Chapter 1: A being beyond space and time. Meeting the Doctor.

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(Y/n)'s point of view.

July 20, 20XX

Location: Ohio, United States. (L/n) Residence.

Time: Morning.

I wake up to find myself hearing an alarm going off as I begin to open my eyes. I look around and notice the sound was coming from my alarm clock. I try to reach for it, only to miss each time I tried. Fed up with the noise, I slam down on the device and make it stop. That didn't mean my other alarm clock went off and startled me awake more. I had an alarm clock on my wall with some speakers to amplify the sound. I wasn't good at waking up by myself... So, that's the reason why I had more than one alarm clock. Still sucked to wake up though... But what sucked even more was that I had work today...

(Y/n): Damn... Why on a Sunday...? I just want to sleep in...

Though I knew I couldn't, because I had to be at work by 10:30 a.m to start another day at my local grocery store. I am a cart pusher that has several tasks to do during work: collect and bring in shopping carts for customers to use, collect trash when needed, respond to my co-workers when needing to do cold returns or carry outs and whatever else I needed to do. I'm currently 19-years-old still living with my mother. Some try to branch out and do their own thing in life... But not for me yet. When trying to live on your own, it's a very difficult thing to do as there are payments that need to be paid during the time. With the job I have... It won't hardly cover it...

(Y/n): Okay you lazy bum... Wake up, eat breakfast and do whatever else before going to work...

I walk to the bathroom of the house and see my hair is a mess. I fix my (H/c) short hair slightly as I can see my (E/c) eyes more clearly now. I take some cold water into my hands, splash it in my face to help wake me up and grab a towel to dry my face off. I soon head downstairs to see my mom already up and was washing some dishes. To others, she was known as Roxanne (L/n). She had the same hair as me, but my eye color belonged to my father. My mother was currently 45-years-old and would turn 46-years-old in August.

(Y/n): Morning mom.

Roxanne: Morning son. Get enough rest?

(Y/n): Yeah, I guess you could say that. *yawns*

Roxanne: Well, hope today goes well for you.

(Y/n): Thanks, I'll need it really.

Roxanne: Why's that?

(Y/n): I was asked to close the store up for the night... Said I would get paid overtime if I accepted. So, I said yes.

My mom sighed as she didn't think it was a good idea. She continued to work on the dishes while I got some cereal into a bowl and added some milk to it.

Roxanne: I don't know what you're thinking by doing this... But just be careful dear... You're all I have left...

When mom mentioned that, I then had a sad look on my face.

(Y/n): I know...

Location: Grocery Store.

Time: Night.

After I had done all I need to do at the house, I took my motorized moped and drove off to work. Today was the same as normal for me with nothing new as I wore a black shirt with my store's name on it with some blue jeans and grey sneakers. I still had fun with the co-workers I knew there. One in such was Nolan. He's a bit of a goof, messes with me from time to time, but he's a really cool guy actually. I did my usual routine as I pushed and pulled carts to bring them in the store like usual. Time had went fast as eleven p.m. hit, meaning the store was closed and everyone was leaving soon.

Manager: Now remember, check around the store a few times and then lock up when you're done. Think you can handle that (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Can do ma'am.

Manager: I couldn't find anyone else to handle this. So, thanks for taking it up even when you didn't have to.

(Y/n): Eh, kinda wanted to mix up my day a little. I say this counts good enough.

Manager: Glad to hear it. See you later (Y/n).

(Y/n): Later.

I watched as my manager left for the night and found myself to be finally alone in the grocery store. Like instructed, I looked around for anything out of place and saw nothing out of the ordinary. I then headed into the security room and checked the security monitors. We had cameras around the store and outside to dissuade any intruders from stealing as people had done so in the past. Kinda annoying really. Knowing there could be a potential person that could steal even if it's just small. At least most of the customers I meet are really kind. It helps I brighten their day even if I don't know when I do though. Looking at the clock, it had read that it was currently 12:30 a.m. at night. I was about to turn the monitors for the outside off, until I saw something. It had looked like someone was being held against their will by some group in ridiculous outfits heading up the middle road of the parking lot.

(Y/n): What in the flying hell is going on out there?

I then leave the monitors as I rushed to head to the lobby of the store and saw them still there. Their captive was struggling to get freed as the person couldn't get out of the group's hold. I contemplated on wanting to help, but no one else was here and that meant I decided on the person's fate here.

(Y/n): Oh man... I can't believe I accepted something like this of all nights... Why me...?

