The Attack

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Back in England on a secluded Countryside is Snape Manor. Now, Professor Snape doesn't live there anymore he moved to Spinners Ed. The person who now resides in that manor is his mother Elaine. She was sitting in the main lounge when the floo pop on.

"Elaine are you busy?" Came the voice of Albus Dumbledore.

"No. Not at the moment." Elaine's  voice came frome the couch. "What's the matter Albus? Is it Severus?" She asked worriedly. Albus never called unless something was important. And with her baby in another country she was sent into a panic.

"Well today Severus got a note. It said they would take something of great importance from him. It also called him a traitor. So we know it's a Death Eater, but Severus nor I know what it means. Do you?"

She thought for a moment. She knew Severus didn't value anything as great importance. She knew the things he valued like that we're family and Potions. He already wasn't brewing, so they couldn't take that from him. When she realized what it could mean she turned a ghostly white.

"Albus I think I need to stay at Hogwarts for a while."

"Why do you know something?" Dumbledore's voice sounded concerned.

"Well..." She began "I know he only values two things of great importance. Family and Potions. And since he already isn't brewing...." She trailed of unable to finish.

"I see. Well floo over when your ready." And with that Dumbledore's head dispersed from the flames. Elaine Rose to her feet and with quickness in her step, walked to her room. Once there she grabbed her trunk and started to pack.

Once finished she shrank it down to fit in her pocket. She kept her wand out. The wards on Snape Manor were  strong ones. But the Death Eaters could easily bypass them for they sometimes they held their meetings there.

She was on our way back to the floo when she heard it. The sound of two  apperation pops. She paused only for a moment, that's when  from behind there a spell was cast, she dogged it and turned.

"Ah Bellatrix. What do I owe this visit for?" She asked trying to keep the panic out of her voice. If looks could kill Elaine would be swimming in blood.

"Oh you know why." She hissed. "Your son is a little traitor! Now, out lord still has faith in him, but we know the truth. So to give Severus a warning, "She strted to twist her wand in between her fingers, "you'll be coming with me."

"Like I'd ever come with you." She spat back. And with that she raised her wand and he's and curses were flying. As an exultant duler, she could plan her attack. Bellatrix just shot off what ever came to mind.

Slowly they moved down the hall and back into the lounge. There in the sadow sat the other person who appetatted with Bellatrix. Barty  Crouch Jr. He escaped from Azkaban not long after the tri-wizard tournament. He waited by the Dark Lord's side until he regained full strength. Just that morning he got a message from Voldemort saying to capture and kill Elaine. Finally, his chance to re-prove himself to the Dark Lord.

When Elaine entered the parlor, Barty  sent a petrifing charm at her. At once she stopped moving and fell the the floor with a thud.

"Now that's better." He drowned out. "But since you resisted, you need to be punished. Crucio!" He shouted as he pointed his wand at her. She howled and withered on the floor in pain as all her muscles seemed to light on fire from the inside out.

They took turns throwing hex after hex at her. She was a bloody pulp by the time an idea hit Bellatrix.

"How about we take her to that muggle hospital Severus lives near." She said his name live venom. "Then he can see what it means to betray the Dark Lord." She finished off in a psychotic laugh. Barty thought it was brilliant. That would surely that would show Snape just who he was messing with.

They each grabbed a part of her body and appetatted just a little from the hospital. It was around 1 am in the morning when they hit the road. The hospital was still busy as ever even at this time. They left her body on the street just as a nurse was coming back from her brake.

When the nurse saw something in the street she thought that a passing truck must of dropped something. That was until she saw it move. She broke into a run and came to a hult when she saw just how bad she was mangled up.

"Mam? Mam?" She asked frantically over and over. When no response came, she used her pager to call for help. A few minutes later, 5 nurses came running down the street with a stretcher. The nurse told them on how she came about the body as they were entering the front doors of the hospital.

"Should we get doctor Potter?" One of them asked.

"No."Said another. "He's already caught up on a nother surgery. And she needs attention fast."

Once they found another surgeon they headed for the nearest operating room. One of the assistants took a DNA sample on her to see who she was.

"Patients name is Elaine Snape. From England. Only living relative is a Severus Snape." He read off.

"Wait." Said a lady. "I know that name. He was here a few days ago. I remember that name because I noticed it on Potters board of patients. I thought it was a little strange."

"Well get a hold of him. She won't make it. She's already brain dead." The surgeon said sadly as he took of his blood covered gloves. "Well keep her on life support till he comes."

"Hello?" Snape said sleepy into the phone. He was in the middle of one of his Harry dreams and was a little mad to be interrupted. Especially at this hour of the night. He knew he liked Harry, but he had a sinking felling Harry just didn't, no wouldn't feel the same.

"Yes is this Severus Snape?" The lady asked. Severus recognized it as the voice of the lady from the hospital. She sounded sad.

"Yes this is him" he responded a little rushed.

"I'm sorry to say this but your mother is here. And she had a very terrible accident. We need you to come straight away."


Sorry if this chapter is sad, but so is the next one so heads up. Sorry again. To make you sugar cookies soggy with tears.

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