The Note

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As he passed the houses, the windows seemed darkened. It was almost like a dark curtain was placed over the area. Maybe because everyone was out today? Wait, what if the did go to the Dark Lord? A pit of sourness settled in his stomach. He tried to warn them the best he could, but he couldn't be certain.

As Severus came up to his house, the feeling grew almost to beging unbearable. His grip on his wand was so tight his knuckles turned white. He unlatched his gate and looked at his flowerbed. He had planted white lily's  enchanted to sparkle when the sun hit them, but now, they were black and lifeless. Long weeds grew wrapped around them, looking almost deadly.

Once Severus broke his gaze from them and looked at the door he saw a note taped to it, with one of the lilys. He gently plucked it of the door.

'For what you have done, we will take something of great importance from you'

His blood seemed to freeze still in his veins. He had to message Albus right away. Once he took the note off his door, the curtain seemed to lift. The cheerfulness in the street seemed to come back in full swing. The weeds around the lilys turned into some of thier fallen petals. They also returned to white, sparkling color. Except for the one in his hand. That remained black as night.

When Severus went into his home he went straight for his quill, parchment and ink. It was time to write back to the Headmaster. Severus pondered for a moment as he didn't know what to say. Making up his mind he began to so somewhat frantically scribble across the page.


No you never did tell me to write to you. But I have been keeping a jurnal of what happened. You could say that will be your only Christmas gift from me. I would appreciate it if you could tell me a specific date on when you will arrive.

I received a note this morning. I found it taped to my door. Somehow Death Eaters (no doubt) found out about me spying. The note said ' For what you have done we will take something of great importance from you'

I don't understand what that's supposed to mean. I can't think if anything. I belive the Dark Lord still trust me or else he would have killed me right away. Don't worry I'll be on my guard. Stay away for those damn lemon drops Albus. They are poor for your health and don't even taste good.


Severus read over his letter a few times before he called for an owl. With a small peck on the finger the owl gave a hoot and took of for Hogwarts with the letter. Severus only hoped that Dumbledore knew what the letter was talking about because he as sure as hell didn't. 

He was in the middle of his thoughts when he heard the clock strike 11. Pot- Harry he thought- Harry would be over for lunch at twelve. What was he to make? What did the boy like?  He racked his brain of watching the boy eat in the Great Hall.

He kept scaning until he noticed a pattern. The boy was perticually fond of the ham and cheese sandwiches they served with every meal. 'Huh, we have something in common' He thought for the sandwiches were also his favorite.

With that settled, he grabbed his wand on conjured up a small platter of the sandwiches. With food out the way, what to drink? He'd be damned if it was pumpkin juice. A little more searching in his brain reveled the boy was more fond of black tea instead. One more thing in common with the Potions Master.

Insted of conjuring it, he placed to pot of the stove and let the water boil. He did have sometime to kill. As he was sitting in the living room waiting for the water to boil a thought accrued. What would happen if that dream came back to mind? He couldn't get aroused with the boy so close to him. He could hardly keep it together in the café for Merlin's name.

Severus prayed to what ever gods there may be that they would not let him get aroused( or noticeably anyway) around the boy. Just when he finished gather his strength the kettle started going off. Once he was don't with the tea and had the pot and tray set on the coffee table the door bell rang. 'Well, here we go'

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