DOCTOR MIDNIGHT- episode 11- reprogrammed

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This was it
(Puts on coat)
The mission I was prepared for
(Grabs fedora)
I just need to remember my training
(Looking up)
Cause tonight, this was going to be my biggest battle
Narrator: ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your host jimmy!!! O'Reilly!!!!!!

A 23 year old man in a green suit, brown dress shoes in a orange Short Blowout with Tapered Sides haircut, walk across the stage and sits in his chair, the audience claps

Jimmy(Irish accent): ello everyone and welcome to the late night with jimmy o'reilly

Crowds: (claps)

Jimmy: and on tonight's show we have a special guest joining us, everyone please welcome New Jersey's greatest detective John hunters!!!!!!

I walk up on the stage, the audience cheers for me, I wave at the crowd, Rachael was there waving at him, I smiled at her and sat on the lounge chair across from jimmy.

Jimmy: thanks for joining us join John

John: it's a pleasure being here jimmy

Jimmy: ay likewise, so tell us a little bit about yourself

John: well, I been working to protecting New Jersey from criminal scum bag, such as dr. Polar, the badger and Antonio for four years

Jimmy: ah and it doesn't tire you out Uh

John: oh please nothing slows me down

Jimmy: uh huh, what is your greatest weakness

I looked at Rachael

John: sorry jimmy but I don't have any weakness

Jimmy: everybody has a weakness

John: well not me, there's nothing that can stop me from doing my job

I wink at Rachael, she blushes

Jimmy: alright, why did you choose to be a detective

Those words shocked me

John: huh?

This was it, I was going to tell them the reason I became a hero in front of a large audience on live tv, I felt the flashback of Diana dying in my arms, I hate to relive my past, but before I could say anything.

The lights started to flicker

Buzz, buzz, buzz

Everybody started to panic, jimmy got up to calm everyone

Jimmy: calm down everybody it's just a little technical difficulties

Then the entire building's lights shut off and the power shut down, the crowd started screaming

Jimmy: ah

John (in mind): thank gosh

I was relieved that I didn't have to tell New Jersey about my past, luckily Harvey was here for back-up

But before I could do anything else, a voice spoke over the speaker

Pinky: attention ladies and gentlemen, we'll be taking over the show now

John: we?

My name is John hunter and I am DOCTOR MIDNIGHT

I disappeared in the darkness to change into Doctor midnight

While I changed, someone stand behind jimmy as he backs away slowly

Jimmy: ah!

He turns to see a big pink bear mascot costume, carrying a sniper

Pinky: hello jimmy

Jimmy: huh? (Gasp) pinky

Behind him a white bunny mascot costume knocks him out with his fist, hitting him on top of his head

Jimmy: ah! (Groans in pain)

As he falls on his knees, the bear mascot known as pinky picks him up and carries him over his shoulder

Binky: let's go, before they call the police

Doctor midnight: oh I don't think so

Binky/pinky: huh?

They turned to see me, swing from my lasso and kicking the bunny mascot down

Binky: (groans in pain) ah!

I jump and stand between the bear

Doctor midnight: put the host down

The bear looks around and starts to shot at me

I moved behind the lounge chair and pulled out my gun and shot the sniper out of his hand

Pinky: ah!!

He grabs his hand, I walk towards him aiming my gun at him

Doctor midnight: last change, let the host go and surrender quietly or else

Then right a yellow duck mascot whacks me in the back of the head with a baseball


Doctor midnight: ah!!

I collapsed on the ground

Rachael: (gasp)

Daffy: come on let's go

The three mascot animals ran with jimmy o'reilly

Rachael comes to me as I got up rubbing the back of my head

Doctor midnight: (groans in pain)

Rachael: you okay

Doctor midnight: yeah, but I don't think mr. o'reilly will be, do you know who those guys are

Rachael: no (she nods her head)

Harvey: (talks on police radio) I need some reinforcements at the tv station building 16 hurry

After the police investigate the building the security cameras were jamed and the security guards said they were ambushed by the same animal mascot from tonight's show, Harvey while questions the injured guards, i went to the cameras, I managed to find a video clip of the mascot thugs.

