot him,


Professor polar: ah

she saw how he broken his wrist and his arm was cut open and his fur was covered in blood

She glares at him still aiming the gun

Professor polar: go ahead do it, put me out of my misery

Rachael: it would so easy to put you down, but give me a reason why I shouldn't let you live

Professor polar: cause you'll be doing your lover a favor

She puts the gun down

Rachael: no, it wouldn't be fair, not with your paw broken like that, no it would be better for you to heal and for him to take you down first

He gives her a sinister smile and laughs

Professor polar: (evil chuckles) hahaha hahaha hahaha, you're expecting your boyfriend to come to your rescue

She walks back ignoring him trying to find a way to escape

Professor polar: by now he's probably dead

Rachael: he's a hero, he's always survived

Professor polar: oh please, after that explosion in a elevator raft, one body could survived that

Rachael: he's a brave and strong hero, he'll find us and make you feel sorry

Professor polar: well even if he did survived that crash, we'll be dead from he could us

Rachael: all we can do if wait and hope he'll figure something out

She had hope that I'll save the day As she started a fire and waited for me, me and Harvey tried to make any sudden movement to cause the elevator to crash, I went to panel and see if I can get the elevator to start running again

Harvey: so you think we'll get out of here

Doctor midnight: don't get your hopes up Harvey, I get us out of here in no time, you'll be back with your family soon (I turned my head back) and don't worry your friend is going to be okay

Harvey: ok even though I didn't ask about, but hey, how did you know I was friends with John

Doctor midnight: oh huh, I'm a detective

Harvey: oh ok

As I tried to start it, the panel ignited and lit a small spark


Doctor midnight: ah

It shut the lights off, and then the room started to get cold

Harvey: (brr) it's starting to get chilly

As I walked up slowly to him, the wire ripped more

Doctor midnight/Harvey: whoa

We both looked up

Doctor midnight: looks like we're gonna be here a while, I wonder how Rachael is doing

Back with her, she brought more broken parts of the collapsed building to burn, she saw professor polar bitting on his wounded scar

She grabs his arm

Rachael: don't bite on it, you'll only make it worse

Professor polar: but it itches

Rachael: take off her jacket

As she has him take off his coat she saw how big the scar was

Professor polar: ohh

When he saw her taking off her turtleneck, he saw she had a undershirt underneath it was being pulled up and he glazed as he saw a part of her stomach, as she pulls it off, and wrapped it around his scar

She pulls her black v-neck shirt

Rachael: there

He gets up and analyze how well she treated his wound

Professor polar: hmm, you treat a wounded scar very well

Rachael: I went camping when I was a kid

As she walks back, he looked down at her butt

Professor polar: hmm

Rachael: don't even think about it, don't forget what you tried to do

Professor polar: hmm, back in Siberia, it was every man for himself, growing up in Siberia was harsh for me, I had to survive by fighting, I lived alone in the woods, the cold, cold woods, I had to kill a pack of bears and wolfs and skin their furs off for clothing and food, by the age of 18 I started my first job as a demolished man, destroyed many buildings that were owned by billionaires

She felt bad for what he had to been through but remember what he tried to do to her

Rachael: you went into a lot of trouble to get to mr. barrington, what did he ever done to you

Professor polar: many years ago, before I was mutated into a giant polar bear, I met him back in Siberia, he offered me a job, all I needed to do was blow up a building but what I didn't know was that he tricked, when I went to set the building on fire, I saw that he already has been destroyed that building turned out to be owned by him and he wanted it destroyed for insurance purpose, he had me took the blame and sent me to jail

Rachael: so you wanted to kill him for that

Professor polar: I had to suffer 3 years in jail because of him and once I get out of here, I'll destroy him once and for all


They felt a shake rumbling around them like a earthquake

Rachael/professor polar: ah!

Rachael: what was that

Professor polar: the rest of the TNT, this place is gonna one crumbling down if we don't get out of here

Rachael looked up and realized she couldn't wait any longer

Rachael: look we need to get out of here and fast, I know you're just a criminal but  I also know that you want to get out of here, so if we work together we can get out of here alive

Professor polar: and how are we supposed to get out of here

Rachael: I know a way to get out of here

She points up

Rachael: you can climb us out of here

Professor polar: but my paw hurts and this building is not stable

Rachael: don't worry, I will guide you out

He wasn't sure at first but he had no choice

Back with me and Harvey, things were getting much worse

As the room got colder, we began to suffer from Hypothermia

I never thought it would one to this, trapped in a elevator with my best friend

Harvey: (shivers) looks like t-this is the e-nd

Doctor midnight: I never thought it would come to this, I never got a chance to tell Rachael how much I loved her

Harvey: yeah, we'll I'm gonna miss my family

Doctor midnight: I just wish I could've done more, protect the one I loved

Harvey: well it was nice knowing you........

