DOCTOR MIDNIGHT-episode 8- daddy issues

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It's been a while and I still haven't heard anything from Rachael, it wasn't like her to disappear like that. The last time I saw her, it was after my battle with man-condor, but after three days, she wasn't at work or the dinner nor could I find her home. I asked her boss where she was

Mr. Richie: sorry, haven't seen her

Every night, I would go to her apartment and waited for her to return home, nothing I had to take desperate measures. So as detective John hunter, I filed her as a missing person, I searched everywhere for her, every day as John I interrogated the goons and every night as Doctor midnight I go through goons hideout beat them into telling me what they know, I was about to give up, when I heard screaming.

Rachael: ahhhhhhh

I looked and my heart stop when I saw her, I looked close enough to see her being chased by two goons, they were dress like mafias, one with a red striped suit and a face of a rat, the other big, tall and ugly, with a scar across his face with a teal stripe suit. I went to knock out the goons, save Rachael and had questions for her,

Rachael: (gasp) (she looks up at me, as I grab her shoulder)

Doctor midnight: You okay
Her faced dropped when she saw my face, she looked scared, she shoves me off and runs

Doctor midnight : wait, Rachael (I reach out my hand for her, before I could get her, I see motor Ed in a police chase with two bags of stolen money) [goans]
I went to take care of it
But I'll deal with Rachael tomorrow, I hopped inside my car and ran after him. My name is John hunter and I am DOCTOR MIDNIGHT

The next day, I was patrolling around the city hoping off from building To building, still thinking about Rachael, why did she run away from me, was she in trouble and where has she been. It wasn't like her to disappear like that without calling, I'm gonna try to look for her again after work.

10:15- I'm standing on top of a building with binoculars looking, I take a sip of my coffee, and scan the city for, I was about move on when, I see her again but being escorted by the two same goons from last night, I pulled out my whip and swung down, I kick down the two men into a trash can, They fell unconsciously as I landed behind her, she turned as I quickly grabbed her shoulder To keep her from running.

Doctor midnight: where have you been, why did you run away from me.

She pulls away and tries to run off, I grabbed her arm, and pull her closer to my face

Doctor midnight: ohh, no you don't, whats going on.

Confronting her, she tilts her head to see if we were being followed. I let her go, and we end up walking, we walked around town, I wanted to break the silence between us, cause the silence was killing me

Doctor midnight: ok, I want to know, what's going on, why are you avoiding me and where have you been missing the past few days, it's not like you to shut me out,(I put a hand on her shoulder comforting her) I worry about you

She looks up at me, still giving me a worried look, she wraps her arms around herself and whispers

Rachael: take me home

I nodded my head, I grabbed her, pulled out my grabbing hook and swung us to her apartment, We landed on her balcony, I put her down, she reached out to open the door, when I noticed her hand shaking.

Doctor midnight: you okay ( reached out to touch her shoulder)

She turned to face me and grabs my arms


Doctor midnight: what's wrong ( I asked playfully)

She then put her hands on my chest, this started to concerned me,

Rachael: PLEASE I just—

Doctor midnight:(I grabbed her hands) what

Rachael: I-

Doctor midnight: what's wrong, you can tell me

She looks down in shame, I tilted her chin up.

Stranger: WHERE IS SHE

We heard people yelling from inside her apartment, I wrapped my arms around her

Stranger: FIND HER

She turned to face me

Rachael: HELP....ME

Doctor midnight: what is it

Rachael: it's my dad

Doctor midnight: ohhh meet the parent

She shoves me off

Rachael: NO, you don't understand (sigh)

Doctor midnight: hmm(I knew now that she needed me more then ever) do you want me to take you away from him

Rachael: (she turns) yes

Doctor midnight: hold on

I grabbed her, and swung us off the balcony, and took her to my hideout, we stepped in the room, I saw her examine
The room.