Doctor midnight: hmm (I tapped my chin)

Harvey: hey I know those guys

Doctor midnight: huh

I turned to see him walking towards the video

Harvey: the happy-time snugglers

Doctor: the what?

Harvey: the happy-time snugglers, they used to be this big hit tv-show back in the old days, I remember watching them as a kid

Doctor midnight: hmm, tell me more about them

Harvey: when in the 80s they were a kids show about fun, dancing, singing and learning

Doctor midnight: I don't get how this is connected with jimmy

Harvey: come again

Doctor midnight: well jimmy knew them for some reason

Harvey: huh, don't know, maybe he used to be big fan or something don't know

Doctor midnight: ok, you go alert the authority about three armed mascot animals with a kidnapped tv host, I'm gonna do some digging on what an old tv show stars could want with jimmy

Harvey: ok

As we went our separate ways, I decided to go to the one place that has knowledge of old news the New Jersey State Library.

I got inside and went to Clark desk to the librarian in the bun

Doctor midnight: excuse me

Librarian: yes how may I help—

She looks up at me

Librarian: you

Doctor midnight: do you have anything on an old tv show called the happy-time snugglers

She tips her glasses up and goes to the computer

Librarian: well, we do have something that your looking for

She goes to the back and comes back with 10 dvd case, on the picture was a boy with orange hair, overalls and a rainbow t-shirt and red sneakers, with the same, pink bear suit, a white fuzzy bunny mascot costume and a yellow cuddling duck mascot costume.

Judging on the way they had their arms up, something must've happened to them that made go bad, I take them

Doctor midnight: thanks

I ran off and the librarian went back to the computer

Librarian: it's not everyday we get a cost from a superhero

I went to the NJPD, in my regular clothes

I went to my office and watch the videos

The first episode showed a children's tv show set, it was colorful with shapes, it was like Barney and the banana splits decided to do a show together, there was a sliding pole a slide and a polka dot couch

Narrator: and now!!! It's time for the

Background children: THE HAPPY-TIME SNUGGLERS

John: hmm interesting

The three mascot animals cone through a crooked door, first the pink bear

Pinky: hi I'm pinky

Next the white bunny

Binky: I'm binky

Then the yellow duck

Daffy: I'm daffy

Then the 10 year old kid orange hair came through the sliding pole

Jimmy: and I'm jimmy

John: (gasp)

I couldn't believe my eyes, jimmy o'reilly used to be on an old tv show

He runs to the animal mascot

Jimmy: and we're


The theme song played and the animal mascot began to sing

Crowd: (cheers) (screaming) (clapping)

Pinky(goofy): say jimmy what we going to do today

Jimmy: well pinky today we're going to learn the importance of sharing

Daffy(silly): aw but I don't like sharing

Binky: that's just the other he took my cookie

Daffy: your name wasn't on it

Crowd: (laughs)

Jimmy: don't worry guys soon you'll see sharing can be caring

John: well that's one part of the mystery solved on how jimmy knows them

I watched every episode video after video of the happy-time snugglers

John: but why would they kidnap him, what changed

Harvey: I can answer that

John: huh?

I turned to see Harvey, he walks over to me, takes out the last dvd and slides it in the slot and plays it

After the theme song played, jimmy comes sliding down through the slide, who is now taller and his voice got deeper, he's at the age of 13, being it was time to move on,

Harvey: he was growing up, the producers and their agent decided to was time for the happy-time snugglers to be cancelled, and it was ashame too, they were planning to put on a great show that'll give them ratings

John: oh really

Jimmy: hey everybody(he waves and grows a frown) I have some bad news

Crowd: aw!!!!!

Jimmy: yeah, I turned 13 and won't be on the show any more

Crowd: no!!!!