Going to the janitor's closet and grabbed a broom. I also took hold of a shopping cart and began pushing it towards the group going up hill. I could hear a conversation happening, though some of it was hard to hear over the sound of the cart I was pushing.

???: Unhand me you stupid ro-! I'm not going with any of you!

I then stop the cart and trap it onto some pavement to keep it from rolling away and took hold of the broom I brought.

(Y/n): Then get ready to run then man!

The four hearing my voice behind them, they turned around with the man being held captive looking the most surprised. The man being held captive had on some old looking clothes as they had seen better days. As I ran up to the group, I swung the broom and knocked down one of the kidnappers.

???: What in the?

(Y/n): Don't just stand there! I said "run" damn it!

I take another swing at the other person as something felt strange, the group didn't seem to take notice that they were in pain. The person I knocked down a few seconds ago began to get back up. What was the most surprising yet, was that the person wasn't a person. What I saw next wasn't human, but more of a robot with a skull-like head with some gold features to it.

(Y/n): Okay... But what??

I then felt someone's hand on my wrist and it was the man from before.

???: Follow your own advice: Run damn it!

Seeing what was happening, we both began to run back to the store, but not before I stop us near the kart I placed and put the broom in the shopping cart.

(Y/n): You! Get in the cart!

???: What do you-?!

(Y/n): Just get the hell in damn it!

Following my orders, the man gets in as I pulled the shopping cart free. I looked back to the group as they were slowly approaching us and pulled out what looked like... Nerf guns? This night just gets weirder and weirder...

(Y/n): What the hell are toy guns going to do to us??

???: Those aren't toys, boy.

(Y/n): What are you talking about?! I clearly see them holding-

My sentence gets cut off as the tip of the broom gets blasted off by a gunshot. I look at the now broken tip of the broom I had and looked back to our pursuers as the one had smoke coming from the Nerf looking gun.

(Y/n): Okaaaaay... Was not expecting that...

???: Think that's bad, look at the other one with the bigger gun.

(Y/n): Huh...?

I then looked to the robot next to the one who had fired before as saw they had what looked like a toy rocket launcher. Putting the pieces together, I realized what was actually going to happen.

(Y/n): Oh, you've got to be kidding me!!

???: See what I mean? Now, what aren't you doing right now?

(Y/n): Uh...

???: Start running you idiot!! RUUUUN!!

I then turned the cart to then start rolling down the hill and then jumped on to glide down hill. I had used the carts many times to help conserve my legs. But it was mostly because it was a lot of fun just riding down the hill with them! Looking back I could see a laser sight being aimed towards me as one of the robots had fired an actual rocket at us.

(Y/n): Oh, come on damn it!! Hold on!

???: What are you even-?! Whoa!!

Using my left foot, I dragged it against the pavement to swerve out of the path of the rocket as it flies past us. Though now, it hit the store and left a big gaping hole in the walls!

(Y/n): Oh, son of a bitch!! I'm going to be held responsible for that!!

???: Are you really worrying about a wall right now?!

(Y/n): I work at this store dumbass!!

???: Not our problem right now kid!

I look back as the robots had picked up speed slightly to begin jogging. Knowing robots, they can go far longer than any human legs can. If I could have reached my moped, we could actually try and escape. But the man soon began directing me somewhere.

???: Go to the back of the store! Quickly

(Y/n): Are you nuts?! There's nothing back there, but trash and broken shopping carts!

???: To you maybe, but those aren't the only things back there at the moment.

(Y/n): Why should I listen to you?! I could have left you to whatever those things were man! I could have stayed inside and pretended not to see anything at all!

The man then looked back at me as he had a very stern glare towards me. He had a look that was completely serious and wasn't in a mood to play around at the moment.

???: You can say that all you want, but you're stuck in this mess with me now. Either listen to me and live longer, or do your own thing and we both die tonight. It's your choice.

I contemplated on my decision while we were on the cart still going down hill. I groaned at the man's statement and was about to hate what I did next.

(Y/n): Alright, fine! Augh! This better not be a damn trick!

When we reached down near the bottom, I placed my foot on the pavement and turned to the right. The robots still jogging and fired their weapons at us still. Putting more holes in the walls and windows of the store as we glided passed.

(Y/n): I'm SO going to get fired for this...!

???: I said worry about that later!

Pushing the cart in a jogging speed myself, I was trying to push the man in the shopping cart to the back of the store in the parking lot. We had gained some distance from the robots as we got to the back of the parking lot. The man got out of the cart with me panting from pushing both him and the cart.

