DOCTOR MIDNIGHT- episode 10- hierarchy

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The last time you saw me, I was drifting in the sewer water, trenched in water and blood, it was hard for me to walk, I thought I was done for, but one minute I'm bleeding to death, the next thing I know, I'm in my hideout, on a couch, my coat and vest off and hanged, and my chest wrapped in bandages, even the wounds where I got cut were treated, I was covers in a blanket, I was awoken up by the warmth of the fireplace. I got up and looked around to see, if the person who brought me here was still...... well here, I looked and saw no one.

Doctor midnight: hmm ( I stroked my chin)

I thought it wouldn't be such a big deal, until I realized my mask was off, I turned to see it on the floor. I put it back on and look out the window. I then realize the person that brought me at my hideout also knows my secret identity
My name is John hunter and I am DOCTOR MIDNIGHT.

I decided not to worry about the whole my secret identity was been discovered since, my name nor Doctor midnight has been mentioned in the newspaper or on tv. I was lucky, I'm at the national historical museum, where their opening a new exhibition and honoring someone.

I came in with Harvey as we walked inside, I saw Rachael, in a adorable purple dress suit, she wore some light makeup and had a orchid barrettes on the right side of her hair, holding her bangs. She looked beautiful even in a dress, I felt my heart beating rapidly, and I smiled at her, as I stared at her lovesick, then Harvey noticed.

John:(I turned to see Harvey looking at me) what

Harvey: oh, nothing (he puts his arm around me)

John: Harvey whatever you're thinking it's not what you think,

Harvey: uh huh, sure

We walked closer to her

Rachael: this is Rachael maxwell coming to you live at the national historical museum, where we're honoring a man who just came back from the Amazon jungle, please welcome outback explore, adventurer, treasure hunter, animal hunter, and to be scientists. Diego mcdagger

A man swing from a a rope and landed in front of Rachael, he had an outback hat, he had a necklace made out of teeth from animals, brown gloves and boots, beige shirt and pants, and his hair was a dirty blonde.

Rachael: Diego, you just came back from the dangerous Amazon jungle, who did you made it out alive

Diego: we'll, Rachel darling, I did it with a canteen of water. (He pulls out a boomerang) me lucky boomerang, a machete, me trusted dagger (he shows the camera a holster holding a dagger) a rifle and as for food, we'll the only thing I'm hungry for is a big appetite of adventure.

Everyone started clapping, as he tips his hat.

Diego: in the Amazon jungle, I been battling jaguars, alligators, and anacondas, jumped over a lake full of piranhas, some nasty storms, but it was worth it, I then ventured into a dark dark and found this.

He walked over to a display case with a red velvet cover on it, he removed it and reveal a artifact rock

Everyone: ohhhhhhhh

Everyone was amazed, including Rachael

Rachael: what is that

Diego: this is an ancient artifact of el dorado

Rachael: but many explorers found all the artifacts of el dorado

Diego: all expect this one

Everyone in the museum gathered around and took pictures of the artifact and him.

Rachael: wow, Diego it didn't scare you, when you had to travel in the Amazon jungle alone with no help

Diego: oh please, any Joey can make it anyway with a pack, but not me, I'm an legend

He takes the microphone from Rachael's hand and looks through the camera

Diego: and today's the day the national scientist society will welcome me as a member

Rachael: are you going to join them

Diego: join (he chuckles) oh please, I'm obviously a member already, they will pick me

Rachael: ok (she laughs a little) well good luck to you Diego, and when we come back, we're going to see the national scientist society welcoming a new member and the museum honoring Diego mcdingo a medal, with more news I'm Rachael maxwell signing off

As the camera turns off, Diego goes up to her elbow against the wall

Diego: so, shelia ya doing something after work, cause I can give ya a good time

The way he talked to her made me a bit upset, I tried to act like it was nothing

Rachael: sorry b-but I-I-I'm (shudder) busy

I knew she was in trouble when he got closer

Diego: aw come on, love I promise ya have a good time

I then came in between

John: hey Rachael

Rachael: oh (she got startled and turn to see me) John

John: (i looked at him) mind if I borrow her for a minute


John: thanks

I led her to a different direction, as Diego went the opposite way

Rachael: thanks for the save back there John

She brushes her hair back, as we walked around the museum

John: no problem

Rachael: it's great seeing you again John

John: you too

We stopped at the bird exhibit, I paused in my steps and turned towards her

John: sorry that our lunch date had to be cut short

Rachael: it's ok, I had worse dates before (giggles)

I was in a rush, I forgot to hide the bandage on my right arm, she noticed the bandage wrapped around my hand.

Rachael: (gasp) what happened to your hand

I panic as she grabs my hand and pushes my sleeve up, to see the rest of the bandage, all the way up to my elbow, I saw concern in her eyes.

She was expecting answer, so I exaggerated the truth a bit

John: uh, I was attacked yesterday by that bounty hunter

Luckily for me she fell for it.