Then pinky comes in

Pinky: aw, but jimmy you can't leave the show what's gonna happen to the happy-time snugglers

Binky: yeah  the happy-time snugglers aren't complete without you

Jimmy: you'll see me around

The happy-time snugglers gather around jimmy for a group hug

Jimmy: but before I go, we're going have one more party one last time before we end the show, and I think ye know what that means


The happy-joy gang went to a small stage, daffy got on the drums, binky grabbed a trombone, pinky picked up the bass and jimmy pulled out a guitar and they began to play.

It was a 1 hour special final of singing dancing and memorable moments and i started to get bored

John: is this why they were holding a grudge against jimmy

Harvey: that's not the only reason why and it's not just jimmy their angry at

John: huh?

He grabs the remote and fast-forwards it the part where they go to commercial

Jimmy: we're gonna take a quick break but we'll be back after these commercials, so stick around for some fun

John: Harvey what's—

He raises his hand up

Harvey: they did a behind the scenes thing, where they talk to the cast on what it was like performing for the show, but that was a mistake

The camera shows jimmy

Jimmy: what I like about this show is that—-


He turns to see pinky marching to him

Pinky: what the hell you're quitting the show

Jimmy: (sigh) look Duncanville I'm 13, I'm getting too old for this show and Reggie thinks it's about time this show ends

Binky: oh is it because the show isn't getting any ratings, IT'S NOT OUR FAULT

Jimmy: no one saying it is

Daffy: the only reason he's quitting cause he's leaving us for a new tv show

Pinky/binky: (gasp) is this true

They began to become more furious

Jimmy: oh now wait a minute, when Reggie found out I was turning 13 he got me to audition for the new tv show, I thought he already told ya


A large man with red ponytail and a goatee in a western suit walked to them

Reggie: that you're being replaced

Gang: WHAT

Pinky: you can't do this to us

Reggie: sorry guys but your ratings aren't bringing any money, so meet the TV show that'll put us on the top

He reveals a poster of a space cadet shooting at aliens

Reggie: captain constellation, ready...jet...go

The snugglers then clutch their fists

Pinky: so after all the hard work we put on this show, YOU'RE GONNA THROW US AWAY LIKE WE WERE TRASH

Reggie: it's for the best but hey

He wraps his arm around them

Reggie: we had done good times together right, don't worry one of these days we'll laugh back at this and I'm sure some kids show producer will get you to join on them, if their is going to be any

And just like that pinky snapped and as a security guard passes by, he grabs his gun and aims it at Reggie


Reggie: whoa, ok Duncan take it easy

The other two joined in, pinky looked at jimmy and grabbed him


He aims the gun to jimmy's head as he struggles to release himself from pinky's grip

Just then more security guards came in and tackled pinky,  binky and daffy, as soon as the guards pulled jimmy to safety, they escorted the three mascots out of the studio and into a police car.


And just like that the entire show ended and what was worse it was caught live on tv

Harvey: yeah after they ended the episode, the producers pronounced the happy-time snugglers cancelled and the three actors that played pinky, binky and daffy. Duncan Oscar and Derrick were charged for assault and was sentenced to prison for three years, as for jimmy and Reggie, when jimmy continued his acting career, he went from kid host to owning his own tv show and Reggie became a producer for the tv network, as for the happy-time snugglers, well everyone thought that they still planed their vengeance

John: and they still are

Harvey: what?

John: Harvey don't you see now we know where their going strike next so we can catch them, their after Reggie Jones

Harvey: (gasp) then we better warn him, before the happy-time smugglers get to him first

John: let's go

We got in my car and drove off to the tv station, where Reggie was packing up his things and getting ready to head home. We came bursting through his doors.

John: Reggie Jones

Reggie: yes

John: I'm detective John hunters, this is my partner Harvey

Reggie: detective what can I do you for

Harvey: mr. Jones we're here to warn you that you're in grave danger

Reggie: huh?