When he said my name, it struck fear in my heart, so I tried to lie a bit

Doctor midnight: uh... I think you're suffering from Hypothermia

Harvey: John I know you're secret identity, (sigh) I know you're Doctor midnight

I felt terrified, my best friend knows who I am

Doctor midnight: Harvey, I can explain

Harvey: don't be, I know why you do it, you want to protect others who can't defend themselves, you made New Jersey the safety place to live for my kids, you saved me so many times and I'm grateful for that

Doctor midnight: why did you find out I was Doctor midnight

Harvey: do you remember, when we first met

Doctor midnight: yeah it was that first day at the police academy, I was protecting you from those bullies

Harvey: after we graduated, and when I first saw Doctor midnight taking down those thieves, it made me thought that it was you, the way you fight it made me realize it was you

Doctor midnight: if you know if was Doctor midnight, why didn't you tell who I was

Harvey: because, for what you done for city protecting it, this city needs you, if it weren't for you all these criminals would had their way

Doctor midnight: but I created these criminals

Harvey: you also stopped them

I was touched by Harvey's words and he was right, this city needs me

I got up and started to punch the safety hatch open

Thud, thud, thud

Doctor midnight: (grunts) ugh, ugh

Harvey: what are you doing

Doctor midnight: (grunts) getting us out of here

After trying to punch it, I finally got it to open, as I got out, I pulled Harvey out

Harvey: ok what now

I looked up and saw the wire looks ready to break

Doctor midnight: we'll climb

As I climbed up the rope he followed

Harvey: ok

As we climbed out, Rachael and professor polar were getting ready to leave

He wrapped his coat around his waist, for her her to hang to say he climbs

Professor polar: (grunts) ready

Rachael: ready

He nobs and climbs up the remains of the collapsed and careful grips on whatever wasn't sharp or loosen

Back with me and Harvey, the the wire finally snapped and dropped the elevator


The snap of the wire caused Harvey to slip and fall

Harvey: ah

Doctor midnight: HARVEY

I grabbed his arm and pulled him up

Doctor midnight: (grunts)

Harvey: ugh, thanks John

Doctor midnight: that's what friends are for, come now we're almost there

Back with Rachael

As They are just almost inches away from reaching the exit


A few more of  his dynamite exploded causing more rubbles of the building to fall

Clack, clank, Clack, clank, Clack, clank

A fell pieces fell hard on his paw


Professor polar: (grunts) ah

Rachael: (screaming) ugh

She blocked herself from getting hit and gets a pain hit to the head by a rock


Rachael: ugh

As she fell on his back

Professor polar: (gasp)

He saw her falling and had a choice to go on or help her....

So he grabbed her by the arm and puts her over his shoulders and continues to climb

He climbed and climbed until he made it safely outside, where he was greeted by all the police force

They saw him holding a wounded Rachael, we all aimed our guns at him

Surprisingly, he surrendered quietly I walked up to him and took Rachael from him as Harvey has him cuffed in special handcuffs that were made for him

As the pest control final came, Harvey walked him to the van

Professor polar: I didn't hurt her you know, you should be grateful I save her

Doctor midnight: I'll see about that

After the whole fiasco, I took Rachael to her room, her wounds bandaged, I lay her in bed, her arms out on her lap

Harvey stayed with me, as I saw still in my doctor midnight costume

Harvey: so she knows that you're Doctor midnight

Doctor midnight: yes and she doesn't care

Harvey: but she's a reporter why didn't she report you in the news

Doctor midnight: the same reason why you didn't tell, New Jersey needed Doctor midnight

I went back to her, Harvey heads to the door as he leaves

Harvey: well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow (he smiles and looks back) Doctor midnight

I smiled back and looked at Rachael

As he left, Rachael woke up as I took her hand

Doctor midnight: oh good you're awake

She was thrilled to see me and hugs me in a warm embrace

Rachael: (gasp) you're alive

We pulled apart as I grabbed her shoulders

Doctor midnight: was there any doubt

Rachael: but what happened

I look through her window and saw Harvey waving as he got in his car and drove off

Doctor midnight: I had a heart-to-heart  talk

All my life, I kept a secret from Harvey and now that he knows for done many years I been in New Jersey or as we been friends

Can I really trust him to keep my secret

The end of chapter 17

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