DOCTOR MIDNIGHT- episode 18-timeline

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This is in a different universe where what if John hunters never lost his family, if he never lost his family he never became Doctor midnight, will not becoming Doctor midnight affect in the future

Years in the future, and the city of New Jersey is in deep trouble and only one hero can only save it

That is....

The great-great-great-great-great grandson of Doctor midnight- the the red sparrow

Jimmy: my name is jimmy hunters and I am the red sparrow

The year is 2563- jimmy hunters A.K.A the red sparrow was taking down Professor polar's great descendant, Dr. manimalstein a mutated mammoth that was created by jimmy accidentally

Dr. manimalstein wears a mad scientist lab coat, yellow gloves, black pants and shoes

Red sparrow: stop right there Dr. manimalstein


he was chasing throughout the old in-stellar labs, he stole the finally key to his elixir

The red sparrow, wore the same resemblance to Doctor midnight's costume but with a touch of red he had a Men's red scarlet Blazer with Gold Buttons, Men's Long Sleeved Black Turtleneck Sweater, crimson and black Cape, burgundy leggings, black boots, and browm leather gloves and maroon Wide Brim Hat and a red mask

Manimalstein: (gasp) (gasp)

He had him cornered and as he pulls out his gun, dr. Manimalstein turned the other direction

Red sparrow: ok dr. Manimalstein it's time your reign of terror comes to e—ah


He hits him in the head with a lead pipe


red sparrow: ugh

He gets ready to whack him with his horns

Manimalstein: any last words red sparrow

Just then a small bomb hit him in the face and purple paint exploded in his face


Manimalstein: AH

as he wipes the paint off, he steps back and a female superhero jumps down and kicks him back


Manimalstein: AH

The superheroine wore a dark purple Long-Sleeve V-Neck Bodysuit, long black gloves with talons, thigh high heel boots and wore a skull Crow Bird Helmet covering her whole face

Mystic pearl: back off ugly, that's my man you got there

Her name is mystic pearl and she's red sparrow's partner, she had powers such as force field, teleportation and telekinesis

She study the art of dark magic and she's also the great-great-great-great granddaughter of Harvey Osborn

She helped red sparrow up

Red sparrow: (grunts) thanks

They both ran to run and started beating him down, red sparrow punched him in his gut as mystic pearl kicked his face

Thud, thud, thud, thud

Red sparrow/mystic pearl: (grunts)

Manimalstein: ugh

They then kicked into a glass window

Manimalstein: AH


He fell down hard on a car

Manimalstein: ugh

They looked down at him and race down to get him but by the time, they made it, he was already gone, left us nothing but a dent in a broken down chevelle

Red sparrow: hmm

Mystic pearl: he escaped again

Red sparrow: don't worry mystic pearl, we'll get him

Mystic pearl: ok but we need to hurry if we're gonna find him

Red sparrow: well we need to be prepare, cause I have a feeling that whatever he was stealing it's no good, come on let's go

They both walked away and went to find him as mystic pearl stared at the car he broke his fall on and used her magic to see what he was up to

She also had the power to see the future just by looking at something

In the future, Harvey is the commissioner of New Jersey and he assistant red sparrow and mystic pearl with amending scars, alerting them the next crime and training

They came in his office as he just wished two men goodnight

He was doing some paperwork when they were standing behind him

Harvey: so how did it go

Harvey was old but wise, his hair was gray with a bit of orange, a scar over his eye and wore a beige trench coat with black pants and shoes

They both jumped in as red sparrow takes off his mask

Jimmy: not good, he got away again

Mystic: and with the stolen Plutonium

Harvey: hmm

Jimmy: we been chasing him for days and-


He slams his fist on the table

Jimmy: we're not close enough to bringing him down, Ugh

Harvey puts his hand on his shoulders to calm him down

Harvey: calm down red sparrow, all good things will come to others who wait

Jimmy: ugh, ok

Harvey: besides you don't want to upset the little lady

He eyeballs him to mystic pearl as she takes off her helmet to reveal her brown-black bob cut hair and emerald eyes stared at him, her lips plump with peach Matte Liquid Lipstick

He gives her a small smiles at her as Harvey pulls out his laptop

Harvey: now you said it was plutonium that he stoke right

Jimmy: yes

Harvey: let's put together all the stuff he stole and see what he's planning, first it was those dinosaurs bones

Misty: then he went in a lot of trouble to steal that can generator electric charge.

Jimmy: then the plutonium and knowing him, he likes to create mutated Frankenstein animals

Harvey: hmm, so he's trying to create an army

Jimmy/misty: huh?

