Someone's Jelous

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Severus woke up in the morning and went to check the post. But first he stopped in the bathroom to apple that cream. After that was finished he then went to check the post. Mixed in with all the junk mail was a neatly folded piece of parchment with the Hogwarts crest on it.

Snape immediately went inside and threw the junk mail out and opened the letter. He already knew who's handwriting was on the outside.


How are you my boy? You haven't written to me yet. Did I tell you to write? I can't remember in my age.
Anyway the reason why I'm really writing this is because I'll be over to visit around Christmas. Don't worry I'll only be staying for a day or two. And I'll be bringing you a present. Don't worry I know you'll like it. I have to go now, my shipment of lemon drops just came in! Take care of your self


Severus wanted to rip the letter in half. But he thought better of it and decided on clearing his head at one of the local cafés. He would get some tea, or maybe a muffin? With that question in him, he grabbed his coat and walked out the door.

When he entered the café insted of a table he decided to sit at the counter. He was sipping his morning tea when last night's dream came back to him.

' Harry was examining the cut between his legs when Harry stared to stroke his cock. "What are you doing?" He asked him calmly. 

"Well I thought if I was gonna cause you pain, I can at least cause you some form of pleasure." Harry answered back lovingly. Severus just nodded his head.'

"Here's you muffin sir." The waitress said as she laid a blueberry muffin on the counter in front of him.

"Uh... another tea please?" He asked trying to steady his voice. He handed back the cup a little shaky. Now dream Severus didn't have a problem with Harry stroking him, but what bothered the REAL Severus was that if he thought about it, I didn't bother him either.

'He's only a kid! Plus he would never love you' He kept repeating to him self. He was trying to also calm down his 'little friend'. When that didn't work, he thought about Albus. He would have to write back to him when he got home to ask for a date.

Just when he was lost in thought, a certain green eyed man walked into the café. Severus almost choked on his tea. Harry sat down at the booth and seemed to be waiting. He didnt notixe the certain black haired man sitting a few feet away from him at the counter. Severus was shocked to see him there. Insted of walking over to him Severus just watched over the rim of his tea cup.

Soon after Harry sat down another man came in and sat across from him. He was fairly good looking. Tall, brown hair, brown eyes, and a good build. The were laughing and talking for a good while. Something stirred in the pit of Snape's stomach. What was this feeling? Was this, was this jealousy?

No. He wasn't jealous of Potter talking to another bloke. And he most certainly didnt care of this was Harry's lover or not. 'Liar' his brain screames at him. They seemed to have a good time together, but eventually the younger man got up and bid his goodbyes. Harry picked up the check and walked over towards Severus. 'Don't notice, don't notice, dont-'

"Hey Snape! I didn't know you came here." Harry said as he slid into the seat next to him.

"Yes Potter. I do like a cup of tea in the morning. Plus with my assignment I do have to be out and about."  Snape sneered into his tea cup.

"Yeah, I guess you do." Harry laughed jokingly. "Hey what are you doing for lunch?"

"Probably be back here. Why?" Asked Severus with his famous raised eyebrow.

"Well, maybe you could come over to my place for lunch. How does that sound?" 'Hopefully not to desperate' He thought.

Snape considered this for a moment. Would it be so bad to be in the company of the chosen one for an hour or two? "Sure, but I would rather my place if it's no inconvenience."

"S-sure. That'll be fine." Harry stamped out and Snape gave him the directions to his home.

As they waited for the waitress to bring up the bill, Snape decide he would break the now uncomfortable silence.

"So who was that you were talking to?" 'Please tell me that sounded casual'

"Oh, Tim? He's gonna be an exchange doctor going to India. He wanted to ask me what it's like to be so far from home, or the procedure of doing things. That kind of stuff. He leaves on Thursday."

'So it's not his lover' He thought and released a breathe he didn't know he was holding. "Well I'm sure you know alot about that." He replied with a litter smirk.

Harry let out a small laugh at his professors actions. They each paid for their bills and bid a short good by at the door.

Snape turned in his direction after he saw Harry turn around the corner in his. His walk was peaceful, but the closer he got to his house the more uneasy he began to felt. He reached into his outer robe and grasped his wand. What awaited him on his street would make no one want to live there anymore.


Hey sugar cookies!! Sorry this is a short chapter but I'm only building drama!!!! Sorry it took me so long to update, I was busy. The next one will be up soon promise. Remember stay fresh

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