The First Letter

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Tuesday 2nd Spring

Your POV

After waking up on the 2nd day on the new farm, I stretch on the edge of my bed. Getting up, I make my way to the door. Looking out of it, seeing the Parsnips I planted yesterday were sprouting. The new seeds of green beans, cauliflowers, and parsnips planted and starting to grow. Getting dressed and hummnig to myself, I slip into my shoes before I head out the door, watering the various plants that I had in the yard. Trying to be careful to not attract any crows before I have a scarecrow. Putting the watering can down, I turn to notice the mailbox. Seeing an icon of a letter above it I raise a brow and walk over to it. Opening it and finding a letter from someone named Willy I open it and read.

Hello there.

Just got back from a fishing trip. You should come down to the beach some time.
I've got something for ya.

Closing the letter and putting it into my pocket, I smile gently. I haven't been down to the beach yet, I wonder what he has to show me. Leaving the farm with everything I needed, I head into town. Going through the square as everyone was still mostly asleep, it is only a little after 7 after all. Crossing the stone bridge that goes over the river, I make my way to the beach. Glancing around I smile to myself as I hum a little. Heading down the docs I notice someone wearing a red sweater and grey waiters at the end of the doc, he's smoking a pipe and swaying slightly.

Walking over to him, he turns to me. Smiling to himself.

"Ahoy there miss. Heard there was a newcomer in town... good to finally meet you."

Putting his pipe down he walks over to me a little.

"Ah, I'm still trying to unwind from a month out on the salty seas... It was a big haul! I sold a lot of good fish, finally saved up enough to buy me a new rod."

He looks at me for a moment before humming. "Here I want you to have my old fihing rod. It's important to me that the art o' fishing stays alive. And hey, maybe you'll buy something from the shop once in a while."

Turning out towards the sea as he smokes on his pipe a little, the wind hits us a little.

"There's good water here in the valley. All kinds o' fish. Oh yeah, my shop's back open now, come by if you need supplies. I'll also buy anything you catch. 'If it smells, it sells'" Chuckling to himself he turns to me.

"That's what ol' Pappy used to say, anyway."

Giving me a bamboo pole I smile to myself. I can finally fish with all the water sources that are around town. "Thank you."

He hums as he closes his eyes, going back to his pipe as he sways. Standing there for a moment I watch the water dance with the wind. The wind picking up my hair and moving it around. After saying goodbye I head back towards the town. Deciding to check out the library first.

Walking over the same bridge from earlier, I turn towards the right and cross another bridge. Smiling to myself for a moment as I stand outside of the library. Opening the door I'm met with large bookshelves and... empty stands? Tilting my head for a moment I turn back in front of me as I look at the counter, finding a man with a blue button up shirt, white gloves, glasses, a goatee of sorts and a blue hat.

Making my way over to him, I smile gently. "Hello, there! Welcome to the Stardew Valley Archeologist Office. Uh, this is embarrassing, but the previous curator made off with the entire collection. We don't have any artifacts or minerals to display." He sighs gently as he glances at me.

"But I'm hoping to remedy that soon! Hey if you find any artifacts or minerals out there... would you let me know?"

I nod gently. "That sounds fine to me."

He smiles and waves as I leave the building. Turning right a few times and going to the blacksmith shop, that was just behind the library. Opening thedoor and feeling the warmth that was from the oven, I smile slightly. The room was fairly dim, the only light being from the large furnace. Looking over to the counter there was a guy with blondish hair, a sweater and a black apron. Walking over to him I put my hands on the counter.

"Er... Hi. I'm Clint. I'm the town blacksmith, if you ever need to upgrade your tools, I'm your guy."

Nodding at the nervous guy, I smile gently. "I'll make sure to remember that, Clint."

He nods slightly before I leave the room. Going down the path that leads from the blacksmith shop, I see Penny walking into the library. Humming gently as I see her being followed by two kids. One with reddish hair, and the other with black hair, but a green bow in it. Walking over to them I smile gently and wave as I kneel down.

"Oh, a stranger! My name's Vincent. Momma says not to talk to strangers... but you seem okay."

Smiling I nod gently. "You seem okay too, Vincent."

He giggles gently before he runs off to catch up with Penny. Looking to the little girl, she just looks at me for a moment.

"I'm (y/n). The new farmer."


With that small word she runs off and inside the library. Humming gently I shake my head. Turning back towards the bridge I crossed to get to the library, I make my way around the fenced area that holds the sewer, looking at the large blue house before a blonde walks out of it. Catching up to her , I get her attention.

"Oh... You're the new farmer girl, or whatever, aren't you?"

She looks at me for a moment before blinking. "Huh? Oh, I'm Haley. Hmm..." She pauses for a moment as she looks me up and down.

"If it weren't for those horrendous clothes, you might actually be pretty. Actually nevermind."

She turns to walk off, flipping her hair slightly as she makes her way to Cindersap Forest. Standing there in shock I blink slightly. I just wanted to introduce myself and she insults me? Not very welcoming. But can't let one bad apple soil the bushle.

Looking at the door to the blue house she came out of, I shake my head before knocking. Hearing a faint, come in I open the door slightly.

"Hello? I'm the new farmer, (y/n). Lewis said I should introduce myself to the rest of the town."

Getting inside the house there's a blue haired girl with a red outfit in her living room. She turns to see me and smiles wide. Walking over to her she looks me up and down, please don't insult me again.

