DOCTOR MIDNIGHT-episode 5- chasing the enemy

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They say every superhero has, his own hideout, well mines is an abandoned apartments called shallow oaks. My own little place where I keep my theories and map out all the criminal crooks hideouts and list out the unusual suspects. Once in a while one of my enemies escape and try to get even at me- like right now, I'm In a car chase, with professor polar.

He stole a 1990 mustang, And I been chasing him since 8:15

Doctor midnight: give It up professor polar

Professor polar: NEVER, come and catch me, Doctor midnight

He started shot at me
(Click, bang,bang,bang, click ,bang, bang, bang)
He was damaging the car, I started to get annoyed, I stop the car, he looked back, laughing at me, only to get crashed into a tree.

Professor polar: owwwww

Doctor midnight: ( get out to hand cuff him) the joy rides over

My name is John hunter and I am DOCTOR MIDNIGHT.

After my car chase with professor polar, I need something to get my mind off of him, so I took the day off, I wanted to sleep, but unfortunately for me, Harvey Bought us ego's Race derby, I didn't want to go but it made Harvey happy.

Harvey: (trying to find our seats) I'm glad you decided to come out, what made you go

John: ohh, you know, I thought about taking a break from work for once (Sitting down)

Harvey: Atta boy, Johnny (grabbing my Shoulder)

We enjoyed the race for a minute, until I noticed one of the race cars, going out of control. The driver, starts crashing into the other racers, causing multiple car injuries, and making his way to the victory cup. The mystery drive comes out of the smoke to reveal himself. He was muscular, had biker boots, tored up jeans, a leather jacket and a White Oil stained t-shirt. His hair was edgy, he had a scar across his face.

Moter Ed: ladiessssssss and gentlemennnnnnn, fear the o mighty, moterrrrrrrrrr eddddddddddddddddd, now I'll be taking my award(grabbing the cup) and be going now.

He gets into his car and drives of it if the speedway

John: (getting up ) sorry Harvey, but I need to take care of this (I run out)

Harvey: (crossing his arms) so much for our day off( pouting)

I called out for my car, made sure no one's looking, got in, Make a quick change, And drove after him. I honked at him, to get his attention, he looked back.

Doctor midnight: attention, motor Ed, hand over the cup, and surrender yourself

Motor Ed: beat it copper, you'll never take me aliveeeeeee

He knocks down two trash cans, in my way, causing them to hit my car.

Doctor midnight: that's a penalty for two years in prison

Motor Ed: bring it copper

He turns presses a button on his car, transforming it into a motorcycle, he then drives into the subway. I ended up losing him.

7:30- since my encounter With motor Ed, I decide to dig up some information on biker boy, I pulled up his name on the police department computer, until I finally found him. His name was Donovan hex, he used to be a mechanic until he got into a car accident, which made him see his true calling. To be a mechanic robber, after year of being a mechanic, he's been making monster super cars out of vehicles. He's been using his mechanic cars to rob jewelry stores and banks, around the world, it was time for me to end his mechanical robbery.

Motor Ed: (shouts through a megaphone, while standing on his monster truck) ATTENTION, DOCTOR MIDNIGHT, I MOTER ED, CHALLENGE YOU, TO A

I looked out the window to see his car, driving on its own



Motor Ed: see ya

He droves off

12:00, midnight we we're start our engines, I looked at him, he looked at me

Motor Ed: nice ride, I can't wait to make some adjustments

Doctor midnight: enjoy the race, cause it will be your last. 

Harvey started the race

Harvey: on your mark.................get set...............gooooooooooo

It was a race to the death, he pushed my car against the wall, getting it scratch

Doctor midnight: (grrr)

I hit a mailbox, thus it to his window

Motor Ed: ahh (blocking the scatter glass) hey

Doctor midnight: you started it

we turned left, He started to speed up in front of him, then stopped, having me crush in to him, the front of my car, the hood got smashed, he than started to go beyond the speeding limit. Just then Rachael was crossing the street, not knowing, motor Ed saw her, he pulls out His arm and picks her up

Rachael: ahhh ( she looks at him)

Motor Ed: hello, little lady, ( he licks his lips)

Rachael: ew (She gives him a disgust look)

I caught up to him,

Doctor midnight: let her go

Motor Ed: oh jeez, this guy again, excuse me baby, while take care of this, he speed up, turned his monster truck into a motorcycle again, turned around, charged at me.