Rachael: yeah I heard about him, he-

John/Rachael: tried to save you/me yesterday

She looks up at me

John: I know, I heard, detective remember

Rachael: you need to be more careful John, I don't want to lose New Jersey's greatest detective.

Hearing this made my heart beat faster

John: yeah, well if anything happens to me, you'll always have dr. Midnight

I saw She face dropped

Rachael: I heard, he took a bad beating, trying to take down the bounty hunter

It didn't take me long to figure how worried she was for me and dr. Midnight

Rachael: I sure hope he's okay, I hate to lose him

I was in love with her, but she was in love with Doctor Midnight.

I wish I could tell her who I was, I want to tell her, but (sigh) It would only put herself in danger, if the whole city knew every villain I'd faced would harm her and that's something i can't let that happened.

I already lost Diana, I'm not going to lose Rachael too

John: he's  the private eye heroic detective, I'm sure he's been through worse

This made her smiled, as we had a moment, her cameraman called her

Rodney: miss maxwell, we're on in 10 minutes

Rachael: oh, uh alright, I be there in a minute

She turns to face me

Rachael: I'm sorry, but I got to go

John: oh, no it's okay, I'll see you later

Rachael: bye

She waves bye to me as she runs to her cameraman

John: how long were you standing there

Behind was Harvey hiding behind a cardboard poster of the vulture exhibit, he walks up to me.

Harvey: just checking to see how it went

He wraps his arm around me

Harvey: well come on, their the scientist are here and their going announced the new member.

We head off the the observatory exhibit, to see that it was a meet-greet party, lots of scientists were everywhere, either having a drink or rubbing elbows, I saw Diego flirting with a couple of female scientist.

He seemed like the life of the party

I looked around more and I saw Dr. Lou, with Dr.hack, Dr. Pam, Dr. Kimchi

I guess they were the one of the members, their also the host of the national science society

As dr. Lou walked up the stage, onto the microphone

Lou: greetings members of the national scientist society and welcome to to the meet-greet party

Everybody claps

Lou:I like to thank everyone of coming out to the party, but more Importantly I like to thank to dr. Peter and professor Kim

The spotlight shines at a big black bearded man with glasses and a Asian skinny woman with a bob haircut.

Lou: for helping out with the catering, thank you

They both take a bow As the crowd cheers for them

Lou: anyway now back to some serious business, it is time to pronounce the new member of the national science society, but first we're are honoring the man of the hour, he came all this way from the danger jungle of Amazon to deliver us an amazing discovery.

I see Diego, getting ready to accept he reward, he walked up the stage cocky with confidence

Lou: ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Diego Mcdagger

Everyone claps for him as he waves to them

Diego: thank you ladies and gentlemen and thank you dr. Lou

Dr. Pam goes up to her and places a medallion medal on the right side of his chest

He then takes over the microphone

Diego: I say this has been one of the greatest accomplishments, I've ever did achieved

Lou: yes, well your very welcome Diego

But before he could leave

Diego: and to the members of the national scientist society, I'll be joining you really soon

Lou: alright thank you Diego

He pushes him to the side so he could announce the new member

Lou: ok, now time to announce the new member

Dr.hack, Dr. Pam,  and Dr. Kimchi joined in behind him

Lou: we the chairman of the society, have be given many applications

Dr. Pam: Including Diego

Dr. Hack: even though he's not a real scientist

he chuckles and everyone joins in,  I then saw a look on Diego's face and it wasn't happy.

He looked cross

Dr. Kimchi: yes, yes well it took us a month, but we made a decision

Diego then comes up unsuspected

Diego: why thank you, dr. Lou and many I say that it is a honor that you our welcoming me to the national scientist society

Dr. Hack: YOU? (haha)

Dr. Hack laughed at his face, then the others joined in

Everyone: (haha haha haha)

Dr. Hack: look, mate

He tells him in a fake Australian accent

Dr. Hack: we only welcome scientist, not some animal hunter

The more insults he threw at him, the louder the crowd laughed, the more furious Diego became

Dr. Hack: your just a explorer and that's all you'll ever be, you'll never be a member of this society

As he leaves him speechless as the crowd finished laughing, he looks down, his blood boiled inside him.

Lou: yes anyway, we like to welcome our new member.... Dr. Jackson

The spotlight turns away from Diego to a zoologist, with glasses and a bald haircut, he waves at the crowd as he heads up the stage accepting his membership badge.

Lou: dr. Jackson, as been on the verge of a breakthrough

Dr. Lou have the microphone to dr. Jackson

Jackson (British accent): I have recently rescued a young Amur leopard and nurses it back to help

One of his assistants, came out with it, walking on a leash, the entire crowd was amazed as it was going Wilded or trying to attack anyone, it was acting like some house pet.

Crowd: ooh

Jackson: now

He walks to it, taking the leash from his assistant

Jackson: you never see one of these animals anymore, the media says they gone extinct, but not all of them, I found this one on my trip to the north-east China, there was thus wildfire, and so i rescued it and treat it like she was my own family.

