DOCTOR MIDNIGHT-episode 9- gone fishing

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It's days like these that remind me of the good times , I would always come to the lake cause it remind me, when I used to take my son fishing, boy what I wouldn't do to bring back those days, I was leaving, when out of the lake something shot me across the arm.

Doctor midnight: ahhh(grabbing my wounded arm)
I let go and sawed the sharp cut across my arm, it sting, like I got shot by a bullet, I looked around and saw a long sharp blade sticking out of the tree. I stared at the lake to see if anyone would pop out, I pulled the sharp blade and took it with me for better examination, but below the lake was someone or thing watching me, who later today I will soon face. My name is John hunter and I am DOCTOR MIDNIGHT

At the JPD I was in the break room fixing the open wound on my arm, when Harvey came in and saw.

Harvey: whoa, what happened did you cut yourself while shaving

John: um (trying to think of an excuse) I was working on a case

Harley: uh, here let me (he grabs my arm and the first aid kit, and mends some stitches)

John: ow

Harvey: you worry me sometimes, you know that

John: (hehe) you know me, I like to look danger in the face

Harvey: well I don't

He finishes stitching my arm and wraps a bandage around it, just then the power went off.

Harvey/John: huh

Harvey: looks like the powers out again, you know this is the third time this happened this week.

John: you think someone is doing this on purpose

Harvey: maybe, I mean first it was the jewelry store then the bank

It was suspicious that the power goes out, then cones back on just like that (snap)
John: (getting up) ok, you get everybody together, I'll go find a flashlight

Harvey: alright be careful (runs off)

I got to the restroom to get the emergency kit, when I heard footsteps, I turned to see who it was when (smack) I was thrown to the wall.

John: ah haha ow

I opened my eyes to see pitch blackness, no one was there.

John: who's there

I turned around to see if anyone was there when, when I felt someone kicked me in the chest.

John: ow (I got kicked back)

I got up, punching the air, when I felt someone slicing my face, I felt the touch of the scar on my face, furious I jump clobbering the shadow figure, he/she kicked me off, when the lights got on, I got a look of the figure.

John: (gasp)

When I saw him, he was in a black jumpsuit, his arms and legs were long blades and had no feet and hands, and has no face.

John: who are you

He didn't say anything

John: not a talker, huh

He then stomps his right blade leg on the ground and spikes come out of him, he was like a human sea urchin, he then shot his spikes at me by pointing his arms at me, 16 blade spikes hit, my arms, and legs pinning me, up against the wall, he then runs up to me, swings his blade up, ready to striker down, when I kicked off, he crashed into the wall and out in the streets, I tried to pull myself free when (ripped) my trench coat ripped.

John: ugh, great this was my favorite coat

I slowly and careful pulled the blades off my pants. And ran to the hole in the wall, I walked out to see the human urchin gone

John: hmm, (rubbing my chin) {in my mind} who was that, and why did he attack me, did he had something to do with the power outage.

Just then I heard Harvey running

Harvey: (gasp,gasp) hey you okay I heard noises (he sees the bathroom a mess) what happened.

John: nothing much(looking back at the hole) but I found out who is responsible for the power being out.

(Two weeks later)- at the Central Reception And Assignment Facility, every one I fought was plotting against me.

Dr. Polar: That Doctor midnight has cross one two many lines, throwing me in here

Motor Ed: tell me about it, if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be stuck in this slammer,

The badger: thanks to him, I would've had meine revenge.

DiMaggio: he's made some powerful enemies, I'm impressed (crossing his arms)

Everyone stars arguing at one, when colonel Kenny speaks up.

Colonel Jenny: friends I say friends, we must do something about this Doctor midnight, he's put me and many criminal gangs business out like a fire extinguisher puts out a fire, it's time we put him out.

Everyone nods in agreement

Colonel Kenny: and I just know how, ( he points his hand at a shadowy figure)

The shadowy figure walks up, all they saw was a skinny man in a dark jumpsuit.

Dr. polar: how this going to help us

Colonel Jenny: because.....he's a bounty hunter, I got a plan for all of us to get what we want and get rid of Doctor midnight.

Every single one of them smiled sinisterly.

Back at the present- after I explained Harvey what happened we went to billy the security guards to look at the cameras, we watched the video in the restroom.