John: mr. Jones, do you know the an children's tv show called the happy-time snugglers

He looks up at us with fear

Reggie: The happy-time snugglers

John: yes

Reggie: (sigh) I heard what happen to jimmy

John: their coming after you too

Reggie: I never meant for this to happen, if only they understood the jeopardy they were putting us in

Me and Harvey looked at each other

John: look sir you can tell us about it later, but now we need to get you out of here before it's too late

Just then the power went off

Harvey: oh no, John it looks like their already here

I pulled out my gun and headed out

John: Harvey, you get him out of here, I'll take care of the happy-time smugglers

Harvey: ok and good luck John

I headed downstairs, quietly looking around, awaiting for their attack, when out of nowhere someone kicked off the railings.

John: Ah!!!

Happy-time snugglers: (chuckles)

pinky: great now that the detective is out of way, let's take care of the other one and get Reggie

Unfortunately for them, I was hanging on one of the bars, and pulled myself up, quickly changed into Doctor midnight, and pulled out my walkie-talkie

Doctor midnight: attention all units, this is detective John hunters, there's an attacked at WJLP-TV New Jersey, I need reinforcements and come quickly, the suspect appears to be armed and dangerous, I repeat armed and dangerous

George: copy that sir, will be there in 15 minutes

As Harvey leads Reggie to the exit door, they got blocked by pinky with a ruffle

Pinky: going somewhere

Harvey/Reggie: (gasp)

They tried to escape again, but as they turned right behind them was Daffy and binky holding a crowbar and a bat. They crowded Harvey and Reggie

Harvey(grunts): what you've done with John

Daffy: he's probably dead

Harvey: (gasp)

Happy time snugglers: (chuckles)

Doctor midnight: check again

Pinky: huh?

Doctor midnight: he's ok, he went to call help

I swung over with my whip and kicked pinky down

Pinky: ah!!!

I turned to the other two and threw the boomerang at daffy

Daffy: ah!!

It came back and hit binky in the back of his head as he marches over to me

Binky: ah!!!

Doctor midnight: run get out of here you too

Harvey: ok

As Harvey lead Reggie to the car, I went back to deal with pinky

Binky: ah!!!!

I see see binky running at me with the crowbar, I jumped and kicked his back. Pinky starts shooting at me, I jumped and twirled in the air pulled out my gun and landed behind a statue

Bang, bang

I shot at him and he shot at me back, I looked up and saw a chandelier, I shot at it and it fell on him.

Pinky: ah!!

Daffy came behind me and whacked me in the back of the head

Doctor midnight: oh! (Groans in pain)

I fell flat, turned around on my back and saw a bat coming down on me.

Doctor midnight: ah!

I turned over, got up and kicked his legs down

Daffy: ah!!

Then up behind me was binky, he jumped on top of me and one by one, they clobbered me on the ground.

Doctor midnight: (grunts) gr

Pinky: keep him steady

Binky: I'm trying to but he's a stubborn one

Daffy: that's the thing about hero's, they never know when to quit

I struggle to get out of their grip, I pulled it my grabbling hook, aimed it Up at the ceiling and pulled myself out and landed behind them.

The three mascots got off each other, and turned to me

Doctor midnight: alright you three party's over

They looked at each other then back at me

Pinky: it's not over yet

He shoots up at me, I ducked and turned to see a giant plane prop falling down on me. I ran but not in time to get knock into the wall.

Doctor midnight: ah (thud) oh!! (Groans in pain)

Happy-time snugglers: (chuckles sinisterly)

Pinky: that's should hold ya still while we get Reggie

Doctor midnight (weakly): wait, he doesn't deserve to die

He walks up to me and stabs my back with his rifle, pinning me hard to the ground.

Doctor midnight: (groans in pain) ah!

Pinky: don't worry after tonight's performance, we'll be running the shows from now on

Doctor midnight: huh?

He bonks me in the head with his rifle and my lights went out. But when I woke the next minute, I saw Harvey and a few officers lifting the giant plane off me.
Harvey: ok one more time

Harvey/officers: (grunts)

They lifted up a little for me to move out of the way

Harvey: ah!