He pets and scratches behind the leapord's ear as she licks his hand

Jackson: over time, she had a hard time adjusting herself to being around other people, she became comfortable with me around, and as she tries to cope with being surrounded by other people, I went to try to find her kind, I tried for weeks and months, no suck luck, until one day, while I visited the Primorsky Krai region of Russia, I finally found them and on the same day shelia, the name I gave her has finally decided to trust people.

He takes the leash off and she walks around him

Jackson: and it is what brought us here

They both took a bow as the audience clapped for them.

Lou: well dr. Jackson, we the members of the scientist society welcome you and shelia to the club

The leopard was given a medal as dr. Jackson shook hands with the professors

As the party went on, Diego disappeared behind the red curtains, after being rejected and humiliated in front of a large audience, he pulls out his dagger and looks at it enraged with bitterness of revenge and hate, he then turned a poster of the dr. Lou and the other scientist then back to the dagger.

Diego: I'll show you animal hunter

He throws the dagger at the poster in dr. Hack face, he was now consumed with vengeance

Diego: ya mess with the wrong mate, mate nobody rejects Diego mcdagger

At night on the same day, after the party, dr. Hack waved goodbye to dr. Pam, dr. Kimchi and dr, Jackson

Dr. Jackson: goodnight dr. Hack

Dr. Hack: night

As the others drove off, he heads to his new rolls Royce a shadowy figure stands against wall behind him, as he takes out his keys, he hears the sound of a trash can getting knocked down.


Hack: huh?

He turns to see the trash can on the ground, at first he thought it was nothing, but when he tries to open his car, he heard footsteps towards him.

He then started to panic, he struggled to get the right key in.

Hack: ah

He was so scared that he drop them

Hack: shot

As he quickly picks them up, the shadowy figure throws a dagger at him, it misses him and scratches his car, he turns and decided

Hack: oh forgot

He runs and the mysterious stalker follows, him, they run down the street, dr. Hack stalls him by knocking down two trash cans and a fruit stand. The stalker jumps over the trash can and pulls out his lasso and swings on a street light pole and lands high on a tall building, up ahead him, he pulls out an boomerang and hits him on his leg making him trip and fall.

Hack: ah

He quickly gets up and runs again, he looks back, unaware that he steps onto a rusty bear trap.

Hack: (moans in deep pain) AH!

He fell and touches his wounded leg, he tries to pull the bear trap off, but it only made it worse when the crawls slipped through his fingers and crushed his more, it then started to bleed.

And before his night could get any worst, the figure landed in front of him.

Dr. Hack looks up at the figure, as he walks closer to him

Dr. Hack: (GASP, GASP) look I don't want any trouble, if you let me go, I'll pay you whatever you want

The figure stops in his track

Diego: you are gonna pay mate

Hack: huh?

Dr. Hack was confused until the figure came out of the shadows and into the light to reveal himself

Hack: (gasp)

It was Diego mcdagger and before dr. Hack could reason with him, Diego pulls out a rag damped in GHB and muffles dr. hack with it.

Hack: Diego wait maybe we can work something out her- (mmmmmm)

He then was knocked out

Diego: you and the others are going to pay, no one rejects me

The next morning after my patrol of the city last night, I decided to turn in early cause well I only patrol the city to see if I can find the person who knew dr. Midnight's true identity.

But then I thought maybe it is time to give it some rest so one person knew my identity, nobody was nor they had talked about dr. Midnight's identity all day, maybe this person knew me wanted me to stay around, cause if the word got out, their would be so much chaos.

Besides this city needed me, so whoever knew my identity, I'd thanked them for not revealing my identity.

Ring, ring

The sound of my cellphone ringing woke me up

John: (moans)

I picked it up and answered it

John: (yawns) hello

It was Harvey and he sounded urgent

Harvey: JOHN!!!

John: Harvey?

Harvey: John, quickly get dress and cone down to the museum, you need to see this

John: I'm on my way Harvey

I grabbed my coat, shoe, fedora and a piece of toast and ran out the door.

When I cane to the museum parking lot, I saw nothing but dr. Hack's car, I thought it was nothing until the whole police squad came examining the area, I then saw Harvey talking to a another police officer, I went to talk to him.

John: Harvey, whats going on

He turns to see me

Harvey: John

we walked towards each other

John: is there something wrong, cause all I see is dr. Hack's car and doesn't he work here

Harvey: well, a fruit seller

He points at a fat man with a beard and mustache waving at us

Harvey: says that he saw dr. Hack running like he was being chased by something or someone and then over by that that street light pole over there

He pulls something out

Harvey: we found his keys, wallet and phone the ground

I take them

He walked around the streets

John: any idea on where he might've happened to him

Harvey: not a clue, not even a lead on his whereabouts

John: hmm, 🤔 have any idea on who would kidnap dr. Hack

Harvey: kidnap?