John: there (I pointed at the shadow figure) that's the one that attack me.

Harvey: so he's the one causing the power out

John: maybe, look I'm gonna do some research, Harvey I want you to print the picture of him and spread it over town have a search on him.

Harvey: okay

I went to my office and got on the computer and pulled up the picture of him, nothing, there, wasn't anything about him, who he was and what's his origin. I kept scrolling down until a pop up ad came up it said. Bounty hunter for hired, I clicked on it, it showed me a list and pictures of bounty hunter, I clicked on the arrow button showing me a long list of hunters when.

John: (gasp)

I came across him, I finally know his name, his name is......

John: black urchin, that explains the sea urchin costume,

And apparently we was the greatest bounty hunter the site has to offer and he's killed more men then I arrested in including gangsters. It was time to take him down, I left the building and changed into my costume and drove off, I going to find out who hired him, if someone hired him to kill me then he must've hired to cut off the power no power means no alarms going on, I was going to make him talk.

It wasn't long until Harvey found a video of him, shutting off the JPD lights off

Harvey: (calling through the phone) you were right, John he's the one responsible for the power cutting off.

John: ok, look if he's the one shutting off the power then he's probably gonna cause a lot of problems today, so get as many officers out there and see if you can help anyone that's needs a assistance.

Harvey: ok, but what about—

John: don't worry about him, Doctor midnight will take care of it,

Harvey: oh yeah right (hits his head)

Just then I heard a crash, I turned to look and saw a two cars crash into each other

Doctor midnight: what the

I got out of my car, I went to investigate it, when I heard another car crash, then another, then the whole streets went traffic jam everywhere where I looked cars are crashing into each other and one hit a fire hydrant. I looked up and saw that the traffic lights were out.
Doctor midnight: oh no,

I didn't know how to handle this type of situation, before I could do anything, I saw Harvey with back ups

Doctor midnight: (phew) thanks god Harvey

As Harvey and the others helped people out of the traffic jam,a blade, hit my car and then one of the officers. I looked up to see black urchin kicking me down.

Doctor midnight: ahh( I fell back)

He went spider crawl towards me, punching the concrete ground, with his blade hands, he was about ready to strike me, when I lifted my legs up, his blade arm, went crashing hard into the hard ground, I kicked him, he fell back, with his blade arm, detached.

Doctor midnight: not so tough without you arm are ya (I got up)

He got back up, and grew a new arm

Doctor midnight: whoa, what are you (putting my fist up)

I waited for a response, nothing

Suddenly, the black urchin runs towards and tries to impale me,
He slashes me three times, only cutting a mark on my already injured arm. I leaps over him and throws a punch that sends him flying to a building, He gets up, and charges at me. as I ducked over his blade arms. He throws his pointy blades at me like daggers, I jumped and leaped over him but he swat me mid-air, slamming Me into another building, as I crashed hard into the building apart of it collapsed.

Doctor midnight: ahh ow oh (groans in pain)

As the bricks fall on top of me, I got up only to see Him curl up to a ball and spikes point out and rolled out of its way to me , he was the shape of a sea urchin. I ran trying to avoid him from crushing me. He reformed leaped shot out his spikes at me, I covered myself from getting cut again, He curled up again to crush me, i leaped off a building to dodge him, getting back to his form, as he knocks out some cars that was in his way before charging at me, quickly I jumped almost gets crushed by the the mysterious bounty hunter as he jumps over a upside down car and slices in it into halves and lands hard on the ground causing the concrete street to break, He walks at a similar pace, to recieves a bullet shot from me, I shot him as I hid behind a car. But for some reason he kept walking towards me, as the bullets hit him and go into other directions it's like he was bulletproof, while I loaded more bullets in he aims his arm at me, ignites his spikes and shots his spikes at me and It almost impales me unsuccessfully.

Doctor midnight: ahh

He jumps on top of me the hero runs for safety. Black urchin gets back runs to me and smacks me against the wall.

