DOCTOR MIDNIGHT-episode 12- the odd couple

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I don't really like neighbors, their noisy, ask you for stuff and never return it back and worst of all nonstop talks when you get stuck in the elevator together

But my last neighbors, mr. Phillips, an cranky old man, who hated neighbors loved to chat with me, he was rude, inconsiderate and selfish, lucky he's moving, cause the neighbors on the floor I'm in, compile a complaint against him and the manager kicked him out. Which was great caused I didn't liked him

Finally no more neighbors

But just as my morning would get any worst, trouble came in,

Honk, honk

I looked outside and saw a truck just rolled in and two people came out, a girl in lumberjack shirt, overall shorts, and comeback boots and a brunette ponytail, a muscular guy in a beard and mustache, lumberjack shirt, overall pants and comeback boots.

As they got out I prayed that they weren't going to be my new neighbors, but then a moving truck came in and they were running in the gates carrying boxes

John: (sigh) the neighbors get weirder at night

My name is John hunter and I am DOCTOR MIDNIGHT

I left my apartment after the new neighbors unpacked the truck, I went to check my mailbox but when I tried to avoid them,  I reached for my keys and unlocked my door when all of a sudden

Jill: howdy

I turned around to see the lumberjack girl leaning against two stacked boxes

John: howdy (I wave nervously)

Jill: you must be our neighbor

John: John hunters

Jill: the detective

John: yep


A muscular man walks in carrying a pan of Shepherd's Pie.

He looks at me

Jack: howdy, I'm just getting dinner started

John: I can see that

Jack: I'm jack woodsmen this is my wife Jill woodsmen

He wraps his arm around Jill

Jill: we're your new neighbors

John: hi, John hunters

We shook hands

Jill: why don't you join us for dinner

Jack: yeah, come on in the more the merrier

John: I love too but I got some paperwork to do

Jill: aw!!!! So next time

I opened my door

John: sure

Jack: alright see ya around partner

John. Alright see ya

When I got inside, I set the mail on the coffee table and boiled some coffee, I grabbed a cup and poured some coffee in, I picked up the newspaper and took a small sip of my coffee and read the headlines

Robbery at New Jersey Construction Companies

John: hmm

For the past few days, there was been some many robberies, but it was strange, all the robberies that have in common are stolen construction tools, such as jackhammer, chainsaws and an axe. This case was getting strange by the minute, I don't have any leads on who the thieves might be and what they are planning to do with that kind of equipment.

John: I'll never know

3:57am- I'm on patrol, seeing for anything unusual, nothing yet

Just then I heard an alarm ring, it was coming from Costello's Ace Hardware, when I got there, I saw the front doors smashed.

Doctor midnight: hmm

I walked over the shattered glass, I pulled out my gun and quietly walked around every aisle, looking for the thieves or whatever got stolen, and as I looked around and saw all dynamite were gone

Doctor midnight: hmm

I then heard something fell behind me, I turned to see some small packages fell the floor, I went over picked it up and put Back on the shelf. Then when out of nowhere, a shelf came down fell on me

Doctor midnight: ah!!

It nearly crushed me

Doctor midnight: (groans in pain)

I then heard footsteps running, I pulled out my grabbing hook and pulled myself out of the fallen self and ran outside.

Doctor midnight: they got away

The next morning, I drove back to the hardware store in my normal clothes, I see the entire police force was there clearing the store, I got inside to see Harvey, looking down at fallen shelf

John: what happened here

Harvey: just another robbery, it was dynamite this time

John: haven't found anything else yet

Harvey: nope not yet

John: alright, I'll check the cameras, you just examine the entire store see if you find anything out of the ordinary

Harvey: alright

I went to the store's security cameras, I rewind the video to last night, but all I saw was someone shooting at the camera.

John: well that's just great, now I got no leads

Just then Harvey called me

Harvey: John! You might wanna check this, looks like we got a witness who was the robber

John: oh

I went outside with Harvey and he lead me to a homeless man, as first I was confused

Harvey: go o. Tell him what you told me

Homeless man: I was minding my own business when I was this tall stranger in break-in the hardware store

John: can you describe him to us

Homeless man: well he was very muscular and he wore a ski mask and black jumpersuit

Harvey: well, that narrows down our suspects, now all we have to do is find is find a big tall muscular man in a ski mask

John: no this is good Harvey, now we know what are thieve looks like

Harvey: so

John: so!!! All we have to do is guard on the hardware stores and when we catch him the next time he breaks in

Harvey: that's  good, that's a really good plan John, (laughs) why didn't I think of it, see this is why your the best Detective in NJPD

John: I know, go alert the others and meet Doctor midnight at the Shore True Value Hardware

Harvey: wait Doctor midnight? What about you

John: I got some paperwork to finish

Harvey: oh ok, well I call you when we or in this case Dr. midnight catches our hardware thief

John: ok see ya Harvey

Harvey: bye John

11:15- every police officer was surrounding  Shore True Value Hardware, I waited in my car as Doctor midnight, looking for a muscular guy in a ski mask, funny thing the homeless man description sounds a lot like my neighbor jack woodsmen, I wonder how their doing

It's 11:57 and our thieve hasn't shown up yet, I was about to talk it a night, when I saw a truck passing by, I followed and It lead me the Highway Equipment Company, when the driver got out, he was the same description the homeless man described, he went inside, I sneaked in after him, he got on a bulldozer, starts it up and drives off.