Rachael: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

He landed hard on me, turned back and drove hard into me, making my car flipped, and crashing in the street upside down

Rachael: (gasp)

Motor Ed: haha haha

He drove off, he thought he Had ended Me, but boy has he been wrong

6:15 A few minutes later, Harvey tried to get the car off of me.

Doctor midnight: ahhh Ow

Harvey: (puts his shoulder on me) are you okay

Doctor midnight: I'm okay (holding my stomach)

Harvey: look you hurt maybe you should take a night off (grabbing me) Yet us deal with motor Ed

Doctor midnight: (I pulled myself away from him) HE HAS RACHAEL, and if I don't stop him now, he's gonna rob this city blind

I aimed my grabbing hook, at the ledge of a building and started running on building to building. I remember motor Ed going into the abandon subway, I walked in, and realized it was his hideout, I see a Lights in a Distance,I go to it, and I see a Table, with a map of the city, only the map is marked In red X's and on the marks are banks, Jewelry stores, and pawn shops. On the wall, I see a picture of me, Spelled terminated

Doctor midnight: the race was a trap, he wanted me dead, he was trying to get rid of me, But why

I thought For a minute, then i saw another table, with blueprints of the old subway, then it hit me
He didn't want me to get in the way of his real plan


I needed to stop, the ground started to shake, Then I heard a Loud whistle, that's when I realize, he's already started, I needed to stop him.

I ran out of the subway tunnels and saw the subway, I aimed for the back of the subway, and swung myself in the air and landed on top of the subway. I went through the back door,when I walked inside, I saw the shopping spree, bags of cash, jewels, stolen artifacts and gold. in the next cart, I seen he robbed three pawn shops, two jewelry stores and five banks. He shopped and now he's gonna drop. I ran, in after cart after cart until I see him in the front, controlling the subway with a remote. I got behind the door, pulled out my gun,and aimed it at the remote.

Motor Ed: (Click,bang) ahh

The remote breaks, he turns to see me

Motor Ed: boy, nothing kills you those it

Doctor midnight: (aiming my gun at him), where's Rachael

Motor Ed: have you check the passenger seats

I shot at him, he avoids the bullets, he Came charging at me. Smacked me across the room

Doctor midnight: ahhhhhhh ( I got up,aimed the gun at him, He grabbed both of my wrist, he knee kicked me in the chest, then he grabs my neck and slams me hard on the floor

Doctor midnight: (groaning) ohhhh ah

I try to reach for my gun, but he steps on it, I can feel my bone breaking, as he steps on it more

Doctor midnight: ahhh, ah,

He then Grabs my gun, picks me up, by the throat, pins me against the wall, aims the gun on my cheeks

Motor Ed: any last words

Doctor midnight: (I pulled out my taser) Yeah

I shocked him, on the neck

Motor Ed: ahhh (buzzzz)

I kicked him off, his back hits the lever, causing the train to stop in its tracks

Doctor midnight:(getting up) the train rides over and so is your shopping spree.

I handcuffed him to the subway, and ran off to find Rachael.

Doctor midnight: Rachael, Rachael

Rachael: (muffled) mmmmmmm

I ran to one of the passenger seat, to see her tied up and gagged, I have to admit, she was cute all tied up, squirming like a little worm, gave me a warm feeling inside, I untied her and she hugged me.

Rachael: I thought you died

I was shocked, but happy it let me know she cared about me, I wrapped my arms around her.

Rachael: (she moved trying not to make obvious, for her concerns for me) umm, only because lots of people, need you.

She crossed her arms, denial or not, she still cares about me.

Doctor midnight: sure (I put my hand on her shoulder)

Rachael: where's the motor man

Doctor midnight: motor Ed's tied up at this very moment, just until the JPD arrives

Rachael: what makes you think, they'll come

Doctor midnight: gave them a Tip, also this subway hasn't work, since the 70s, sooooo I'm pretty sure someone will notice.

We walked at the end of the subway, I got on the rails and offered her my hand

Doctor midnight: here, I'll take you home

Rachael: I don't really have a choice do I

Doctor midnight: nope

She grabs my hand, I put my arm around her waist, she wrapped her arms around my neck

Doctor midnight: hang on tight

Rachael: drop me, And I'm gonna kill you

Doctor midnight: relaxes, Sweetheart I wouldn't drop a Beautiful angel like you (I brush her hair, off her face)

Rachael: please don't talk like that

I Pulled out my whip and Swung us in the air, she buried her face in my chest, I kissed her cheeks, she bushed

No matter how much, she denies I know that a part of her is falling for me.

The end of episode 5

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