DOCTOR MIDNIGHT- episode 4- attack of the badger

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They say behind, every man is a genius, but there is one man in the city, who's in it over his head. Who am I kidding, he's not even a man anymore. It was then, I was about to meet my next enemy.... THE BADGER My name is John hunter and I am DOCTOR MIDNIGHT.

It started two days ago, when me and Harvey got an invitation, to interstellar lab industries, where we're about to experience a scientific discovery.

Dr. Lou: mayor, detectives, ms. Maxwell, I president you, interstellar labs greatest discovery, we.... have..... discovered a cure for blindness (Claps,claps,claps) Thank you

Just then we heard a door slam, and saw a midget scientist, which looked like he came from a asylum, his name was Edgar heinrich, he's from Germany, and has a obsession with experimenting animals, he has this Crazy theory About getting superpowers from animals. The other scientists say they he's unstable, and shouldn't be here, I wouldn't blame them, he cause many accidents in interstellar labs

Dr. Lou: well that concludes today's, tour,( trying to push us out) time to go

Dr. heinrich: wait (stopping him) let me show you my project (he show us, a cart under a sheet)

Dr. Lou: heinrich, please Not again, we talked about this

Dr. heinrich: but you haven't given it a chance yet, ladies and gentlemen, I have had a discovery, that ( he pulls the sheet over, a caged badger) a badger can Make us strong, all I need is a assistant, (he looks at Rachael).

But before he could, he was about to get the boot,

Dr. Lou: heinrich this isn't easy to say but you're fired

Dr. heinrich: WHAT

Dr: Lou: I'm sorry heinrich, but your experiments have been a threat to the animals an this lab, that is why we have so many protesters outside, and not to mention, you're obsession with animals and superpowers has gotten out of hand, I'm sorry but we need to let you go.
Dr. heinrich: sir, it will work this time, I guarantee

Dr.hack: you mean like the time, you thought a cheetah, will make you faster (everyone started laughing at him)

Dr. Pam: or how about the time, he thought a falcon, would make you fly ( continue laughing)
(He gets angrier)

Dr. Kimchi: or how about the time, you thought, spider monkeys would make you climb walls

The room was filled with laughter, which only seemed to made him, angrier and Angrier, until he snapped

Dr. Heinrich: (growls) JUST YOU WAIT, IT WILL WORK, THEN YOU'LL ALL BE SORRY,( he pushes his cart to the door) YOU HEAR ME SORRY

The room became quite

Dr. Lou: sorry about that Everybody ( he looks at his watch), I am needed somewhere now

He walks out, and we took a tour around the building

Mean while with dr. Heinrich, pushes his experiment down the dark side of the hallway

Dr. Heinrich: I'll show them, (he goes to the elevator, hoots the top floor button, he reaches the floor and steps the inside the main lab floor, he grabs his caged badger and sets her on the counter). We'll show them, won't we my sehr geehrter, (the badger bites his Hand) yaowww
(He holds his hand) bad badger.

He wraps his hand in a rag and ignores the pain, and gets started on his work, He grabbed a bottle of Polonium, Mercury, Arsenic, Francium, two sticks of Lead and Plutonium, and a bottle Labeled red x, the deadliest, unknown chemical in the lab, he mixes the chemicals together, and connects a electrodes, he flips the switch on, for a minute, then he adds the badger's blood.

Dr. Heinrich: now all I need is a guinea pig, and I know just the one ( he looks at Rachael, through the cameras).

Harvey: that was some breakthrough

John: yeah (we walked outside the building)

Harvey: hey Do you want to get some coffee

We we're about to drive when we heard a loud siren Coming from the building, then a lot of people came running out.

John: what's going on

Dr. Pam: dr. Heinrich's gone crazy and he has a hostage in the lab and is putting the lab on lockdown

John: Rachael, Harvey go get help

Harvey: OKAY, be careful

I ran inside, just in time for the gates to close, I quickly changed and look the elevator, I reach the top floor. And saw Rachael tied up and gagged.