John: well scientists don't go missing on their own

Harvey: (he looks down, thinking) well we have not clue on who might kidnapped dr. Hack, since he never had any enemies

John: well until we find dr. Hack, we're going to have to put the city on lockdown, spread the word out that every citizen's needs to be indoors by 9 and under any circumstances nobody should be outside, until we get to the bottom of this.

As Harvey writes everything down, he sees me going to my car.

Harvey: where are you going?

John: I'm going to get some answers and to see if I can get Doctor midnight to help us.

Harvey: well good luck finding him, no-one's seen him for a week

I laughed as I drove off

it was time to get back to work

I quickly changed to my doctor midnight costume and went to see dr. Lou.

He was in his home, organizing some paperwork. I was standing outside of his slide window.

Doctor midnight: dr. Hack is missing

Lou: Ah!

He turned to see me

As I slide the window open and slowly made my way towards him

Lou: yes, I heard what happened to him

Doctor midnight: any Ideas on who might be holding a grudge against him

Lou: no, have no clue, he was never made an enemy

Doctor midnight: what about dr. Heinrich

Lou: that's a different story, besides isn't he locked up

Doctor midnight: well I need a lead, in order for me to find him, think professor

Dr. Lou starts to think

Doctor midnight: who would want dr. Hack gone

Lou: you can talk Diego, he seemed pretty upset after last night, maybe he......

Doctor midnight: he might've done something with his disappearance

I headed to the window

Doctor midnight: do you know where he lives or his whereabouts

Lou: he lives at cherry lane 2735 avenue

Doctor midnight: thanks and if I were you I'd alert the other scientist and go to a safe place

Lou: ok thanks

But Before I could heard off

Lou: Wait Doctor midnight

Doctor midnight: yes

I turned to face him

Lou: how are you feeling

Doctor midnight: excuse me?

Lou: I heard what happened

I touched my chest were the previous scars were

Doctor midnight: I been through worst

Lou: well just seeing if you doing ok

Those three words shocked me

Doctor midnight: take care dr.

Then It hit me.....could it be.....did dr. Lou......dose he know?

I had a lot of questions and I'm sure I can get get some answers soon, until then I need to stay focus

But after I head out, dr. Lou went to his telephone when up behind him, we're two strong arms strapped dr. Lou, one arm hold both his hands down, the other gagged him with a rag, he was then knocked out and dragged across the room.

I went to cherry lane 2735 avenue apartment 57, I knocked on the door

Doctor midnight: Diego mcdagger, I have a few questions to ask you

I knocked again and again, finally when he didn't answer, I decided to use force, I kicked the door down to see the whole place a mess, leftovers on the table, dishes in the sink uncleanliness, clothes everywhere.

I'm guessing this guy doesn't get any visitors, I searched for him, in his bedroom, bathroom nothing.

I then a folder on his desk and collage of every scientist that was at the meet-greet party, I then came across a dagger that was cut in a picture of dr. Hack

Doctor midnight: just as I expected, Diego did it

I needed to report to the others but first a quick Pit-stop

Later on that same evening dr. Jackson, was reading the papers when he saw the headlines


Jackson: oh poor dr. Hack, I hope his ok

He walks pass by shelia who was sleeping in her little dog bed, he goes to talk to the others.

when behind him, was danger, the stranger alarmed shelia,

Shelia: (growl)

She was getting about ready to attack, when she got shot in the neck by a tranquilizer, the sound of her falling, alerted dr. Jackson.


Jackson: huh?

He turns around and sees a boomerang getting thrown at him, it knocks the phone out of his hand.

Jackson: AH!

He touches his hand as looks up to see Diego he runs but Diego takes a knee down and pulls out his dagger, he throws it at dr. Jackson, it hits him on his left hand coat fabric and on the door frame.

Jackson: AH!

He tries to pull his hand out. When Diego comes over to him and injects him with a needle filled with Hypnotic, commonly known as sleeping pills.

He then was knocked out, and was carried out of his own house

Now if you're wondering were I went

I went to see Rachael, out of people, she must've been worried about me most of all

She was working late in her office, as her cameraman wished her goodnight, I was hanging outside her window.

Rodney: goodnight miss Rachael

Rachael: night Rodney

As he walked off, she packed up her things

Rachael: I know your there, you can come out of hiding

I climbed out of the window and landed behind her desk

Doctor midnight: nice boyfriend

Rachael: he's just my cameraman

Doctor midnight: shouldn't you be home, it's way pass your curfew

Rachael: I can take care of myself

Doctor midnight: sure you can

Rachael: what are you doing here

She still wasn't facing me

Doctor midnight: just here to escort you home

Rachael: I was worried you know

I looked up at her with concern

Rachael: worried that you wouldn't make it

I then came behind her and wrapped my arms around her chest, she kept her arms across.