Rachael: nice place you got here

Doctor midnight: thanks
She sits down on the couch as I pour a cup of water.
Doctor midnight:(handing her the cup) here
Rachael: thanks,(she takes the cup)
I sit next to her
Doctor midnight: soooo, (I crossed my legs)
Rachael: I know what you're going to say
Doctor midnight: (uncrossing my legs)
What's going on, where have you been and why are you avoiding me
She puts the cup and brushes her hair behind her ear
Rachael:(looking to see how inpatient I was with her) ok, ok, I'll tell you
Doctor midnight: good, cause I'm tired of the waiting game
Rachael: it's time you knew about my past(sigh) there's something you should know about my dad
Doctor midnight: oh, don't tell me he's one of those abusive,alcoholic, gambler fathers
Rachael: worst than that, (she looks down) do you know a man by the name Marcus big daddy.
Doctor midnight: yeah, why (gasp) {in realization} wait don't tell me that you're—
Rachael:(she looks up) YES, I'm.... the daughter of the cities greatest criminal mafia boss
I didn't want to hear it, I didn't wanted to know
Rachael: the reason I became a reporter was to get far away from him, I'm from Brooklyn, when my mom married him, she learned the cold truth about him, she wanted to leave him, but he wouldn't let her, he then started to abuse her, after I was born, she thought having a child would soften him up, but he still went hard on her, he would throw things at me whenever he got home drunk, my mom did everything she could to protect me. But when I turned 13 he started to take interest in me, at the age of 16, he would make me sin on him lap and sometimes he would touch places that made me feel uncomfortable, then this one tine when I went to the kitchen to get some water.

Flashback-  he'd pin his arms on the counter behind me, stroke my back and whisper in my ear.
Rachael: this body (groping her butt) is mine,(hehehehe)
End of flashback

I ran into my room that night, knowing i was going to be stuck with a creep like him, or so I thought. mom found out about dad's interest in me, every night I would hear them argue, I barely got any sleep, until she finally had enough, when dad went away on a business trip, she stole some of his money, took his car and drove us to New Jersey, where we could start a new life, after I finished high school, I took a job as a journalist at the daily worm newsletter, I thought I would never see him again, until a weeks ago I got a letter from him saying, he's coming back to get me, I tried to run away, but his goons already caught me, I was scared that he would kill him, but he let me live, in return I don't get help.

Doctor midnight: why didn't you tell me

Rachael: I didn't want you to get involved with this(sigh) besides if I did you would hate me

Doctor midnight: I would never hate a girl like you (lifting her chin)
She started to become hysterical

She cried on my chest, i put my arms around her, wrapping her in a hug.

Doctor midnight: it's ok, it's ok,  (grabbing her shoulder and facing her to me) I won't let anything happen to you.

She let go of me as I did the same to her

Doctor midnight: tell you what, I'll have John arrest him.

Rachael: (she looks up in confusion) how do you know detective John

Doctor midnight: uh, me and John go back

Rachael: oh

Doctor midnight: well, we should get some shut eye if we're going to arrest big daddy Marcus.

I grab a pillow and blanket for her and set it on the couch

Doctor midnight: alright here you go you sleep on the couch, I'll just lay down on that chair over there(I point out)

She lays down on the couch, as I walk off

Rachael: lay down next to me

Doctor midnight: huh?

Rachael: when I was a kid my mom would always cuddle with me, it helps me sleep

My heart was urging to lay next to her, but my mind kept telling me (this is not a good idea

Doctor midnight: I don't know

Rachael: you trust me don't you

Doctor midnight: (that right there sured me that she wanted me) hmm okay

I layed down next to her, rubbed my hand on her back, rocking her to sleep, I then put my arm underneath her head and she snuggled closely to me

Rachael: I'm scared

Doctor midnight: don't worry I won't let anyone hurt you I promise

Rachael: don't make any promises you know you can't keep(hehehe)

I watched her fall asleep, and whispered in her ear.