Doctor midnight: (Goans)

He then leaps high into the air again, intent on crushing Me, i tried to leaped out of the way, but he landed hard on me, has his left blade hand pinning my coat against the destructive building and the other blade hand turned into a fist with spikes poking out, i ducked my head left and right as he tries to punch me, I grabbed his fist as he was spike fist was 1 inch close to my eye, I was struggling to keep my eye from being impaled, but with enough energy I finally pushed his fist away from my face and kicked him hard in the chest, he fall back, it felt like I hit a bowling bowl

Doctor midnight: ahhh (I hold my leg to ease the pain) what are you

He gets back up and punches me hard in the face.

Doctor midnight: ahh

He grabs me by my coat, and throws me against a trash can, I fell back as the trash fell on me, he ran towards me I quickly got back up and brush off the banana peel on my right shoulder, and ran towards him.

I punched him but missed when he ducked, he grabbed my arm pulls it up and grew two more arms and punches my abdomen fast, I grabbed my chest as he let's me go.

Doctor midnight: ahhh (goans in pain)

He then kicks me hard in the chin, causing me to fly across the street, I slide down the hard concrete ground, I tried to get back up, but he kicked me in the chest again. Then he stepped on my chest with his blade foot, raises his blade arm above me, gets ready to put me out, when a bullet hit him on his back, he turned to see Harvey aiming his gun at him, he turns, he's foot still on me, and shots one of his spikes a Harvey, it misses him but cuts his right arm jacket.

Harvey: ahh (holds his arm)

Furious at him for attacking Harvey, I jack-knives him and ripped his leg off, he fell back and grew a new leg. He runs up to me as I did the same,  I punched him hard, he then grabs my fist and punches my cheek, I fell back, he grabbed me by the coat, swung me around and threw me at the destructed building we were fight at, i went flying and crashing hard into the building, he went over to see if I would come out, he walks inside, bricks falling from the destruction, he doesn't spot me..... yet. He thought I was finished, so he goes to the telephone power line and cuts it open with his blade.
(Click, Click)
He then he someone taking pictures of him, he turns to see nothing, he then sees the daily worm newsletter building, he went to go after his next target

Inside the daily worm newsletter, Rachael was in her office going through some pictures and papers about black urchin, seeing if she could help Doctor midnight, unaware she was being watched by black urchin, he was standing behind her not making any noise, she turned having that someone is watching me feeling, she runs only to see nothing, she goes back to her work, she digs deeper into her work, until she found something that shocked she, she went go find doctor midnight and tell him, when the power shut down, it was pitch dark she couldn't see were she was going, she heard the sound of people panicking in the building, backing up slowly, suddenly she felt someone was behind her, she then moved her hands to the feel who she backed up to, she turned to see black urchin, her eyes open wide as he reached out for her.

Back at the destructed building- just as police arrived at the demolished building, I got out of the rubble, still in pain, I walked out and called for my car, it came in front of me, I got in and drove off to see the damage black urchin caused it was a mess people getting in ambulance, a car crashed into a fire hydrant, many people injured.

Doctor midnight: it couldn't get any worse this

But it did, I heard a girl scream, I look around and I see Rachael falling from a 50 foot story building


I speed up open the top and caught her

Doctor midnight: you okay

Rachael: yeah

We saw black urchin, jumping hard on a car, crushing it, I drove off,

Rachael: who or what was he

Doctor midnight: he's name is black urchin , and he doesn't like me. and his costume is made off of sharp blades, he can shift shape into a giant sea urchin and can shoots his blades, anywhere he points (showing her my arm)

Rachael: ouch (she touches my arm gently) are you okay

Doctor midnight: don't worry (grabbing her hand) I been through worst, besides the only thing that can kill me is seeing you get hurt. I did a little research on are urchin friend, and he's a assassin for hired.

Rachael: so he's hired to kill you, well Why am I not surprised

Doctor midnight: don't be, lots of people want kill me,  he's been trying to kill me all day.

Rachael: well, call me crazy but I saw him doing something to the power line

Doctor midnight: ohh do tell

Rachael: yesterday when I was looking around for what was causing the power outage, when I noticed someone on top of the telephone power line and it got me thinking, maybe he's responsible for the multiple power outage

Doctor midnight: I know, I was dealing with him, when the street lights went off

Rachael: well whoever hired, must want you gone, i mean with you out of the way any goon you fought can do whatever they want

Doctor midnight: (gasp) that's it

Rachael: huh

Doctor midnight: if he was hired to cut off the power and kill me that it must've be someone, I defeated

Rachael: but who would want you dead

Doctor midnight: i made a lot of enemies in New Jersey, and only one of them is angry enough at me to want revenge

Rachael: but who

Doctor midnight: that's the million dollar question (parkway near her apartment) first things first, I need you to go inside and lock your door.

