DOCTOR MIDNIGHT-episode 6-Lunch date

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Last night was one greatest nights, of my days.
When I was taking Rachael home i decided to have fun with her. I swung by a billboard and landed us on top, she freaked out.


Doctor midnight: crazy for you

Rachael: (grrr) what are we doing up here

Doctor midnight: I thought we might enjoy the view, ( I stared at her for a minute) I liking the view up here (I referred to here)

Rachael: stop pretending that you like me

Doctor midnight: uh

Rachael: look I met men like you, you acted like you're interested, then you make it into a joke.

Doctor midnight: (placing, my hand on her) I'm not like other men,

Rachael: what exactly do find me pretty, besides wouldn't you, go for a blonde instead.

Doctor midnight: hmm (swung off the billboard)

Rachael: where are you going, don't leave me here, (sigh) I knew it he's just like the others

She was about ready to leave, when I came back, with a Lilacs flower

Doctor midnight: you know just the other day, when I was on patrol, I saw this beautiful flower, which made me thought of you.

I placed the flower her hair, and left my palm on her cheek,

Doctor midnight: you know what makes this flower so special, because all the other flowers in the garden blossomed before it, but then when it bloomed, it became the most beautiful flower in the garden.

We stared at each other for a minute, then I picked her up bridal style and brought her to her apartment window, she climbed inside. She took off the flower and placed it on her drawer.

Rachael: well thanks

Before she departed from me, I cupped her hand , and  press my lips on it, Then I let go of it slowly and jumped out.

My heart still pounds for her, one day I will make her mine, until then I'll have to take it slow. My name is John hunter and I am DOCTOR MIDNIGHT.

I was running late for my lunch date with Rachael and with my car totaled from motor Ed, I had to run. I ran to run into a few obstacle course but I made it to her apartment, I saw her outside.

John: sorry that I'm late

Rachael: don't be, you're actually on time

John: sooo, where do you want to go, I know this amazing restaurant we can go to

Rachael: actually I have something else in find

She took me to Chuck's diner

John: I don't know, if a diner's a good place, for interview

Rachael: I Remember as kid, my mom would take me to the diner, She would always get a nice big juicy burgers with fries, a cool, tall soda and a big piece of cherry pie.

Waitress: can I take your order,

John: yes, I'll take a cup of coffee, and for the lady, hmm, hot chocolate

She gives me a playful seriously smirk

Rachael: we'll take two pieces of cherry pie, and Two plain coffeees

Two minutes later, our order arrived

John: mmm, this pie is great,

Rachael: exactly, why I love coming to this place(takes a slip from her coffee) so shall we get started on the interview

John: sure

She takes out a pad and pen, and pulls out a recorder

Rachael: for over the years, you have been, New Jersey's greatest detective

John: guilty as charge

Rachael: how did you became a detective in the first place, what inspired you

John: (Chocking on my coffee) ohh, well

This was it, I was being ask to tell her about my past, Well here goes

John: You see Rachael, many years ago, before I came to New Jersey, I was—(before I could answer, I saw a giant bird, coming towards the diner) GIANT CONDOR

Rachael: A WHAT (she turned her Head) to see the giant condor,

Doctor midnight: LOOK OUT (I grabbed her, and pulled her under the table)

Everyone else got, down as the giant condor, sliced through the diner. We all got up

John: sorry Rachael, but We're going have to schedule this interview for another day ( I ran after the condor)

Rachael: looks like, I have a story to catch

I went to an Dark ally to change, I came out, pulled out my grabbing hook and aimed it at the condor's talon.

Doctor midnight: gotch ya

Condor: cawwwww (It pulled me up, in the sky)

Doctor midnight: (being pulled off the ground) ahh

I got a better look of it, it was the biggest condor, I ever seen, it was about the size of Pterodactyl, it tried to shake me off, but I held on tight, and climbed up to its body, Just then Rachael Was on the building, taking pictures of it, when it noticed her, swoop in and grabbed her by the shoulders.