Doctor midnight: I love you

Watching her sleep, I just wanted to protect her

The next morning I woke up, I felt my mask fell off, realizing I was still with Rachael, I searched for my mask put it on, and got out without waking up Rachael. But then she woke up, she looks  behind me.

Doctor midnight: uh, I can— I can explain

Rachael: relax I didn't see what was underneath the mask, so don't worry

Doctor midnight: (phew) okay do you want some coffee

Rachael: sure

After that I drove us to the police station, she got out

Doctor midnight: I already talked to John, so just go inside, he's waiting for you

Rachael: ok

As she walks inside, I quickly drove off, hid the car and changed

Inside she went to the front desk

Rachael: excuse me

May: yes can i help you

Rachael: Is detective John here (hears crashing noise)

I ran to her and hit the desk

John: I'm here(gasp, gasp) hey

Rachael: hi, are you ok(walks up to me)

John: yeah, I just went for a morning jog, I been expecting you, come in my office

I walked her Inside, she sits down

John: so dr. Midnight told me everything, is there anything I can help you with

Rachael: besides sending my dad to jail

John: right, right,right,right

Rachael: (sighs) I need a place to stay

John: hmm

Rachael: when dad notice I'm missing for 24 hours, he sent his men out to find me and my apartment is already filled with gangster so I can't go back, I need a place to you know , just until he's caught

John: hmm, tell you what, you can stay at my Place until Marcus is caught ok

Rachael: thank you so much (touch's my hand)

A minute later I took her to my apartment and changed back into doctor midnight, and did a city search for any signs of Marcus, I pulled up his file and found this. He was a large guy, wedge short hair that went to half of his ear a mafia suit, has a beard and mustache. He was wanted Assault,Manslaughter, Destruction
And Attempted murder. His life of crime is over, I found the two goons that were with Rachael. I got out, but they turned to see me, they ran off, I followed them, they tried to shake me off by throwing trash cans at me. I ducked, they ran into a alley way, the  big, tall and ugly, with a scar pushed a dumpster in front, blocking me, I jumped and they ran and climbed up a metal fence, I jumped on top of a trash can and jumped over the fence. I ran after them,  until I saw them ran inside a wrecked building.

Doctor midnight:hmm

I walked inside to see, lots of goons gambling, I see the two goons, going upstairs, I followed they went inside some office. I stayed back pulled out a recorder.

Marcus:WHAT(glass shattering)

Rat face: sorry sir, but she's with some detective
Marcus: I CAN'T HAVE HER, Interfering with the copa how will that make me look
Bear: it's ok, the guy is trying to find you, which he never will
Marcus: it's not the police I'm worried about, it's that local hero, dr. Midnight, I spend the last few years looking for her and I will not have some, BLACK KNIGHT, PRIVATE EYE, SUPERHERO GET IN THE WAYYYY (slamming his fist on the desk hard)

Marcus:(gasp,gasp,gasp) we live tonight, FIND HER

Bear: but what about——

Marcus: I will deal with dr. Midnight, just find the girl, when I'm done with him, he'll be nothing but a forgotten hero.
As the two goons leave, I walked up quietly behind him, pulled out my tranquilizer gun aim at him, when

Marcus: I been expecting you (he turns and throws a book at me). DR. MIDNIGHT

Doctor midnight: ahh(grabbing my hand, to ease the pain)

I didn't see him running towards me, he punches me hard in the jaw, then the gut then kicks me in the jaw, I fell down and collapsed, I tried to get up, when he pushed a bookcase on me, I passed outta I heard his laugh, he walks out. A minute later I regained consciousness, luckily I didn't break anything, I drove back at the apartment when I saw my door had been knocked down, I went in and sawed my whole place a wreck, I called out for Rachael.

Doctor midnight: Rachael, RACHAELLLLL

She was nowhere to be found, I saw her locket on the floor, I picked it up. I broke my promise, furious at the destruction of my apartment, I put the necklace in my pocket and ran out, I need to get some answers. I drove around the city looking for Marcus's goons

Doctor midnight: I already lost Diana, I'm not going to lose Rachael. 