Rachael: but what about you

Doctor midnight: the only thing that worries me is you're safety, now stay inside

Rachael: be careful(pulling on my arm, (I rest my hand on hers)

Doctor midnight: Don't worry I'll be fine

I drove off, looking for black urchin until I spotted dr. Lou, hiding behind a car

Doctor midnight: hmm (rubbing my chin)

He look like he was in trouble, I got out of the car and sneaked up behind him.

Doctor midnight: hello, dr. Lou

Lou: ahh(turns to see me) Doctor midnight you gave a fright

Doctor midnight: you hiding from the bounty hunter too

Dr. Lou: he's a bounty hunter, I mean what!

Doctor midnight: hmm, him

Dr. Lou: uhh, I mean

Doctor midnight: do you know him

Dr. Lou: yes, you see, he wasn't a bounty hunter

he saw us and started shooting out his spikes at Us, we ducked behind the car as the blade spikes came between us.

Lou/Doctor midnight: ahhh

Doctor midnight: (I pulled out my gun) what is he dr. Lou and how do you know him

I started shooting back at him

(Bang, bang, bang)

Dr. Lou: he's a....

Doctor midnight: he's a what

I ducked back down


I was shocked to hear what he just said, I turned to him.

Doctor midnight: wait, what

Just then one of the blades shot me straight in the arm.

Doctor midnight: ahhhhh (goans in pain)

I grabbed my arm and pulled the blade out

Doctor midnight: grrrr

It stings so bad, I tried to ignore it.

Doctor midnight: so you know him

Dr. Lou: yes (sadly) I created him, you see many years ago before you, at interstellar lab I was working on a project, he was going to be the future of robotics policemen, something to help the New Jersey police department, he's name is 15687-x but we call him urchin for short.

He threw a mailbox at us.

Lou: ahhh (I ducked back)

I grabbed dr. Lou by the arm

Doctor midnight: follow me

I whispered, I took him in the car and drove off.

Doctor midnight: so tell me more about him

Dr. Lou: well I built him to protect others but something with wrong.

Doctor midnight: he got smart enough, to figure out that he shouldn't tale orders anymore.

Dr. Lou: (he he) he started to malfunction and turned against us, I tried to shut him off, but he attacked me before I had the chase, I was lucky not damage anything but he jumped through the window.

Doctor midnight: that still doesn't explain why he's a bounty hunter or how he became one

Dr. Lou: my guess is, after he escape, he went off to find his true purpose.

Doctor midnight: well it look like we went down the wrong path

Dr. Lou: it certainly is, but I did not designed him to be bounty hunter, this... is not his calling

Doctor midnight: well he also hired to shut down the power grid and if he does that then New Jersey State Prison, East Jersey State Prison and brighton asylum security cells will will release every single goon and villain I defeated will be released. And I just put them in. How do I stop him.

Dr. Lou: you can't, he was programmed to be a fighting-machine, he's made out of nanobots, platinum and the strongest metal on earth, he cannot be stop

Doctor midnight: every villain has a weak spot, we just need to find it

I drove up to his house

Doctor midnight: ok, I'm gonna find him, while you pull up some files on him and see if you find anything that could help us stop him.

Dr. Lou: ok

I drove off to Brighton asylum, since that's the first place he'll go, but first I pulled out my phone and called Harvey

Ring, ring

Harvey: hello

Doctor midnight: Harvey

Harvey: John

Doctor midnight: yes

Harvey: where are you

Doctor midnight: I'm-I'm helping Doctor midnight with something

Harvey: sure what is it

Doctor midnight: I need you to go to Rachael maxwell's apartment and keep on eye on her for me

Harvey: ohhhhhhhhhh, ok (a mischief smiles crawls up his face)

Doctor midnight: Harvey, black urchin is going to release the Brighton asylum cells and the streets with be filled with inmates, think about it

Harvey: (gasp)

He grabs his coat and leaves

Harvey: I'm on way right now, don't worry Johnny boy, I'll keep her safe just stop him before it's too late

He hangs up, I quietly sneak inside the asylum and look for any signs for black urchin, just then I heard everyone cheering, it was like their celebrating, I then tripped over someone.