(Y/n): Okay... *pant pant* Why did you bring us *pant pant* back here damn it...?!

???: Something to protect us in for a moment. Or at least get away.

I began following the man as I turned at a corner to see an old blue police box. But how the hell did that get back here?!

(Y/n): That wasn't there before... I should know. How is a blue police box going to protect us?! It's wood!

???: It won't if you keep standing out there kid.

(Y/n): It's a wooden box! It won't hold up to lasers or rocket launchers!!

I saw the man pull out a key and open the door to go inside and close it. I was patiently waiting for the guy to come back out, until I saw those robots coming from around the corner we ran from. Feeling I don't want to die yet, I hurried and rushed into the police box.

(Y/n): Okay, crazy man! I listened to you! Now we need to get out of this box and-!

When stopped walking, I couldn't believe what I was seeing as I hurried back out to inspect it. I looked to see for any tricks or something to show me I wasn't going crazy or something to keep me sane.

(Y/n): B-But! That's not-! How in the hell?!?!

Seeing the robots closing in, I rushed back into the police box and close the door behind me. On the inside, it wasn't a normal police box. I was in something... That shouldn't even be existing right now. The inside of the blue police box was bigger on the inside!

(Y/n): What in the hell is going on?!

???: Surprised?

(Y/n): Uh, yeah! This shouldn't be possible! The police box is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside!! HOW?! Why even?!

The Doctor: 'Cause I'm the Doctor.

The man calling himself the "Doctor" has a smirk on his face while he presses some buttons and pulls some levers.

(Y/n): Okay then, "Doctor." What are you the Doctor of exactly??

The Doctor: Just the Doctor.

(Y/n): No, what is your last name.

The Doctor: Just Doctor.

(Y/n): Doctor Who exactly?!

The Doctor: Yes.

The man had a smile on his face while I felt I was going insane at this point as none of my questions were getting answered. I then heard a loud bang coming from the door behind me as I backed away from it. I then head over to where the Doctor is.

(Y/n): Okay... Next question... How in the hell are we going to get away from... Whatever those things are?!

The Doctor: Roboforms. That's what they are.

(Y/n): Okay... What ARE Roboforms then?

The Doctor: Think of them as robots. Who come to planets to scavenge anything that will be of use to them before something else comes along that threatens Earth. Their main target: Me.

(Y/n): Why would robots want you?! What do you have that they-!

As I was talking the Doctor released some sort of yellowish gas from his mouth like a burp. The gas like stuff floats my way as it had a bad smell to it. I make a face and wipe the air around me.

(Y/n): Ugggghh! Okay... That's some bad stank man... What have you been eating...?!

The Doctor: Lasers, missiles, war hammers and other stuff.

(Y/n): That's not even food and you know it!!

The Doctor: I know, but gotta give something for this story for laughs.

(Y/n): WHAT STORY?!?!

The Doctor: Never mind about that. Hold on!

Flipping a switch, the inside shakes and some noise is being made as if something is breathing heavily. The inside shifts and turns while I grab hold of a railing to keep myself balanced. When it finally settles, I take a few deep breaths of relief that it was over. The Doctor begins walking to the door and heads out. I look at him if he was nuts and I rush out to follow him.

(Y/n): The hell is wrong with you?! Those things are still-! W-What...?

When I step out of the blue box, I'm met with a new sight around me. I was at Easter Island with moai statues I had learned in school as it was day time here. But that shouldn't be possible... I was just at work being shot at by three robots! Now I was at an island with this mad man?! What the hell was going on here?!

(Y/n): Easter Island... How in the hell did we get here? No, better question is this: Who are you, what is that thing, and why is all this happening??

The Doctor: To answer your questions: I am the Doctor, like I told you. The TARDIS is not a "thing," it is a she. As for why this is all happening, I don't know yet. Still need to figure out why those Roboforms came to Earth.

(Y/n): Wait, wait... Came to Earth...? You mean, they're not from here?

The Doctor: Pretty much.

(Y/n): That means they're alien...

A sudden realization hit me as I looked at the Doctor and the TARDIS he told me about and had a shocked look on my face.

(Y/n): Oh my god. You're an alien. Aren't you?

The Doctor: Yup. Got two hearts if that will help prove it.

(Y/n): No, no. The flying box/ship, whatever is proof enough...

The Doctor: TARDIS.