Doctor midnight: oh no you don't

I pulled out whip and wrapped the tip around a pole and swung myself to him and kicked him off the bulldozer.

Thief: ah!!

He crashes into a pile of boxes

I got on the bulldozer and shut it off, I walked over to him

Doctor midnight: you're not getting away that easy

He rubs his head looks up at me and picks up a crowbar

Stranger: grr

He tres to hit me with it, I grabbed his hands and pinned him down, he kicked me off and I landed in a stack of creates

Doctor midnight: ah!!

He runs off outside, I got up and followed, and pounced on him.

Doctor midnight/stranger: ah!

We ended up falling down the stairs and into a muddy swamp water


I landed flat on my face, he landed on his back

Doctor midnight: oh!

As I got, he charged at me and pinned me I. The mud again, and punched my face three times.

Stranger: (grunts)

Doctor midnight: ah!

Stranger: (grunts)

Doctor midnight: ah!!

Stranger: (GRUNTS)

Doctor midnight: AH (groans in pain)

I kicked him off and he fell backwards

Stranger: oh!!

And as I got up, he did to, he Gets his fist up ready to fight, and we charged at each other. We wrestled in the mud.

Doctor midnight/stranger: (grunts)

Doctor midnight: you don't talk much do you

All he did was stared me in the eyes and knee kicked me in the chest.

Doctor midnight: (groaning) oh!!!

As I grabbed me chest, he grabs my head and head butted me with his. I slowly collapsed in the mud, and he took off, and dropped something in the mud.

Ten minutes later, I awoke from my coma, I got up from the mud and walked out to head home for a shower, I then noticed the pamphlet on the ground, I picked it and read, the Norvin Green State Forest.

Doctor midnight: hm, this case gets stranger by the minute

And as I head home, I called Harvey and explained the situation, I am now calling that all construction stores and hardware places closed at night and all police force to be guard until I can get to the bottom of this.

I changed my clothes, and when I got to my apartment door, Jack was standing behind me, leaning against the doorway.

Jack: work tonight

John:(small chuckles) uh yeah, I just needed to take a quick shower

I turned to see him and noticed some mud on his boots

(in mind): hm

John: you?

Jack: well I just back from work and though I could get a load off

John: uh huh, tell me again what is it that you do, just out of curiosity

Jack: oh uh, well I'm a.... construction worker

John: oh!!!! Ok, we'll have a goodnight jack

Jack: you too John

As we both went inside, I went to take a shower as for my neighbors

Jill: saying hi to the neighbors again

Jack: John seems like a nice guy, it's a shame we won't be around to see him more often

They share a kiss and go to the diner table, where they had a blueprints for an hotel design and the map for the Norvin Green State Forest, she looks at him.

Jill: did you get it

He heads her the keys to the bulldozer, she smiles sinisterly at him and hugs him, then they looked at the plans.

Jill: the plan is falling into action, just one more thing we need to add to our list, then we can get started, where did you hid it

Jack: it's at the forest, but...

Jill: but...

Jack: I hit a little snag, Doctor midnight, he's on our trail

Jill: well that's not good

Jack: we need to hurry before he gets too smart

As he walks away to the window, behind him was the stolen dynamite and jackhammer

Jill: ok tell you what, you distract him and the other police offices, while I'll steal the tractor

She walks to him and wraps her arms around his neck and kisses his cheeks

Jill: don't worry babe, we'll get through this

He smiles at her

Jack: well we have been doing this for 17 years

Behind them was a collage of heir names- the construction thieves and forest damages unknown

Jill: and by tomorrow, that forest will be nothing but new hotel

The next night I patrolled everything hardware store and construction company for the masked thief

Nothing yet

But just then


The alarm at Moorestown True Value Hardware was ringing, I drive as fast as I can, and when I arrived I saw the doors where smashed, I ran inside pulled out my gun and saw him stealing a couple of shovels, a saw and an pickax.

Doctor midnight: hey!