Rachael: ahhhhhhhh (she scream as she was dangling 50ft in the air)

Doctor midnight: how's it hanging (I look at her Upside down, and reach at my hand to hers)

I pulled her out of the talons

Doctor midnight: hold on(she clinged on me) 

The condor starts spinning and spinning until I loosen my grip, and started flying off.

Rachael: ahhhhhhhhhhhh(she clutch on me)

I pulled out my whip And whipped it at a lamppost , I swung Us up in the air and landed on top of a building. I gently pulled her down.

Doctor midnight: you better get home, Miss maxwell, I have a bird to investigate

I aimed my grabbing hook at a higher building, and swung off.

Rachael: (looks up ) be careful

I had to find out where that giant bird came from, Luckily I placed a tracker on the condor, I followed him, which lead me to what used to be interstellar labs, a part of the building on the Left top side was Halfway burned Off and some of the windows were shattered. I walked inside and see the place a messed, there were scratches on the wall, everything was out of place, I went to the security room to see what happened on the cameras, I search up the video happened between 1:15 to 2:30, I looked and looked until I found something, one of the scientists were experimenting on a normal sized caged condor, they inject it with some kind of red serum. It then mutantes into a giant man-condor, which is what I'll call him, MAN-CONDOR I then see him, attacking the scientists, then ramping thought the whole building then eating one of the cameras causing a fire thus breaking out of the building and heading towards the city. I need to take him down.

10:19- after a quick trip to the Supermarket, I made a trap for man-condor, I placed a rare steak on top on the building, waiting for him. I waited and waited and waited until I heard, something munching, I turned and saw man-condor eating the bait. I slowly came up, and threw my whip at him. He got spooked and took off, taking me with him, he flew me around and slammed me against a billboard.

Doctor midnight: ahhh (I rubbed my head as I got up)

I waited for him to turn back, I jumped on his back, he was a stubborn one, trying to bounce me off. I tried to take him out, using my taser but he Knock it out of my hands.

Doctor midnight: NO (I watch as the taser, falling down) (grr, hitting my fist on his back)

Man-condor: (trying to shake me off) {squeaking}

I pulled out my smoke pellets and smashed it on his blinding him, he flew out of control, until he hit faced on a building, he fell unconscious in a dumpster, I jumped on top of the fire escape stairs and landing down, Looking down at him

Doctor midnight: it's high time you fly to the slammer

I pulled out my phone and make a call

Harvey: (ring,ring,ring) {picking up his, phone) hello

John: Harvey

Harvey: John

John: Harvey, quickly come over to downtown, I got that, man-condor and bring the swat team

Harvey come with whole swat team, they wrap man-condor in chains, and put him in animal control's van. And sent him to the zoo prison. They should've sent him to asylum. I watch them drive away. The next day I get newspaper and saw the headlines- Doctor midnight takes down man-condor, with a picture of man-condor in the zoo. The article was written by Rachael, I decided to pay a visit to her and thank her.

7:15- at Rachael's apartment, I see walking home.

Doctor midnight: I loved the article, you wrote

Giving her a spoke

Rachael: ah, (she turns to face me) thanks

She walks up stairs

Rachael: shouldn't you be watching the city

Doctor midnight: I thought, I might thank you for article, by oh lets say... I buy you dinner

Rachael: no thanks

I pinned my arm on the door

Doctor midnight: come on, go out with me for once, I promise you'll have a go time

Rachael: I would love to but I have work in the morning, plus you have a city to look after, (opening her door) I'll see ya tomorrow (walking in) oh and Doctor midnight..... thanks for the rescue, I appreciate it. (Closes the door behind her).

Doctor midnight: until tomorrow night Rachael(I blow a kiss at her apartment)

As she walks inside, she sees letters on the floor.

Rachael: (she pick them up) Bill, bill, paycheck,

the last one was a letter with no name, she opened it and what she read made, her heart stop. She drops the letter, and Her knees fell on the ground, she covered her mouth and started to cry, the letter she got was something, she wasn't expecting for five years.

This was the beginning of her dark past.

The end of episode 6

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