I turned her towards me

Doctor midnight: you look cute in a dress

She looks away

Doctor midnight: you should  wear some color more often

Still looking down

Doctor midnight: hey

I lifted her chin up

Doctor midnight: don't worry nothings gonna happen to me

We stared at each other of a moment

Doctor midnight: come on, I'll take you home

She nodded in agreement

Rachael: hold on

She grabs her purse and walks to me

Doctor midnight: hang on

I grabbed her waist and she wrapped her rms around my neck

I pulled my grabbing hook and launched it on top of a building and swung us away.

After I took her home, I got an amber alert from the police car radio (that I had installed inside my car) it was dr. Jackson, he got kidnapped while my back was turned.

Radio: attention all units, there's been a kidnapped at dr. Jackson house, at oakwood 3859 avenue, the big blue house on the left

Then There no time to lose, I hopped inside my car and drove off to dr. Jackson's house, but by the time I got there, Harvey was already inside the house with three police officers. I stand and wait for them to leave.

Harvey: scan the area, and go alert dr. Lou, go to his house and keep an eye on him

Officer 1#: yes sir

As they left, Harvey stayed

Harvey: their gone you can come out now

I climbed out of the window and walked inside

Doctor midnight: how'd you know, I was here

Harvey: when something bad happens you can't resist the taste of adventure

I looked around to the place a mess

Doctor midnight: what happened

Harvey: don't know, we're thinking about doing a man hunt having everyone on curve hours

Doctor midnight: good idea

Harvey: but I just don't get it, first it was dr. Hack, then dr. Pam and kimchi, and what's worst is that we have no lead on where the missing scientist gone. And I'm starting to think that the kidnapper—

Doctor midnight: is marking down his targets?

Harvey: exactly....Wait what?

Doctor midnight: well each victim has one think in common, their.....

Harvey: scientists!

Doctor midnight: yes and I have a feeling that dr. Lou might be next

Harvey: (gasp) your right

Doctor midnight: ok, go alert the others and help guard, I'll see if I can find any clues that can reveal us our kidnapper

Harvey: go head, but my men already scan this area from top to bottom, I don't think you'll find anything here

He walks off

Doctor midnight: there's always clues at a crime scene, you just have to look closely

After he left, I looked around examining the room more, just then dr. Jackson's leapord woke up from its coma, I turned to see it walking to me.

Doctor midnight: hm, oh hello there

She didn't attack me all she did was rub around my leg

I bend down next to her and saw a tranquilizer in her neck, I pulled it out and examined it.

Doctor midnight: hm, do you know what happen to your master

She just stared at her, then turned her head and growled

Doctor midnight: whoa!

I thought she was going to attack me but I moved and she stared angrily at the piano

Doctor midnight: hmm

I got under the piano and sawed a boomerang

Doctor midnight: interesting

I examined the boomerang and showed it to her

Doctor midnight: do you know how kidnapped dr. Jackson

She growled more, and ran, I followed her and she lead me to some kind of surveillance room

Doctor midnight: a camera room nice, now maybe he can see what happened today

I rewind the cameras to 3:50, the time dr. Jackson disappeared, he went to his phone, but I saw a shadow and shelia going security dog on the intruder, when he shot her with a tranquilizer.

Doctor midnight: hmm

And when dr. Jackson, my face dropped when I saw who the kidnapper was.....

It was Diego mcdagger, shelia growled at the screen picture of him

Doctor midnight: is that who attack your master, well now we know who's responsible for the scientist disappearance

I got up and ran to my car, I stopped when turned to see shelia following me, she looked upset and she wanted to help.

Doctor midnight: come on, why don't you help me find your master and the others

I got inside the car and she jumped in the front seat, we drove off.

Doctor midnight: ok first things first, we need to find Diego, we find him we find the other scientist

But before I could think of anything, Harvey called me


Doctor midnight: hello

Harvey: John, where are you

Doctor midnight: oh, uh, I'm helping Doctor midnight with dr. Jackson's disappearance

Harvey: well you better get here at dr. Lou's house, he's gone, he's been kidnapped

Doctor midnight: what! Bu-but-but Doctor midnight told me that he sent you to watched him

Harvey: we did, but by the time I came to his house, my men found his house empty

Doctor midnight: ok I'm on my way

I speed up and made it to dr. Lou's house

Doctor midnight: Wait here

The leopard stayed in the car as I got inside, I was greeted by Harvey

Harvey: Doctor Midnight what are you doing here (he looks around for John) where's John

Doctor midnight: he needed to take care of something but he's in the case

Harvey: oh, anyway you were right, someone is targeting the scientist

Doctor midnight: and I know who's doing this

Harvey: really who?

Doctor midnight: Diego mcdagger

Harvey: what?

Doctor midnight: he wanted revenge against the science society for rejecting him and humiliated in front of a huge crowd

Harvey: of course, he has the perfect motive

Doctor midnight: the only problem is I can't find him, and he's not at his apartment

As I try to think of something, Harvey gets me an idea

Harvey: (chuckles) well you can try the museum, he seems to be attached to that place

Doctor midnight: (gasp) that's it the museum

Harvey: huh?