I went on for hours until I saw rat face, trying to mugged an old man, I jumped out of the car, and pounced in him.

Doctor midnight: where's Rachael

Rat face: ahhhhh

Doctor midnight: where is she

Rat face: I-I-I don't know what you're talking about

Doctor midnight: have it you're way

I held him over a window, we were fifteen feet above the ground.

Rat face: ahhhhhhhhhhh

Doctor midnight: you gonna talk now, cause my arm is getting tired


Doctor midnight: hmmm

I threw him across the room, he hit a office desk, and I cuffed him to the table

Doctor midnight: the security guard will be here in a minute.

I jumped out and drove to the capital grill, to see Rachael being pulled by Marcus big daddy in his car, I saw him slapped her and pushed her in the car and drove off, I chased after them.

Doctor midnight: Marcus (I yelled) pull over
You're under arrest for kidnapping, I speed up and hit his car, he did the same back to me. I put the car on auto drive, climbed out through the window and jumped on top of his car, I smashed the back window and grabbed Rachael, when he suddenly saw and pulled her down, we tugged on her, until I let go to punch him.

Marcus: ahhh(he lets go as he adjusts his jaw)

I pulled Rachael up and put her in the car, still hanging on the left backside window he tried to crush me against the wall, I quickly climbed inside and punched him again, he punched me back, I grab hold of the wheel, he fought over it, when the car came crashing to a tree
The car got on fire, I crawled out, only to be greeted by a gun, by Marcus big daddy, I got up, slowly put my hands up.

Marcus: any last words

Doctor midnight: (my right hand reached for the whip) yeah

I quickly pulled it out, took his gun and threw it,

Doctor midnight: freeze

He tackled me like a quarterback, beat me until his hands were red, he picked me up by the throat, slammed me against the wall, puts on his brass knuckles and aims his fist at me.

Marcus: lights out dr. Midnight

I thought it was going to be the end of me when
(Click) Rachael came behind us with his


Still holding onto me

Marcus: you don't have the guts(she looks at him furious) go head (making it easy for her to shot at him) you'll just be just as worst then me, do it

They stared at each other, Rachael clutches her teeth

Marcus: DO IT

She pulled the trigger, but instead of shooting his head, she shot his leg

Marcus: ahhhhh(dropping me, so he can grab his leg)

She stars shooting rapidly at him
(Click, bang ,click, bang, click, bang)

Marcus: ahhhhh(he tries to get away from her)

Doctor midnight: (I grabbed the gun from her) whoa, whoa, whoa, easy, you got him, you got him

Rachael: (sobbing)

She started to cry she, fell on her knees, I caught and comfort her, hugging her, making her feel safe.

A short minute later the police arrived, we arch as the authorities sent her dad to jail, I took her home, I dropped her off on her balcony

Rachael: thanks (wiping away her tears)

Doctor midnight: just doing my job(tipping my hat)

Rachael: I don't know how I can repay you back

Doctor midnight: welllll there is one way you can repay me (I showed her my cheeks)

Rachael: (giggles)

Doctor midnight: (pulling myself away) no ok it was a shot

I was about to take off when

Rachael: Doctor midnight

Doctor midnight: yes (I turned)

She grabbed both side of my cheeks and pressed her lips against mines

Doctor midnight: huh (I was shocked and surprised)

I closed my eyes when I felt her tongue slipped into mines, I wanted this to last forever,but she let go. I watch her walked towards the door when she stopped at the door frame

Rachael: bye,  dr. Midnight

Doctor midnight: bye Rachael
I jumped off the stairs in excitement, shot out my grabbing hook.

I finally did it I got her to like me,(sigh) this could be a start of a beautiful relationship. Although some day she'll learn my secret identity, but what are the odds of that happening.

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