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(Y/n)'s point of view.

Location: Wales, Cardiff, Morgue house basement.

Timeline: December 24, 1869. Night.

It was December 24 of 1869,the night before Christmas. I was currently in a Morgue's basement as Gwyneth, the parlor maid under Gabriel Sneed, the man who lays the dead to rest is... ironically dead. Not dead per say, but is being used as a walking bodysuit for the Gelth. The Gelth were emerging from an archway being channeled by Gwyneth herself. Me, Rose and the Doctor were currently stuck behind an iron-bat door as it was the only thing keeping the undead from reaching us. Charles Dickens, who was with us at the time had ran off in fear for his life from what he had seen. Wouldn't blame him really, cause this is scary as shit here!

The Doctor: I trusted you! I pitted you!

The Gelth: We don't want your pity! We want this world and all its flesh!

The Doctor: Not while I'm alive.

The Gelth: Then live no more.

As the Gelth kept trying to reach for the three of us, I looked at the Doctor with a worried look.

(Y/n): To be honest Doc, I kinda want to keep living actually. Got any ideas?

The Doctor: Not really (Y/n), not at the moment. We might actually die here.

Rose began to worry somewhat from hearing those words. Can't say I blame her, dying is pretty horrible and would suck to be a body suit for the Gelth. I'm too handsome to die!

Rose: But I can't die... Tell me I can't? I haven't even been born yet, it's impossible for me to die... Isn't it?

Rose looks at me and the Doctor as the Doctor gives an explanation about space-time and how time works in a sense. Sometimes it was interesting with the knowledge this guy has given how many places he's been to.

The Doctor: I'm sorry...

Rose: But it's 1869! How can I die now?

The Doctor: Time isn't a straight line, it can twist into any shape or form.

(Y/n): And let me guess, because of that, our fate is literally unknown to us. Considering we're time travelers, we could die in any time. Even if we are born from the future and die in the past... Correct?

The Doctor: And that's why you're my Assistant, (Y/n)... But yes, you are correct on that. While also the same time... It's my fault you both could die here today.

I looked at the Doctor based on his claim. Rose was the first to go first in speaking.

Rose: It's not your fault, Doctor... I wanted to come...

(Y/n): And don't give me that crap Doc... I wanted to come with you after meeting you for the first time. Just didn't think I die to zombies... Worst way to go out actually...

The Doctor: And what about me?? I saw the fall of Troy, World War V... I've pushed boxes at the Boston Tea Party! Now I'm going to die in a dungeon... in Cardiff! Of all places, why is this the prologue?!

The Doctor says that in a disgusted tone as I looked at him in shock on what he mentioned.

(Y/n): You pushed boxes during the Boston Tea Party?? You lucky son of a bitch.

Rose: Why does he keep doing that? Making weird claims like that?

(Y/n): Trust me, I don't know...

The three of us look back towards where the Gelth were still trying to reach us, but with little progress.

Rose: At least we'll go down fighting, yeah?

The Doctor: Yeah, and (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Yeah Doc?

The Doctor: You were a good Assistant in the end. Even if it was for a short while...

(Y/n): Thanks Doc... But don't let those be your last words at least... You need to go out in style my friend... Worst last words if you ask me.

The Doctor laughed at my statement as he got serious again.

The Doctor: I'm so glad I met both of you.

Rose: Me too.

(Y/n): Same with me.

To think my life is going to end here. Though I still remember the day I met the Doctor. Crazy how one meeting can change your view of reality in just one night that leads into a grand adventure.

Prologue. End.

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