I sat down on a rock as I dragged my hand through my hair trying to take in all this information while the Doctor just looked at the moai heads. I then sat down on a rock to give my legs a rest from standing

The Doctor: Neat statues these things are. Can't believe you humans were able to carve actual statues out of these rocks.

(Y/n): Y-Yeah... very fascinating Doc...

The Doctor looked at me as I was very nervous and very worried about where I am.

The Doctor: Something troubling you?

(Y/n): Uh... Yeah, actually... I started this day like any other and just earlier, I hit a robot and saved your life. Now I'm at Easter Island, where people who lived during the 13th to the 16th centuries called the Rapa Nui who created 900 moai statues back then. Oh, and did I forget to mention being stuck here from all of this happening to us!?

The Doctor looked at me with slight fascination at my words and looked at the statue he was currently nearest to.

The Doctor: Really? *looks at the statues* 900?

(Y/n): When you take the wonders of sightseeing and history in the mix, you don't forget shit like this... Ugh... Damn it... This is too weird...

The Doctor looked at me and decided to walk over to sit down next to me.

The Doctor: What's your name kid?

(Y/n): The name isn't "kid" or anything like that...

The Doctor: Then care to tell me yours then? I gave you mine and I think it would be common courtesy to give a name back as well.

I sighed and looked at the Doctor as he looked at me also.

(Y/n): My name is (Y/n) (L/n)... My friends call me (Y/n) though.

The Doctor: (Y/n) (L/n), huh? Well, I promise you this. I will take you back home and then you can get on your life without ever having to see me again and forget about this night. Sound fair?

I looked at the Doctor as if he was nuts. How could anyone forget this kind of mess in one night?!

(Y/n): You kidding?! It may be crazy what just happened, but it was a rush to see all that happening! You expect me to just forget all of this when I almost DIED?! You really must be a madman with that blue box of yours!

The Doctor: If you stick with me, you're only going to get hurt.

The Doctor got up and began walking to his TARDIS or whatever he called it. I then began to follow him as he approached the blue box.

(Y/n): Yet a certain SOMEONE needed help when no one else was around.

The Doctor stopped and looked at me with an annoyed face.

The Doctor: You just don't shut up, do you? Do you not have an off switch for your remarks?

(Y/n): Not for me I don't. So, that makes you stuck with me for the time being. Mr. "Mad" Doctor

The Doctor: Hey! I'm not mad. I'm insane.

The Doctor said as he went into the blue box of his before coming out with his index finger raised.

The Doctor: Scratch that, not insane. Just incredibly smart with a jumbled up brain right now...

(Y/n): Same thing Doc...

When the Doctor heads back into the blue box, I followed him in as well.

(Y/n): So, what did you call this box? What does it mean actually?

The Doctor: The TARDIS: Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. T.A.R.D.I.S. TARDIS. Easy enough for you?

(Y/n): Yeah, you could say that.

While we were in the TARDIS, I had remembered something the Doctor had mentioned about the Roboforms.

(Y/n): You said that those... "Roboforms" came here to scavenge anything they could before an actual threat came along...

The Doctor: Yeah. And?

(Y/n): Uh... not ringing any bells here??

The Doctor: Nope, sorry. Not catching what you mean.

I sighed as I grabbed the railing of the TARDIS and looked back at the Doctor.

(Y/n): That means something else is happening soon except for those Roboforms!!

The Doctor looked at me and then had a sudden realization from me saying that.

The Doctor: Oh... That's not good then.

The Doctor pulled on a lever and the TARDIS began to shake and rock again with me holding on for dear life. I get this is a ship of some sorts, but it could use some actual stabilizers for a smoother transition if it moves at least!! When the ship finally stopped rocking and moving, the Doctor looked at a monitor with me joining him. On the scanners outside, we returned to where we last left. The Roboforms didn't seem to stick around after we left, thinking we wouldn't return.

(Y/n): So, why are we back here?

The Doctor: I'm picking up something coming from near the area. Whatever it is... It's huge...

(Y/n): How huge are we talking...?

The Doctor: Building size huge.

(Y/n): Oh... Okay...

I could see on another screen that something WAS moving as it was heading towards us. When the Doctor turned the lights up more around the area to see, his eyes went wide and so did mine.

The Doctor: A Krynoid?? But how?

(Y/n): Uh... Yeah, I'm seeing this too... But what the hell is that?!