Harvey: well remember that army of zombie squirrels he made and ended up in a disaster

Jimmy: yeah they had no brains and were always trying to kill themselves

Harvey: he had no control over them, but with the plutonium maybe he can finally have his revenge

Jimmy; then what are we waiting for

He puts his mask on, misty grabs his arm

Misty: wait jimmy, I saw something, something very bad is gonna happen

Jimmy: don't worry

He touches her hand

Jimmy: everything's going to be okay

He jumps outside the window and in his motorcycle

Misty: ugh, he never listen

Harvey: yet you still love him

She turns to him

Misty: grandpa i think you should have the city vacate the city and get the whole S.W.A.T team and be prepared, cause I have a feeling that we're gonna start a war

She puts her helmet back on and flies out the window, Harvey pulls out his walkie talkie

Harvey: attention all units, evacuated operation mammoth take over

This could be the end of New Jersey

I thought I could do it but things started to get much worse

Two hours later, we went from finding Dr. manimalstein underground lab cave to fighting his army of mutated zombies dinosaurs that was wrecking havoc on the city

Harvey was doing everything in his power to help out, but he and his men weee outnumbered as the mutated Dinosaurs Fight using a special weapon that Dr. manimalstein has given them

Dinosaur: (hiss)

Bang, bang, bang, bang

Harvey: quick we can't let them in the city

He continued to shot at them with a blaster

As Harvey handled with the mutants, mystic pearl had help the citizens evacuate New Jersey, I went to deal with Dr. manimalstein

Outside of New Jersey, as it started to rain, red sparrow was running

He and I have been at each other's throat since I first created him

Three years ago, I was just a student at New Jersey Institute of Technology

The flashback plays and shows a young ginger hair boy, in a red t-shirt and sneakers, Demi jeans, and had freckles

I was helping a brilliant scientist by the name of  dr. Jonathan stein, he was on the breakthrough of  bold discovery

Jonathan: you ready jimmy

A bearded man, in lab coat, he was very large, hair slick back and had glasses on

Jimmy: ready when you are professor

The two were putting some object together, the flashback ended and went back to red sparrow running

Back with dr. Manimalstein

dr. Manimalstein: (evil chuckles) hahahahaha

He was creating more armies of zombie dinosaurs


He created a machine that gives life to an dead object, take a dinosaur bone give it an electric shock with and a drop of plutonium and its an instant army of dinosaurs

Red sparrow was hiding behind a rock, and slowly pulls out his gun

dr. Manimalstein: hahaha hahaha

Flashback begins to appear to a normal dr. Stein, he was holding the same blueprints for his machine, he puts it down on the table and looks up to see jimmy carrying a container of plutonium to the table

Dr. Stein: it is time

Flashback ends, and shows dr. Manimalstein pulling the switch again, another group of dinosaurs arise from the dead, they looked like a hybrid between a raptor and allosaurus

Dr. Manimalstein: hahah, YES NOW GO FORD AND CLAIM MY CITY

As they go March out, I jump out from behind the rock and pounced on him

Red sparrow: AH!!!

Dr. Manimalstein: ugh

We both fell down, we rolled over, he looked up and growled at me

Dr. Manimalstein: (growl)

I was about ready to shot him when he quickly got up

Dr. Manimalstein: HEIDI!!!

Behind him came out a hybrid hyena

Heidi: (growl)

Red sparrow: ugh

Heidi was one of dr manimalstein's experimental pets and children, a mix hybrid between an ex military mercenary female and a hyena

Nasty little thing to

Heidi: (snarl)

Red sparrow: ugh

Dr. Manimalstein quickly got up and watch Heidi try to eat me

Dr. Manimalstein: hahahahaha, that's right Heidi finished him

Another flashback plays, to a dr. Stein about to pull the lever when his dad

Chief  Cabrera: freeze psycho

I thought he was a good man until, my dad found out  that he was going to use me for an very dangerous project

My dad was detective and as he blasted through the doors, he aimed his gun at dr. Stein

Dr. Stein/jimmy: (gasp)

Dr. Stein: detective Cabrera

Detective Cabrera: your little project is over

He panics looks at me and held me hostage

Dr. Stein: stand back

Detective Cabrera: (gasp)

When he saw me being held against the deadly machine, he felt threatened

Jimmy: professor what are you doing

Detective Cabrera: last chance dr. Stein, shut down the project or else

Dr. Stein: stand back or your son will be the first suffer the terrible effects of project mammoth

Detective Cabrera: I've seen what's it done to the others, it's unstable

Dr. Stein: but it will reanimated the dead in the future

Jimmy: reanimate

I look at him

Jimmy: but professor you told me that you were going to create something to save the world

He looks down at me in a sinister like look

Detective Cabrera: son, he told you things, things that might keep you from the real truth

Jimmy: professor?