"Ooh!... I can read it on your face. You're going to love it here in Pelican Town. If you're ever looking for something to do in the evening, stop by the saloon. That's where I work!"

Smiling at the relief of not getting insulted. "I'm glad you're welcoming, I met someone outside that just insulted me when I introduced myself."

Her smile fades as she sighs, her brows furrowing. "That was my sister, Haley. Don't worry she does that to just about everyone, she should warm up to her soon. Especially if you give her sunflowers and coconuts!"

Making a mental note of that I smile. "Thank you for the advice, Emily. I'll see you around."

Leaving the small house, I go to the one next door, stopping when a blonde with spikey hair and a blue sweater comes out of it. He sees me and stops as he waves.

"Hey, I'm Sam. Good to meet you."

"I'm (y/n). Good to meet you too."

He nods before he continues walking down the alley by his house. Going to the house he came out of, I knock on the door and smile as I hear another voice. Walking in there's a lady on a blue couch.

"Oh! You aren't exactly how I imagined... but that's okay. I'm Jodi, it's a quiet little town, so it's very exciting when someone new moves in! Having a farmer around could really change things." 

"You're not the first one to say that to me, what's been going on around town?"

"Across the bridge by Pierre's is Joja Mart. It's a supper center that rivals Pierre's shop pretty bad, and that's where my son Sam was heading, he works there with Shane. They're a lot cheaper than Pierre most of the time, and they give the boys some decent money, but Morris wants to buy the Community Center, but I'm sure Lewis will tell you about that later."

I nod gently, deciding I'll find out about that later. "It was nice meeting you, but I still have a few people to meet."

Leaving the house I spot someone else walking into town. A girl with a long braid, she has a green shirt and suspenders. Catching her attention she smiles and waves at me.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you. You pocked a good time to move here... The spring is lovely."

Smiling gently I nod. "So far it has been very nice, I'll see you around Leah."

She waves again as I make my way towards the Saloon, I turn the corner to find a scruffy looking guy with a blue jacket. Stopping him to introduce myself, I'm met with a similar gruff attitude.

"I don't know you. Why are you talking to me?"

Pulling my hand back in I watch him go into the Saloon. Sighing gently I decide to follow him in, spotting Gus, Emily, and someone I haven't met yet. Heading over to the middle aged woman at the end of the bar, her blonde hair slightly disheveled as there's a few spots on her pink shirt.

"Hey, kid. The name's Pam. Nothing like a sip o' the good stuff to warm the old bones."

Nodding gently, while shuffling away from the drunk lady, I glance at Gus who gives me a sad look. Making my way out of the door, I check my watch. A little after 1. That should be enough time to head up to the mountain and see what's up there. I heard that's where Robin lives so I should visit her again.

Heading north out of town, I pass a rundown building with a clock above the door. Watching the building for a moment as something feels slightly weird about it, shaking it off and making my way down the path. Spotting a few daffodils, dandelions, wild horseradishes and leeks on the way and picking them. Putting them in my pocket I smile gently as I get into the large cabin at the end of the path. Stepping inside and getting the dirt off my shoes, or as much as I can, I find Robin behind the desk.

She waves at me and I walk over to her. "Meeting everyone in town must be exhausting."

I nod gently as she smiles.

Turning my head down the hallway I find a small lab, a tall dark skinned man with a blue shirt standing in front of some equipment. "Greetings! I'm Demetrius, local scientist and father. Thanks for introducing yourself. I'm studying the local plants and animals from my home laboratory. Have you met my daughter, Maru? She's interested to meet you."

I nod as I smile. "I met her yesterday at the clinic."

"That's great, I'm sure she's happy."

Hearing a door behind me open, I turn to find a pale boy wearing all black. Making eye contact with him, he stops for a moment as he sees me.

"Oh, you just moved in right? Cool." He pauses for a moment. "Out of all the places you could live, you chose Pelican Town?"

I nod gently as I hum. "I've lived in the city my entire life. I'm actually here because my Grandpa left me the farm, so I thought a change could be good."

He frowns slightly. "That sucks, I'm sorry." He walks off and I look at the floor gently.

"Don't mind him, he sits in the basement for most of the day working on his game, and programming. Besides, fresh air is good for the soul."

Turning to look at Demetrius as he smiles wide I nod gently. Making my way out of the large house, I turn and walk down the path, getting over the small hill as the path winds a little. Spotting the eave of a yellow tent, I walk over to it and find an old man with white hair and matching beard.

"A stranger? Hello, don't mind me, I just live out here alone."

Nodding gently I make my way back into town, sighing a little as I yawn to myself, checking my watch and seeing that it's already 4. I've been doing this all day.

Making my way back towards the beach, I see someone on the bridge I crossed to meet Willy earlier. He leans on the edge of the bridge, his red tailcoat swaying slightly. Walking over to him, he glances at me and stands up straight.

"Ah, the new farmer we've all been expecting... and whose arrival has sparked many a conversation! I'm Elliott, I live in the little cabin by the beach, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Smiling at him he holds his hand out to me. Putting my hand in it gently, he kisses my knuckles. Blushing slightly he walks around me before as he waves.

"Until we meet again, (y/n)."

Watching him for a moment I blink and shake my head. Pulling out the list of everyone I had made, that was the last person I had to meet. Ending it with a bang I suppose. Shaking the thought from my head I make my way to the beach, remembering of some dig spots that I saw yesterday.

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