Dr. Heinrich: ( hold a needle with in it and pouts it at her) don't worry my dear, this will only pinch and little ( I grabbed my gun aimed it at the needle (click, bang) the serum shattered everywhere) nooooooooo

I ran and threw my pocket knife, cutting Rachael free, and kicked dr. Heinrich back, I grabbed her.

Doctor midnight: are you okay ( we turned to see Heinrich getting up) you need to get out of here Go ( I watch her run) and I went to deal with Heinrich

Dr. Heinrich: do you realize what you done

Doctor midnight: hmmm saved a beautiful girl

Dr. Heinrich: grrrrrrrr ( he jumps, I move causing him, to crash into his experiment, the chemicals spilled on him, he throws a test tube filled with trinitrotoluene, I block it, by my hat, it hit back to him, it blasted him, to Knock down a shelf, Chemicals Spilled on him. The explosion caused a fire. I tried to save him, but the fire got bigger, forcing the building to collapse. I had no time, I grabbed my grabbing hook, carried Rachael, shot thought the ceiling, swung though a window glass, grabbed my whip and pull on a lamppost, having us land on the ground. I was the building burn, reminds me of my past.

Rachael: is he.....

Doctor midnight: I tried to save him

It became quiet for a minute, until the JPD, fire department and ambulance arrived, we watched the building, I could've save, then again he tried to hurt, we walked away, and he was gone for good...... or so I thought.

Later that same evening, after the fire was put out, dr. Heinrich got out of the rumbles of the building, he changed, he had claws, a snout and black and white striped fur, he looked through a mirror and sawed that he turned into a man-badger.

Dr. Heinrich: hehe hehehehehe hahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha (he climbed out of the building and started to plan his revenge for the people that did this to him.

A moment later, I was doing my patrol on the city, when I noticed dr. Hack screaming for help, I followed his scream, it lead me to an alley.

Doctor midnight: hello dr. Hack

Dr. Heinrich: well, well, well, if it isn't the famous, Doctor midnight (the alley was dark, I couldn't see, where he was calling

Doctor midnight: who are you, show yourself

Dr. Heinrich: hehehehehe, if you want to see me, you're going to have to catch me

I heard him knock down a trash can and ran, I saw a small glimpse of him, I followed him to the national museum.

Doctor midnight : Come on out, you can't hind forever, dr. Heinrich

Dr. Heinrich: [chuckles] Wait, how did you know, it was me

Doctor midnight: You're accent

Dr. Heinrich: Well with your last breath, you can call me, der Dachs also known as THE BADGER ( he jumps on me)

I threw him off, and saw his transformation
He run into the planetarium exhibit

The badger: (he uses his claws to cut the wire holding the planets) this little Little fell on Doctor midnight and this little planet killed the Doctor ( I avoided the falling planets) and this one,[maniacally] Any last words Doctor

I grabbed my whip and Pulled him down

The badger: [grunts angrily] Owww

Doctor midnight: it's time for you to go back to the zoo dr. Heinrich

Kara: Its badger now, Doctor midnight

He threw a saber tooth tiger skull, at me, I grabbed it and put it down and followed him, I chased him, down the streets. Until he grabbed on a lamppost and kicked me into a trash can.

The badger: they're gonna Pay

I thought long and hard for a minute, what did he mean, by that. The next day I was in my work clothes, still puzzled by dr. Heinrich,'s words, THEY. WILL. PAY., I don't know, if I should report this, or solve this case myself. Just then chief bobby came out.

Chief bobby: attention everybody, I just been informed that, we have a missing person, ( he pulls a picture of two scientists, I was shocked when I got a better look)

It was dr. Hack and Pam

Chief bobby: I want you to spread the word about being alone at night, make sure you post the missing person flies around, see what you know and stay safe tonight.

So that's what he meant by, they were gonna pay, I needed to stop him, I went to the chief's office.