They drop it in time for me to get up, i turned to Harvey

Doctor midnight: where's Reggie

Harvey: he's gone

Doctor midnight: and by gone you mean he's somewhere same

He smiled nervously at me

Harvey: well when we head to the car, somewhere whacked in the back of the head

He rubs his head

Doctor midnight: do they took him

Harvey: sadly yes and we still have no leads on them

Doctor midnight: I know where their at

Harvey: really but how

Doctor midnight: I planted a tracker on them when they attacked me

Harvey: wow now this is why we go to you for help, you're the greatest hero New Jersey has to offer

Doctor midnight: well get ready to be more impressed, I know what their planning to do to them

Harvey: what

Doctor midnight: their going to redo the last episode of their show

Harvey: what?

Doctor midnight: their going to humiliate them, then kill them on live tv

Harvey: but that's impossible, if their going to go live on tv wouldn't they an antena

Doctor midnight: and what better way to go then at the old tv station

Harvey: (gasp)

Doctor midnight: yeah, so here's the plan I'll go over there and stall them as much as I can, while you get as much reinforcements as you can get

Harvey: ok

I run to my car and drove off, Harvey headed to the NJPD

Meanwhile at the old tv station, the happy-time smugglers were getting ready to put on a show

Jimmy wakes up from his coma

Jimmy: oy me head

He rubs his head and sees his in old costume from the show the happy-time snugglers, lying down on the polka dotted couch, he gets sits up and finds Reggie tied to the chair next to the camera

Pinky: oh good you're awake

He turns to see pinky, binky and daffy surrounding him

Jimmy: Duncan, Oscar, Derrick

The three sit down next to him

Jimmy: look guys, I'm sorry about what happened, but killing me won't change a thing

The three mascots looked at each other then back at jimmy

Happy-time snuggler: (laughs loudly)

Pinky: kill you, you said anything about killing you

Jimmy: eh—well—I-I thought

Pinky wraps his arm around jimmy's neck

Pinky: besides, we need you alive for tonight's show

Jimmy: show?

The three mascot walk over to the camera

Binky: yep, the happy-time snugglers are coming back for the very first time for one last show

Daffy: and you jimmy, will be performing your first and last show

They stormed a sinister chuckle

Jimmy: huh

Daffy turns on the camera

Daffy: we're going live in 5-minutes

Pinky: (evil chuckles) places everyone

The three went to the dress up room and took off the animal heads to take a look at  themselves.

Duncan has navy blue hair that was slicked to the left side of his face with a goatee beard

Oscar has a tan, black hair and a mustache

And Derrick has red hair that was slicked back and a scar on his right elbow

Duncan: tonight's the night, we finally get our vengeance and nobody will stop us

Daffy: but what about that hero from earlier

Pinky: what about him?

Binky: what if interferes

Pinky: don't worry about him

He grabs the bear head and puts it back on

Pinky: he doesn't have the slightest clue on where we are

They looked at each other and smiled sinisterly and take the other animal heads and puts them on

Pinky: no come on, we got a show to do

I arrived at the tv station and went inside

It wasn't long until the happy-time snugglers realized I was one step ahead

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep

Oscar and Derrick started to hear a small beeping sound, when they get the scene ready

Binky: Duncan do you hear that

Pinky: hear what?

He then heard the beeping sound

Binky: that? Where's it coming from

Pinky looks around to see where the noise was coming from

I was climbing up the stairs

Duncan then took off his bear head, turned it around and saw the small tracker, he took it off and showed it to the others

Duncan: he's here

Daffy: oh sh-

Duncan: come on

He steps on the tracker breaking it and puts his head back on

Pinky: we can't let him ruin everything

They grabbed their weapons and went to the station's power switch And shut the lights off

Doctor midnight: (gasp)

As I was surrounded by darkness, I took out a flashlight and kept on walking, just then then being to play their them song

It sounded something like this

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Mixed with this

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I reached the top and a spotlight shined at the stage, I turned to see jimmy and Reggie tied up

Clap, clap, clap

I clapped sarcastically and stealthy waited for them, the narrator's voice spoke out on the speakers

Narrator: and now!!! It's time for the happy-time snuggles

The spotlight shines on the three mascot as I turned to see them, holding up their weapons at me

Doctor midnight: nice introduction boys, but it's too bad you'll won't be going live

I pulled out my whip but pinky shots it out of my hand


Doctor midnight: ah!