Doctor midnight: that's the only place he's would go to feel like he's home or

Harvey: see his accomplishments

I ran to see to my car

Doctor midnight: I'll find him while you get reinforcements

Harvey: ok good luck

I drove off to the national museum, we got inside

Doctor midnight: ok, here's the plan, I'll find Diego, you try to find your owners

As she ran off, I walked inside the building slowly and quietly, looking for any signs of Diego.

Doctor midnight: DIEGO

The sound of my voice echoed through the empty building

Kangaroo jack: so!

I turned to see where that voice was coming from

Kangaroo jack: you must be the notorious DR. midnight

I turned to see him high on top of the ceiling

Doctor midnight: Diego

He jumps down holding a boomerang and waves it in front of me

Kangaroo jack: it's kangaroo jack now

Doctor midnight: let the scientists go

Kangaroo jack: never, not what they did to me, they reclined my submission into the science society, they laughed at means said, I was nothing more than an outback wallaby and now their going to pay

He clutches his fist

Doctor midnight: but not like this

As we get ready to fight, I noticed Rachael recording everything, still in the dress for earlier.

Doctor midnight: (gasp)

Diego noticed me looking at her, he turns and sees her

Kangaroo jack: hello, shelia

Rachael: (gasp)

I got furious as he got closer to her

Doctor midnight: leave her alone, she had nothing to do with this

I tried to grab him but he ducked and wrapped his arm around her waist, my blood boiled as she tries to push him off, but what made me more angry was when he put his boomerang underneath her skirt and lifting it up.

Doctor midnight: LET HER GO

I caught his attention before he could do something more stupid

Kangaroo jack: relax, I wouldn't hurt the baby koala

He pulls her closer to him

Rachael: get off me!

She finally pushes him off, and ran to me as he lets her go

Kangaroo jack: yum, cheetah has claws

I finally snapped and run towards him, and punched him hard in the cheek

Kangaroo jack: ah!

Doctor midnight: run!

I warned Rachael, Diego gets up and runs and I followed him into the taxidermy exhibit, as I got inside I walked around in the darkness but just then the lights went on the Australia exhibit.

Kangaroo jack: Australia (I turned to see it) the place I was born, let me tell you bout me backstory, as a kid my father was an amazing animal hunter, so I followed in his footsteps, I then learned the study of taxidermy and soon became a man of science

Doctor midnight: I don't think animal hunting is science

He touches his animal tooth necklace

Kangaroo jack: let me tell you how I got these teeth

The lights turned on to tropical rainforests exhibit

Kangaroo jack: when I was 10 I went to thee Amazon River rain forest in Peru, is were I fought me first animal the jaguar

The light then switched to a desert

Kangaroo jack: in the dry desert, when I was 15 I came across a gila monster

Doctor midnight: heard there were a lot of poisonous animals there

Kangaroo jack: yeah it's amazing how I survived at a young age

I stared to move around more ignoring him Another light switch to a polar exhibit with a polar bear

Kangaroo jack: in Greenland the tundra climate I challenge a polar and cracked his skull and ripped his teeth out

Doctor midnight: you're a sick adventurer ya know that

Kangaroo jack: (evil chuckles)

Doctor midnight: is that what you plan to to with the dr. Lou and the others (loudly) rip their teeth out

I expected an answer back, but the light came on an African exhibit

Kangaroo jack: by the time I've become the age 25, I went to Africa to meet the king of the beast

I was him standing In The lion exhibit as the lights came to him

Kangaroo jack: THE LION, when I meet him, (chuckles) well

Doctor midnight: let me guess you crushed his head and pulled his teeth out

Kangaroo jack: (he looks at his boomerang and at me) I shot him

Doctor midnight: (gasp)

Kangaroo jack: now for the scientist for what I have planned for them is, I'm going mount their head on the wall

He laughs like a menace, I pulled out my whip and smacked the boomerang out of his hand

Kangaroo jack: ah!

He looks at me furious and pulls another boomerang from his vest and throws it at me

I ducked and hit him again but he jumped backwards, I hit him again and again but then he uses his wrist to block my whip and as it wraps around his hand, he pulls it and I fall in, and get a strong hard punch from him

Doctor midnight: ah!

I fell back and saw him throwing my whip away and walked towards me, I ran behind a mammoth, I look behind and saw him pounced on me, we rolled around and I kicked him off, he rolled up and pulled out his dagger and tries to cut me, I ducked and he slices my right arm

Doctor midnight: ah!

I touched my arm and ducked as he ran towards me trying to cut my cheek, he kicks me down and tries to cut my neck open, I grabbed his arm to keep him, I managed to push him off and ran into the prehistoric exhibit up above me was a giant Mosasaurus skeleton tied to wires, as I looked down I didn't see Diego coming at me and kicking me in the face

Doctor midnight: ah!