He turned saw me and ran, I went after him, he grabbed a sledgehammer off the shelf and swung it at me

Doctor midnight: whoa

I ducked as he swung it at me, I pulled out my whip and took the hammer out of his hand

Jack: (gasp)

He ran again, I dropped the hammer and followed

Doctor midnight: stop right there

As i ran towards him, he knocked down shelves to stop me, but not this time, I jumped over them and landed on him

Jack: (grunts) ah

I pinned him to the ground

Doctor midnight: ok the shopping spree is over

He just glared at me

Doctor midnight: now let's see what you look like underneath that mask

His eyes open wide, when I pulled on his mask, as I tried to pull the ski mask off, he kicks me off

Doctor midnight: (grunts) ah!

I fee back, he grabbed the bag of stolen equipment and ran

Doctor midnight: (groans in pain) oh!!

I rubbed my chin and ran after him outside, but before I could final catch him, an old truck comes out of nowhere and he gets in and the truck drives off

Doctor midnight: uh

I then get a call from Harvey

Ring, ring

Doctor midnight: talk to me Harvey

Harvey: another robbery, a tractor this time

Doctor midnight: whoever the thief is, he isn't working alone

Harvey: what do you mean?

Doctor midnight: I'm here with Doctor midnight and we saw him got picked up by a truck, that means he's working with someone

Harvey: oh! That's great now we got two thieves

Doctor midnight: yeah and I'm betting the driver is  the same person that stole the tractor, the one I fought was a distraction to keep me away

Harvey: and if that ain't the worst part, we have no idea on what their planing to do with that kind of equipment

Doctor midnight: I do

Harvey: you do

Doctor midnight: lets just say, I been narrowing down the stuff they stole, they all have one thing in and the other night when Doctor midnight was chasing him, he dropped a pamphlet for the Norvin Green State Forest, I think their planing to turn the forest into something

Harvey: but what

Doctor midnight: don't know, that's why I'm gonna snoop around a little, I'll update ya when I find something

Harvey: ok good luck John

Doctor midnight: bye Harvey

When I hanged up, I noticed something on the ground, I picked it up.

It looked like my keys to the apartment, but the numbers were 4748, those were the number apartment of my neighbors

Doctor midnight: the woodsmens

But it couldn't be them no way, could it, maybe no their too friendly to be criminals maybe they dropped their keys accidentally, I decided to bring them back their keys

But when I got. Back to my apartment, I saw them leaving their apartment room

Jack: ok Jill we need to move now

Doctor midnight: huh?

I listened closer to their conversation

Jill: why what's wrong

Jack: that hero dr. midnight is getting close, he tried to take off my mask

John: (gasp)

Jill: (sigh) alright, since we got everything we need for the construction, we'll start tonight

Jack: ok but we gotta be fast

Jill: let's go

After they left, I went to their door

John: it can't be

I didn't wanted to believe it, but when opened door and got inside all I saw was a home of a friendly couple, but when I went to the coffee table. I saw their plans to Turn the Norvin Green State Forest into a hotel, blueprints of an hotel building and the green state forest. And a list of the stolen construction equipment and the ski mask.

John: their gonna destroy the Norvin Green State Forest

I didn't needed to see anymore prove, jack and Jill were the thieves, I need to stop them before they destroy the forest

I ran off to change, but back at the Norvin Green State Forest, jack and Jill arrived setting up the TNT, the first thing for the plan was to explode the forest with dynamite.

The stick each stick of dynamite, in the ground and around the trees

Jack wore the same overall pants, but with a white shirt and gloves

Jill wore the same thing but had jeans instead of overalls and a farmer's plaid shirt, the sleeves went up to her elbow and gloves

And they both had hard hats on

As soon as I arrived, I saw more tractor machines, one with crane and one with saws. These people were Ecocides, but now their days of polluting Mother Earth is over

As soon as I went inside the park, I saw the dynamite has already been set they were all connected to a small fuse box, all they need to do is set off the fuse and this entire forest will be one giant ditch.

Not on my watch, I went over to the fuse box pulled out my pocket-knife and cut the red wire.

Doctor midnight: it's always the red wire, I don't know why people waste their time trying to figure out which wire it is.

I ran to go find jack and Jill, I saw them up a hill, holding out a remote

Doctor midnight: that must been the remote that actives the bomb

Jack pressed the button



Jack: huh?

He pressed again and again

Beep, beep, beep beep beep beep, beep

Jill: whats taking so long

Jack: I don't know the remotes not working

Doctor midnight: that's because

Jack/Jill: (gasp)

They turned to see me

Doctor midnight: I cut the red wire

I pounced on jack

Doctor midnight/jack: (grunts)

We rolled over and he kicked me off and I fell down the hill, they both stared down at me as I used my feet to keep me from falling down into something dangerous

Jill: (grunts) quick jack, you take care of him

She climbs on the tractor with the crane

Jill: I'll finish demolishing the forest

Jack: ok honey

He grabs a chainsaw and runs towards me

Doctor midnight: (groans in pain) oh!!