Dr. Stein: but jimmy, I am saving the world and you'll be apart of it

He takes a gun and aims against my chest

I felt betrayed, as he was about to kill me and bring me back to life from an old mammoth bone, I decided not to play hostage

So I stomped on his foot

Jimmy: (grunts)


Dr. Stein: ah

When he let me go, I ran to my dad and we quickly shared a hug

Then he let me go, grabbed me by my shoulders and looked me in the eyes

Detective Cabrera: I need you to get out of here, now

Jimmy: ok dad

And so I ran to the exit as my dad charged at dr. Stein as soon as he started to shot at him


Detective Cabrera: ugh

Dr. Stein: ah

But then...

They both fell on the machine, and ended up getting an electric shock and that one spark started a fire


I looked behind and saw the fire and when I went back to help my dad


This explosion came, thru me across the room, smashing into a glass

Jimmy: ugh

Back with my dad and dr. Stein, as the electric stun shock through their veins, dr. Stein grabbed a part of an mammoth's bone and plutonium spilled on his back and then he started to change

I looked up and saw in horror

Jimmy: (gasp) DAD!!!

And watched as my dad burned to a crisp and disintegrated and turned into dust, the only thing that was left of him was his badge

Jimmy: (gasp)

I ran in tears, knowing I lost the most important person and only parent, I only had.

As of dr. Stein, he survived but suffered from his terrible effect, turnedi to a giant mutated man-mammoth and Encephalitis (as known as brain fever)

Dr. Manimalstein: (grunts)

He pulled himself out of the rumble, got a good look at himself and went crazy

Dr. Manimalstein: hehehehe hehehehe hehehe hahaha hahahahaha

Flashback ends to red sparrow trying to keep Heidi from biting his head off

Dr. Manimalstein: (evil crackles)

She had me pinned to the ground and I was about ready to bite the dust when...


An art bomb was thrown at her face and pain covered her eyes

Heidi: (growl)

She got off me and tries to rub the paint off, dr. Manimalstein turned around and got a powerful kick to the face

Dr. Manimalstein: huh


Dr. Manimalstein: AH!!

He fell back, I looked up and saw that it was mystic pearl

Mystic pearl: back off kitty, he's mine

She had her mask back on, looked at me, I smiled at her and she helped me up

We then get ready to fight as soon as dr. Manimalstein quickly got up and growled at us

Dr. Manimalstein: (growl) GET THEM

he pointed his army at us and started to surround at us

Red sparrow: I'll take care of dr. Manimalstein, you deal with his pets

Mystic pearl: okay

She ran and teleported between two mutated dinos, as soon as two swoop by her and try to slice her, she kicks them down

I ran to dr. Manimalstein as I puches two more dinos

Red sparrow: how could this have happened

Two hours ago- we finally located his secret lair, we figured out what he was going when we got a closer look

We quietly sneaked in behind the guards and what I saw shocked me

Red sparrow: shush

Mystic pearl nods her head and a blue fire ball appeared in her hand

Red sparrow: (gasp)

It was a giant electric charger, on the bottom was a line of every kind of dinosaurs species bones, we saw dr. Manimalstein walking towards the bones and poured the plutonium on it

It reminded me of professor Stein

The last flashback plays, a normal dr. Stein was looking through his blueprints for project mammoth, his goal was to bring an animated object to live

Jimmy: are those the blueprints for the project

I was behind him, eager to see his project, I got a closer look at it

Dr. Stein: jimmy? Oh um, yeah yes, yes there are

He quickly puts the blueprints away

Jimmy: if I may ask sir, what is this project supposed to do

Dr. Stein: why to help the world, my dear intern

He wraps his arm around my shoulders and we head to the window

Dr. Stein: to help the world

Flashback ends

He told me that he wanted to help the world but in truth he was a mad scientist who wanted to take off the world and I let him play me, used me like a pawn In His game, but now I'm going to put an end to his experiment

I pulled out my gun and began to shot at the machine

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang

Dr. Manimalstein: ah

He turned around and saw us and scolds

Dr. Manimalstein: (growl)

Red sparrow: the science projects over dr. Manimalstein, shut the project down

Dr. Manimalstein: NEVER

he pulled the switch before We could stop him

Red sparrow: NO!!