The Doctor: A Krynoid. A plant like creature that travels to different planets after their world became uninhabitable for them. They usually come in pairs, but looks like only one made it here. They come in as pods at first, but when exposed to sunlight or had good conditions that were tolerable enough for them, it will grow. When given a host to infect, they get into your head and take over your body.

(Y/n): Oh great... Aliens with mind controlling powers... That's just great...

The Doctor: That's not the worst part. During the time, they change who you are deep down and make food out of you. The more they consume out of you, the being itself grows in proportions itself. Yet for all the same reasons, their mortal enemies are animals. Why animals?!

(Y/n): What do they do to the animals?

The Doctor: They eat them of course.

This puts a shock to me as I look at the monitor again. This time, I see it going after the cats that were in the makeshift homes for them. I found them when I walked around sometimes and saw a couple women who would take care of the cats. Though... now the women are going to need to stop doing that now... The monster let out a burp of enjoying the snack it had as I pulled on my hair in annoyance.

(Y/n): Augh damn it! Now what am I going to tell those women about the cats!

The Doctor: You don't.

(Y/n): Not helping here...

We heard a roar coming from outside the TARDIS as the thing continued to move in a direction to the right through the forest. Though... I think I know where it's heading.

(Y/n): Doctor! We need to stop that thing! There's a dog center that takes care of other people's pets for them while on vacation or out of town. If they go, so do the people that work there!

The Doctor: I agree with you on that, but how?

That was a good question... How could we stop a big thing like that? A big giant plant like monster that's... Wait...

(Y/n): Inside the store! Quickly!

Following me in, I quickly go to any place that has any burnable liquid and ways to start a fire. Oil, alcohol and other materials we could find. I explain to the Doctor of what to do at the moment as to not waste time and just do what I ask. We then headed up to the gas station near the store as the Doctor used some sort of small device to hack the computer there.

(Y/n): What is that?

The Doctor: Sonic Screwdriver. My most handy tool when trying to unlock stuff fast.

(Y/n): Neat.

After getting the computer unlocked, we filled up some canisters full of gas and loaded them into the TARDIS. The Doctor then looks at me in wonder of what my plan was with the materials we gathered in seeing me get started using what we got.

The Doctor: So, (Y/n). Going to tell me what your plan is quickly?

(Y/n): What do you expect? It's big, attacking wildlife near my workplace and about to kill some innocents at a pet place. What better to take out a huge plant like monster?

I gesture over to the many items we gathered to help us out as I lit the end of a cloth to an alcoholic drink.

(Y/n): We burn the son of a bitch.

Using the time we had, we made some molotovs, rigged some explosives together and used whatever else we could do with the equipment we had. The Doctor was laughing during all of this as I gave him a look.

(Y/n): What's so funny?

The Doctor: Nothing, just amazed how well you're taking all of this in and still have the nerves to take on something this huge.

(Y/n): What? It's not like this happens often. Plus, we're the only ones who know about this thing right now. If nothing happens, those people and pets are going to die.

The Doctor: Then what are we waiting for then? Let's save the day, with violence!

(Y/n): Hell yeah!

Getting ahead of the beast, we set some traps with hooked up to remote detonators. We were currently hovering over the forest as we could see the Krynoid marching its way to the pet center.

The Doctor: Before we even attempt to do this, we must give it a fair warning first.

(Y/n): What do you mean?

The Doctor: In the stuff I do, I have to give fair reason as to why we are trying to stop it. If it complies, it'll leave and stop its plan to kill any other animals on this planet.

(Y/n): If that doesn't work?

The Doctor: Explosions and fire galore.

Grabbing a megaphone, the Doctor speaks into it to project his voice to the creature.

The Doctor: Attention Krynoid: Under the Shadow Proclamation of Convention 15, I wish to talk.

The monster stops moving and seems to be looking at us when addressed such a law. Though what surprised me the most was that it understood what the Doctor said.

Krynoid: What business do you have with us?

The Doctor: What are your intentions on this planet and reason for being here?

Krynoid: We wish to be rid of all animal life on this planet to help our people regrow.

I tap the Doctor on the shoulder to ask him something.

(Y/n): One question: Why does it keep referring to "we or us?" There's only one of them.

The Doctor turned the megaphone off and turned to me.

The Doctor: It does that because it's taken a host. When that happens, it gains the thought patterns of the Krynoid and talks like that.

Understanding more about how this thing acts the Doctor turns back to the alien with the megaphone.

The Doctor: Krynoid, as part of the details for the planetary protection, you are attempting to do a seeding on a level 5 planet. Do you know this?

