Lunch Time

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Harry was nervous and excited. He couldn't wait to have lunch with his favorite professor. Plus with the dream last night, it felt like his world was falling into place. But what if he said something wrong?  What if Severus threw his out? Wha-

"Hello Harry." Snape said was he opened the front door. Harry stood there staring at him for a little bit. 'Did he just call me Harry?'  You could say on the inside Harry was freaking out.

"Well? Are you coming or gonna stand there gaping like a fish out of water?" Snape said as he retreated to his living room. Harry shook his head to clear it and followed him inside.

He took a seat on the black felt couch just a Snape finished poring him a cup of tea. He noticed scattered on the tray were some of his favorite sweets. How does Snape know this? Harry figured it was just a luck guess, but he still wondered.

He also noticed that the sandwiches and tea were also his favourite. Now he was really curious as to how the potions master did all this. And for him none the less. Once Harry collected some food to eat, and Severus did the same, he thought it was up to him to break the silence.

"How's the cream working for you?" 'That's not an appropriate conversation topic for lunch'  He scolded to himself the moment the words left his lips.

"Fine. It's better walk today than yesterday." He replied as he sipped his tea. 'Okay, you didn't say anything wrong. For now' Harry thought. Severus sat looking over the rim of his tea cup at the younger man as he made weird and confusing facial expressions. 'Wait. Did I just think of him as a man?'  He thought. ' I gusset he his a man now. He's grown taller more built. His hair is longer and falls in his face. Must be difficult if he's a doctor. But those eys. Oh those pleading eyes'  now his mind was turning towards the dream.

"Hey," Harry suddenly spoke up snapping him out of his little dream world. "Do you think we could... you know... be friends?" Harry asked in a small voice. He didn't want to sound desperate, but he also didn't want to remain enemies with him either.

"I, suppose that will be fine." Severus said after a moments pause. "You can come and go as you please, just let me know. And you can use my first name and I will use yours. Sound fair Harry?"

Harry stopped for a second to savor the sound of his name coming off of his tounge. It sounded so perfect. "Okay, Severus." God that name sounded better on his tounge.

They sat in a comfortable silence until a question formed in Harry's mind. "What are your plans for the holidays?" Snape hand to think for a bit. That was until..

"Albus said he would visit around Christmas. I just wrote back to him this morning to ask for a date." Severus said, and noticed that at the sound of Albus, Harry physically paled.

"H-how long is he staying?"

"He told me two days. Why?" Questioned Severus.

"Because he doesn't know I'm here. I know if I told him I was a doctor when I return to Hogwarts he would throw this big celebration. I don't what that! He likes to do things the muggle way to much. And I know if any kid gets hurt he'll send them to me as well as Poppy. " Harry stated matter of factly.

Severus consider this for a moment. It was like Albus to throw a celebration for him. Harry got enough attention as it was, Albus didn't need to help with that.

"I won't tell him your here when he visits." Harry wanted to hug Severus at that moment, but decided better on it. The clock struck three and they demed it enough time spent. Harry suggested that Severus came over to his house for dinner. He really hoped Severus would say yes. God in his own head he sounded so desperate.

"I'll be over at six if that's fine with you. But I do need directions." Severus replied with a hint of kindness in his voice he never heard the other man use before. Harry grabbed some paper and wrote down the directions and passed them to Severus, lightly brushing his fingers over his. He told Severus he hoped to see him at six and bid him a good day.


What'd up my little sugar cookies! This is gonna be the last short-list chapter, the rest my be long like normal or longer. Warning, next chapters are gonna have some real feels. Stay fresh

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