He then grabbed me and kicks me in the chest with his knee and swings on against the caveman exhibit, I got up and charged at him, and silver a punch at him only to miss and he smacks me down.

Doctor midnight: (groans in pain)

I kicked him as he walks to me, I pulled him up and threw him out of the prehistoric area, I get ready to handcuff him, when he pulled out his boomerang and throws it at me, I ducked.

Doctor midnight: you missed

He smiles sinisterly as the boomerang cuts the wire holding the Mosasaurus skeleton

Kangaroo jack: I'd wasn't aiming at you

Doctor midnight: huh?

I looked up and as the Mosasaurus skeleton falling on me

Doctor midnight: ah!

I was crushed under a pile of bones

Doctor midnight: (moans in pain)

Kangaroo jack: well love to stay and watch ye die, but I got to go, I got a scientist head to mont on the wall and...

He grabs his boomerang as it comes back to him

Kangaroo jack: a wild flower to find

As he gives me a cocky look, it made me realized he was talking about Rachael

Kangaroo jack: oh and I'll be taking this

He takes my whip

Kangaroo jack: since you won't be needing it

I struggle to get up as he walks away

Doctor midnight: Diego Wait, you don't need to do this

He turns to me

Kangaroo jack: (loudly) I've told you it's kangaroo jack now, oh but don't worry I'll be sure take care of the baby koala

He runs off to find Rachael

Doctor midnight: NO (groans in pain)

I reached out to him, but passed out

A few minutes later, I woke up from shelia licking me

Doctor midnight: (moans) what happened

I looked around and saw myself still crushed underneath the skeleton bones

Doctor midnight: (grunts)

I pulled out my grabbing hook and aimed at the ceiling and pulled myself out of the pile of bones and land in front of shelia, I pulled my hook back and looked at the Cheetah.

Doctor midnight: couldn't find him, don't worry, we'll find them

We ran out of the Museum and to the car. Luckily for us I planted a tracker on Diego when he attacked me.

Doctor midnight: now, let's see where he's heading

I looked down at my phone

Doctor midnight: hmm, it looks like, he's headed to the Washington Rock State Park

I parked my car in the Washington Rock State Parking lot and walked inside the park.

Doctor midnight: ok (I looked down at shelia) I'll take down captain kangaroo while you go find the others

She gives me a nod and runs off, I walk in slowly awaiting for kangaroo jack to attack me

Kangaroo jack: well I have to admit

I turned to see him leaning against a tree, I put my fist getting ready to fight him

Kangaroo jack: your a brave fighter, dr, midnight I'll give you that, it's a shame I have to take you out

Doctor midnight: go ahead, but I'll just keep on battling you to I'll die

Kangaroo jack: hmm

He then gets an idea

Kangaroo jack: alright doc, here's what we're going to do, we're going to play a little hunting game

Doctor midnight: I don't play games

Kangaroo jack: oh but you'll love this one, if you win I'll come quietly surrender with the girl unharmed and I'll let the professors go but if I win I take you instead

Doctor midnight: (gasp)

Kangaroo jack: I always wanted to hunt down a hero

I thought for a minute, if I go Rachael and the others will be safe, I can't lose I don't want to lose her (sigh) some heroes have to make sacrifices

Doctor midnight: deal

We shook hands

Kangaroo jack: alright looks like we got an deal, oh

He pulls my down to his face

Doctor midnight: ah!

Kangaroo jack: and don't forget, I'm the worlds greatest hunter and I'd just set my traps

Doctor midnight: traps?

Kangaroo jack: yes, so here are the rules, we have have to in the forest and hunt each other, we have 1 minutes for  one of us to be taken down if you haven't taken me down by the time the timer is up, ya lose but ya can use ya little gizmos

Doctor midnight: sounds fair to me

Kangaroo jack: good luck

He slaps my back

Doctor midnight: ah!

He runs inside the park, I followed I tripped over a wire

Doctor midnight: whoa

I fell and see a cage falling on me

Doctor midnight: ah!

I tuned and it missed me

Jungle music played

I ran, and remembered that he had set traps, I then saw a pile's  of sticks, leaves and dirt

Doctor midnight: hmm

I threw a pinecone and it revealed a bear trap

Doctor midnight: your not very good at hiding traps are ya mate

Kangaroo jack: oh, but you'd be surprised when you seen the others

I came across a giant net that almost fell on me

Doctor midnight: a net, really! Got anything better

Kangaroo jack: (chuckles) oh you see it

I walked around more and I came stepped on a snare trap

Doctor midnight: ah!

I was hanging upside down

Kangaroo jack: (chuckles evilly) looks like it's game over for you doc

He watches me through cameras, with the other scientist tied up and Rachael next to him as He pulls out his sharp boomerang I pull out my dagger and cut the rope off and I landed down on the ground.