Doctor midnight: (thud) whoa

I got up to see a unconscious guard, and judging by the bump on his head, I say he was knocked out.

Doctor midnight: he's here

I moved to the cafeteria to see every enemy I defeated, professor polar, the badger, motor Ed, mad Maddie and man-condor, they were all here rallied up, banging their trays on the table, gathering up as the other inmates join, just then one of my biggest baddest enemies came up and stand on top of the table with the others.

I was shocked to see the number one person I thought I Never see again colonrnel Kennedy, he was ruthless gangster from Louisville, Kentucky and he owns his own wrestling club, he's a big fat man, with white hair, beard and mustache, wears a gray suit with a matching fedora and carries a cane, he was like a villainous version of colonel sanders, he hates me cause I took out his men for making a illegal shipment of fake clothing and candy-like drugs, he was angry but I never turned him in cause it's better to take out his goons then him, his goons are what make him powerful, he's also friends with my archenemy DiMaggio. But one question hit me.

Doctor midnight: hmm, what is colonel Kennedy doing in a place like this

I got down to get a closer look, when he raised his glass up.

Colonel Kennedy: my friends today, I say today is the day we say goodbye to our dear friend(he pulls out a picture of me) dr. Midnight, his days, I say he's days of crime-fighting are over,

everyone then started cheering

Doctor midnight: huh

Colonel Kennedy: I been giving word that....

Everyone then started a riot, as colonel Kennedy continued

Colonel Kennedy: now that (he lites a lighter to the picture and burns it) the blue baron is dead, no one WILL STOP, (the whole asylum screams in cheer) AT 12 o'clock, black urchin will hit the power panel AND AS PROMISED, WE'LL BE...........FREEEEEEEEE

Everyone goes wild, then professor gets up, raising his glass

Professor polar: a toast to colonel Kennedy, the man who hired the hitman/bounty hunter black urchin.

Everyone: to black urchin

Doctor midnight: mystery solved

I ran to find black urchin, when he found me, i bumped into him as I ran looking for him.

Doctor midnight: (looking at him) oh, uh hello

He punched me hard, it send me falling down the stairs hard.

Doctor midnight: ahhh

He jumps in front of me, I got up.

Doctor midnight: I know what you're thinking, what would it take to kill me, (he puts his fist up) well newsflash you maybe the greatest bounty hunter, (I put mines up) but there's nothing you can do to get rid of me

We ran towards each other, he punch me but I ducked, I punched him, he punched me back, I had to keep him from shut off the power, he then turned his hands into blades a started to slice me, I fell dodging his blades, when I saw a broken pipe, I used it to block his arms, he cut it into three, I threw the broken pipe at him, he dodges, I then kicked him. I pounded on him, only to have him stab me hard through the abdomen.

Doctor midnight: ahhhhh (goans in pain)

I was in agonizing pain, he kicked my downstairs, I fell painful on the steel floor and ran to hide, I grabbed into my now bleeding stomach, the blood started pouring down, it sting, but I wasn't ready to died yet, I took off my coat and vest, removed my shirt, ripped it and wrapped it around my stomach to keep the bleeding from spilling. I hid behind a colum, when I got a call from dr. Lou.

Doctor midnight: what is it dr. Lou

Lou: I got the answer,

Doctor midnight: what is it

Lou: ok he's a robot right

Doctor midnight: I'm pretty sure we discuss this already

Lou: well we use electricity to bring him to life,

Doctor midnight: so if electricity is what brought him to life, then it can also shut him off, (I put my gun back)

Lou: yes, but you're are going need some kind of electromagnetic pulse

I looked down at my taser gun

Doctor midnight: got it, listen to me dr. Lou

Lou: ok

Doctor midnight: I figure out who hired him

Lou: who

Doctor midnight: I'll tell you soon, look I need you get the swat team and the New Jersey police department

Lou: ok

Doctor midnight: hurry (i hanged up) I got a power line to fix

I head to the asylum's power box, when I see black urchin about ready to cut the power off, as he raises his clawed blades arm up, I pull out  my whip and pull on his arm back, I swung him towards me, I delivered him a punch, he fell back, I put my whip back and get ready to strike him down. When pounced on me, we fell all the way right down the stairs, and landed in the sewer pipes.