I got up from the branches that broke my fall, I looked up and saw him jumping down with a chainsaw.

Doctor midnight: (gasp)

I turned over and got up, he landed down sawing the branches, he looked at me and swung the chainsaw at me again, I ducked, dodged and backflipped. He has me pinned up against a 10-footer tree, he held the chainsaw and as he swings it down to cut my open, I grabbed the bottom part and kept it from getting closer to my face.

Doctor midnight: (grunts)

Jack: (grunts)

We fought over the chainsaw, I was trying to keep it from cutting me in half, he was trying to cut me down. And as we struggle the song ME by Taylor Swift PostmodernJukebox played

Hey, kids!
Spelling is fun!
Girl, there ain't no I in "team"
But you know there is a "me"
Strike the band up, one, two, three
I promise that you'll never find another like me
Girl, there ain't no I in "team"

Doctor midnight/jack: gr (grunts)

But you know there is a "me"
And you can't spell "awesome" without "me"
I promise that you'll never find another like
Me-e-e (yeah), ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh (and I won't stop, baby)

With all my strength, I pushed the chainsaw into a Stoutest, it got stuck and broke.

I'm the only one of me (I'm the only one of me)
Baby, that's the fun of me (baby, that's the fun of me)
Eeh-eeh-eeh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh (oh)
You're the only one of you (oh)
Baby, that's the fun of you
And I promise that nobody's gonna love you like me-e-e
Girl, there ain't no I in "team" (ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh)

As he tried to pull it out, I knee kicked him in the head.

Jack: (grunts in pain)

But you know there is a "me"
I'm the only one of me (oh-oh)
Baby, that's the fun of me

I looked up and saw Jill. In the tractor with the crane, getting about ready to tear down the trees, I pulled out by whip, whipped it on a tree branch, swung myself towards her, kicked her off.

Jill: ah

I turned off the tractor and jumped off, and walked towards her, she picks up the ax and swings it at me

(eeh-eeh-eeh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh)

Jill: ah (grunts)

Strike the band up, one, two, three

I ducked and she hits it into a tree

Jill: ah

You can't spell "awesome" without "me"

As she tries to pull it out, I kicked her down

You're the only one of you
Baby, that's the fun of you
And I promise that nobody's gonna love you like me-e-e

Jack came back and swung a sledgehammer at me

Jack: ah (grunts)

I ducked and he hits a tree, Jill ran up the hill to get the bulldozer started.

Doctor midnight: (grunts) ah

Jack: uh (grunts) ah, gr ah

I ducked as he swings the hammer at me, and as he raises above his head and swings it back down hard, I grabbed the head of the hammer and pulled it.

Jack: huh? Gr (grunts)

We started to play tug of war with the sledgehammer.

Doctor midnight/jack: (grunts)

Jack: give me back my hammer

Doctor midnight: if you say so

As he tries to pull it back, I let go of the top, it end up swinging back at him hitting his hard hat off.

Jack: whoa

As he drops the hammer, he looks up at me and I punched him in the face

Jack: (grunts in pain) ah

He fell on the ground, I looked down at him

Doctor midnight: jack fell down and broke his crown

I looked up to see Jill getting to the tractor, I pulled out my grabbing hook, shot around her leg and pulled her down

Jill: oh

She fell down next to jack

Doctor midnight: and came tumbling after

Minutes later, I called Harvey and the entire force came, taking the stolen vehicles back where they belong. As and took jack and Jill in the police car.

Doctor midnight: their ecocides, they been planing schemes like this since they were teenage, they committed many nature crimes such as Alberta tar sands, Amazonian logging, oceanic plastic pollution, damage from oil extraction in the Niger Delta, the Bingham Canyon copper mine in Utah and destroying a peaceful forest, their plans were to turn the he Norvin Green State Forest into a hotel and hopes to get rich

Harvey: interesting but how did you know who they were

Doctor midnight: easy, they dropped their keys

I showed him their keys to their apartment

Harvey: but why did they do it?

Doctor midnight: their farmers

Harvey: well I better get these two to the Bayside State Prison

Doctor midnight: have a good night Harvey

Harvey: see ya

As we walked away from each other, I had this strange feeling that someone was watching me, I turned to a couple of bushes, to hear a strange cracking noise.

Doctor midnight: huh?

I pushed the two bushes aside, slowly peeked and....


Doctor midnight: ah

A squirrel popped at me, I fell back, it stared at me

Doctor midnight: sorry

As it ran off, I walked to me car, but right behind me in a couple of trees, a pair of yellow olive shaped eyes, watched me leave.

(Cracking sounds)

Mantis: (hdbkeb, dbmsv, fnmte)

In transition: the war is coming?

The end of episode 12

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