Krynoid: Yes, we do know this.

The Doctor: So why attempt this? Why risk your life to do this?

Krynoid: Our people must live if others must die in the process. We take full responsibility for causing this, but it must be done.

The Doctor: No! There's always another way and you know that! What you are saying is just an excuse to eat a few measly cats and then a couple of dogs. What's next, an elephant?

Krynoid: We WILL preserve our race for our people! Even if it means our own destruction!

The Doctor grew serious as he then spoke into the megaphone again.

The Doctor: Then you leave me no choice but to stop you then.

Reaching for the detonator, he blows up a treeline with the explosions we had set and catches the Krynoid on fire somewhat. Driving us closer to the creature, I began throwing a couple Molotov's at it. The Krynoid did not like being burned as it was a plant. With its whole body being made out of a big plant, fire was the best choice to burn it away.

Krynoid: Leave us alone!

Using one of the tentacles it could wield, it swung it at us while the Doctor made a few evasions.

The Doctor: Keep it up! The more it keeps getting burned, the more it'll weaken!

(Y/n): Got it!

I kept up the pace while the Doctor made quick work to control the TARDIS around the creature. Though even with the fancy flying the Doctor could do, the creature did land a lucky hit on the TARDIS and knocked us away from it. It was impressively big for its size, but even if all the stuff we have, it still wasn't enough.

(Y/n): We need to do something!

The Doctor: I got one! Hold on tight!

Doing as instructed, he picked up speed for the TARDIS and flew us overhead of the creature and pushed our supplies near the entrance. Our supplies had consisted of anything that was flammable like before.

(Y/n): What are you planning??

The Doctor: We need to burn it like a plant right? I say we give it something to drink before it goes out in a blaze.

I think on what he's talking about, until I realized what he meant.

(Y/n): Let's do it.

Pushing the boxes and knocking everything out of the TARDIS, it all fell on top of the Krynoid as it was drenched from its head and down its body. Trying to hit us again, the Doctor flew us away and near the pet center to hover in the air. The Doctor pulled out his megaphone again and tried to talk to the Krynoid one last time.

The Doctor: Last chance. Leave peacefully and I can help find a rich uninhabited planet, or we end you here.

Krynoid: We will never be stopped!

The Doctor: That's what you think. Here you go (Y/n).

The Doctor gave me a flare gun and the megaphone as I looked at them. The flare gun produced a bright light when fired into the air, but why a flare gun? We weren't needed of a rescue... It then dawned on me why he gave it to me as I then looked toward the creature and and held the megaphone to speak to it.

(Y/n): Hey you plant bitch.

Krynoid: What?!

I then pointed to the flare gun to the Krynoid's head and smirked.

(Y/n): Say hello to my bright little friend.

I fired the flare as it hit the head of the Krynoid and instantly caught on fire. The beast began to scream in pain as the Doctor activated more placed bombs in the process. The monster was breaking apart more and more until it fell to the ground and was writhing in pain. It had soon died when it stopped moving and yelling in pain, even if the fire still kept going. A few hours later, police and firefighters come to the scene as they investigate the scene around them. No one would believe what I had done tonight. It was one crazy thing after another really.

(Y/n): That... Was something.

The Doctor: Not my first encounter with them, but might not be my last really.

(Y/n): So, there could still be more?

The Doctor: Not for now, no. Never know when danger comes along until it happens. That's the fun in my journey that is.

(Y/n): You're like a traveler then?

The Doctor: Of the sorts, yeah.

I looked at the creature that used to be something as I could see the sun start to rise from over the horizon with its orange glow. I checked my phone as it had read five-thirty a.m. Meaning my manager was going to come to the store again first thing and see the mess.

(Y/n): You're gonna want to drop me off back at my work Doc... I still have some business to deal with... Oh man...

After the Doctor landed the TARDIS back at my workplace, he stood at the entrance to his ship and leaned against it.

The Doctor: You sure you're going to be okay?

(Y/n): I should be... Someone has to explain this mess here... Or at least something...

The Doctor gave me a sad look before he came up to me and rested a hand on my shoulder.

The Doctor: You're going to be okay (Y/n). Have faith in me.

(Y/n): Thanks for the little pep talk Doc... Wait... What do you mean have "faith" in you??