John: hey chief, I wanna take the missing person case

Chief bobby: be my guess

I headed out, the chief followed

Chief bobby: hey everyone, detective Hunter is gonna solve this, give it up for the greatest detective here, everyone (he claps, his hands)

Soon everyone joined in (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)

Harvey: go Get them tiger

5:15 p.m

I needed set a trap, so I went to dr. Lou who was in his home.

(Knock, knock) he opened the door

Doctor midnight: may I come in

Dr. Lou: (gasp) sure come in, is this about dr. Heinrich (sigh), I never wanted to fire him, but I had no choice, he wouldn't listen.

Doctor midnight: you were friends with him

Dr. Lou: yes, since college

Doctor midnight: listen, you need to get out of here, you're in danger

Dr. Lou: what, by who

Just then the power went out, and we heard noises, coming from inside the house

Doctor midnight: there's no time, come on

I lead him to the door, then Heinrich kicked me in the chest, I fell backwards, then got up

Doctor midnight: run ( dr. Lou ran outside)

Dr. Heinrich jumped and I grabbed and slammed him against the wall, he grabbed a vase and smashed it against my head. I collapsed on the floor, for 10 seconds, only to find dr. Lou kidnapped, lucky I placed a tracking device on Heinrich. Pulled a transmitter and tracked him down. I drove what seems like for hours. Until the transmitter stopped at a old abandoned warehouse, I noticed Rachael was here, I ran to her.

Doctor midnight: hey, what are you doing here

Rachael: I saw dr. Heinrich Come through here, did you know that he's a....

Doctor midnight: yes, also he prefers to be called, the badger

We walked inside the warehouse

Doctor midnight: be careful, I think he's lost it

I tripped on a wire, which caused a alarm,

Badger: guten Abend, Doctor midnight ( he looks at Rachael) ahhh and who is your little friend {chuckles}

Doctor midnight: it's not too late dr. Heinrich, I can still help you, just let the hostages go

Badger: NEVER, there going to pay for rejecting me, they laughed when they said I was crazy, well, who's laughing (haha haha), I'm going to turn them into badgers, it's too bad you won't be here to save the day,

he pulls out a remote, and lets out cages full of badgers, foxes and wolves.

Badger: Auf Wiedersehen Doctor midnight, get them my children ( he pointed at us)

He walks out to finish his plan, we were surrounded, by predators, a grabbed my grabbing hook and aimed for the ceiling and grabbed a hold of Rachael.

Doctor midnight: hold on tight

I swung us on the stairs and threw my smoke repellents at the animals, they scattered.

Doctor midnight: come on, let's find those hostages

We walked around for a while, until we heard screaming, we followed it, leading us to dr. Heinrich with a chemistry set, working on the same serum, that turned him into a badger. The missing scientists were all tied up.

Doctor midnight: I'll distract him, while you free the hostages

She nodded her head, and ran the other way, I pulled out my gun and aimed at the chemistry set,(click, bang ,bang ,bang,)

Badger: (grrrrrrr) what will it take, to kill you,

he ran after me, it was a chase to the death, He jumped on me and scratched my suit, and pinned me down) Rachael and the scientists looked at us, I saw fear in her eyes as he aimed his claws at my throat.

Doctor midnight: GO GET HELP( she ran and the others followed)

I kicked him off, he climbed on me, I smacked him off, he headbutted me, I fell back, He put one paw on my shoulder pinning me down and holds the other one in the air revealing his claws,
Getting ready to cut my neck open,

Dr. Heinrich: Any last words.

Doctor midnight: yeah, ( I pulled at my taser, and shocked him, On the neck, he fell). It's Nap time

Dr. Lou came over

Dr. Lou: ohh Edgar, if only you listened

Doctor midnight: there's no point of talking to him, he's gone, to the point of no return.

We stared at him, for a while, until the JPD came, I had him, handcuffed and muffled, he got sent to asylum.

The world can be a cruel place, it turned dr. Heinrich into a monster, he was gone for good, now i face a new threat, the badger. For Whatever happens in New Jersey, I will be there to protect it, there are some things worth fighting for (looks at Rachael).

The end of episode 4

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