He picked me up and throws me, farther in the pipes, he walks to me, And throws me again but this time, he sends me flying hard in the sewer water, I got up and ran towards him, he smacked me in the face with his arm.

Doctor midnight: ahhhh

I fell back, he grabs me by the collar and knee kicks me in the chest, where the cut was.

Doctor midnight: (groans in pain) ahh!

He then gets picks me up, pins me again the wall, he places one hand and puts it on my throat and with the other, he turns it to two tentacles to decapitate me, which it almost does. I kick his legs down, he fall and the blades Sliced through my vest,

I jumped on him again and he grabs me and throws across the floor, The robotic drone lands on my back, stepping hard on it.

Doctor midnight: ah

I rolled him off, I throw my smoke pellets at him, but he dodges it hastily. He runs out of the smoke and tries to slice me, i ducked, he then swings his blades rapidly, he did a summersault around me, cutting my right shoulder, left arm, right leg, left knee and the right side of cheek.

Doctor midnight: (groans) oh

He left a scar, I touched it, softy

Doctor midnight: grrr

I ran and slam him into the floor, we land in the sewerage water. We wrestle in the water. I kick him, he then shots out his blades on every inch of his body, he punches me hard and pick me up, Chocking me, I grabbed on to his arm, he turned his arm into a blade sword, getting ready to cut my throat open, when I grabbed my taser and shocked him on his neck, he let my go and I kicked him hard in the hard, causing him to fall in the water, the water and electricity electrified him, he then shut off, reliefed that he's shuts off, I fell backwards down into the bade of a waterfall.

As everyone in the asylum waits impatiently for black urchin to shut off the power,

Professor polar: what is taking him so long

Colonel Kennedy: he'll do it, if he can take down dr. Midnight, he can shut off the power

Just then the swat team can in with Harvey and the whole police department

Swat: ok, everybody hands in the air,
Nobody move,

They barge in and putting everyone back in their cages,

Harvey: colonel Kennedy, you're under arrest

Harvey cuffs colonel Kennedy and walks him to the car

Colonel Kennedy: go ahead, I'll escape soon my good friend black urchin will have me out

Harvey: Doctor midnight will stop him, he always saves the day

Colonel Kennedy: oh I don't think so

Just then one of the swat officers came in with a damage black urchin and a video proving evidence that colonel Kennedy hired black urchin.

Harvey: (turns to colonel Kennedy) you were saying

Everyone looks at black urchin

Professor polar: some bounty hunter you are

Swat officers: Harvey(hands him a paper) this is for you

Harvey took the paper, it was a note I wrote to him.

Dear Harvey
it's John, black urchin isn't what he seems to be, he's a robot

Harvey: (gasp)

Colonel Kennedy hired him from a bounty hunter company, he paid him to kill me and caused a problem with the street lights and to cut the power off to release the asylum inmates, and I know how he got in, since he's a robot he can shape-shift in the water, that's how he attacked me and cut off the power, first he needed to kill Doctor Midnight with him out of the way, every inmates including the one from prison will be released and New Jersey will rain chaos
But you know me, I don't let anyone destroy my city.
(Harvey smiles)
I have enough evidence to prove colonel Kennedy's guilty, take black urchin to dr. Lou, he has unfinished business to take care of.
Thanks again for looking after Rachael for me I really appreciate it
You're a good friend Harvey

After Harvey finishes reading, he looks up

Harvey: (chuckles) oh John what will you do without me

He walks out of the asylum, joining the others

As for me, I was drowning in the water, I was being carried away by the water, then I was wash out of the sewers pipes, I fell into a lake, as I drifted in the water, I emerges out of the water, gasping for air, outside the city.

Doctor midnight: cough, cough (gasping)

I collapsed on the ground, I felt dizzy from the blood loss and water in my lungs made it hard for me to breath, I begin to close my eyes, when I heard someone walking towards, I blacked out before I could see who it was. I then was dragged out of the small puddle.

I don't know who it was that saved me, all I know is that I will thank them....

One day

The end of episode 9

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