He looks back up, to see me gone

Kangaroo jack: what the blazes

Doctor midnight: what you don't know kangaroo jack is that I got a few tricks up my sleeve

Kangaroo jack: (grunts)

Rachael: he's the greatest hero, you can't stop him

He turns to her

Kangaroo jack: my traps beg the differ

He walks out to finish me, while I was dodging his so called booby traps, I jumped over a Swinging Log Trap, dodge a Spring Spear Trap, jumped over a Spike Pit Booby Traps , twirled over a Rock Swing with Spikes Booby Trap, ducked a Log Swing With Spikes Trap, ducked over Shot Gun Booby Trap, did a backflip over a Air Horn Trip Wire Booby Trap, jumped tip-toed over the Explosive Trip Wire Booby Trap,  and jumó-roll over a Sound Grenade Booby Trap.

I was on fire but kangaroo jack was getting upset

Kangaroo jack: grrr

He threw his boomerang at me, I leaped and jumped on a tree, he then threw three more at me, I dodge, jumped, leaped and ducked whatever he threw at me.

Kangaroo jack: I'd underestimated you Doctor midnight, ye'er stronger then ya look

Doctor midnight: thank you

He looks up to see one of his boomerangs returning

Kangaroo jack: it's not bad ye,re not smart

Doctor midnight: huh?

The boomerang hit me hard in the back of the head

Doctor midnight: ah!

I fell down hard on the ground, he grabbed me by the collar pinned me against a tree and held his dagger against my throat

Kangaroo jack: any last words

Doctor midnight: yeah, heads up

Kangaroo jack: huh?

Shelia came behind him and pounced on him

Shelia: (snarls)

Kangaroo jack: ah!

I got up and saw his boomerang in the tree, it then gave me idea, he threw shelia against the tree and goes back to deal with me

Doctor midnight: hey that leopard is an endangered species

Kangaroo jack: not as much as endangered as you'll be

Doctor midnight: well see about that

I threw his boomerang at him, he ducked

Kangaroo jack: ya missed

Doctor midnight: oh, I don't think so

Kangaroo jack: huh?

He turns around to get a hard punch from his boomerang

Kangaroo jack: ah! (Groans in pain)

He collapsed on the floor and reinforcements arrived

Doctor midnight: don't worry there's a nice cage for you in prison

Shelia walks to me

Doctor midnight: thanks

I looked down at her

Later the Harvey arrests kangaroo jack and the scientist and Rachael were rescued, dr. Jackson was reunited with shelia, he and her shared a hug

Jackson: oh shelia, I'm glad your ok

As the scientist get escorted home, I turned to see The boomerang on the ground, I picked it up

Rachael: new weapon

I turned to see Rachael

Doctor midnight: well it could be good use to me, I'm glad to see you ok

Rachael: thanks

Doctor midnight: John told me everything and he also told me to make sure you made it home safe, he's back at the station——

Rachael: when thanks for that and thanks for the rescue...... John

Doctor midnight: huh?

I then started to panic, I lied

Doctor midnight: what John, he's back at the police station

Rachael: John I know it's you

Doctor midnight: what oh Rachael I can explain, you see

Rachael: I was the one that fixed you bandages

Doctor midnight: that was you

Rachael: yes (She looked down) I didn't wanted to lose you, not after what you done for me

Doctor midnight: you didn't told anyone who I was

Rachael: and why would I do that

Doctor midnight: to boost your ratings

Rachael: I couldn't do that, not what you done for this city besides (she brushes her hair to the side) this city needs you

She touches my gloved hand

Rachael: I need you

I smiled and carried her

Doctor midnight: come on I'll take you home

As I drive her home

The scene flashback to the night I was attacked, Rachael saw me wounded and drags me to my hideout and puts me on the sofa, she takes off my coat, fedora, vest and shirt.

Rachael: (disgusted) ah!

she looked away as she see the gruesome scar across my chest.

The song lights by Ellie Goulding played

I had a way then losing it all on my own
I had a heart then but the queen has been overthrown
(she grabbed the first aid kit on the table and started stitching up my scar)
And I'm not sleeping now the dark is too hard to beat
And I'm not keeping up the strength I need to push me
(She wraps the bandage wrap and my chest)
You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine them when I'm alone
(She then starts a fire under a chimney)
And so I tell myself that I'll be strong
And dreaming when they're gone
(She then sits next to her touching my bare chest and brushes me hair, but just then my mask fell off, and when she was who I was her faced)
'Cause they're calling, calling, calling me home
Calling, calling, calling home

Rachael: (gasp) your Doctor midnight, (she then puts both her hands on my chest) please by ok ( she then puts my mask on the table walks out and places a blanket on me)

Before she left, she looks back at me again

Rachael: goodnight John

You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine them when I'm alone

Back to reality

Outside of New Jersey, a meteorite crashes deep in a forest, but inside that meteorite was my next new enemy, a green mantis alien, it came of it's ufo and walked to the welcome to New Jersey sign and walked towards New Jersey

This was the beginning of something big?

The end of episode 10

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