The Doctor went into his TARDIS and soon began to start up its engine. As it was revving up, it was beginning to disappear. Meaning I won't ever see the Doctor again... I sat back down and then saw a car coming down the hill and sighed knowing who's car that belonged to. My manager stopped the car and stepped out as she saw the damage that was placed on the store. She then looked to me as she was in a state of confusion and some anger in the mix.

Manager: What the hell happened here?! You had only one job last night (Y/n)!!

(Y/n): It's... a long story...

An hour later...

July 21, 20XX.

Location: (L/n) Residence.

Time: Morning.

After returning home from getting lectured by my manager, I was fired from my job... Even though I had the best night of my life, it ended on a sour note when I lost my job.

(Y/n): (Thoughts) Ugh... How am I going to tell mom about this whole mess...? She is going to be pissed...

Unlocking the doors to the house I walk inside to hear my mother laughing and talking to someone. The voice I could hear sounded very familiar for some reason.

???: We have this program that, our top researchers look for the best of the best when exploring historical places. Told me about the Eastern Island and a little of its history without even trying. Fantastic boy you have Mrs. (L/n).

Roxanne: Yes, my son is a wonderful boy. Always did his homework like he was supposed to. Even though I get on him about doing his work, he pulls through in the end.

(Y/n): Mom? Who are you talking to?

I heard my mother get up from a chair and rushed to come get me. She seemed very happy about something.

Roxanne: A top researcher named John Smith had met you yesterday. He said you helped him out on a research that involved with some landmark knowledge he didn't know about. He's offering you a job!

(Y/n): A-A job?! Uh, that's great! Um... W-Who is John Smith??

???: That would be me my boy! Isn't this fantastic?! Hmm "fantastic?" That sounds about right.

When I saw who this "John Smith" was, I about dropped dead from who I saw. It was the same man! The man named Doctor! Only this time... He had on some different clothing. With his nearly shaved off hair, he had on a black clothes that consisted of a t-shirt, leather jacket, leather boots and some pants to finish off the look. He looked at me with a very exciting look with me being flabbergasted seeing him here, in my home, talking to my mother!

Roxanne: Plus, he's even cute~

(Y/n): M-Mom! Control yourself!

Roxanne: Oh! I'm gonna go and help pack up your clothes and whatever else you'll need! Do talk to him and ask what you'll be doing.

I sure as hell was going to, but before she left to go upstairs, she whispered one last time to me.

Roxanne: *whispers* Also tell him how great I am~

(Y/n): MOM! Clothes, packing, NOW!

My mother let me go and headed upstairs quickly to begin packing my clothes. When she was gone, I looked at the Doctor and pulled him outside quickly.

The Doctor: That excited to go see the world boy?

(Y/n): Okay, cut the act Doc. How did you find my home and have you been flirting with my mother?!

The Doctor: I looked you up on my scanners and traveled here, actually. Wonderful mother you have. A bit forward in her approaches, but kind and polite actually.

(Y/n): Okay, ew, ew, ew. Stop. No hitting on my mother. She doesn't even know you're an alien.

The Doctor: Of course she doesn't. To her, I'm a geology research professor, John Smith. John Smith is my cover name instead of how you know me.

I looked at the Doctor as I had every crazy idea to punch this man for being like this, but refrained from doing so. He did save my life today and from working together, took down a giant plant alien monster. I pinched the bridge of my nose and looked at the Doctor to continue our conversation.

(Y/n): *sigh* Okay... What was the talk you were having with my mother about...?

The Doctor: A job opportunity. Never thought I give one as an option, but considering you lost your job... I thought I return the favor I owe you from helping me last night.

(Y/n): And what job would that be exactly??

The Doctor: Being my assistant.

I looked at the Doctor if he was actually being serious while he continued to look at me.

(Y/n): You have to be joking, right?

The Doctor: Nope. There are no strings attached. I am dead serious on this. Plus, I'm even thinking of giving you an official title: The Assistant.

(Y/n): "The Assistant?" Would that be replacing my real name when on the job or something?

The Doctor: Nope, you are free to use it when traveling with me. But that will be your official title when on the job.

I looked at the Doctor as I chuckled to myself and rubbed my eyes trying to take in this news he was giving me.

(Y/n): And what do you even do anyway?

The Doctor: Traveling the cosmos, seeing rare sights, helping others when needed and the occasional flirting here and there.

I sighed at the last part he said as I facepalmed at that statement.

(Y/n): Thanks for the offer, but I don't get why you're doing this. Why me?

The Doctor had a paused look for a sec as it was his turn to think. He walked up to me and stood next to me, looking up to the dissipating night sky with the stars being hidden by the daylight.