I was already to late, the electric shock charge, the plutonium glow and the skeleton remains started to move and the mutated zombie dinosaurs were brought to life

Dinosaurs: (hiss)

This brings us to the war on protecting new Jersey

The big question is how I'm going to defeat him

Mystic pearl: ha, ya

Mystic pearl was taking out more dinosaurs then the s.w.a.t team, she teleported half of them to a different dimension and the other half she used hypnosis to control their brain and to fight the others

As for well, I went to even the score with dr. Manimalstein

I chased him through his lab in the dark, I slowly pulled out my sonic blaster and quietly moved around, waiting for him, as soon as I waited for him, he slapped me on the back of my head


Red sparrow: ugh

I fell down and quickly got, but then he hit me again and again and again

Thud, smack, pow

Red sparrow: AH

He was about ready to end me as he picked up a old metal stool was about to smack it on my head

when mystic pearl used her telekinesis to take the stool from him and pushed him back

Dr. Manimalstein: huh? AH

I quickly recovered and as I got up, more dinosaurs came charging at me

Red sparrow: (gasp)

Dinosaurs: (hiss)

I quickly covered my head when I looked up and saw mystic pearl using her force field to block them

Mystic pearl: HURRY

red sparrow: oh right

I had no time to get back at dr. Manimalstein, so I need to create an antidote to stop the zombie dinosaurs from spreading

In all my days in college working as a scientist, I'm sure can can create an antidote

I was under a lot of Pressure, rushing to find a cute, but I after trying and trying, I finally done it


Red sparrow: (gasp)

And just in time too, dr. Manimalstein was punching the force field down and it was weakening mystic pearl

Mystic pearl: ugh

Red sparrow: mystic

She turns around and saw me throwing the antidote at her, she opened up a portal and blasted at it and it exploded into a giant purple mist and smoke

Right on time for a dinosaur about ready to eat Harvey

Dinosaurs: (hiss)

Harvey: AH

it pinned him down as the police force was outnumbered, he tries to keep it away by pushing his blaster against its neck when it's skin started melt and it became nothing but bones

He quickly got up and saw all the zombie dinosaurs dissolving

Police: (cheering)

The whole squad was cheering

Harvey: uh, they did it

But we weren't quite finished yet, the others dissolved as dr. Manimalstein looked around as he saw his entire army dying on the same time mystic pearl collapsed on the ground next to the remains

Dr. Manimalstein: NO!!!!!

I still had unfinished business with dr. Manimalstein

He ran to start his army again but I quickly pulled out my metal disk

Threw it at him and...


Dr. Manimalstein: ugh

Knocked him out cold, I walked towards him and handcuffed him

Red sparrow: experiences over, dr. Manimalstein

I told put a small bomb put it on the machine and it let out a small explosion, destroying the machine for good, I watch proudly knowing I put justice for my dad, if he were here right now he wouldn't ve been proud, I may not have saved him in the past but there's someone else I can still save

Red sparrow: MISTY

I turned around to see her still unconscious, I ran towards her, bend down and took off her mask

I pulled her in my arms, removed my mask and hat, I tried to wake her up

But I couldn't feel a pulse

I buried her head in my neck

Jimmy: oh no, this is all my fault, I shouldn't push you do hard

I let her go and kneel my head down

Jimmy: I'm so sorry misty, please don't leave me, I wish could've told how much I feel, I-I-

Misty: you what

Jimmy: (gasp)

I opened my eyes and was relieved to see her alive

Jimmy: misty

I smiled at her as she gave me a smirking smile

Jimmy: I'm so glad you're ok

I pulled her in for a hug, we let go and i kissed her fully on the mouth

Back at the city, half the squad was cleaning up the area of the dinosaur bones, mystic pearl teleported us and dr. Manimalstein to the NJPD, where the authorities took him in and sent him to asylum.

We went into Harvey's office as where she hugged her grandfather

Misty: mmm

Harvey: I'm so proud of you

Charlie: so am I

I was greeted my mines

I turned around to see him in a sweater, gray hair, slacks, brown shoes and a cap

Jimmy: grandpa

I ran to him and give him the biggest hug, he returned the hug back

After my dad died my great-great-great grandpa Charlie took me in, when I had no one else, he trained me to be a crime fighter so I could avenged my father's death

We quickly let go as the four of us, looked through out the window

Charlie: you're father would been very proud

Jimmy: I know grandpa

As we continued to stare at the sunrise, Harvey got a quick call

Radio: attention all units Raggedy Ann and Andy have escaped prison and have robbed the jewelry store at west oak street, the two are armed and dangerous, I repeat armed and dangerous

We and misty looked at each other smiled as we looked back at our grandparents who smile and nodded back at us

Jimmy: come on misty

We put our mask back on and jumped through the window

The two looked down

Harvey: with heroes like them around, New Jersey is in good hands

The end of episode 18

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