As I touched my hand, he charged at me and slams me down

Doctor midnight: (groans in pain) oh

I kicked him off and he fell back

Pinky: ah! the other two cane at me, daffy swung the bat at me, I ducked grabbed the bat from him and kicked him back, 

Daffy: ah!
I used the bat to hit the crowbar out of binky's hand and punch his chest

Binky: (moans in pain) oh

As he bends to to grab his chest, I kicked him in the face and he fell back

Binky: ah!

Daffy came back and held my arms back, binky got back up getting ready to punch me, when I kicked him back and flipped daffy over

Daffy/binky: oh! , ah!

Pinky: come on you two how hard is it to take down a superhero

I walked over to him

Doctor midnight: show's over pinky

Pinky: the shows over when we say it's over

He starts to shoot at me, I ducked and rolled over to a table, he then shot at the table breaking it into splinters, I pulled out my two guns from by vest and jumped in the air.

And shot at him, he ran behind a pole and I shot the riffle out of his hand

Bang, bang, bang

Pinky: ah

I landed on his face and kicked him down

Pinky: ah!

The other two ran at me and I threw a net at them

Daffy/binky: oh!

Pinky got back up, picked up the bat, run behind me and tries to knock me out

Pinky: (grunts)

I ducked and ran


As he swings the bat at me, I duck and tripped over a chair, he picks me up by the shirt and throws me across the room

Doctor midnight: ah! (Groans in pain)

I got back up and ran towards him

He grabs my hands to keep them from punching him

Doctor midnight: pinky, I now what they did to you guys wasn't fair and you're still holding a grudge but killing them won't do you any good

He punches me in the chin

Doctor midnight: (grunts in pain) ah!

I fell back, he grabbed me by the neck and starts to choke me

Doctor midnight: (cough) (cough)

As I tried to remove his furry hand off, he slammed me down on the stage floor, crushing my windpipe more

Pinky: (grunts) I spend the last few days in prison, thinking about what they done to me, 36 Years I HAD TO ROT IN JAIL THANKS TO THEM, the day they had us cancelled, we found out a way to bring in some ratings in, when we told the producers they thought it was a great idea, that was until jimmy grew up and decided that he was too old for the show, it wasn't a problem for us cause we were thinking about doing auditions to replace jimmy but instead Reggie decided to replace us with a new show and had our showstopper idea cancelled and made us do a finale that's when we final snapped and—

Doctor midnight: and caused a panic at the studio

He picks up a crowbar and I slowly pulled out my pocketknife

Pinky: after I put you out for good, we'll do the show live and then make them pay for destroying our career

He raises the crowbar up above my head

Doctor midnight: you're wrong Duncan

Before he could end me, I threw the knife at a pulley

Doctor midnight: they didn't ruin your did

The rope dropped a sandbag and it landed hard on his head

Pinky: ah!

He collapsed on the floor as he let me go

Doctor midnight: sorry but you show is cancelled again

Soon after the whole police force arrived, I watched Harvey walked has been tv stars to the car with their mascot heads removed to reveal their faces.

Jimmy o'reilly and Reggie Jones got untied and went outside

Reggie: see ya jimmy

Jimmy: bye Reggie

As Reggie left, jimmy noticed me

Jimmy: thanks for ye help last, wanna be on me show tonight as me surprise guest

I looked at him and looked away

Doctor midnight: thanks but I'm needed elsewhere

I hopped into my car and drove off

The end of episode 11

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