The Doctor: Just imagine. Millions of planets across the cosmos, different species that you've never seen in your entire life so far, and the adventure with the occasional running involved when faced with threats. Doesn't that excite you?

He did have a point when he mentioned that.

(Y/n): Well... That is true... I still don't know though...

The Doctor: Did I forget to mention that the TARDIS can travel through time?

That's the bell ringer hit for me as I looked at him with a face of unbelieving in it.

(Y/n): You're kidding right? Time travel? It can time travel to any point in time? Any??

The Doctor: That's the reason why it has Time in the acronym for the TARDIS.

A time machine. An actual time machine?! Now this takes the cake any day with what could happen.

(Y/n): You know, I wasn't convinced before. But with what you do and what you always say. I believe that one hundred percent! Doc... Where do I sign up?!

The Doctor laughed hearing my answer was a yes and high-fived each other. When my mother came out of the house, she had some luggage packed with a smile on her face.

Roxanne: I take it you accepted Mr. Smith's offer?

I looked at my mom and then to the Doctor as I took the luggage's she helped pack for me.

(Y/n): Yes, yes I did!

The Doctor: Don't worry Mrs. (L/n), your boy will be of great help. Don't you worry about him one bit.

Roxanne: I'm so glad to hear that. But, for you Mr. Smith, you can call me Roxie~

The Doctor laughed as he had a slight blush on his face and I felt annoyed from seeing this happening.

(Y/n): Okay! Time to go "Professor Smith!" We can't keep those other researchers waiting.

The Doctor: Huh? Oh, right! Sorry about this Mrs. (L/n), but we should get going.

Roxanne: Oh, okay. Be good (Y/n), and listen to Mr. Smith on his instructions. Have a wonderful time!

(Y/n): Yeah... I will mom. See you.

I watched my mom go back in the house as I looked at the Doctor who had a giggling look on his face.

(Y/n): Stop laughing you dumbass! That's my mother hitting on you!

The Doctor: Sorry (Y/n), can't help it when the ladies find me attractive.

(Y/n): Well don't let that include my mother damn it! It'll be weird calling you father if she marries you!

Taking my luggage, we head to where the Doctor parked the TARDIS and went inside. Placing them down in a safe place, I rejoin the Doctor to where he was at the flight console.

(Y/n): So, Doctor? Where to first?

The Doctor: I was thinking of... New York...

(Y/n): Okay...

The Doctor: During the American Revolutionary War of 1775.

I looked at the Doctor and thought of something to add to the mix.

(Y/n): Will we be crossing the Delaware river with good old George himself?

The Doctor looked at me and gave the biggest grin he gave me.

The Doctor: Now that's a fantastic idea my boy! Let's go!

(Y/n) Hell yeah!!

The TARDIS began to roar and whirl as my adventure with the Doctor began!

Chapter 1. End

Soejammy: And with that, begins the adventure! Hope you all like the first of many chapters.

The Doctor: The first of many?!

Neptune: Oh, right... You're new to the fourth wall now.

The Doctor: Oh, great. More baby sitting for me. Better get used to this... new fourth wall experience...

Neptune: Don't worry Doc! Good ole Neptune will guide you through it!

The Doctor looked at Neptune and was judging from seeing her.

The Doctor: Except you're a child!

Soejammy: That's where you, yourself is wrong Doc.

The Doctor: What's that supposed to mean?

Neptune then transforms when the Doctor took his eyes off Neptune.

Purple Heart (Neptune): THIS is what Soejammy means.

The Doctor looked back at Neptune and take a double look seeing Neptune had changed her appearance. The Doctor turned back towards Soejammy with a shocked expression.

The Doctor: She can do that?

Soejammy: Well, yes actually. She can. Though you can't change your except with your own ability, but it only happens when you die.

The Doctor: Well, we're not at that part yet. Hopefully not soon. I just got this body actually.

Soejammy: Don't you worry Doc. You're in safe hands.

Neptune morphed back to her original self and wrapped an arm around the Doctor.

Neptune: Stick with us, and we'll make this adventure the best for you!

The Doctor: *sighs* Okay, I'll play by your rules.

Soejammy: Glad to hear it my friend! And to you lovely audience, tune in next time! I'm your author for this story Soejammy-

Neptune: -with your protagonist Neptune here-

The Doctor: -and the new addition to the sign off: The Doctor, is here.

All three: Later!

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